


Mnemonic: Think of “disparage” as “dis + parrot,” where someone is speaking negatively about a parrot.
Contextual Usage: He always disparages the parrot’s abilities, but in reality, it’s quite talented.


Mnemonic: “Chafe” sounds like “shave,” so imagine your skin chafing after a rough shave.
Contextual Usage: His new shoes chafe his feet, making him regret not wearing socks.


Mnemonic: “Dub” sounds like “dab,” so picture someone dubbing their finger in ink to dab a stamp.
Contextual Usage: The clerk had to dub each document with the official seal before it could be approved.


Mnemonic: Think of “deplete” as “de + complete,” where something is gradually being completed or used up.
Contextual Usage: The prolonged drought has severely depleted the water reserves in the reservoir.


Mnemonic: “Hurtle” sounds like “turtle,” but with “hur,” imagine a speedy turtle hurtling down the track.
Contextual Usage: The car hurtled down the highway at breakneck speed.


Mnemonic: “Evoke” sounds like “invoke,” so think of invoking memories or emotions through a powerful image or sound.
Contextual Usage: The painting evokes a sense of nostalgia for the artist’s childhood.


Mnemonic: Think of “founder” as “found her” but with an extra “r,” implying someone lost at sea.
Contextual Usage: The ship foundered in the storm, leaving the crew stranded on a deserted island.


Mnemonic: “Loom” sounds like “room,” so picture a large loom taking up space in a room.
Contextual Usage: The old factory loomed over the small town, a reminder of its industrial past.


Mnemonic: Think of “incur” as “in + curse,” where someone brings upon themselves a curse or trouble.
Contextual Usage: He knew he would incur his mother’s wrath if he came home late again.


Mnemonic: “Rumble” sounds like “tumble,” so imagine the sound of objects tumbling and rolling.
Contextual Usage: The distant rumble of thunder signaled an approaching storm.

project (見積る):

Mnemonic: “Project” sounds like “predict,” so think of predicting the outcome of a project.
Contextual Usage: The engineers will project the cost of the construction project before beginning work.

snare (罠にかける):

Mnemonic: “Snare” sounds like “snarl,” so imagine a trap snarling shut around its prey.
Contextual Usage: The hunter set a snare to catch rabbits in the forest.


Mnemonic: “Steer” sounds like “steer,” so picture someone steering a ship or a car.
Contextual Usage: She had to steer the conversation away from controversial topics to maintain peace.


Mnemonic: Think of “scrawl” as “scribble” with a “c,” where someone hastily scribbles a note.
Contextual Usage: His handwriting was so messy that his note looked like a scrawl.


Mnemonic: “Tarnish” sounds like “turn + dish,” so imagine a dish turning black and dirty over time.
Contextual Usage: Exposure to air and moisture can cause silver to tarnish over time.



Think of “exert” as “ex + effort,” where you exert effort to accomplish something.
「exert」を「ex + effort(努力)」と考え、何かを成し遂げるために努力を払うとイメージする。


“Grapple” sounds like “grab + apple,” imagine grabbing onto an apple with determination.
「grapple」は「grab(つかむ)+ apple(リンゴ)」のような音であり、意志を持ってリンゴをつかむイメージを想像する。


Think of “grumble” as “grumpy mumble,” where someone grumpily mumbles complaints.
「grumble」を「grumpy(不機嫌) + mumble(つぶやく)」と考え、不機嫌そうに不平をつぶやくイメージをする。


“Garble” sounds like “garbage,” imagine someone mixing up words like trash.


“Dice” sounds like “die + ice,” imagine cutting ice into small cubes with a die.
「dice」は「die(サイコロ)+ ice(氷)」のような音であり、サイコロで氷を小さなサイコロ状に切るイメージをする。


“Dart” sounds like “start,” imagine something quickly starting or moving.


“Hover” sounds like “over,” imagine something floating or staying over a specific area.


“Flourish” sounds like “flower + wish,” imagine making a wish while surrounded by flowers.
「flourish」を「flower(花)+ wish(願い)」と考え、花に囲まれながら願い事をするイメージをする。


Think of “specify” as “specific + eye,” where you focus your eyes on specific details.
「specify」を「specific(具体的)+ eye(目)」と考え、目を具体的な詳細に集中させるイメージをする。


“Shatter” sounds like “shutter,” imagine a window shutter shattering into pieces.


