As the sun began its daily routine of exerting warmth upon the earth, the farmers emerged from their homes, ready to grapple with the challenges of another day. Some grumbled about the early hour, their voices barely audible over the chirping of the awakening birds. Others, with a sense of determination, garbled words of encouragement to one another, reminding themselves of the tasks that awaited.
In the fields, the farmers diced the vegetables with practiced hands, their movements swift and precise as they worked to meet the demands of the season. Each slice of the knife was a testament to their skill and dedication, a small act in the grand symphony of agriculture.
Meanwhile, in the sky above, flocks of birds darted and swooped, their synchronized movements a marvel to behold. They hovered momentarily over the fields, scanning for signs of insects or other prey, before darting off again in pursuit.
Amidst the flurry of activity, a lone butterfly danced among the blossoms, its delicate wings a flourish of color against the backdrop of greenery. It seemed to defy gravity as it flitted from flower to flower, a tiny beacon of beauty in an otherwise ordinary day.
As the hours passed, the sun continued its journey across the sky, casting long shadows that stretched across the fields like fingers reaching out to touch the earth. And still, the farmers toiled on, their efforts fueled by a sense of purpose and determination that refused to waver.
Eventually, as the day began to wane and the shadows grew longer, the farmers gathered their tools and made their way back to their homes. The tasks of the day were not yet complete, but for now, they could rest, knowing that they had done all they could to ensure the success of another day’s work.
exert – ●●●、発揮する
grapple – ●●●、格闘する
grumble – ●●●、文句を言う
garble – ●●●、言葉を乱す
dice – ●●●、さいたりする
dart – ●●●、突進する
hover – ●●●、さまよう
flourish – ●●●、華麗に動く
specify – ●●●、特定する
shatter – ●●●、打ち砕く
topple – ●●●
usher – ●●●、案内する
precede – ●●●、先行する
reside – ●●●、住む
withhold – ●●●、差し控える
get plum jobs: ●●●
get egg on one’s face: ●●●
glance off: ●●●
go bust: ●●●
He had to ●●● all his strength to lift the pancake that was as big as a house.
彼は家のように大きなパンケーキを持ち上げるために全力を 行使しなければならなかった。
The cat and the dog decided to ●●● over the last slice of pizza, but it turned into a dance-off.
猫と犬は最後のピザの一切れを 取り組む ことに決めたが、それはダンス対決に変わった。
The penguins began to ●●● because they didn’t want to wear tuxedos to the snowball fight.
ペンギンたちは雪玉投げにタキシードを着たくないので ぶつぶつ言い始めた。
When he tried to ●●● the secret message, he accidentally invented a new language.
彼が秘密のメッセージを 言葉を取り違えようとした とき、彼は新しい言語を発明してしまった。
She decided to ●●● the watermelon like a ninja, but ended up with a fruit salad that looked like abstract art.
彼女はスイカを忍者のように 切り刻む ことに決めたが、抽象画のようなフルーツサラダになってしまった。
The squirrel tried to ●●● across the highway, but ended up joining a circus and performing acrobatics.
リスは高速道路を 駆け抜けようとした が、サーカスに参加してアクロバットをすることになった。
The UFO seemed to ●●● above the bakery, probably trying to steal some fresh donuts.
UFOはパン屋の上で 浮遊している ように見えた、おそらく新鮮なドーナツを盗もうとしていた。
He gave a dramatic ●●● with his cape before stepping into the grocery store to buy bananas.
彼はバナナを買いに食料品店に入る前にケープを大げさに 振りかざした。
The wizard forgot to ●●● which dragon he wanted to ride, so he ended up on a dragon that looked like a giant pineapple.
魔法使いはどのドラゴンに乗りたいかを 指定し忘れた ので、巨大なパイナップルのようなドラゴンに乗ることになった。
The mirror didn’t just break; it ●●●ed into a thousand tiny pieces that formed a new galaxy.
鏡はただ割れたのではなく、千の小さな破片に 粉々になり それが新しい銀河を形成した。
The giraffe tried to ●●● the enormous stack of pancakes, but accidentally started a pancake avalanche.
キリンは巨大なパンケーキの山を 倒そうとした が、間違えてパンケーキの雪崩を起こした。
The unicorn came to ●●● in the new era, but got distracted by the glittery clouds.
ユニコーンは新しい時代を 案内しに来た が、きらめく雲に気を取られてしまった。
A parade of dancing flamingos will ●●● the launch of the giant rubber duck into the lake.
踊るフラミンゴのパレードが巨大なゴム製のアヒルが湖に放たれる前に 先行する。
In the magical forest, fairies ●●● inside the trees, and sometimes they swap places with squirrels.
魔法の森では、妖精たちが木の中に 住んでおり、時々リスと場所を交換する。
The wizard decided to ●●● the secret to flying, but accidentally gave it to the pizza delivery guy instead.
魔法使いは飛ぶ方法を 差し控える ことに決めたが、代わりにピザ配達員にそれを教えてしまった。
After years of training, the penguin finally got a ●●● job as the CEO of the Ice Cream Factory.
The wizard tried to cast a spell to turn his hat into a rabbit, but he got ●●● on his face when it turned into a giant chicken instead.
The superhero’s laser beam ●●●d off the villain’s shiny suit, creating a spectacular light show that blinded everyone at the party.
The giant donut shop went ●●● when the donuts started flying off the shelves and causing a massive donut tornado in the city.