



①Short Speech


③Grammar and Vocabulary



Should nations prioritize space exploration or focus on solving Earth’s environmental challenges first?


Nations should prioritize solving Earth’s environmental challenges first before dedicating significant resources to space exploration. Addressing pressing issues like climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss is critical for ensuring the survival and well-being of current and future generations. Immediate action is needed to mitigate the adverse effects on ecosystems and human health. Once sustainable practices and technologies are in place to stabilize Earth’s environment, nations can more responsibly invest in space exploration, which could then benefit from the innovations developed in solving these terrestrial problems.


Discuss the allocation of resources between space exploration and addressing pressing issues on Earth.


The allocation of resources should strike a balance between space exploration and addressing pressing issues on Earth. Investing in environmental solutions, healthcare, and poverty alleviation is crucial for immediate global well-being and stability. However, space exploration can drive technological advancements and inspire solutions that benefit Earth. A balanced approach ensures that urgent terrestrial problems are addressed while also fostering innovation and preparing for long-term opportunities beyond our planet. This dual focus can lead to sustainable development and progress in both domains.









In the bustling city of New York, a renowned entrepreneur named Jack was preparing for an important meeting. He was to meet with a group of potential investors who had shown great interest in his latest venture. The agenda for the meeting was packed, and Jack was determined to impress them. However, there was a sense of acrimony lingering in the air, as Jack had previously had a falling out with one of the investors due to a misgiving about the project’s feasibility.

Despite this, the meeting began on a lighter note with some playful banter and jest among the attendees, which helped to ease the tension. Jack took the opportunity to highlight the elevation in market demand for his product, explaining how his unique approach could monopolize the market.

As the discussion progressed, one investor, known for his sharp intellect and as a luminary in the industry, raised a scruple about the project’s ethical implications. This affront sparked a heated debate, with some showing clear animosity towards Jack’s seemingly cavalier attitude towards certain ethical concerns.

In the midst of the collision of ideas, Jack remained composed. He acknowledged their aversion and articulated his vision with clarity and passion. He emphasized the high stakes involved, not just for the investors but also for the broader community that would benefit from the innovation.

By the end of the meeting, despite the initial misgivings, the investors were convinced by Jack’s compelling arguments and his unwavering commitment. They agreed to move forward, recognizing the potential for significant rewards.








Acrimony (●●●)

Animosity (●●●)

Affront (●●●)

Aversion (●●●)

Agenda (●●●)

Banter (●●●)

Jest (●●●)

Collision (●●●)

Elevation (●●●)

Entrepreneur (●●●)

Luminary (●●●)

Monopoly (●●●)

Misgiving (●●●)

Scruple (●●●)

Stake (●●●)

pitch in: ●●●

pore over: ●●●

put down X to Y: ●●●

patch up: ●●●

puzzle over: ●●●


The ●●● between the two rival ice cream trucks escalated to a snowball fight that left everyone covered in sticky syrup!

The ●●● between cats and dogs reached new heights when a cat tried to teach a dog how to dance ballet.

When the broccoli was served next to chocolate cake, the dessert felt it was a personal ●●● to its sugary glory!

My ●●● to mustard became an epic battle when I accidentally joined a hot dog-eating contest!

My cat’s secret ●●● to take over the world involves nap time, gourmet treats, and unlimited scratching posts!

The ●●● between the two alien friends about who has the best spaceship turned into an intergalactic roast session!
最高の宇宙船を持っているのはどちらかという二人のエイリアンの冗談は、銀河間の roast セッションに発展した!

In a ●●● gone wrong, the magician accidentally turned his assistant into a frog instead of pulling a rabbit out of a hat!

The ●●● of a runaway shopping cart and a flock of geese created a scene straight out of a slapstick comedy!

The ●●● of the cake during the baking competition was rivaled only by the rising tension among the bakers!

The ambitious ●●● pitched a revolutionary idea to sell umbrellas that automatically close when it stops raining!