Mnemonic: Think of “topple” as “top + apple,” where an apple falls from the top of a tree.
Japanese: 「topple」を「top(頂上)+ apple(リンゴ)」と考え、木の頂上からリンゴが落ちる様子を想像する。


“Usher” sounds like “usher + door,” imagine an usher guiding someone through a door.
「usher」を「usher(案内係)+ door(ドア)」のような音であり、案内係が誰かをドアを通して案内する様子を想像する。


Think of “precede” as “pre + seed,” where a seed is planted before growth.
「precede」を「pre(前)+ seed(種)」と考え、成長の前に種を植えるイメージをする。


“Reside” sounds like “inside,” imagine someone living or staying inside a house.


Think of “withhold” as “with + hold,” where you hold something back or refuse to give.
「withhold」を「with(〜と一緒に)+ hold(保持する)」と考え、何かを引き止めたり与えることを拒否するイメージをする。

Get plum jobs: 天下りする

Get egg on one’s face: 面目を失う

Glance off: をかすめる

Go bust: 破滅する


Exert (力を尽くす)Exert influence (影響を与える)
Exert effort (努力する)
Grapple – 取り組むGrapple with a problem (問題に取り組む)
Grapple for control (支配をめぐって取り組む)
Grumble – 不満を言うGrumble about the weather (天気のことで不満を言う)
Grumble under one’s breath (ぶつぶつと文句を言う)
Garble – 言葉を混ぜるGarble a message (メッセージを混乱させる)
Garble speech (話し言葉を混乱させる)
Dice – さいころを振るDice for a game (ゲームでさいころを振る)
Dice to decide (決定するためにさいころを振る)
Dart – 突進するDart across the road (道路を横切る)
Dart through the crowd (人混みをかき分ける)
Hover – 空中に停止するHover over the city (都市の上空に停止する)
Hover near the flowers (花のそばに停止する)
Flourish – 繁栄するFlourish in business (ビジネスで繁栄する)
Flourish academically (学業で繁栄する)
Specify – 具体的に述べるSpecify requirements (要件を具体的に述べる)
Specify details (詳細を具体的に述べる)
Shatter – 粉々にするShatter dreams (夢を打ち砕く)
Shatter glass (ガラスを粉々にする)
Topple – 倒れるTopple a government (政府を倒す)
Topple over (倒れる)
Usher – 案内するUsher guests (ゲストを案内する)
Usher in a new era (新時代を迎える)
Precede – 先行するPrecede the event (イベントの前に行う)
Precede someone (誰かの前に立つ)
Reside – 居住するReside in a house (家に住む)
Reside in a city (都市に居住する)
Withhold – 保留するWithhold information (情報を保留する)
Withhold payment (支払いを保留する)





The young artist couldn’t help but feel disheartened as critics continued to disparage her work, dismissing it as amateurish and lacking depth. Despite their harsh words, she refused to let their negativity chafe her spirit. Instead, she poured herself into her art, using it as a means to express her innermost thoughts and emotions. With each brushstroke, she found solace, knowing that true artistic expression transcends the opinions of others.


The relentless march of time seemed to deplete the old town of its former glory, leaving behind only memories etched in the weathered stones and crumbling facades. Yet amidst the decay, a sense of resilience lingered, as the townsfolk refused to let their home fall into ruin. They worked tirelessly to preserve its heritage, knowing that even as the years hurtle forward, the soul of their town remains steadfast.


The aging actor, once hailed as a star, now found himself relegated to dubbing minor characters in obscure films. Despite the disillusionment that threatened to founder his career, he refused to let bitterness consume him. Instead, he embraced each new role with gusto, finding joy in the challenge of bringing life to characters that others might overlook. Though his glory days may have passed, he continued to loom large in the hearts of those who appreciated his dedication to his craft.




disparage – ●●●
chafe – ●●●
dub – ●●●
deplete – ●●●
hurtle – ●●●
evoke – ●●●
founder – ●●●
loom – ●●●
incur – ●●●
rumble – ●●●
project – ●●●
snare – ●●●
steer – ●●●
scrawl – ●●●
tarnish – ●●●

go on a binge: ●●●
go viral: ●●●
get X across to Y: ●●●
get the sack: ●●●
greasy spoon: ●●●


She didn’t mean to ●●● your efforts; she just has high standards.

The rough fabric ●●●d against his skin, causing discomfort.

The king decided to ●●● him as the new knight of the realm.

Excessive logging has severely ●●●d the forest resources.

The train ●●●d down the tracks at an alarming speed.

The old photograph ●●●d memories of happier times.

The company began to ●●● due to mismanagement.

Dark clouds ●●●ed over the horizon, threatening rain.

By breaking the rules, you will ●●● severe penalties.

Thunder ●●●d in the distance, heralding an approaching storm.

We need to ●●● our expenses for the upcoming quarter.

