



①Short Speech


③Grammar and Vocabulary



Agree or disagree: Cultural diversity enhances societal resilience and creativity.


I agree that cultural diversity enhances societal resilience and creativity.

Firstly, cultural diversity brings a wide range of perspectives and experiences, which fosters innovation and creative problem-solving. Diverse teams can approach challenges from multiple angles, leading to more robust and inventive solutions.

Secondly, cultural diversity strengthens societal resilience by promoting adaptability. Exposure to different cultures encourages open-mindedness and flexibility, helping societies to better navigate and thrive amid changes and crises.

Thus, the infusion of diverse cultural backgrounds contributes significantly to a society’s creative and resilient capabilities.


Explore the importance of cultural diversity in fostering innovation and societal progress.


Cultural diversity is crucial in fostering innovation and societal progress.

Firstly, it brings together varied perspectives and problem-solving approaches, sparking creativity and leading to novel solutions. This diversity of thought is essential for innovation, as it allows for the cross-pollination of ideas and techniques from different cultural backgrounds.

Secondly, cultural diversity enhances societal progress by promoting inclusivity and understanding. It encourages collaboration and learning among different groups, which helps to break down barriers and drive social and economic advancements.

Therefore, embracing cultural diversity is key to driving both innovation and societal progress.









Sarah Thompson sat at her desk in the office, surrounded by the quiet hum of computers and the soft rustling of papers. Her job required her to maintain an accurate balance in all financial accounts, ensuring that every transaction met the strictest criterion for accuracy and legality. She conducted herself with the utmost decorum, her professional behavior setting the standard for her colleagues. Her dexterity with numbers was unmatched, allowing her to navigate complex spreadsheets with ease.

However, Sarah was aware of the duplicity that sometimes lurked in the financial world, and she remained vigilant against any fraudulent activities. Despite the seriousness of her work, she often brought an ebullience to the office, her enthusiasm lifting the spirits of those around her. The exhilaration she felt when uncovering a significant financial trend was palpable, driving her dedication to her role.

Every month, she meticulously tracked the expenditure of the company, ensuring that all spending was accounted for. Her fidelity to her job was evident in the late hours she spent at the office, going over every detail with care. While some of her peers succumbed to indolence, Sarah’s industrious nature set her apart.

On occasion, she faced the consequences of indiscretion, learning from mistakes and becoming more cautious in her dealings. She understood the importance of paying a premium for quality services and always ensured that the company’s investments were wise. The proceeds from these investments often funded new projects, boosting the company’s utility and overall performance.

Sarah used a variety of yardsticks to measure success, constantly evaluating and refining her methods. Her ability to adapt and improve made her an invaluable asset to the firm. As the sun set and the office began to empty, Sarah remained at her desk, committed to her work, driven by the knowledge that her efforts contributed significantly to the company’s success.








balance (●●●)
criterion (●●●)
decorum (●●●)
dexterity (●●●)
duplicity (●●●)
ebullience (●●●)
exhilaration (●●●)
expenditure (●●●)
fidelity (●●●)
indolence (●●●)
indiscretion (●●●)
premium (●●●)
proceeds (●●●)
utility (●●●)
yardstick (●●●)
level with: ●●●
level off: ●●●
let down: ●●●
lay bare the Achilles heel: ●●●


“After buying a pet llama, my bank ●●● went down to just a single dollar!”

“The main ●●● for joining the secret dance club is knowing how to moonwalk on roller skates.”

“He tried to maintain ●●● during the fancy dinner but accidentally launched a meatball across the room.”

“Her ●●● in juggling flaming torches was impressive, but her cat wasn’t a fan.”

“His ●●● was revealed when he was caught pretending to be both the king’s advisor and the court jester.”

“Her ●●● was contagious, making everyone in the room want to dance on the tables.”

“The ●●● of riding a roller coaster in the dark was matched only by the terror of dropping his phone mid-ride.”

“The lion costume was an unexpected ●●● for his job interview, but it certainly made an impression.”

“His ●●● to his pet goldfish was so strong that he threw it a birthday party every year.”

“His ●●● reached a new level when he invented a machine to brush his teeth for him.”

“One ●●● at the royal banquet, and now he’s banned from using silverware.”

“She paid a ●●● for the haunted hotel room, hoping for at least one friendly ghost.”

“The ●●● from his banana juggling act went to a charity that teaches monkeys to read.”

“His ●●● bill skyrocketed after he installed a disco ball and strobe lights in his living room.”

“Her ●●● for a good vacation was simple: at least three wild animal encounters and a coconut.”


“I had to ●●● with my cat and admit that I accidentally ate all her treats last night.”

“After hours of climbing the mountain, we were thrilled to finally reach a point where the trail started to ●●● off.”

“He didn’t mean to ●●● down his team, but his banana-peel juggling skills just weren’t up to par in the talent show.”

“The detective skillfully laid bare the ●●● heel of the master thief: his inability to resist donuts.”





Mnemonic Device: Think of “lure” as something that attracts or tempts.
Association: Picture a shiny fishing lure attracting fish.
Context: “The allure of the mysterious island drew the adventurers closer.”


Mnemonic Device: “Agile” sounds like “a gel” which moves smoothly and quickly.
Association: Imagine a gymnast moving with grace and speed.
Context: “The cat’s agility allowed it to leap from fence to fence effortlessly.”


Mnemonic Device: “Advent” sounds like “adventure” which marks a beginning.
Association: Think of the advent calendar marking the days until Christmas.
Context: “The advent of spring brings new life and blooming flowers.”