The ●●● of the kitchen, Grandma, whipped up a dish so delicious it made everyone forget their names!

The board game night turned chaotic when one player tried to create a ●●● on all the snacks!

My ●●● about trying the spicy chili at the fair turned out to be justified when I breathed fire like a dragon!

The pirate had no ●●● about stealing candy from children, claiming it was for the “greater good!”

The vampire raised his ●●● in the local barbecue competition, only to be disqualified for having too many garlic ribs!


When the spaceship crashed at the pizza party, everyone had to ●●● in and build a new one out of pepperoni and cheese!

I spent the whole night to ●●● over the instructions to assemble my new robot, only to discover it was just a fancy toaster!

I had to ●●● down my missing socks to a rogue laundry monster that sneaks out at night to steal clothes!

After the dog chewed up my homework, I had to ●●● it up with glitter and stickers to make it look “creative!”

I spent hours to ●●● over why my cat insists on sitting on my keyboard while I’m trying to write my novel about flying vegetables!





Mnemonic: Blow up like a blister.
Association: Imagine blowing up a balloon and it bursts, leaving a painful blister on your hand.
Context: “After hiking for hours, she had a painful blister on her heel.”


Mnemonic: Concussion causes confusion.
Association: Think of a bell ringing loudly and the sound causing dizziness and confusion, much like a concussion.
Context: “He suffered a concussion during the football game and felt dizzy for days.”


Mnemonic: Plan B is for contingency.
Association: Imagine always having an umbrella with you in case it rains, as a contingency plan.
Context: “They created a contingency plan in case the main proposal was rejected.”


Mnemonic: Intervention interrupts.
Association: Picture someone stepping in between two fighting people to stop the fight.
Context: “The teacher’s intervention stopped the argument between the students.”


Mnemonic: Guise is a disguise.
Association: Think of someone wearing a mask to hide their true identity.
Context: “He arrived at the party under the guise of a superhero.”


Mnemonic: A morsel is a small morsel of food.
Association: Picture a tiny piece of chocolate that you savor slowly.
Context: “She took a morsel of the cake to taste.”


Mnemonic: A modicum is a modicum of quantity.
Association: Think of a small pinch of salt added to a dish.
Context: “He showed a modicum of interest in the lecture.”


Mnemonic: Palate is related to the palate (taste).
Association: Imagine tasting various foods to refine your palate.
Context: “The chef had a refined palate and could distinguish subtle flavors.”


Mnemonic: Prognosis predicts progress.
Association: Think of a doctor predicting the future course of a disease.
Context: “The prognosis for his recovery was positive.”


Mnemonic: Penchant means a penchant for liking.
Association: Imagine a person who always carries a pen because they love writing.
Context: “She has a penchant for collecting antique jewelry.”


Mnemonic: Pretense is to pretend.
Association: Picture someone putting on a fake smile to hide their true feelings.
Context: “He spoke to her under the pretense of friendship.”


Mnemonic: Propensity is a propensity to do something.
Association: Imagine someone who has a strong tendency to always choose the same thing.
Context: “He has a propensity for making impulsive decisions.”


Mnemonic: Quarantine keeps you quartered away.
Association: Think of a person isolated in a room to prevent the spread of disease.
Context: “The patient was placed in quarantine to avoid infecting others.”


Mnemonic: Ratio relates to ratio (proportion).
Association: Picture a pie chart showing the ratio of different segments.
Context: “The ratio of students to teachers is 20:1 in this school.”


Mnemonic: Savor the savory taste.
Association: Imagine slowly enjoying a delicious meal, savoring each bite.
Context: “He savored the taste of the freshly baked bread.”



連想法: “Acri” は「酸っぱい」と “money”(お金)で、お金のために酸っぱくなる。
説明: お金のことで酸っぱい顔をして喧嘩している場面を思い浮かべる。
例文: “The meeting ended in acrimony, with everyone leaving angry.”


連想法: “Ani” は「動物」と “mosity” は「モンスター」を連想させる。動物とモンスターが敵対する。
説明: 動物とモンスターが戦っている様子を思い浮かべる。
例文: “There was clear animosity between the two rivals.”


