英検1級エクセレントコース:第十七週金曜日 ライティングその9



①Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
②Give three reasons to support your answer.
③Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
④Suggested length: 200-240 words


Is the unrestricted development of artificial intelligence ethically justifiable? (Agree or Disagree)



Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly advanced, sparking debates on its ethical implications. Some argue for unrestricted development, while others caution against it. This essay contends that unrestricted AI development is ethically justifiable due to its potential to enhance human lives, promote innovation, and mitigate societal challenges.

Main Body:(3つ)

Enhancing Human Lives:
Unrestricted AI development has the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including healthcare, transportation, and education. AI-powered medical diagnostics can improve accuracy and speed in disease detection, ultimately saving lives. Autonomous vehicles can enhance transportation efficiency and safety. AI-driven personalized learning platforms can cater to individual student needs, fostering better education outcomes. Thus, unrestricted AI development aligns with the ethical principle of maximizing human welfare.

Promoting Innovation:
Unrestricted AI development fosters innovation by encouraging exploration and experimentation. Limiting AI development may stifle creativity and impede progress in solving complex problems. By allowing free exploration, researchers and developers can discover novel applications and solutions, driving technological advancement and economic growth.

Mitigating Societal Challenges:
AI technologies have the potential to address pressing societal challenges, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. AI-driven solutions can optimize resource allocation, facilitate renewable energy integration, and enhance disaster response mechanisms. Unrestricted AI development enables the rapid deployment of such solutions, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable society.


In conclusion, the unrestricted development of artificial intelligence is ethically justifiable as it holds promise for enhancing human lives, promoting innovation, and mitigating societal challenges. However, ethical considerations must guide its development and deployment to ensure responsible and beneficial outcomes for humanity.



①Enhancing Human Lives

Unrestricted AI development has the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including healthcare, transportation, and education.

②Promoting Innovation

Unrestricted AI development fosters innovation by encouraging exploration and experimentation.

③Mitigating Societal Challenges

AI technologies have the potential to address pressing societal challenges, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality.






As I delved into my work, I felt a sense of affiliation with the team, each of us bringing our unique expertise to the table. With their erudition and my own, we embarked on a collaborative effort to achieve a remarkable feat. The gravity of the task at hand was not lost on us, but rather served as motivation to push forward despite any obstacles. Yet, as if a jinx hung over our project, ominous omens seemed to appear at every turn, signaling potential challenges ahead. Were they merely a harbinger of difficulties to come, or could they serve as lessons from precedents past? Perhaps they were the prelude to a greater success, a necessary prerequisite to achieving our goals.

Amidst the platitudes of encouragement and the patronage of our supporters, we pressed on, determined not to let setbacks become a travesty. And though doubt may have cast a tinge of uncertainty upon our endeavors, we remained resolute in our pursuit of excellence.





Affiliation (●●●)

Expertise (●●●)

Erudition (●●●)

Feat (●●●)

Gravity (●●●)

Jinx (●●●)

Omen (●●●)

Harbinger (●●●)

Precedent (●●●)

Prelude (●●●)

Prerequisite (●●●)

Platitude (●●●)

Patronage (●●●)

Travesty (●●●)

Tinge (●●●)

hold down: ●●●

have a brown thumb: ●●●

have a fat chance of: ●●●

huddle with: ●●●

hold over: ●●●


She felt a strong ●●● with the company, having worked there for over a decade.

His ●●● in computer programming made him the go-to person for technical issues.

The professor’s ●●● was evident from the way he effortlessly discussed complex theories.

Climbing Mount Everest is considered a remarkable ●●● of human endurance.

The ●●● of the situation became apparent when they realized the potential consequences of their actions.

They joked that every time they mentioned winning, it was a ●●● and they would end up losing.

The sudden appearance of dark clouds was seen as an ●●● of the impending storm.

The first buds on the trees were seen as a ●●● of spring.

Setting a ●●● for honesty in business dealings is crucial for maintaining trust.

The calm before the storm was like a ●●● to the chaos that followed.

A valid ID is a ●●● for entering the restricted area.

His speech was full of ●●●s, lacking any real substance or insight.

The artist’s career flourished under the ●●● of wealthy benefactors.

The trial was a ●●● of justice, with evidence tampered and witnesses coerced.

There was a ●●● of sadness in her voice as she spoke about her childhood memories.


He’s been ●●●ing down a steady job for over five years now.

Unfortunately, I have a brown ●●● when it comes to keeping plants alive.

You have a ●●● chance of convincing him to change his mind.