Mnemonic Device: “Con-viva” can be broken down into “with life.”
Association: Envision a lively party with friends and laughter.
Context: “The conviviality of the festival made everyone feel welcome and joyful.”


Mnemonic Device: “Can-door” – imagine a door that is always open, representing openness and honesty.
Association: Picture someone opening a door to share their honest opinion.
Context: “Her candor in the meeting was refreshing and helped solve the issue.”


Mnemonic Device: “Diver-sion” – think of divers taking a different path underwater.
Association: Imagine a road sign indicating a detour to avoid traffic.
Context: “The magician’s clever diversion kept the audience’s eyes off the trick.”


Mnemonic Device: “Dissert-ation” sounds like “desert station,” a place where you pause and write.
Association: Visualize a student in a library, surrounded by books, working on their dissertation.
Context: “She spent years researching and writing her dissertation on climate change.”


Mnemonic Device: “Dis-course” – think of a course of conversation or a “discussion course.”
Association: Picture two scholars engaged in a deep and meaningful conversation.
Context: “The academic discourse at the conference was both enlightening and engaging.”


Mnemonic Device: “De-tour” – think of taking a tour away from your main route.
Association: Imagine a sign directing you to take a different path on your journey.
Context: “Due to road construction, we had to take a detour through the countryside.”


Mnemonic Device: “Elo-cu-tion” sounds like “eloquent action.”
Association: Picture a skilled orator delivering a speech with clear and expressive language.
Context: “Her elocution during the presentation captivated the audience.”


Mnemonic Device: “Eminence” sounds like “eminently noticeable” or important.
Association: Think of a towering mountain peak standing out prominently.
Context: “The professor’s eminence in the field of physics is well recognized.”


Mnemonic Device: “Inception” sounds like “initial step” or beginning.
Association: Imagine the first seedling sprouting from the ground, marking the start of growth.
Context: “The company’s inception in 1990 marked the beginning of a tech revolution.”


Mnemonic Device: “Prest-ige” sounds like “prestigious” or high status.
Association: Visualize an award ceremony where someone receives a prestigious honor.
Context: “The university’s prestige attracted students from all over the world.”


Mnemonic Device: “The-sis” – think of “the-sis” statement or main idea.
Association: Picture a student presenting their thesis with confidence.
Context: “His thesis on renewable energy solutions was groundbreaking.”


Mnemonic Device: “Zeal” sounds like “seal” of passion and enthusiasm.
Association: Imagine someone passionately sealing a letter with enthusiasm and dedication.
Context: “Her zeal for volunteer work inspired many in the community.”


balance (残高)

意味: 資産と負債の差し引き残りの額。
連想法: 「バランス」という音から「天秤」(てんびん)を連想する。天秤が均衡(きんこう)を保つ様子を思い浮かべる。

criterion (基準)

意味: 判断や評価のための基準。
連想法: 「クライテリオン」という音から「クリティカルな基準」(重要な基準)を連想する。

decorum (礼儀)

意味: 礼儀正しい行動や態度。
連想法: 「デコラム」という音から「デコレーション」(飾り)を連想し、場にふさわしい飾り(礼儀)を思い浮かべる。

dexterity (器用さ)

意味: 手先の器用さや巧妙さ。
連想法: 「デクステリティ」という音から「テクス」(技術)を連想する。器用な技術を思い浮かべる。

duplicity (二重性/欺瞞)

意味: 誠実さを装いながら裏で欺くこと。
連想法: 「デュプリシティ」という音から「デュプリケート」(複製)を連想し、二重の意味である欺瞞(ぎまん)を思い浮かべる。

ebullience (活気/熱意)

意味: 熱意や活気があふれる状態。
連想法: 「エビュリエンス」という音から「エネルギー」を連想し、活気あふれる様子を思い浮かべる。

exhilaration (興奮/歓喜)

意味: 大きな喜びや興奮の状態。
連想法: 「エクシラレーション」という音から「エキサイティング」(興奮)を連想し、わくわくする感情を思い浮かべる。

expenditure (支出)

意味: お金や資源の使い方、支出。
連想法: 「エクスペンディチャー」という音から「エクスペンス」(費用)を連想し、支出を思い浮かべる。

fidelity (忠誠心)

意味: 忠実であること。
連想法: 「フィデリティ」という音から「フィデ」(信頼)を連想し、忠誠心を思い浮かべる。

indolence (怠惰)

意味: 怠けている状態、無精。
連想法: 「インドレンス」という音から「インドア」(室内)を連想し、怠惰な様子を思い浮かべる。

indiscretion (軽率)

意味: 無分別な行動や発言。
連想法: 「インディスクリション」という音から「ディスクリート」(慎重)を連想し、その反対の軽率さを思い浮かべる。

premium (プレミアム/特別料金)

意味: 高品質なものやサービスに対する追加料金。
連想法: 「プレミアム」という音から「特別な価値」を連想する。

proceeds (収益)

意味: 何かを販売したり、イベントから得られる収益。
連想法: 「プロシーズ」という音から「プロフィット」(利益)を連想し、収益を思い浮かべる。

utility (実用性)

意味: 実用的な価値や役立つこと。
連想法: 「ユーティリティ」という音から「ユース」(使う)を連想し、実用性を思い浮かべる。

yardstick (基準)