連想法: “Affront” は “a front” つまり、面前で侮辱する。
説明: 誰かの面前で失礼なことを言っている場面を思い浮かべる。
例文: “His rude comments were an affront to her dignity.”


連想法: “Aver” は「告白」と “sion” は「視線」を連想させる。告白する時に嫌悪感を抱く。
説明: 告白されて嫌そうな顔をしている場面を思い浮かべる。
例文: “She has a deep aversion to spiders.”


連想法: “Agenda” は「アジェンダ」という日本語と同じ。
説明: 会議で議題が書かれた紙を思い浮かべる。
例文: “The first item on the agenda is the budget report.”


連想法: “Ban” は「禁止」と “ter” は「話す」を連想させる。禁止されるほどの軽口をたたく。
説明: 軽口をたたいて笑い合っている場面を思い浮かべる。
例文: “The friendly banter between the coworkers made the office a fun place.”


連想法: “Jest” は「ジェスター(道化師)」を連想させる。
説明: 道化師が冗談を言ってみんなを笑わせている場面を思い浮かべる。
例文: “He said it in jest, but she took it seriously.”


連想法: “Coll” は「コール」(電話)と “ision” は「視線」を連想させる。電話を見ていて衝突する。
説明: スマホを見ながら歩いていて衝突する場面を思い浮かべる。
例文: “The collision between the two cars caused a major traffic jam.”


連想法: “Elev” は「エレベーター」を連想させる。
説明: エレベーターで上昇している場面を思い浮かべる。
例文: “The elevation of the building offers a great view of the city.”


連想法: “Entre” は「エントリー」と “preneur” は「プロデューサー」を連想させる。プロデューサーとして新しいプロジェクトにエントリーする。
説明: 新しい事業に挑戦する起業家を思い浮かべる。
例文: “She is a successful entrepreneur who started her own tech company.”


連想法: “Lumin” は「ライト」を連想させる。スポットライトを浴びる著名人。
説明: スポットライトを浴びている有名人を思い浮かべる。
例文: “The conference featured several luminaries in the field of science.”


連想法: “Mono” は「一つ」を連想させる。”Poly” は「多くのもの」を連想させる。多くのものを一つの企業が独占する。
説明: 一つの企業が市場を独占している様子を思い浮かべる。
例文: “The company has a monopoly on the local cable TV market.”


連想法: “Mis” は「ミス」を連想させる。”Giving” は「与える」を連想させる。ミスを与えることで不安になる。
説明: 何かがうまくいかない予感を持っている場面を思い浮かべる。
例文: “She had misgivings about the new project’s success.”


連想法: “Scru” は「スクラッチ」を連想させる。”Ple” は「プレッシャー」を連想させる。良心がスクラッチされるプレッシャー。
説明: 何かをする前に良心の呵責を感じてためらっている場面を思い浮かべる。
例文: “He had no scruples about lying to get the job.”


連想法: “Stake” は「ステーキ」を連想させる。ステーキを賭け金にする。
説明: カジノでステーキを賭けている場面を思い浮かべる。
例文: “The stakes are high in this business deal.”

Pitch in(協力する)

連想法: “Pitch” は「投げる」を連想させます。みんなで力を合わせてボールを投げる場面を想像します。
説明: 仲間と一緒に一つのボールを協力して投げる場面を思い浮かべることで、協力する意味が連想されます。
例文: “Everyone needs to pitch in to get the job done on time.”

Pore over(を熟読する)

連想法: “Pore” は「毛穴」を連想させます。小さな毛穴まで注意深く見る様子を想像します。
説明: 顕微鏡で毛穴を注意深く観察している場面を思い浮かべることで、細かく読む、熟読する意味が連想されます。
例文: “She spent hours poring over the ancient manuscripts.”