They ●●●d with the team to discuss the upcoming project.

The meeting was ●●● over until next week due to scheduling conflicts.




Imagine a “spice” jar with a horseshoe hanging on it for good luck, symbolizing auspices or favorable conditions.

Think of “amity” as “amityville,” a place where everyone gets along peacefully and happily.

Picture a “brief” case that contains only the most essential documents, emphasizing brevity or conciseness.

Think of a “bias” as a pair of glasses with one lens colored differently, symbolizing a skewed perspective or prejudice.

Imagine a soft pillow as a “buffer” between two fighting people, absorbing the impact and preventing direct conflict.

Visualize a teacher marking papers with the word “assessment” written in bold, symbolizing the evaluation process.

Picture a person wearing a badge labeled “credibility,” signifying trustworthiness and reliability.

Imagine a scientist recording the frequency of “incidences” of lightning strikes during a storm.

Picture a snowball rolling down a hill, gaining “momentum” with each rotation, becoming larger and faster.

Think of someone with a “knack” for juggling, effortlessly tossing and catching objects with skill and ease.

Imagine a plant growing in harsh conditions, thriving despite adversity, representing its “viability” or ability to survive.

Picture a checklist with items labeled “requisite” next to them, indicating necessary steps for completion.

Visualize a grand “pageant” with performers wearing elaborate costumes and marching in a parade.

Think of a shining “paragon” trophy awarded to the best athlete, symbolizing excellence and perfection.

Imagine a fence marking the “parameters” of a property, defining its boundaries and limits.


Affiliation (所属):

Expertise (専門知識):

Erudition (博識):

Feat (偉業):

Gravity (重力):

Jinx (不吉):

Omen (前兆):

Harbinger (先駆者):

Precedent (先例):

Prelude (前奏曲):

Prerequisite (前提条件):

Platitude (陳腐な言葉):

Patronage (後援):

Travesty (模擬):

Tinge (色合い):


Affiliation (所属)University affiliation (大学所属)
Political affiliation (政治的所属)
Affiliation with a company (企業所属)
Expertise (専門知識)Technical expertise (技術的専門知識)
Expertise in marketing (マーケティングの専門知識)
Legal expertise (法律の専門知識)
Erudition (博識)Scholarly erudition (学術的博識)
Literary erudition (文学的博識)
Historical erudition (歴史的博識)
Feat (偉業)Athletic feat (運動の偉業)
Scientific feat (科学の偉業)
Artistic feat (芸術の偉業)
Gravity (重力)Earth’s gravity (地球の重力)
Zero gravity (無重力)
Center of gravity (重心)
Jinx (不吉)Sports jinx (スポーツの不吉)
Relationship jinx (関係の不吉)
Career jinx (キャリアの不吉)
Omen (前兆)Bad omen (悪い前兆)
Good omen (良い前兆)
Ominous omen (不吉な前兆)
Harbinger (先駆者)Harbinger of spring (春の先駆者)
Harbinger of change (変化の先駆者)
Harbinger of doom (破滅の先駆者)
Precedent (先例)Legal precedent (法的先例)
Historical precedent (歴史的先例)
Cultural precedent (文化的先例)
Prelude (前奏曲)Musical prelude (音楽の前奏曲)
Prelude to war (戦争への前奏曲)
Prelude to a speech (スピーチの前奏曲)
Prerequisite (前提条件)Academic prerequisite (学術の前提条件)
Prerequisite for success (成功への前提条件)
Language proficiency prerequisite (言語能力の前提条件)
Platitude (陳腐な言葉)Political platitude (政治的な陳腐な言葉)
Clichéd platitude (定型的な陳腐な言葉)
Inspirational platitude (励ましの陳腐な言葉)
Patronage (後援)Financial patronage (財政的後援)
Artistic patronage (芸術的後援)
Patronage of the arts (芸術の後援)
Travesty (模擬)Legal travesty (法的な模擬)
Political travesty (政治的な模擬)
Cultural travesty (文化的な模擬)
Tinge (色合い)Red tinge (赤みの色合い)
Yellow tinge (黄色の色合い)
Blue tinge (青みの色合い)





In the realm of diplomacy, auspices play a crucial role in fostering amity between nations. Under the auspice of mutual respect and understanding, diplomatic relations flourish, paving the way for peaceful coexistence. However, brevity can sometimes hinder the depth of such relationships, as complex issues require thorough discussion. Bias, whether conscious or unconscious, can act as a buffer, obstructing the path towards mutual understanding. Therefore, a fair assessment of each party’s perspective is essential to maintain credibility in diplomatic endeavors.