意味: 測定や評価のための基準。
連想法: 「ヤードスティック」という音から「ヤード」(距離単位)と「スティック」(棒)を連想し、基準を思い浮かべる。

level with: に対して素直に言う

連想法: 「レベル」という音から「水平」(すいへい)を連想する。水平はまっすぐであり、真実を伝えることを表す。

level off: 横ばいになる

連想法: 「レベルオフ」という音から「水平になる」を連想する。物事が一定の高さで安定することを表す。

let down: を失望させる

連想法: 「レットダウン」という音から「落とす」を連想する。高い期待から低く落とされることを表す。

lay bare the Achilles heel: 弱点をつく

連想法: 「レイベア」という音から「露出」を連想し、「アキレスのかかと」という音から「弱点」を連想する。隠れていた弱点を明らかにすることを表す。


balance (残高)Account balance (口座残高)
Balance sheet (貸借対照表)
Balance of payments (国際収支)
Strike a balance (バランスを取る)
criterion (基準)Evaluation criterion (評価基準)
Selection criterion (選択基準)
Criteria for success (成功の基準)
Meet the criteria (基準を満たす)
decorum (礼儀)Maintain decorum (礼儀を保つ)
Sense of decorum (礼儀感覚)
Public decorum (公共の礼儀)
Show decorum (礼儀を示す)
dexterity (器用さ)Manual dexterity (手先の器用さ)
Mental dexterity (頭の回転の速さ)
Show dexterity (器用さを見せる)
Develop dexterity (器用さを養う)
duplicity (二重性/欺瞞)Act of duplicity (欺瞞行為)
Political duplicity (政治的欺瞞)
Duplicity in relationships (関係における欺瞞)
Accused of duplicity (欺瞞で非難される)
ebullience (活気/熱意)Ebullience of youth (若者の活気)
Natural ebullience (生まれつきの活気)
Ebullience of spirit (精神の活気)
Show ebullience (活気を見せる)
exhilaration (興奮/歓喜)Sense of exhilaration (興奮感)
Feeling of exhilaration (歓喜の感情)
Exhilaration of victory (勝利の興奮)
Pure exhilaration (純粋な歓喜)
expenditure (支出)Government expenditure (政府支出)
Annual expenditure (年間支出)
Cut expenditure (支出を削減する)
Increase in expenditure (支出の増加)
fidelity (忠誠心)Marital fidelity (結婚の忠誠心)
Fidelity to principles (原則への忠誠)
Loyalty and fidelity (忠誠心)
Test of fidelity (忠誠心の試練)
indolence (怠惰)Habitual indolence (習慣的な怠惰)
State of indolence (怠惰な状態)
Overcome indolence (怠惰を克服する)
Indolence and laziness (怠惰と怠慢)
indiscretion (軽率)Moment of indiscretion (軽率な瞬間)
Youthful indiscretion (若気の至り)
Act of indiscretion (軽率な行為)
Pay for indiscretion (軽率の代償を払う)
premium (プレミアム/特別料金)Insurance premium (保険料)
Premium service (プレミアムサービス)
High premium (高いプレミアム)
Pay a premium (プレミアムを支払う)
proceeds (収益)Sale proceeds (販売収益)
All proceeds (全収益)
Proceeds from the event (イベントからの収益)
Donate proceeds (収益を寄付する)
utility (実用性)Public utility (公共施設)
Utility bill (公共料金の請求書)
Practical utility (実用性)
Utility company (公共事業会社)
yardstick (基準)Standard yardstick (標準的な基準)
Performance yardstick (業績基準)
Use as a yardstick (基準として使う)
Measuring yardstick (測定基準)





The allure of the city was undeniable, with its bright lights and bustling streets. This metropolis was not just a place of work and residence, but a hub of agility and innovation, where the advent of new technologies was celebrated daily. Among the many aspects of city life, conviviality stood out, as people gathered in parks and cafes, sharing moments of joy and candor.

One of the greatest diversions in the city was its cultural scene. From theaters to galleries, there was always something to engage the mind and spirit. Students from the local university often discussed their dissertations and theses over coffee, delving into academic discourse with enthusiasm and zeal. It was not uncommon to take a detour from one’s usual route to explore a new exhibit or lecture.

Public speakers often demonstrated their elocution skills at various events, capturing the attention of audiences with their eloquence. The city’s eminence in art and culture was renowned, attracting visitors from all over the world. The inception of many groundbreaking ideas could be traced back to the collaborative spirit found here.

The prestige associated with the city’s institutions added to its allure, making it a magnet for intellectuals and creatives alike. Those who came to study or work here were often driven by a profound zeal to excel and contribute to their fields.

At the end of the day, one couldn’t help but feel a sense of fulfillment and inspiration from being part of such a vibrant community. The city’s energy was contagious, and the possibilities it offered were endless.








Allure – ●●●
Agility – ●●●
Advent – ●●●
Conviviality – ●●●
Candor – ●●●
Diversion – ●●●
Dissertation – ●●●
Discourse – ●●●
Detour – ●●●
Elocution – ●●●
Eminence – ●●●
Inception – ●●●
Prestige – ●●●
Thesis – ●●●
Zeal – ●●●
lean on: ●●●
lag behind: ●●●
lash out at: ●●●
love handles: ●●●
lop off: ●●●


“The ●●● of a pizza-scented candle was too strong, so he bought one for every room in his house.”

“Her ●●● was so impressive that she could dodge raindrops while walking to work.”

“With the ●●● of self-stirring spoons, he finally gave up on using his hands for anything.”

“The ●●● of his parrot was contagious, and soon the whole room was singing sea shanties.”