Put down X to Y(XをYのせいにする)

連想法: “Put down” は「置く」、”to” は「方向」を連想させます。何かを誰かのせいにしてその人の前に置く様子を想像します。
説明: XをYのせいにして、その理由をYの前に置く場面を思い浮かべることで、せいにする意味が連想されます。
例文: “He put his failure down to a lack of preparation.”

Patch up(を急いでまとめる)

連想法: “Patch” は「パッチ」を連想させます。布の破れた部分を急いでパッチで修理する様子を想像します。
説明: 破れた布をパッチで急いでつなぎ合わせる場面を思い浮かべることで、急いでまとめる意味が連想されます。
例文: “They managed to patch up their differences and work together.”

Puzzle over(のことで頭を抱える)

連想法: “Puzzle” は「パズル」を連想させます。難しいパズルを解こうとする様子を想像します。
説明: 複雑なパズルを解こうと頭を抱えている場面を思い浮かべることで、頭を抱える意味が連想されます。
例文: “She puzzled over the cryptic message for hours.”


Acrimony(辛辣さ、憎しみ)bitter acrimony(激しい憎しみ)
acrimony between parties(党派間の憎しみ)
political acrimony(政治的な憎悪)
Animosity(敵意)mutual animosity(相互の敵意)
long-standing animosity(長年の敵意
racial animosity(人種的敵意)
Affront(侮辱)personal affront(個人的侮辱)
public affront(公の侮辱)
direct affront(直接的な侮辱)
Aversion(嫌悪)strong aversion(強い嫌悪)
natural aversion(自然な嫌悪)
deep aversion(深い嫌悪)
Agenda(議題、予定)hidden agenda(隠れた議題)
main agenda(主要議題)
set the agenda(議題を設定する)
Banter(軽口)friendly banter(友好的な軽口)
playful banter(遊び心のある軽口)
witty banter(機知に富んだ軽口)
Jest(冗談)in jest(冗談で)
make a jest(冗談を言う)
good-natured jest(善意の冗談)
Collision(衝突)head-on collision(正面衝突)
near collision(ニアミス)
collision course(衝突コース)
Elevation(上昇、高度)high elevation(高い高度)
elevation gain(高度上昇)
elevation of status(地位の上昇)
Entrepreneur(起業家)successful entrepreneur(成功した起業家)
young entrepreneur(若い起業家)
social entrepreneur(社会起業家)
Luminary(著名人)political luminary(政治の著名人)
cultural luminary(文化の著名人)
scientific luminary(科学の著名人)
Monopoly(独占)complete monopoly(完全独占)
virtual monopoly(事実上の独占)
monopoly power(独占力)
Misgiving(不安、疑念)serious misgiving(深刻な不安)
initial misgiving(初期の疑念)
express misgiving(不安を表明する)
Scruple(良心の呵責、ためらい)moral scruple(道徳的な良心の呵責)
without scruple(ためらいなく)
have scruples(良心の呵責を持つ)
Stake(利害関係、賭け金)high stake(高い賭け金)
financial stake(財政的利害関係)
stake in a company(会社の株)





In the small village of Eldoria, a young girl named Lila lived with her family. One day, while exploring the nearby forest, Lila developed a painful blister on her heel. Despite the discomfort, her curiosity pushed her forward. She didn’t know that a series of contingencies would unfold that day.

As she ventured deeper, she found a small cabin. Inside, an old woman offered her a morsel of bread. “Thank you,” Lila said, savoring the taste on her palate. The woman, under the guise of kindness, began asking Lila many questions.

Suddenly, Lila felt dizzy and fell. The woman revealed herself to be a healer and intervened quickly. “You have a concussion,” she said, assessing Lila’s condition. “But don’t worry, my intervention will help.”

The prognosis was good, but the healer suggested a quarantine period to prevent any infections. During this time, Lila discovered a modicum of comfort in reading the healer’s old books. She developed a penchant for stories and a propensity for learning about herbs and healing.

Lila noticed the healer’s precise ratio of ingredients when making remedies. “Precision is key,” the healer explained. “It’s not just about the ingredients, but how you use them.”