In international affairs, the incidence of conflicts often threatens the momentum of progress. Yet, with skillful negotiation and a knack for diplomacy, viable solutions can emerge even from the most challenging situations. The requisite for sustainable peace lies in the willingness of all parties to adhere to agreed-upon parameters. Like a well-orchestrated pageant, diplomatic efforts must showcase the paragon of cooperation and compromise.




Auspice – ●●●
Amity – ●●●
Brevity – ●●●
Bias – ●●●
Buffer – ●●●
Assessment – ●●●
Credibility – ●●●
Incidence – ●●●
Momentum – ●●●
Knack – ●●●
Viability – ●●●
Requisite – ●●●
Pageant – ●●●
Paragon – ●●●
Parameter – ●●●
hem in: ●●●
hinge on: ●●●
horse around: ●●●
head off: ●●●


The peace talks proceeded under the ●●● of the United Nations.

The two countries signed a treaty of ●●● and cooperation.

Due to the ●●● of the meeting, many topics remained undiscussed.

The media coverage showed a clear ●●● towards one side of the conflict.

The neutral zone acted as a ●●● between the two warring factions.

A thorough ●●● of the situation is necessary before making any decisions.

The organization’s ●●● was called into question after the scandal.

The ●●● of cyber attacks has increased in recent years.

The peace negotiations gained ●●● after the ceasefire agreement.

She has a ●●● for diffusing tense situations with humor.

We need to assess the ●●● of the proposed project before proceeding.

Meeting the ●●● qualifications is necessary for this position.

The opening ceremony was a ●●● of colors and cultural performances.

She is often regarded as a ●●● of leadership in her field.

The experiment was conducted within the specified ●●●.


The small village was ●●●med in by tall mountains.

The success of the project ●●●s on securing sufficient funding.

The children were ●●●ing around in the playground.

We need to ●●● off potential problems before they escalate.





Endowment –
Imagine someone giving you an “endowed” gift, like a treasure chest filled with endless wealth and resources.

Altruism –
Think of someone being “ultra-nice.” Altruism is like going above and beyond to help others without expecting anything in return.

Backlash –
Picture a strong “back” pushing against something. A backlash is a negative reaction or consequence that pushes back against a previous action.

Coincidence –
Imagine two coins falling at the same time, landing on the ground together by “coincidence.” Coincidence is when two events happen simultaneously by chance.

Gist –
Picture the “gist” as the juicy part of a fruit. It’s the essence or main point of something, like the juicy core of a story.

Liaison –
Think of a “lion” as the king of the jungle, representing strength and connection. A liaison is like a strong connection or bond between two parties.

Influx –
Imagine a sudden “influx” of water rushing into a dry riverbed, filling it up rapidly. Influx is a sudden, large increase or arrival of something.

Mimicry –
Picture someone “mimicking” your actions like a mirror reflection. Mimicry is imitating someone’s behavior or actions.

Onset –
Think of an “on” switch signaling the start of something. Onset is the beginning or start of an event or process.

Oversight –
Picture someone overseeing a project, making sure everything is going smoothly without any mistakes or “oversights.”

Preservation –
Imagine preserving food by putting it in a jar, sealing it tightly to keep it fresh for a long time. Preservation is the act of protecting something from decay or damage.

Privilege –
Think of a “private ledge” reserved for special people. Privilege is a special advantage, right, or benefit granted to a particular person or group.

Paternity –
Picture a “paternal” figure, like a father, taking responsibility for his child. Paternity is the state of being a father or the fatherhood of someone.

Reversal –
Imagine a car going in reverse, changing its direction completely. Reversal is the act of reversing or changing something to its opposite.

Verdict –
Picture a judge giving a “verdict” by striking a gavel. Verdict is the decision or judgment reached in a court case or dispute.


