The spider deftly spun its web to ●●● unsuspecting insects.

He had to ●●● the boat carefully through the treacherous waters.

The student hastily ●●●ed his notes in the margins of the textbook during the lecture.

The scandal ●●●ed his reputation irreparably.


After the breakup, she would often ●●● on a binge, consuming tubs of ice cream in one sitting.

The video of the cute kitten playing the piano went ●●● overnight.

It’s important to find the right words to get your message ●●● to your audience.

He got the ●●● for consistently arriving late to work.

We used to eat breakfast at that ●●● spoon every Saturday morning.





Interject –
Imagine a person named Jack interjecting himself into a conversation with a giant “J” flag.
Mnemonic: Jack loves to INTERJECT with his big “J” flag.

Affix –
Visualize a chef fixing (affixing) toppings onto a pizza.
Mnemonic: The chef will AFFIX your favorite toppings onto the pizza.

Linger –
Picture a scent lingering in the air long after the candle has been blown out.
Mnemonic: The scent of the candle LINGERS in the air.

Coax –
Think of coaxing a cat out of hiding with a toy mouse
Mnemonic: Use the toy mouse to COAX the cat out of hiding.

Procure –
Imagine a squirrel procuring nuts for the winter, diligently gathering them.
Mnemonic: Like the squirrel, we need to PROCURE what we need for the season.

Discern –
Picture using a magnifying glass to discern tiny details in a painting.
Mnemonic: The magnifying glass helps you DISCERN tiny details.

Pawn –
Think of pawning a valuable ring for quick cash in a pawnshop.
Mnemonic: He had to PAWN his ring for some quick cash.

Denote –
Imagine a sign denoting the entrance to a secret garden.
Mnemonic: The sign DENOTES the entrance to the secret garden.

Reclaim –
Picture reclaiming lost treasure buried in the sand on a beach.
Mnemonic: Let’s RECLAIM the lost treasure buried in the sand.

Exemplify –
Visualize a shining gold star next to a perfect example of a test answer.
Mnemonic: The shining gold star EXEMPLIFIES a perfect answer.

Recur –
Think of a recurring dream with a clock constantly ticking in the background.
Mnemonic: The ticking clock in the dream keeps RECURRING.

Harness –
Picture harnessing the power of a wild stallion with a sturdy leather harness.
Mnemonic: Use the leather harness to HARNESS the power of the stallion.

Reminisce –
Imagine sitting by a fireplace, reminiscing about old times while looking at a photo album.
Mnemonic: By the fireplace, we REMINISCE over old photos.

Permeate –
Visualize a sponge soaking up water until it permeates every fiber.
Mnemonic: The sponge allows water to PERMEATE every fiber.

Replenish –
Think of replenishing energy levels with a refreshing drink after a workout.
Mnemonic: After the workout, drink to REPLENISH your energy levels.


Disparage (軽蔑する) – Think of someone disparagingly shaking their head while pointing at a disheveled garage.

Chafe (擦り切れる) –
Imagine your skin chafing against rough sandpaper, causing irritation.

Dub (称する) –
Picture a knight dubbed with a sword, officially receiving his title.

Deplete (使い果たす) –
Visualize a stack of coins depleting as they’re continuously spent.

Hurtle (猛スピードで進む) –
Think of a speeding train hurtling down the tracks, making a loud noise.

Evoke (呼び起こす) –
Imagine an old photograph evoking memories of a past vacation.

Founder (失敗する) –
Picture a ship foundering in a storm, sinking below the waves.

Loom (迫りくる) –
Think of dark storm clouds looming on the horizon, indicating an impending storm.

Incur (負う) –
Visualize a person incurring debts by overspending on unnecessary items.

Rumble (ゴロゴロと鳴る) –
Imagine a thunderstorm rumbling in the distance, shaking the windows.

Project (見積もる) –
Think of an architect projecting the cost of a new building using a calculator.

Snare (わな) –
Picture a hunter setting a snare trap to catch a rabbit.

Snare (罠にかける) –
Imagine a hunter setting a snare trap to catch a rabbit.

Scrawl (塗り書きする) –
Imagine a child scrawling colorful doodles on a blank wall.

Tarnish (曇らせる) –
Think of silver tarnishing over time, losing its shine.

Go on a binge (暴飲暴食する) –
Imagine a person binge-watching TV while surrounded by heaps of junk food wrappers.

Go viral (ネットで情報が共有される) –
Picture a video spreading rapidly across social media platforms, with likes and shares increasing exponentially.

Get X across to Y (XをYに理解させる) –
Imagine a teacher using colorful props and gestures to help students understand a complex concept.