As Lila recovered, she realized the healer’s pretense was a way to ensure her safety. The healer had a penchant for teaching, and Lila had a propensity for learning. Their bond grew, and Lila’s new knowledge became a cherished part of her life.









Blister – ●●●
Concussion – ●●●
Contingency – ●●●
Intervention – ●●●
Guise – ●●●
Morsel – ●●●
Modicum – ●●●
Palate – ●●●
Prognosis – ●●●
Penchant – ●●●
Pretense – ●●●
Propensity – ●●●
Quarantine – ●●●
Ratio – ●●●
Savor – ●●●
pay off: ●●●
plunge into: ●●●
pine for: ●●●
perk up: ●●●
pack off: ●●●


After dancing barefoot on hot coals at the summer festival, I ended up with a ●●● shaped like a happy face!

I got a ●●● while trying to impress my cat with my backflips, but she just yawned and walked away!

I made a ●●● plan to deal with alien invasions by training my pet goldfish to command a spaceship!

The pizza ●●● happened when my friends gathered to rescue me from eating an entire pizza by myself!

I dressed up as a broccoli in the ●●● of a superhero to promote healthy eating at the school carnival!

I found a ●●● of chocolate hidden in my sock drawer, and it turned out to be a gourmet treasure from last Halloween!

With a ●●● of luck, I managed to juggle three watermelons while riding a unicycle through the park!

My ●●●was forever changed when I accidentally tried the mystery flavor of jellybeans that tasted like pickles and popcorn!

The doctor gave me a ●●● of “extraordinary silliness” after I slipped on a banana peel while attempting to dance!

I have a ●●● for wearing socks on my hands while I do yoga to create a new style called “sock asana!”

I maintained a ●●● of being a professional llama trainer, but really, I just wanted to cuddle with llamas!

My ●●● to talk to plants has led to some interesting conversations about their feelings on sunshine!

During the mandatory ●●●, my cat learned to play the piano, my dog became a TikTok star, and I accidentally started an indoor mushroom farm in the bathroom.

The ●●● of gummy bears to humans at the party was 10 to 1, making it a truly sweet gathering!

After finally winning the spicy ramen challenge, I sat there with the fiery ●●● of victory, tears streaming down my face, and my tongue begging for mercy.


After spending three years training my pet goldfish to dance, it finally ●●●d off when it won the Fish Olympics!

I decided to ●●● into a giant bowl of spaghetti during the pasta-eating contest, but I ended up looking like a meatball monster!

Ever since I saw a picture of a unicorn playing a ukulele, I have been ●●●ing for a magical musical pet!

I always ●●● up at the sound of the ice cream truck, ready to perform a happy dance in the middle of the street!

I decided to ●●● off my collection of rubber ducks to my friend as a surprise gift, but they quacked back at me in protest!





Mnemonic Device: “A safe luminary” → A place where a guiding light (safe haven) is provided.
Association: Asylum sounds like “a silent place” where people find peace.
Contextual Usage: “The refugees sought asylum in a neighboring country to escape the war.”

Mnemonic Device: “Amen it is!” → Something so good, it makes you say “Amen!”
Association: Amenity sounds like “amen,” a positive word used in prayer, associated with comfort.
Contextual Usage: “The hotel offered various amenities, including a spa and a gym.”

Mnemonic Device: “Counter the fit” → Opposing the genuine fit of the original.
Association: Counterfeit can be broken into “counter” and “feit,” thinking of countering something original.
Contextual Usage: “The artist was arrested for selling counterfeit paintings.”

Mnemonic Device: “Forged story” → A fake story created with the intention to deceive.
Association: Think of “forge” as in to create something fake.
Contextual Usage: “The signature on the document was a forgery.”

Mnemonic Device: “Left over” → Something that remains after the main part is used.
Association: Think of “left over” after a meal.
Contextual Usage: “We had leftover pizza for breakfast.”