“With surprising ●●●, she admitted that her secret hobby was knitting sweaters for pineapples.”

“His favorite ●●● was dressing his dog in superhero costumes and narrating imaginary battles.”

“Her ●●● on ‘The Psychology of Cows in Large Hats’ was well-received in academic circles.”

“During the ●●● on ‘The Art of Sneezing Quietly,’ he realized he’d never mastered the skill.”

“What started as a ●●● turned into an unexpected adventure involving a llama and a hot air balloon.”

“His ●●● was so elegant that even his order at the drive-thru sounded like poetry.”

“The ●●● of the world’s first ferret astronaut brought fame to the entire ferret community.”

“The ●●● of his career as a professional bubble-wrap popper was met with applause from all.”

“He enjoyed the ●●● of being the only person in town who could juggle flaming pineapples.”

“Her ●●● on ‘The Cultural Impact of Talking Parrots in History’ earned her an award.”

“His ●●● for collecting novelty socks knew no bounds; he even had a pair that glowed in the dark.”


“The detective had to ●●● on the suspect until he admitted to eating the mayor’s secret stash of donuts.”

“No matter how hard he tried, his pet turtle always seemed to ●●● behind during their morning jogs.”

“During the debate, she ●●●ed out at her opponent for daring to claim that pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza.”

“He decided to embrace his ●●● handles and named them Larry and Barry.”

“In a fit of creativity, he decided to ●●● off the sleeves of his tuxedo, creating a unique ‘formal tank top’ style.”





Aptitude (才能、適性)

Mnemonic: Think of “Apt to learn,” which suggests natural talent or ability.
Association: Imagine a student with an “aptitude” for math solving problems effortlessly.
Contextual Usage: Her aptitude for languages was evident when she fluently spoke five different ones.

Caliber (能力、品質)

Mnemonic: “Caliber” sounds like “caliber” in guns, which indicates the quality or level of something.
Association: Picture a high-caliber athlete performing at an Olympic level.
Contextual Usage: The caliber of his work is unmatched in the industry.

Counterpart (対応するもの)

Mnemonic: “Counter” + “part” means a part that counters or matches another.
Association: Visualize a mirror image, each being the other’s counterpart.
Contextual Usage: She met with her counterpart from the other company to finalize the deal.

Delusion (妄想)

Mnemonic: “Delusion” has “illusion” in it, hinting at a false belief.
Association: Think of someone seeing a mirage in the desert, a delusion of water.
Contextual Usage: His belief that he could fly was a dangerous delusion.

Demeanor (態度、ふるまい)

Mnemonic: “Demeanor” sounds like “demean,” hinting at how one conducts themselves.
Association: Picture someone with a calm demeanor, always smiling and polite.
Contextual Usage: Her demeanor was professional and courteous during the interview.

Deprivation (欠乏、剥奪)

Mnemonic: “Deprivation” includes “deprive,” indicating lack.
Association: Imagine a desert island with food and water deprivation.
Contextual Usage: Sleep deprivation can severely affect mental health.

Dissolution (解消、崩壊)

Mnemonic: “Dissolution” sounds like “dissolve,” which means to break apart.
Association: Visualize sugar dissolving in water, symbolizing breakup or end.
Contextual Usage: The dissolution of the partnership was unexpected.

Disgust (嫌悪)

Mnemonic: “Disgust” sounds like “disgusting,” evoking strong aversion.
Association: Picture a person reacting to a foul smell with clear disgust.
Contextual Usage: She felt disgust at the sight of the spoiled food.

Disposal (処分、処理)

Mnemonic: “Disposal” contains “dispose,” meaning to get rid of.
Association: Think of a trash can as the place for disposal of waste.
Contextual Usage: The disposal of hazardous materials must be handled carefully.

Deference (敬意、服従)

Mnemonic: “Deference” sounds like “defer,” which means to yield or show respect.
Association: Imagine bowing deeply in deference to a respected elder.
Contextual Usage: In deference to his wishes, we postponed the meeting.

Hypnosis (催眠術)

Mnemonic: “Hypnosis” starts with “hypno,” like in “hypnotize,” indicating a trance state.
Association: Picture a swinging pocket watch used in hypnosis.
Contextual Usage: The therapist used hypnosis to help him quit smoking.

Limb (手足)

Mnemonic: “Limb” sounds like “limber,” indicating flexible body parts like arms and legs.
Association: Visualize a tree with branches (limbs) extending outward.
Contextual Usage: He injured a limb while climbing the mountain.

Prodigy (神童)

Mnemonic: “Prodigy” sounds like “prodigious,” meaning remarkably talented.
Association: Think of a child piano prodigy performing complex pieces effortlessly.
Contextual Usage: The young chess prodigy defeated the grandmaster.

Posture (姿勢)

Mnemonic: “Posture” sounds like “position,” hinting at how one stands or sits.
Association: Picture a ballerina with perfect posture.
Contextual Usage: Good posture is essential for a healthy back.

Prudence (慎重)

Mnemonic: “Prudence” sounds like “prudent,” meaning careful or wise.
Association: Imagine a cautious person carefully planning their steps.
Contextual Usage: Financial prudence is crucial for long-term stability.
