Get the sack (お払い箱になる) –
Picture an employee carrying a sack filled with personal belongings after being fired from their job.

Greasy spoon (小さな大衆食堂) –
Imagine a cozy diner with a worn-out sign and the smell of frying food wafting from the kitchen.


Disparage – 軽蔑するDisparage someone’s abilities: 誰かの能力を軽蔑する
Disparage a competitor: 競合他社を軽蔑する
Chafe – 擦れるChafe against authority: 権威との間で摩擦が生じる
Chafe under restrictions: 制限に対して擦れる
Dub – 重ねるDub someone “the winner”: 誰かを「優勝者」として重ねる
Dub a film in Japanese: 日本語で映画を重ねる
Deplete – 消耗するDeplete resources: 資源を消耗する
Deplete energy: エネルギーを消耗する
Hurtle – 突進するHurtle through space: 宇宙を突進する
Hurtle towards disaster: 災害に向かって突進する
Evoke – 呼び起こすEvoke memories: 思い出を呼び起こす
Evoke emotions: 感情を呼び起こす
Founder – 沈没するShip founders on rocks: 船が岩に乗り上げて沈没する
Company founders due to mismanagement: 企業が経営の誤りで沈没する
Loom – 迫るDark clouds loom overhead: 暗雲が頭上に迫る
Deadline looms: 締め切りが迫る
Incur – 負うIncur debt: 負債を負う
Incur expenses: 費用を負う
Rumble – 鳴り響くThunder rumbles in the distance: 遠くで雷が鳴り響く
Stomach rumbles: 腹が鳴る
Project – 見積もるProject costs: 費用を見積もる
Project future earnings: 将来の収益を見積もる
Snare – わなにかけるSnare an animal: 動物をわなにかける
Snare a suspect: 容疑者をわなにかける
Steer – 操縦するSteer a ship: 船を操縦する
Steer a conversation: 会話を操縦する
Scrawl – 下手な字で書くScrawl a note: メモを下手な字で書く
Scrawl graffiti on a wall: 壁に落書きをする
Tarnish – 傷つけるTarnish reputation: 評判を傷つける
Tarnish silverware: 銀器を傷つける






①Short Speech


③Grammar and Vocabulary



Agree or disagree: Should there be limits on the development and use of artificial intelligence in military applications?


There should be limits on the development and use of artificial intelligence in military applications.

Ethical concerns: AI in military applications raises ethical dilemmas regarding the potential for autonomous weapons systems to make life-and-death decisions without human oversight, leading to unforeseen consequences and violations of international humanitarian law.

Risk of escalation: Unrestricted AI development in military contexts could fuel an arms race, leading to increased tensions between nations and a higher likelihood of conflict escalation, with AI-driven systems acting faster than human decision-makers can intervene.

Lack of accountability: Autonomous AI systems may lack accountability and transparency, making it challenging to assign responsibility for errors or misconduct, raising concerns about accountability in the event of accidents or violations of ethical standards.

Threat to human dignity: Deploying AI in warfare risks dehumanizing conflict by reducing the role of human judgment and empathy, potentially leading to increased civilian casualties and undermining the principles of proportionality and distinction in armed conflict.

By imposing limits on the development and use of AI in military applications, we can mitigate these risks and ensure that technological advancements serve to enhance global security and uphold fundamental human values.


Examine the ethical considerations surrounding the militarization of AI and its potential consequences.


The militarization of AI raises significant ethical concerns due to its potential consequences:

Autonomous decision-making: AI-driven military systems may lack human oversight, leading to ethical dilemmas and violations of international humanitarian law.

Risk of escalation: AI-enabled rapid decision-making could escalate conflicts beyond human control, increasing unintended consequences and instability.

Bias and discrimination: AI algorithms may perpetuate biases, leading to unfair treatment and discrimination in conflict situations.

Surveillance and privacy: AI-powered surveillance technologies may infringe upon privacy rights, threatening civil liberties and democratic freedoms.

Lethal autonomous weapons: The development of AI-powered weapons raises moral questions about delegating life-and-death decisions to machines, risking catastrophic consequences and an arms race.

Addressing these ethical concerns requires careful consideration and the implementation of robust safeguards to ensure responsible and ethical use of AI in military contexts.






As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the horizon, Sarah found herself lost in thought. Memories of her childhood would often interject into her mind, reminding her of simpler times when worries were few and laughter plentiful. She would affix herself to these memories, clinging to them like lifelines in the sea of adulthood. The scent of freshly baked cookies would linger in the air, coaxing her to reminisce about baking sessions with her grandmother, the warmth of the oven and the joy of sharing treats with loved ones.