Mnemonic Device: “Hub of activity” → The center of all action.
Association: Hub sounds like “hubcap” which is the center of a wheel.
Contextual Usage: “The city is a hub of culture and commerce.”

Mnemonic Device: “Heaven” → A safe, peaceful place.
Association: Haven sounds like “heaven,” a place of safety and peace.
Contextual Usage: “The library was a haven for students during exams.”

Mnemonic Device: “Habit at” → The natural environment where an organism lives and makes its habits.
Association: Habitat sounds like “habit,” relating to where habits are formed.
Contextual Usage: “Forests are the natural habitat of many wildlife species.”

Mnemonic Device: “In habitat” → Someone living within a specific habitat.
Association: Inhabitant sounds like “inhabit,” meaning to live in.
Contextual Usage: “The inhabitants of the village were very welcoming.”

Mnemonic Device: “Keep sake” → Something you keep for the sake of memory.
Association: Keepsake sounds like “keep safe,” something you treasure.
Contextual Usage: “She gave me a locket as a keepsake.”

Mnemonic Device: “Sub stance” → The core material underneath something.
Association: Substance sounds like “substantial,” indicating importance and material presence.
Contextual Usage: “The scientist analyzed the substance in the laboratory.”

Mnemonic Device: “Thrive with thrift” → Saving and economizing leads to thriving.
Association: Thrift sounds like “thrive,” indicating growth through saving.
Contextual Usage: “Her thrift allowed her to save enough money to buy a house.”

Mnemonic Device: “Vic in city” → Vic (a person) in the city nearby.
Association: Vicinity sounds like “vicinity” of a place, meaning nearby area.
Contextual Usage: “There are several good restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel.”

Mnemonic Device: “Event venue” → A place for events.
Association: Venue sounds like “avenue,” a place where things happen.
Contextual Usage: “The concert will be held at a new venue downtown.”

Mnemonic Device: “Valid it is” → Something that is valid and sound.
Association: Validity sounds like “valid,” meaning the state of being valid.
Contextual Usage: “The validity of the test results was confirmed by experts.”


連想法: “Blister” の “B” を “Bubble(泡)” と連想し、足にできる水ぶくれをイメージします。

連想法: “Concussion” の “Con” を “コン!” と音を出して、頭に強い衝撃を受けた時の音を連想します。

連想法: “Contingency” の “Con” を “コントロール” と連想し、コントロールできない不測の事態をイメージします。

連想法: “Intervention” の “Inter” を “間に” と連想し、問題の間に入って介入することをイメージします。

連想法: “Guise” を “Guys(男たち)” と連想し、異なる外見や姿をした男たちをイメージします。

連想法: “Morsel” の “Mor” を “モル” と音を連想し、小さなモルが一口食べる姿をイメージします。

連想法: “Modicum” の “Modi” を “モディ” と連想し、モディさんがわずかな量を手に持っている姿をイメージします。

連想法: “Palate” の “Pal” を “友達(pal)” と連想し、友達と一緒に食べることで味覚を楽しむことをイメージします。

連想法: “Prognosis” の “Pro” を “プロ” と連想し、プロの医師が患者の予後を予測する姿をイメージします。

連想法: “Penchant” の “Pen” を “ペン” と連想し、ペンを使って自分の嗜好を書く姿をイメージします。

連想法: “Pretense” の “Pretend(ふりをする)” と連想し、偽りのふりをすることをイメージします。

連想法: “Propensity” の “Pro” を “プロ” と連想し、プロフェッショナルが持つ特定の傾向をイメージします。

連想法: “Quarantine” の “Quar” を “四角(square)” と連想し、四角い部屋に隔離されることをイメージします。

連想法: “Ratio” の “Rat” を “ネズミ(rat)” と連想し、ネズミの数の比率を計算することをイメージします。

連想法: “Savor” の “Sav” を “サバ” と連想し、サバの風味を楽しむことをイメージします。

Pay off(元がとれる)
連想法: “Pay off” の “Pay” を “給料(pay)” と連想し、頑張って働いて給料がもらえることで元がとれることをイメージします。