Lean on(に圧力をかける)

連想法:「Lean on」は「寄りかかる」という意味もありますが、ここでは「圧力をかける」を意味します。大きな人が小さな人に寄りかかって圧力をかけている様子を想像してください。

Lag behind(に後れをとる)

連想法:「Lag behind」は「後れをとる」という意味です。競争で他の選手から遅れて走っている様子を想像してください。

Lash out at(を痛烈に非難する)

連想法:「Lash out at」は「痛烈に非難する」を意味します。ムチで誰かを激しく打つ様子を思い浮かべてください。そのムチが言葉であると考えてください。

Love handles(脇腹についた贅肉)

連想法:「Love handles」は「愛の取っ手」という直訳ができますが、実際には「脇腹についた贅肉」を指します。脇腹に取っ手のように見える贅肉がある様子を思い浮かべてください。

Lop off(を切り取る)

連想法:「Lop off」は「切り取る」という意味です。枝をハサミで切り落としている様子を想像してください。


Allure(魅力)Natural allure(自然の魅力)
Sexual allure(性的魅力)
Mysterious allure(神秘的な魅力)
Agility(機敏さ)Mental agility(精神的機敏さ)
Physical agility(身体的機敏さ)
Agility training(機敏さの訓練)
Advent(到来)Advent of technology(技術の到来)
Advent of a new era(新時代の到来)
Advent season(降臨節、アドベントの季節)
Conviviality(陽気さ)Sense of conviviality(陽気さの感覚)
Spirit of conviviality(陽気な精神)
Atmosphere of conviviality(陽気な雰囲気)
Candor(率直さ)Brutal candor(厳しい率直さ)
Refreshing candor(さわやかな率直さ)
Candor in communication(コミュニケーションの中の率直さ)
Diversion(気晴らし)Brief diversion(短い気晴らし)
Amusement park diversion(遊園地での気晴らし)
Diversion from stress(ストレスからの気晴らし)
Dissertation(論文)Doctoral dissertation(博士論文)
Lengthy dissertation(長い論文)
Dissertation defense(論文の弁護)
Discourse(談話)Public discourse(公共の談話)
Academic discourse(学術的談話)
Political discourse(政治的談話)
Detour(迂回)Traffic detour(交通の迂回)
Long detour(長い迂回)
Unexpected detour(予期せぬ迂回)
Elocution(雄弁術)Elocution lessons(雄弁術のレッスン)
Master of elocution(雄弁術の達人)
Elocution skills(雄弁術のスキル)
Eminence(卓越)Social eminence(社会的卓越)
Eminence in science(科学における卓越)
Achieve eminence(卓越を達成する)
Inception(開始)Project inception(プロジェクトの開始)
Since inception(開始以来)
Inception phase(開始段階)
Prestige(名声)Global prestige(世界的名声)
High prestige(高い名声)
Gain prestige(名声を得る)
Thesis(論文)Master’s thesis(修士論文)
Thesis statement(論文の主張)
Write a thesis(論文を書く)
Zeal(熱意)Great zeal(大きな熱意)
Religious zeal(宗教的熱意)
Zeal for learning(学習への熱意)



英検1級エクセレントコース:第十九週金曜日 ライティングその10



①Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
②Give three reasons to support your answer.
③Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
④Suggested length: 200-240 words


Should there be international standards for the ethical use of biometric data? (Agree or Disagree)



The rapid advancement of biometric technologies, such as facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, and iris recognition, necessitates a robust framework for their ethical use. Given the global nature of data and technology, establishing international standards for the ethical use of biometric data is crucial. Three compelling reasons support this stance: the protection of individual privacy, the prevention of misuse and abuse, and the promotion of global trust and cooperation.

Main Body:(3つ)

Main Body:
First and foremost, international standards are essential for protecting individual privacy. Biometric data is highly sensitive and personal, making it critical to ensure that it is collected, stored, and used with stringent safeguards. Without unified guidelines, the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access increases, potentially leading to identity theft and other privacy violations. International standards can provide a consistent approach to privacy protection, ensuring that individuals’ rights are upheld regardless of where they are in the world.

Secondly, the prevention of misuse and abuse of biometric data is another significant reason for establishing international standards. Biometric technologies, if left unchecked, can be exploited for surveillance, discrimination, and social control. For instance, governments or corporations could use facial recognition to track individuals without their consent, leading to potential human rights abuses. International ethical standards can set clear boundaries on how biometric data should and should not be used, thereby mitigating the risks of misuse.

Lastly, promoting global trust and cooperation is essential in an interconnected world. International standards for biometric data can foster trust among nations, organizations, and individuals by ensuring that data handling practices are transparent and consistent. This can enhance international collaboration on security, trade, and technological innovation, as countries and companies can be confident that their biometric data will be treated ethically and securely.


In conclusion, establishing international standards for the ethical use of biometric data is imperative for protecting privacy, preventing misuse, and fostering global trust. As biometric technologies continue to evolve, a unified ethical framework will ensure that these advancements benefit society while safeguarding fundamental human rights.



①The protection of individual privacy

International standards can provide a consistent approach to privacy protection, ensuring that individuals’ rights are upheld regardless of where they are in the world.

②The prevention of misuse and abuse

International ethical standards can set clear boundaries on how biometric data should and should not be used, thereby mitigating the risks of misuse.

③The promotion of global trust and cooperation

International standards for biometric data can foster trust among nations, organizations, and individuals by ensuring that data handling practices are transparent and consistent.






In the serene gardens of the old estate, a young boy with exceptional aptitude often spent his afternoons reading and exploring. His caliber in academics was unmatched, much to the delight of his parents. His counterpart, a girl from the neighboring estate, was equally brilliant, and together they deluded themselves into believing they could solve any mystery. Their demeanor was always respectful, and they never showed signs of arrogance.