But amidst the nostalgia, Sarah couldn’t help but feel a sense of longing. She yearned to procure that same innocence and wonder she once possessed, to discern the beauty in everyday moments that now seemed to elude her grasp. Like a pawn in life’s intricate game, she felt herself drifting further from the simplicity she once knew, lost in the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Yet, as the day drew to a close, Sarah realized that she held the power to reclaim that sense of simplicity. She could exemplify gratitude for the small joys that permeate daily life, harnessing their power to replenish her spirit. With each sunset, she vowed to let go of the past and embrace the present, allowing memories to recur as gentle reminders of the beauty that surrounds her.






Interject (●●●)

Affix (●●●)

Linger (●●●)

Coax (●●●)

Procure (●●●)

Discern (●●●)

Pawn (●●●)

Denote (●●●)

Reclaim (●●●)

Exemplify (●●●)

Recur (●●●)

Harness (●●●)

Reminisce (●●●)

Permeate (●●●)

Replenish (●●●)

gloss over: ●●●

get a head start: ●●●

grease the palm of: ●●●

gang up on: ●●●

grope for: ●●●


He tried to ●●●, but she continued speaking without pausing.

Please ●●● your signature at the bottom of the form.

The aroma of the flowers ●●●ed in the air long after they had been removed.

She managed to ●●● a smile out of him even when he was feeling down.

She managed to ●●● tickets to the concert despite it being sold out.

It was difficult to ●●● any details in the darkness of the room.

He had to ●●● his watch to pay for the repairs to his car.

The red traffic light ●●●s that you must stop.

The environmentalists are working to ●●● the land polluted by industrial waste.

His actions ●●● the qualities of true leadership.

The same problem keeps ●●●ring despite our attempts to solve it.

They ●●●ed the power of the wind to generate electricity.

They spent the evening ●●●ing about their school days.

The smell of baking bread ●●●d the entire house.

She ●●●ed her energy by taking a short nap.


She tried to ●●● over her mistake during the presentation, but everyone noticed.

By studying over the summer, she was able to get a ●●● start on the new school year.

He ●●●d the palm of the official to ensure his application was approved quickly.

It’s not fair that they all ●●●ed up on him just because of one mistake.

In the darkness, he ●●●d for the light switch along the wall.





Mnemonic: “Agonize sounds like ‘agony,’ so imagine someone in agony, writhing in pain.”
Association: Think of someone agonizing over a difficult decision, pacing back and forth, with a furrowed brow.
Contextual Usage: “She agonized over whether to accept the job offer or not.”


Mnemonic: “Amplify sounds like ‘amplifier,’ which makes things louder or stronger.”
Association: Visualize turning up the volume knob on a speaker to amplify the sound.
Contextual Usage: “The microphone was used to amplify the speaker’s voice to reach the large audience.”


Mnemonic: “Bask sounds like ‘bath,’ so imagine relaxing and soaking up the warmth.”
Association: Picture a cat basking in the sunlight, stretched out lazily.
Contextual Usage: “They decided to bask in the glory of their success after winning the championship.”


Mnemonic: “Collaborate sounds like ‘collar-laborate,’ imagine people working together while wearing collars.”
Association: Think of a group of scientists collaborating in a lab, sharing ideas and discoveries.
Contextual Usage: “The artists collaborated on a mural, each adding their unique style to the painting.”


Mnemonic: “Concoct sounds like ‘cook,’ so think of creating a recipe by mixing ingredients.”
Association: Visualize a chef concocting a new dish in the kitchen, experimenting with flavors.
Contextual Usage: “The detective was able to concoct a clever plan to catch the thief.”


Mnemonic: “Commence sounds like ‘come in,’ imagine someone entering a room to start an event.”
Association: Picture a graduation ceremony commencing with students entering the stage.
Contextual Usage: “The concert will commence at 7 PM sharp.”


Mnemonic: “Delve sounds like ‘dive,’ so imagine diving deep into a subject or investigation.”
Association: Visualize a detective delving into a mysterious case, searching for clues.
Contextual Usage: “She decided to delve into the history of her family tree.”


Mnemonic: “Evaporate sounds like ‘evaporate,’ think of water disappearing into thin air.”
Association: Imagine a puddle evaporating under the hot sun, leaving behind only dry ground.
Contextual Usage: “The morning mist began to evaporate as the sun rose higher in the sky.”


Mnemonic: “Evade sounds like ‘avoid,’ imagine dodging or escaping from something.”
Association: Picture a spy evading capture by slipping through a crowd unnoticed.
Contextual Usage: “The suspect tried to evade arrest by fleeing the scene.”