Plunge into(に飛び込む)
連想法: “Plunge” の “プラン” を “プラン(plan)” と連想し、計画(plan)を持って水に飛び込む姿をイメージします。

Pine for(を切望する)
連想法: “Pine” を “松の木(pine tree)” と連想し、松の木の下で何かを切望している姿をイメージします。

Perk up(元気になる)
連想法: “Perk” の “パーク” を “公園(park)” と連想し、公園でリフレッシュして元気になる姿をイメージします。

Pack off(を送り出す)
連想法: “Pack” の “パック” を “荷物(pack)” と連想し、荷物を詰めて誰かを送り出すことをイメージします。


Blister(まめ、水ぶくれ)Blister pack: ブリスターパック
Blistering heat: 焼けるような暑さ
Blister on the foot: 足の水ぶくれ
Concussion(脳震盪)Mild concussion: 軽度の脳震盪
Severe concussion: 重度の脳震盪
Concussion symptoms: 脳震盪の症状
Contingency(不測の事態)Contingency plan: 緊急時対策
Contingency fund: 緊急予備資金
Contingency measures: 緊急対策
Intervention(介入)Medical intervention: 医療介入
Early intervention: 早期介入
Government intervention: 政府の介入
Guise(外見、見せかけ)Under the guise of: ~の見せかけで
False guise: 偽りの外見
In the guise of: ~の外見で
Morsel(一口)Morsel of food: 食べ物の一口
Tiny morsel: 小さな一口
Tasty morsel: 美味しい一口
Modicum(わずか)Modicum of respect: わずかな尊敬
Modicum of comfort: わずかな快適さ
Modicum of truth: わずかな真実
Palate(味覚)Refined palate: 洗練された味覚
Delicate palate: 繊細な味覚
Developed palate: 発達した味覚
Prognosis(予後)Good prognosis: 良好な予後
Poor prognosis: 悪い予後
Prognosis for recovery: 回復の見通し
Penchant(嗜好)Penchant for art: 芸術に対する嗜好
Penchant for adventure: 冒険に対する嗜好
Penchant for music: 音楽に対する嗜好
Pretense(偽り)False pretense: 偽りの口実
Under the pretense: ~という名目で
Without pretense: 偽りなく
Propensity(傾向)Natural propensity: 自然な傾向
Propensity for violence: 暴力への傾向
Propensity to act: 行動する傾向
Quarantine(隔離)Quarantine period: 隔離期間
Quarantine measures: 隔離措置
In quarantine: 隔離されて
Ratio(比率)High ratio: 高い比率
Ratio of success: 成功の比率
Student-teacher ratio: 生徒と教師の比率
Savor(風味)Rich savor: 濃厚な風味
Delicious savor: 美味しい風味
Savor of spices: スパイスの風味



英検1級エクセレントコース:第二十三週金曜日 ライティングその12



①Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
②Give three reasons to support your answer.
③Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
④Suggested length: 200-240 words


Can technology contribute to reducing income inequality in society? (Agree or Disagree)



Technology has the potential to significantly reduce income inequality in society. By democratizing access to education, creating new job opportunities, and fostering innovation, technology can bridge the gap between different socioeconomic groups.

Main Body:(3つ)

Firstly, technology democratizes education, which is a critical factor in reducing income inequality. Online learning platforms and digital resources have made education more accessible and affordable. Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds can now access high-quality education and training programs that were previously out of reach. This empowers them with the skills and knowledge necessary to compete in the job market, thereby improving their earning potential.

Secondly, technology creates new job opportunities, particularly in the digital economy. The rise of remote work, gig economy platforms, and digital entrepreneurship has opened up a myriad of employment options. These opportunities are not limited by geographical constraints, allowing people from various regions to participate in the global economy. This inclusivity helps reduce the income disparity between urban and rural areas and among different social classes.