One day, they discovered a hidden room in the manor, filled with relics from the past. The room’s eerie atmosphere almost seemed to hypnotize them. Amidst the artifacts, they found evidence of the estate’s history of deprivation and dissolution during the war. The boy, feeling a deep sense of disgust, vowed to restore the family’s honor.

After careful disposal of the room’s dangerous items, they proceeded with deference to their ancestors. They consulted an old book on hypnosis, hoping to unlock more secrets of the estate. However, their efforts seemed in vain until one day, the boy’s limb brushed against a concealed switch, revealing a hidden compartment.

Inside was a letter from a prodigy of the family, whose prudent actions had saved many during the estate’s troubled times. Inspired, the boy and his counterpart adopted a posture of respect and humility, realizing the importance of prudence in their quest.







Aptitude (●●●)

Caliber (●●●)

Counterpart (●●●)

Delusion (●●●)

Demeanor (●●●)

Deprivation (●●●)

Dissolution (●●●)

Disgust (●●●)

Disposal (●●●)

Deference (●●●)

Hypnosis (●●●)

Limb (●●●)

Prodigy (●●●)

Posture (●●●)

Prudence (●●●)

launch into: ●●●

like gold dust: ●●●

leaf through: ●●●

loose cannon: ●●●

lay it on thick: ●●●


“Her ●●● for juggling flaming marshmallows impressed even the most seasoned circus performers.”

“He claimed his cat had the ●●● of a world-class pianist, despite only ever playing with shoelaces.”

“The raccoon declared itself the nighttime ●●● of the town’s famous squirrel mascot.”

“Under the ●●● that he was a superhero, he attempted to stop a speeding bicycle with his bare hands.”

“Despite her calm ●●●, she secretly planned to prank her entire office with whoopee cushions.”

“After three hours without his phone, he felt the ●●● of memes and cat videos taking its toll.”

“The ●●● of the Cheese Tasting Club came as a shock, leaving members with an endless supply of Gouda.”

“He couldn’t hide his ●●● when he saw pineapple on a hot dog, calling it an ‘abomination to condiments.'”

“With 500 rubber ducks at her ●●●, she filled her entire bathtub for the ultimate bubble bath.”

“Out of ●●● to her grandmother’s love for disco, she learned all the moves to ‘Stayin’ Alive.'”

“Under ●●●, he revealed his lifelong ambition to open a bakery that sells only square donuts.”

“With his cardboard wings attached to every ●●●, he was ready to fly—straight into his living room wall.”

“The 6-year-old chess ●●● shocked everyone by challenging the mayor to a game—using only gummy bears as pieces.”

“His ●●● was so rigid that friends joked he looked like a traffic cone at all times.”

“With great ●●●, she measured each grain of salt, convinced it would change the outcome of her soup.”


“As soon as the pizza arrived, he ●●●ed into a passionate speech about the superiority of pineapple toppings.”

“In his house, snacks were like ●●● dust—he kept them hidden in a safe, guarded by his pet parrot.”

“She spent hours ●●●ing through a 1000-page book on ‘The History of Spoons,’ but only because she lost her remote.”

“Ever since he brought a rubber chicken to the board meeting, people have started calling him the office’s ●●● cannon.”

“When he described his paper cut as ‘a near-death experience,’ everyone knew he was laying it on ●●●.”




Autopsy (examination of a dead body to determine cause of death)
Mnemonic: “Auto” sounds like “car” – think of examining a car to find out why it stopped working.
Association: Picture a doctor examining a car engine as if it were a body.
Context: “The detective ordered an autopsy to determine the cause of death.”

Adherent (a follower or supporter)
Mnemonic: “Adhere” means to stick – adherents stick to their leader.
Association: Think of sticky notes on a board, each one representing a loyal follower.
Context: “The leader’s adherents were fiercely loyal.”

Coma (a state of deep unconsciousness)
Mnemonic: “Coma” sounds like “comma” – a pause in a sentence, a coma is a pause in consciousness.
Association: Visualize a person lying still with a giant comma floating above them.
Context: “The patient fell into a coma after the accident.”

Fugitive (someone running away to avoid being captured)
Mnemonic: “Fugitive” contains “fugue” – a piece of music that “runs” through various themes.
Association: Imagine a person running through different landscapes like musical themes.
Context: “The fugitive was on the run for several months.”

Epicenter (the central point of something, especially an earthquake)
Mnemonic: “Epic” means grand or central – the epicenter is the grand central point.
Association: Think of an epic movie with a dramatic central explosion.
Context: “The earthquake’s epicenter was located in the downtown area.”

Incubator (an apparatus used to hatch eggs or grow microorganisms)
Mnemonic: “Incubate” means to develop – an incubator helps things grow.
Association: Picture baby chicks hatching in a warm, cozy machine.
Context: “The incubator kept the premature babies warm.”

Mentor (an experienced advisor)
Mnemonic: “Mentor” sounds like “mental” – a mentor helps shape your mind.
Association: Think of a wise old owl advising a young owl.
Context: “Her mentor provided invaluable guidance throughout her career.”

Novice (a beginner)
Mnemonic: “Novice” contains “novel” – a novel experience is new and unfamiliar.
Association: Imagine a novice writer starting their first novel.
Context: “As a novice, he had a lot to learn about the sport.”

Microbe (a tiny organism)
Mnemonic: “Micro” means small – microbes are very small organisms.
Association: Visualize a tiny microbe holding a “micro” phone.
Context: “The scientist studied the microbe under a microscope.”