Mnemonic: “Scrutinize sounds like ‘scrutiny,’ imagine closely examining something with a magnifying glass.”
Association: Visualize a teacher scrutinizing a student’s test paper, checking for mistakes.
Contextual Usage: “The detective scrutinized the evidence for any overlooked clues.”


Mnemonic: “Scuttle sounds like ‘scuttle,’ imagine a crab scuttling sideways across the sand.”
Association: Picture a ship scuttling across the ocean, moving quickly and erratically.
Contextual Usage: “The mouse scuttled across the kitchen floor, searching for food.”


Mnemonic: “Submerge sounds like ‘submarine,’ think of something sinking below the surface of the water.”
Association: Visualize a submarine submerging beneath the waves, disappearing from view.
Contextual Usage: “The diver decided to submerge himself underwater to explore the coral reef.”


Mnemonic: “Wince sounds like ‘win-s,’ imagine someone flinching or grimacing after losing.”
Association: Picture a person wincing in pain after stubbing their toe.
Contextual Usage: “She couldn’t help but wince when she heard the loud noise.”


Mnemonic: “Provoke sounds like ‘poke,’ imagine someone poking a bear and causing it to become angry.”
Association: Visualize a comedian provoking laughter from the audience with a witty joke.
Contextual Usage: “His rude comment provoked a heated argument.”

Weather (切り抜ける):

Mnemonic: “Weather sounds like ‘whether,’ imagine facing a storm and overcoming it.”
Association: Think of a ship weathering a storm at sea, navigating through rough waters.
Contextual Usage: “Despite facing many challenges, she was able to weather the difficulties and succeed.”


Interject (差し挟む):

Association: Imagine someone inserting a “ject” (like an object) between two people talking, interrupting the conversation.

Affix (貼り付ける):

Association: Visualize affixing a sticker to a surface, sticking it firmly in place.

Linger (滞在する):

Association: Picture a scent lingering in the air long after its source has disappeared.

Coax (誘う):

Association: Imagine coaxing a shy cat out from under the bed with gentle words and gestures.

Procure (手に入れる):

Association: Visualize someone procuring a rare item from a treasure chest, triumphantly holding it up.

Discern (識別する):

Association: Imagine using a magnifying glass to discern tiny details on a map.

Pawn (質に入れる):

Association: Picture someone pawning a valuable ring for quick cash at a pawnshop.

Denote (示す):

Association: Imagine a sign denoting the entrance to a museum, clearly indicating where to go.

Reclaim (取り戻す):

Association: Visualize reclaiming lost treasure from the depths of the ocean with a diving expedition.

Exemplify (例示する):

Association: Picture someone exemplifying good manners by holding the door open for others.

Recur (繰り返す):

Association: Imagine a pattern recurring in a kaleidoscope, creating a mesmerizing display.

Harness (利用する):

Association: Visualize harnessing the power of the wind with a windmill to generate electricity.

Reminisce (追憶する):

Association: Picture two old friends reminiscing about their childhood memories while looking at old photographs.

Permeate (浸透する):

Association: Imagine the aroma of freshly baked bread permeating through the house, filling every room.

Replenish (補充する):

Association: Visualize replenishing the water in a fish tank by pouring water from a jug.


Interject (挟む)Interject a comment: コメントを挟む
Interject during a conversation: 会話の最中に挟む
Affix (取り付ける)Affix a stamp: 切手を取り付ける
Affix a label: ラベルを取り付ける
Linger (滞在する)Linger in the memory: 記憶に滞在する
Linger over breakfast: 朝食をゆっくりと滞在する
Coax (説得する)Coax someone to come: 誰かを来るように説得する
Coax a cat out of hiding: 隠れている猫を説得して出てくるようにする
Procure (調達する)Procure necessary documents: 必要な書類を調達する
Procure rare ingredients: 珍しい食材を調達する
Discern (見分ける)Discern between right and wrong: 正しいことと間違ったことを見分ける
Discern subtle differences: 微妙な違いを見分ける
Pawn (質に取る)Pawn a valuable ring: 貴重な指輪を質に取る
Pawn off old belongings: 古い所有品を質に取る
Denote (示す)Denote a change in attitude: 思考の変化を示す
Denote a specific location: 特定の場所を示す
Reclaim (取り戻す)Reclaim lost time: 失われた時間を取り戻す
Reclaim unused land: 未使用の土地を取り戻す
Exemplify (例示する)Exemplify good behavior: 良い行動を例示する
Exemplify the importance of teamwork: チームワークの重要性を例示する
Recur (再発する)Recur throughout history: 歴史を通じて再発する
Recur in nightmares: 悪夢で再発する
Harness (利用する)Harness solar energy: 太陽エネルギーを利用する
Harness the power of technology: 技術の力を利用する
Reminisce (追憶する)Reminisce about childhood memories: 子供時代の思い出を追憶する
Reminisce with old friends: 古い友人と追憶する
Permeate (浸透する)Permeate the air with fragrance: 空気を香りで浸透させる
Permeate society with new ideas: 社会に新しい考え方を浸透させる
Replenish (補充する)Replenish energy levels: エネルギーレベルを補充する
Replenish stocks of food: 食料の在庫を補充する