Auspice – 協力Under the auspices of – 〜の縁起のもとで
With the auspice of – ~の助けを得て
Amity – 友好Treaty of amity – 友好条約
Spirit of amity – 友好の精神
Brevity – 簡潔さIn brevity – 簡潔に
Brevity is key – 簡潔さが重要である
Bias – 偏見Gender bias – 性差別
Bias in media – メディアの偏見
Buffer – 緩衝Buffer zone – 緩衝地帯
Buffer against impact – 衝撃の緩衝
Assessment – 評価Performance assessment – パフォーマンス評価
Continuous assessment – 継続的評価
Credibility – 信頼性Credibility gap – 信頼性の欠如
Establish credibility – 信頼性を確立する
Incidence – 発生率High incidence – 高発生率
Incidence of disease – 疾患の発生率
Momentum – 勢いGain momentum – 勢いを増す
Momentum for change – 変革の勢い
Knack – コツHave a knack for – 〜のコツを知っている
Knack for problem-solving – 問題解決のコツ
Viability – 生存可能性Economic viability – 経済的生存可能性
Viability of the project – プロジェクトの生存可能性
Requisite (noun) – 必要条件Meet the requisites – 必要条件を満たす
Requisite for success – 成功の必要条件
Pageant – 表彰式Beauty pageant – ビューティー・コンテスト
Local pageant – 地元の表彰式
Paragon – 模範Paragon of virtue – 道徳の模範
Paragon of beauty – 美の模範
Parameter – パラメータAdjust parameters – パラメータを調整する
Set parameters – パラメータを設定する






①Short Speech


③Grammar and Vocabulary



Agree or disagree: Should there be limits on the development and use of artificial intelligence in military applications?


Yes, there should be limits on the development and use of artificial intelligence in military applications for several reasons:

Ethical considerations: AI in warfare raises complex ethical questions regarding the potential for autonomous systems to make life-or-death decisions without human oversight, potentially leading to unintended harm or violations of international humanitarian law.

Lack of accountability: Autonomous AI systems may lack accountability for their actions, making it difficult to attribute responsibility in the event of errors or unethical behavior, which could undermine trust in military operations.

Escalation risks: The development of AI-powered military technology could contribute to an arms race as nations seek to gain a strategic advantage, leading to heightened tensions and the potential for conflict escalation.

Unintended consequences: AI algorithms are prone to biases and errors, which could result in unintended consequences on the battlefield, such as targeting civilians or causing disproportionate harm.

Long-term security risks: Overreliance on AI in military applications could create vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure and systems, potentially leading to cyber attacks or manipulation by hostile actors.

In conclusion, while AI has the potential to enhance military capabilities, it is essential to establish clear limits and regulations to ensure that its development and use are aligned with ethical principles, international law, and long-term security interests.


Examine the ethical considerations surrounding the militarization of AI and its potential consequences.


The militarization of AI raises significant ethical considerations due to its potential consequences:

Lack of human oversight: Autonomous AI systems in warfare could make life-or-death decisions without human intervention, leading to ethical dilemmas and potential violations of international humanitarian law.

Accountability issues: The use of AI in military applications may complicate accountability, as it can be challenging to assign responsibility for the actions of autonomous systems, potentially undermining transparency and trust.

Escalation risks: The development of AI-powered military technology could contribute to an arms race, escalating tensions between nations and increasing the likelihood of conflict.

Potential for unintended harm: AI algorithms are susceptible to biases and errors, which could result in unintended consequences on the battlefield, such as civilian casualties or disproportionate use of force.

Long-term security risks: Overreliance on AI in warfare could create vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure and systems, increasing the risk of cyber attacks and manipulation by hostile actors.

In summary, the militarization of AI presents ethical challenges related to accountability, transparency, and the potential for unintended harm, highlighting the need for careful consideration and regulation to ensure its responsible use in military contexts.






As she walked through the bustling streets of Tokyo, Emily pondered the concept of altruism. She believed that the true essence of humanity lay in acts of kindness and selflessness. Little did she know, her encounter with a homeless man would put her beliefs to the test.

As if by coincidence, Emily stumbled upon the man sitting on a street corner, his eyes filled with despair. Despite the backlash from passersby, she approached him with compassion, offering him her lunch and a kind word. In that moment, she understood the gist of altruism – it was not about receiving recognition or praise, but about making a genuine difference in someone’s life.

Unbeknownst to Emily, her actions had a ripple effect in the community. The homeless man, touched by her kindness, found the strength to seek help and turn his life around. Through a liaison with a local shelter, he was provided with the support he needed to overcome his struggles.

Emily’s small act of kindness sparked an influx of generosity from others, each person inspired by her example to lend a helping hand to those in need. It was a testament to the power of altruism in fostering positive change in the world.

Meanwhile, in a nearby park, a group of children amused themselves by engaging in playful mimicry of their favorite superheroes. Their laughter echoed through the air, a joyful onset to the day.

However, amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, there was an oversight in the preservation of nature. Urbanization had encroached upon the once lush green spaces, threatening the biodiversity of the area.