Peer (someone of equal standing)
Mnemonic: “Peer” sounds like “pier” – standing equally at the same pier.
Association: Picture two people standing side by side on a pier.
Context: “He was respected by his peers in the industry.”

Paralysis (loss of the ability to move)
Mnemonic: “Paralysis” sounds like “paralyze” – to make immobile.
Association: Think of a statue completely still, unable to move.
Context: “The injury resulted in partial paralysis of his legs.”

Parasite (an organism that lives off another)
Mnemonic: “Para” means beside – a parasite lives beside or on another.
Association: Picture a small creature hitching a ride on a larger one.
Context: “The parasite extracted nutrients from its host.”

Recluse (a person who lives in solitude)
Mnemonic: “Recluse” sounds like “recluse spider” – a spider hiding alone.
Association: Visualize a person living alone in a house surrounded by webs.
Context: “The author was a recluse who rarely left his home.”

Surrogate (a substitute)
Mnemonic: “Surrogate” contains “gate” – a gate standing in place of a wall.
Association: Think of a surrogate mother carrying a baby for someone else.
Context: “She became a surrogate for a couple unable to have children.”

Throng (a large, densely packed crowd)
Mnemonic: “Throng” sounds like “strong” – a strong crowd packed tightly.
Association: Picture a throng of people at a concert, packed shoulder to shoulder.
Context: “A throng of fans gathered outside the stadium.”


連想法: 「アプチュード」は「アプリ」を思い出させる。「アプリ」に適性が必要。
説明: アプリの使い方が得意な人は適性がある。

連想法: 「キャリバー」は「キャリア」を思い出させる。良いキャリアは高い能力を意味する。
説明: 高いキャリアを持つ人は能力が高い。

連想法: 「カウンターパート」は「カウンター」を思い出させる。カウンターの向こう側にいる対等の相手。
説明: カウンター越しに同等の立場にある人。

連想法: 「デリュージョン」は「デリリアム」を思い出させる。デリリアム状態は妄想を含むことが多い。
説明: デリリアムのように現実とは違う世界を見ている状態。

連想法: 「デミーナー」は「デミタス(小さなコーヒーカップ)」を思い出させる。デミタスを持つときの優雅な態度。
説明: デミタスを持つときの優雅で慎重な態度。

連想法: 「デプライヴェーション」は「デプライブ(奪う)」を思い出させる。
説明: 必要なものを奪われること。

連想法: 「ディソリューション」は「ディソルブ(溶かす)」を思い出させる。溶けてなくなることは解散を意味する。
説明: 団体が溶けてなくなること。

連想法: 「ディスガスト」は「ディス」と「ガスト(突風)」を思い出させる。嫌な突風を浴びた時の嫌悪感。
説明: 強い嫌悪感を感じること。

連想法: 「ディスポーザル」は「ディスポーズ(配置する)」を思い出させる。配置するものを処分する。
説明: 不要なものを配置し直して処分すること。

連想法: 「デファレンス」は「デファー(遅らせる)」を思い出させる。人に対して敬意を示すために行動を遅らせること。
説明: 他人に対して敬意を示す態度。

連想法: 「ヒプノシス」は「ヒプノティック(催眠の)」を思い出させる。催眠術をかけること。
説明: 人を催眠状態にすること。

連想法: 「リム」は「リムジン(車)」を思い出させる。リムジンには長い手足のような形をしている。
説明: 手や足などの体の付属部分。

連想法: 「プロディジー」は「プロ(専門家)」を思い出させる。若くして専門家並みの才能を持つ人。
説明: 若くして驚異的な才能を持つ人。

連想法: 「ポスチャー」は「ポスト(柱)」を思い出させる。柱のようにしっかりとした姿勢。
説明: 体の位置や姿勢。

連想法: 「プルーデンス」は「プルーフ(証拠)」を思い出させる。証拠を慎重に扱うこと。
説明: 注意深く慎重な行動。

Launch into(~をはじめる)
連想法: 「launch」は「ロケットの発射」を思い出させる。ロケットが空に向かって一気に飛び立つように、何かを急に始めることを連想します。
説明: ロケットが空に向かって一気に飛び立つイメージで、勢いよく何かを始めること。

Like gold dust(非常に貴重な)
連想法: 「gold dust」は「金の粉」を思い出させる。金の粉は非常に貴重で手に入りにくいものです。
説明: 金の粉のように非常に貴重で手に入りにくいもの。

Leaf through(ぱらぱらとめくる)
連想法: 「leaf」は「葉っぱ」を思い出させる。葉っぱが風に吹かれてパラパラとめくられるイメージ。
説明: 葉っぱが風に吹かれて軽くめくられるように、ページを軽くめくること。

Loose cannon(何をしでかすか分からない人)
連想法: 「cannon」は「大砲」を思い出させる。大砲が固定されていないで自由に動き回る様子。
説明: 固定されていない大砲があちこちに砲撃するように、何をしでかすか分からない危険な人。

Lay it on thick(大げさに言う)
連想法: 「lay」は「置く」、「thick」は「厚い」を思い出させる。厚く塗るように大げさに言うことを連想します。
説明: 何かを厚く塗り重ねるように、話を大げさに盛ること。