As the deadline approached, Sarah began to agonize over her unfinished project. She knew she needed to amplify her efforts if she wanted to meet the deadline. Despite feeling overwhelmed, she decided to collaborate with her colleagues, hoping their combined efforts would help them succeed.

They commenced their work by delving into the details of the project, scrutinizing every aspect to ensure its success. Ideas were concocted and plans were made, each member contributing their expertise. Despite setbacks, they refused to wince and instead focused on overcoming obstacles.

Their determination only seemed to provoke the challenges further, but they refused to evade them. Instead, they confronted each obstacle head-on, finding ways to scuttle past them. With perseverance, they managed to weather the storm and emerge victorious.






agonize – ●●●
amplify – ●●●
bask – ●●●
collaborate – ●●●
concoct – ●●●
commence – ●●●
delve – ●●●
evaporate – ●●●
evade – ●●●
scrutinize – ●●●
scuttle – ●●●
submerge – ●●●
wince – ●●●
provoke – ●●●
weather – ●●●
go on a crime spree: ●●●
gain on: ●●●
go bananas: ●●●
get one’s bearings: ●●●
get one’s feet wet: ●●●


She ●●●d over the decision for hours.


The microphone ●●●ed her voice so everyone could hear.


He ●●●ed in the glory of his achievements.


They ●●●d on the project to ensure its success.


She ●●●ed a plan to surprise her friend on their birthday.


Let’s ●●● the meeting at 9 a.m.


He ●●●d into the ancient texts to uncover the truth.


The puddle will ●●● in the afternoon sun.


He tried to ●●● the question, but she persisted.


The detective ●●●d the evidence for any clues.


The mouse ●●●d across the floor and disappeared into a hole.


The submarine will ●●● beneath the surface.


He ●●●d in pain as the needle pricked his skin.


Her words ●●●d a heated argument among the group.


They managed to ●●● the financial crisis and emerge stronger.



The notorious gang ●●● on a crime spree, robbing several banks in the city.

Despite the lead, the pursuing car ●●●ed on the escaping vehicle.

The fans went ●●● when their team won the championship.

After wandering lost in the forest, he finally got his ●●● and found his way back to the campsite.

She decided to get her feet ●●● in the world of entrepreneurship by starting her own small business.






Mnemonic: Imagine a bomb-aard (aardvark) with a bomb strapped to its back, ready to explode.
Association: Bombard sounds like “bomb” which is associated with explosions and destruction.
Contextual Usage: The enemy’s air force launched a massive bombardment, raining bombs down on the city.


Mnemonic: Devastate sounds like “devour state.” Picture a state being devoured by a giant monster, leaving behind destruction.
Association: Devastate is associated with widespread destruction and ruin.
Contextual Usage: The earthquake devastated the coastal town, leaving buildings in ruins and residents homeless.


Mnemonic: Excel sounds like “egg-cell.” Imagine an egg-cell (egg cell) winning a gold medal for its outstanding performance.
Association: Excel is associated with achieving high levels of success or proficiency.
Contextual Usage: Sarah excels in mathematics, consistently earning top scores on her exams.


Mnemonic: Esteem sounds like “esteem,” which means to hold someone in high regard. Picture someone holding a trophy high in esteem.
Association: Esteem is associated with respect, admiration, and high regard.
Contextual Usage: She was held in high esteem by her colleagues for her integrity and professionalism.


Mnemonic: In-capacity-tate. Imagine someone putting a cap on your head, limiting your capacity and rendering you unable to act.
Association: Incapacitate means to render someone incapable of functioning normally.
Contextual Usage: The injury incapacitated him, leaving him unable to walk for several weeks.


Mnemonic: Subordinate sounds like “sub-ordinate.” Picture a subordinate (assistant) organizing files in a subterranean dungeon.
Association: Subordinate refers to someone in a lower position or rank.
Contextual Usage: As a manager, she delegates tasks to her subordinate staff members.