As Emily reflected on the privilege of living in such a vibrant city, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of responsibility towards its preservation. She vowed to advocate for sustainable development practices and environmental protection measures to ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

In a courtroom across town, a paternity case was underway, the verdict of which would determine the fate of a young child. The accused awaited anxiously, hoping for a reversal of fortune in his favor.

Through the twists and turns of fate, Emily’s journey through the streets of Tokyo had led her to contemplate the interconnectedness of humanity and the importance of compassion in overcoming adversity.












endowment – ●●●

altruism – ●●●

backlash – ●●●

coincidence – ●●●

gist – ●●●

liaison – ●●●

influx – ●●●

mimicry – ●●●

onset – ●●●

oversight – ●●●

preservation – ●●●

privilege – ●●●

paternity – ●●●

reversal – ●●●

verdict – ●●●

hike up: ●●●

hit the jackpot: ●●●

hit the roof: ●●●

hole up: ●●●

harp on: ●●●


The philanthropist made a generous ●●● to the university.

Her ●●● knew no bounds; she was always willing to help those in need.

The controversial decision by the government resulted in a severe ●●● from the public.

It was a strange ●●● that we both ended up at the same café on the same day.

Can you give me the ●●● of the meeting? I missed the first part.

She serves as a ●●● between the two departments, ensuring smooth communication.

The city experienced an ●●● of tourists during the holiday season.

His ●●● of famous actors was so accurate that he often performed in comedy shows.

The ●●● of winter brought heavy snowfall to the region.

The ●●● in the budget led to unexpected expenses for the project.

The ●●● of historical artifacts is crucial for future generations to understand our heritage.

It is a ●●● to have access to quality education.

The DNA test confirmed his ●●●, granting him custody rights over the child.

The unexpected turn of events resulted in a ●●● of fortunes for the protagonist.

The jury deliberated for hours before reaching a ●●● in the murder trial.


After years of playing the lottery, Mary finally hit the ●●● and won millions of dollars.

When Sarah found out that her son had failed his exams again, she hit the ●●● and grounded him for a month.

During the storm, the family decided to ●●● up in their basement until the weather improved.

My boss always ●●●s on the importance of meeting deadlines during our team meetings.




Diversity –
Imagine a diverse garden with various flowers of different colors, shapes, and sizes, representing diversity in nature.

Artifact –
Think of an ancient artifact like a treasure chest filled with historical items, each telling a unique story from the past.

Extinction –
Picture a dinosaur, a symbol of extinction, walking through a barren landscape, emphasizing the concept of species disappearing over time.

Complex (集合体) –
Visualize a complex puzzle made up of many pieces, representing a group or collection of interconnected elements.

Enforcement –
Imagine a police officer holding a badge and enforcing the law, symbolizing the act of ensuring rules are followed and upheld.

Gorge –
Think of a deep, narrow gorge with rushing waterfalls, creating a vivid image of a steep-sided canyon carved by nature’s forces.

Breakthrough –
Picture a light bulb turning on above someone’s head, symbolizing a breakthrough moment of sudden inspiration or discovery.

Rationale –
Associate rationale with logic by picturing a person connecting dots with lines, representing the logical reasoning behind a decision or argument.

Restraint –
Visualize a person holding back a wild horse with a lasso, representing the act of exercising restraint or control over a situation.

Myriad (無数) –
Imagine a vast night sky filled with countless stars, illustrating the concept of myriad or countless possibilities.

Perspective –
Picture two people standing on opposite sides of a large object, each seeing it from a different angle, representing different perspectives.

Perception –
Think of an optical illusion, where what one person perceives may be different from what another sees, highlighting the subjective nature of perception.

Stem (茎) –
Imagine a stem of a plant holding up a vibrant flower, representing the central supporting structure of a plant.

Specimen –
Visualize a scientist holding up a test tube containing a specimen, representing a sample used for scientific study or analysis.

Zest –
Picture a lemon being zested, releasing its tangy aroma, symbolizing enthusiasm, energy, and excitement.