Aptitude(適性)Natural aptitude(生まれつきの適性)
Show aptitude(適性を示す)
Aptitude test(適性検査)
Caliber(能力)High caliber(高い能力)
Professional caliber(専門的な能力)
Caliber of work(仕事の質)
Counterpart(対等の相手)Foreign counterpart(外国の相手)
Business counterpart(ビジネスの相手)
Counterpart organization(対等な組織)
Delusion(妄想)Suffer from delusions(妄想に苦しむ)
Grand delusion(壮大な妄想)
Delusion of grandeur(誇大妄想)
Demeanor(態度)Calm demeanor(穏やかな態度)
Professional demeanor(プロフェッショナルな態度)
Outward demeanor(外見上の態度)
Deprivation(剥奪)Sleep deprivation(睡眠不足)
Sensory deprivation(感覚剥奪)
Severe deprivation(深刻な剥奪)
Dissolution(解散)Corporate dissolution(会社の解散)
Marriage dissolution(結婚の解消)
Dissolution of parliament(議会の解散)
Disgust(嫌悪)Feel disgust(嫌悪感を感じる)
Express disgust(嫌悪を表す)
Disgust with(〜に対する嫌悪)
Disposal(処分)Waste disposal(廃棄物処理)
Proper disposal(適切な処分)
Disposal of assets(資産の処分)
Deference(敬意)Show deference(敬意を示す)
Out of deference(敬意を表して)
Deference to authority(権威への敬意)
Hypnosis(催眠)Under hypnosis(催眠状態で)
Induce hypnosis(催眠をかける)
Clinical hypnosis(臨床催眠)
Limb(手足)Artificial limb(義肢)
Lower limb(下肢)
Limb injury(手足のけが)
Prodigy(天才)Child prodigy(神童)
Musical prodigy(音楽の天才)
Prodigy in(〜の天才)
Posture(姿勢)Good posture(良い姿勢)
Defensive posture(防御の姿勢)
Posture correction(姿勢矯正)
Prudence(慎重さ)Exercise prudence(慎重に行動する)
Financial prudence(財務的な慎重さ)
With prudence(慎重に)





As the sun set, Dr. Tanaka prepared for the autopsy of the fugitive who had been found at the epicenter of the explosion. Despite being a novice in forensic pathology, he was determined to adhere to the highest standards. His mentor, Dr. Sato, an experienced professional, supervised his every move. Meanwhile, in another part of the hospital, a premature baby lay in an incubator, fighting off microbes that could potentially cause paralysis.

Outside, a throng of people gathered, some of whom were adherents to a belief in the supernatural, convinced that the explosion was caused by a paranormal entity. Inside, Dr. Tanaka’s peers discussed the case, speculating on the nature of the incident.

Elsewhere, a reclusive scientist studied a rare parasite that had caused several cases of coma in the local population. The scientist, who preferred to work alone, had been a surrogate parent to many orphaned discoveries in the field of parasitology.

As the night deepened, the hospital’s corridors grew quieter. Dr. Tanaka finished his work, reflecting on the challenges and the support from his mentor. He knew that each case, each patient, was a stepping stone in his journey from novice to seasoned professional.







Autopsy – ●●●
Adherent – ●●●
Coma – ●●●
Fugitive – ●●●
Epicenter – ●●●
Incubator – ●●●
Mentor – ●●●
Novice – ●●●
Microbe – ●●●
Peer – ●●●
Paralysis – ●●●
Parasite – ●●●
Recluse – 隠遁者[/memorizer]
Surrogate – ●●●
Throng – ●●●
jack up: ●●●
jump the gun: ●●●
knuckle down: ●●●
keep after: ●●●
knuckle under: ●●●
kick up: ●●●


“The detective insisted on an ●●● for the pumpkin, convinced it had been sabotaged in the pie contest.”

“As an ardent ●●● of the ‘Pizza for Breakfast’ movement, she hosted weekly morning pizza parties for her friends.”

“After eating 50 pancakes in one sitting, he claimed he fell into a ‘syrup-induced ●●●.’”

“The hamster became a ●●● in the house, escaping his cage and evading capture for an impressive two days.”

“Their house became the ●●● of laughter every Saturday night thanks to her dad’s ‘world-famous’ joke collection.”

“He kept his latest invention—a solar-powered egg ●●●—in his garage, hoping to hatch dragon eggs.”

“Her ●●● in competitive bubble-blowing was a retired champion who could blow bubbles the size of beach balls.”

“As a ●●● in cheese tasting, he accidentally mistook the blue cheese for moldy bread.”

“The scientist held a grand ceremony to introduce the world to a ●●● that could turn broccoli into chocolate.”

“His ●●●s were amazed when he arrived to the meeting with a pet parrot that could recite Shakespeare.”

“He claimed to have ●●● whenever chores were mentioned, but miraculously recovered as soon as it was dinnertime.”

“She jokingly called her little brother a ‘couch ●●●‘ because he never left the living room.”

“Known as a ●●●, he only left his room once a year to buy a new stock of potato chips.”

“During his vacation, he hired a teddy bear as a ●●● to attend his office meetings via video call.”

“A ●●● of squirrels gathered outside his house, lured by the smell of peanut butter sandwiches.”


“The local donut shop decided to ●●● up prices after claiming that their donuts were ‘made with 24-karat gold sprinkles.'”

“Excited for the new year, he jumped the ●●● and started celebrating on December 28th with fireworks.”

“After a month of avoiding work, she finally ●●●d down and organized her pet rock collection by color.”

“Her little brother ●●● after her to take him to the candy store until she finally gave in and drove him there at midnight.”

“The cat ●●●d under to the dog’s demands, agreeing to share the sunniest spot by the window.”

“The parrot ●●●ed up a fuss every morning by demanding toast with exactly three sesame seeds on it.”

