Endowment –
Imagine someone giving you an “endowed” gift, like a treasure chest filled with endless wealth and resources.
Altruism –
Think of someone being “ultra-nice.” Altruism is like going above and beyond to help others without expecting anything in return.
Backlash –
Picture a strong “back” pushing against something. A backlash is a negative reaction or consequence that pushes back against a previous action.
Coincidence –
Imagine two coins falling at the same time, landing on the ground together by “coincidence.” Coincidence is when two events happen simultaneously by chance.
Gist –
Picture the “gist” as the juicy part of a fruit. It’s the essence or main point of something, like the juicy core of a story.
Liaison –
Think of a “lion” as the king of the jungle, representing strength and connection. A liaison is like a strong connection or bond between two parties.
Influx –
Imagine a sudden “influx” of water rushing into a dry riverbed, filling it up rapidly. Influx is a sudden, large increase or arrival of something.
Mimicry –
Picture someone “mimicking” your actions like a mirror reflection. Mimicry is imitating someone’s behavior or actions.
Onset –
Think of an “on” switch signaling the start of something. Onset is the beginning or start of an event or process.
Oversight –
Picture someone overseeing a project, making sure everything is going smoothly without any mistakes or “oversights.”
Preservation –
Imagine preserving food by putting it in a jar, sealing it tightly to keep it fresh for a long time. Preservation is the act of protecting something from decay or damage.
Privilege –
Think of a “private ledge” reserved for special people. Privilege is a special advantage, right, or benefit granted to a particular person or group.
Paternity –
Picture a “paternal” figure, like a father, taking responsibility for his child. Paternity is the state of being a father or the fatherhood of someone.
Reversal –
Imagine a car going in reverse, changing its direction completely. Reversal is the act of reversing or changing something to its opposite.
Verdict –
Picture a judge giving a “verdict” by striking a gavel. Verdict is the decision or judgment reached in a court case or dispute.
Auspice – 協力 | Under the auspices of – 〜の縁起のもとで With the auspice of – ~の助けを得て |
Amity – 友好 | Treaty of amity – 友好条約 Spirit of amity – 友好の精神 |
Brevity – 簡潔さ | In brevity – 簡潔に Brevity is key – 簡潔さが重要である |
Bias – 偏見 | Gender bias – 性差別 Bias in media – メディアの偏見 |
Buffer – 緩衝 | Buffer zone – 緩衝地帯 Buffer against impact – 衝撃の緩衝 |
Assessment – 評価 | Performance assessment – パフォーマンス評価 Continuous assessment – 継続的評価 |
Credibility – 信頼性 | Credibility gap – 信頼性の欠如 Establish credibility – 信頼性を確立する |
Incidence – 発生率 | High incidence – 高発生率 Incidence of disease – 疾患の発生率 |
Momentum – 勢い | Gain momentum – 勢いを増す Momentum for change – 変革の勢い |
Knack – コツ | Have a knack for – 〜のコツを知っている Knack for problem-solving – 問題解決のコツ |
Viability – 生存可能性 | Economic viability – 経済的生存可能性 Viability of the project – プロジェクトの生存可能性 |
Requisite (noun) – 必要条件 | Meet the requisites – 必要条件を満たす Requisite for success – 成功の必要条件 |
Pageant – 表彰式 | Beauty pageant – ビューティー・コンテスト Local pageant – 地元の表彰式 |
Paragon – 模範 | Paragon of virtue – 道徳の模範 Paragon of beauty – 美の模範 |
Parameter – パラメータ | Adjust parameters – パラメータを調整する Set parameters – パラメータを設定する |