Endowment (寄付) –

Altruism (利他主義) –

Blacklash (反発) –

Coincidence (偶然) –

Gist (要点) –

Liaison (連絡役) –

Influx (殺到) –

Mimicry (擬態) –

Onset (発症) –

Oversight (見落とし) –

Preservation (保存) –

Privilege (特権) –

Paternity (父権) –

Reversal (逆転) –

Verdict (判決) –

Hike up (を引き上げる):


Hit the jackpot (一山当てる):


Hit the roof (激怒する):


Hole up (隠れる):


Harp on (について繰り返し話す):



Endowment (寄付)Financial endowment: 財政的寄付
Endowment fund: 寄付基金
Altruism (利他主義)Acts of altruism: 利他的な行為
Spirit of altruism: 利他の精神
Backlash (反発)Public backlash: 公の反発
Social backlash: 社会的な反発
Coincidence (偶然)Stroke of coincidence: 偶然の一致
Remarkable coincidence: 注目すべき偶然
Gist (要点)Main gist: 主要な要点
Legal gist: 法的な要点
Liaison (連絡役)Government liaison: 政府との連絡役
Business liaison: ビジネスとの連絡役
Influx (殺到)Economic influx: 経済的な殺到
Tourist influx: 観光客の殺到
Mimicry (擬態)Animal mimicry: 動物の擬態
Vocal mimicry: 声の擬態
Onset (発症)Early onset: 早期発症
Sudden onset: 突然の発症
Oversight (見落とし)Government oversight: 政府の監督
Managerial oversight: 管理上の見落とし
Preservation (保存)Cultural preservation: 文化の保存
Environmental preservation: 環境の保存
Privilege (特権)Legal privilege: 法的特権
Personal privilege: 個人的特権
Paternity (父権)Legal paternity: 法的父権
Biological paternity: 生物学的父権
Reversal (逆転)Dramatic reversal: 劇的な逆転
Policy reversal: 政策の逆転
Verdict (判決)Legal verdict: 法的判決
Jury verdict: 陪審団の判決





In a world of constant change and evolution, diversity thrives as an essential aspect of life. Each culture, language, and tradition serves as an artifact of humanity’s rich tapestry, preserving our collective heritage. However, alongside the marvels of diversity, there exists a looming threat of extinction. As societies become increasingly complex, the enforcement of conservation measures becomes imperative to safeguard our planet’s delicate ecosystems.

Amidst this challenge, there emerges a breakthrough in our understanding of the rationale behind biodiversity preservation. Rather than viewing it solely as a matter of ecological concern, we begin to appreciate its broader significance from a holistic perspective. Through this lens, we recognize that biodiversity is not merely a concept but a fundamental aspect of our existence, shaping our perception of the world and enriching our lives in myriad ways.

Yet, with progress comes the need for restraint. As human activities continue to encroach upon natural habitats, we must exercise caution and exhibit responsible stewardship. By imposing strict regulations and adopting sustainable practices, we can stem the tide of species decline and protect vulnerable ecosystems from further degradation.

In this endeavor, scientific research plays a pivotal role. By studying specimen from diverse habitats, scientists gain valuable insights into the intricate web of life on Earth. Each discovery fuels their zest for knowledge and inspires new avenues of inquiry, driving us ever closer to a deeper understanding of our natural world.







diversity – ●●●
artifact – ●●●
extinction – ●●●
complex – ●●●
enforcement – ●●●
gorge – ●●●
breakthrough – ●●●
rationale – ●●●
restraint – ●●●
myriad – ●●●
perspective – ●●●
perception – ●●●
stem – ●●●
specimen – ●●●
zest – ●●●
have one’s days numbered: ●●●
hammer out: ●●●
hunker down: ●●●
hit it off with: ●●●
hang out in: ●●●


The city’s population reflects a rich ●●● of cultures and traditions.

The museum displayed ancient ●●● from various civilizations.

Climate change poses a significant threat to the ●●● of many species.

The museum’s collection includes a diverse array of artifacts, ranging from ancient pottery to modern sculptures, showcasing the ●●● of human creativity and cultural heritage.

The ●●● of environmental laws is crucial for protecting endangered species.

We hiked through the ●●●, marveling at the sheer beauty of nature.

The discovery of penicillin marked a ●●● in modern medicine.

The ●●● behind the decision was based on scientific evidence.

He showed remarkable ●●● in the face of adversity.

The forest is home to a ●●● of plant and animal species.

From a historical ●●●, this event holds great significance.

His ●●● of reality was shaped by his upbringing and experiences.

The ●●● of a plant provides support and transports water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.

The scientist collected various ●●● for further analysis.

She approached her work with enthusiasm and ●●●, eager to make a meaningful contribution.


My old car has its days ●●●ed; I’ll need to buy a new one soon.

The team worked hard to ●●● out a solution to the problem.

As the storm approached, we decided to ●●● down and wait it out indoors.

I ●●● it off with my new coworker; we share many interests.

On weekends, I like to ●●● out in the park with my friends.