Mnemonic: Succumb sounds like “suck thumb.” Imagine someone sucking their thumb in defeat after succumbing to pressure.
Association: Succumb means to give in or yield to something overpowering.
Contextual Usage: Despite his best efforts, he succumbed to the temptation and indulged in unhealthy eating habits.


Mnemonic: Simulate sounds like “similar late.” Picture someone arriving late to work because they were simulating (practicing) for a similar scenario.
Association: Simulate means to imitate or replicate something.
Contextual Usage: The flight simulator allows pilots to simulate various flying conditions without leaving the ground.


Mnemonic: Overrun sounds like “over-run.” Imagine a stampede of animals overrunning a city, causing chaos.
Association: Overrun means to overwhelm or conquer by force.
Contextual Usage: The enemy forces quickly overrun the border, seizing control of strategic locations.


Mnemonic: Tally sounds like “tally.” Picture someone counting tally marks on a scoreboard to keep track of scores.
Association: Tally means to count or record.
Contextual Usage: At the end of the game, they tallied up the points to determine the winner.


Mnemonic: Tout sounds like “shout.” Imagine someone shouting to tout (promote) a product or service.
Association: Tout means to promote or praise enthusiastically.
Contextual Usage: The company touts its new product as the best on the market, boasting about its features.


Mnemonic: Teeter sounds like “teeter-totter.” Picture someone balancing precariously on a teeter-totter, on the verge of falling.
Association: Teeter means to wobble or sway unsteadily.
Contextual Usage: The vase teetered on the edge of the table before finally toppling over and shattering.


Mnemonic: Traverse sounds like “travel-verse.” Imagine exploring different verses or dimensions as you traverse through them.
Association: Traverse means to travel across or through.
Contextual Usage: The hikers traversed the rugged terrain, crossing rivers and scaling steep cliffs.


Mnemonic: Veer sounds like “steer.” Picture a driver suddenly steering their car to veer off the road.
Association: Veer means to change direction suddenly.
Contextual Usage: The cyclist had to veer sharply to avoid colliding with the pedestrian.


Mnemonic: Veto sounds like “veto.” Imagine someone wielding a large stamp labeled “veto” to reject a proposal.
Association: Veto means to reject or prohibit a decision or proposal.
Contextual Usage: The president exercised his veto power to reject the proposed legislation.


Agonize (苦悶する):

Amplify (増幅する):

Bask (日光浴する):

Collaborate (共同で働く):

Concoct (工夫して作り出す):

Commence (開始する):

Delve (探求する):

Evaporate (蒸発する):

Evade (回避する):

Scrutinize (詳細に調べる):

Scuttle (急いで動く):

Submerge (水中に沈む):

Wince (顔をしかめる):

Provoke (挑発する):

Weather (切り抜ける):

「go on a crime spree」(短時間で次々と犯罪を重ねる)

「gain on」(に追いつく)

「go bananas」(気が狂う)

「get one’s bearings」(自分の位置を把握する)

「get one’s feet wet」(手始めにやってみる)


agonize – 苦悩するagonize over: 苦悩する
agonize about: 〜について苦悩する
amplify – 強調するamplify a message: メッセージを強調する
amplify the sound: 音を増幅する
bask – 日光浴するbask in the sun: 太陽の光を浴びる
bask in glory: 栄光に浸る
collaborate – 協力するcollaborate on a project: プロジェクトに協力する
collaborate with colleagues: 同僚と協力する
concoct – 調合するconcoct a plan: 計画を練る
concoct a story: 話をでっち上げる
commence – 開始するcommence proceedings: 手続きを開始する
commence operations: 操作を開始する
delve – 探求するdelve into a topic: トピックを探求する
delve deep: 深く掘り下げる
evaporate – 蒸発するevaporate quickly: すぐに蒸発する
evaporate into thin air: 風のように消える
evade – 回避するevade responsibility: 責任を回避する
evade capture: 捕獲を回避する
scrutinize – 精査するscrutinize a document: 文書を精査する
scrutinize closely: 注意深く調べる
scuttle – 急いで移動するscuttle away: 急いで去る
scuttle plans: 計画を台無しにする
submerge – 沈めるsubmerge underwater: 水中に沈める
submerge feelings: 感情を押し殺す
wince – 顔をしかめるwince in pain: 痛みで顔をしかめる
wince at the thought: 思い出すと顔をしかめる
provoke – 刺激するprovoke a reaction: 反応を引き起こす
provoke anger: 怒りをかき立てる
weather – 切り抜けるweather a storm: 嵐を切り抜ける
weather difficulties: 困難を切り抜ける