Lastly, technology fosters innovation, which can drive economic growth and wealth distribution. Technological advancements often lead to the creation of new industries and the transformation of existing ones. This results in the generation of new wealth and the potential for more equitable distribution of economic benefits. Moreover, technological tools can enhance productivity and efficiency in various sectors, leading to higher wages and improved working conditions for employees.


In conclusion, technology holds the promise of reducing income inequality through the democratization of education, the creation of new job opportunities, and the fostering of innovation. By leveraging these advantages, societies can work towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and opportunities, ultimately narrowing the income gap.



①Democratization of Education

Online platforms make education accessible and affordable.
It empowers disadvantaged individuals with necessary skills and knowledge.

②Creation of New Job Opportunities

Remote work and gig economy platforms open up diverse employment options.
Inclusivity reduces income disparity across different regions and social classes.

③Fostering Innovation

It leads to new industries and transforms existing ones.
It generates new wealth and enhances productivity, leading to higher wages and improved working conditions.






In the last few decades, scientists and medical researchers have observed remarkable changes in human longevity and mortality rates. Advances in technology and medicine have prolonged life expectancy, but with each gain comes new challenges. Diseases that once brought about the swift demise of individuals now have effective treatments, thanks to research in immunology, which has enhanced our understanding of immunity. However, with these advancements, the efficacy of treatments often ebbs and flows, especially as new variants of diseases emerge.

Agriculture has similarly evolved; irrigation systems have allowed once arid lands to become fertile, and pesticides have been used to protect crops. Yet, overuse of pesticides has had unintended consequences, reducing the fertility of the soil and affecting the health of local ecosystems. This has sparked renewed interest in traditional methods and natural remedies for crop care. When droughts or climate shifts lead to famine, these remedies, as well as modern transfusion methods in medical settings, become crucial in saving lives. In these ecosystems, the foliage that survives becomes an indicator of soil fertility, while primates and other animals play essential roles in the balance of the habitat.

Overall, whether studying the foliage in a forest or examining human longevity, scientists are constantly seeking new methods to secure and improve life across ecosystems.






Bout – ●●●
Demise – ●●●
Efficacy – ●●●
Ebb – ●●●
Immunity – ●●●
Irrigation – ●●●
Famine – ●●●
Foliage – ●●●
Fertility – ●●●
Longevity – ●●●
Mortality – ●●●
Primate – ●●●
Pesticide – ●●●
Remedy – ●●●
Transfusion – ●●●
pass off X as Y: ●●●
pinch pennies on X: ●●●
phase out: ●●●
peter out: ●●●
poke around: ●●●


After a fierce ●●● of sneezing, George finally accepted he might be allergic to his pet cactus.

The ●●● of her favorite television show left Lucy feeling strangely bereft, as if she’d lost a friend.

The ●●● of the new “super-energizing” coffee was proven when Janet stayed awake for 48 hours straight!

The excitement at the theme park was at such an ●●● that even the roller coaster operator fell asleep mid-ride, leaving the passengers to wonder if they were stuck in an eternal loop.

Charlie declared ●●● from all chores for a week, claiming his rare “responsibility allergy” was acting up.

The new ●●● system worked so well that Bob’s desert cactus drowned in overenthusiastic watering.

During the town’s peanut butter ●●●, locals traded in ketchup packets like gold.

Surrounded by ●●● in her living room, Sandra called it her “personal jungle,” complete with a toy monkey.

Seeing his garden flourish, Phil boasted about the “●●●” of his coffee grounds-enhanced soil.

The pet turtle’s impressive ●●● convinced Mark that slow living was truly the secret to life.

The ●●● of his video game characters made Jack reflect deeply on “game over” in life.

Bill’s research on ●●●s led him to realize his cat’s daily routines were uncannily similar.

After discovering his “organic” garden was sprayed with ●●●, John declared war on suspiciously green tomatoes.

Grandma’s “magical” ●●● for everything from colds to heartbreak involved an excessive amount of ginger tea.

When his favorite plant wilted, Kyle joked about giving it a ●●● of “hydrated sunlight.”


During the bake sale, Tim tried to ●●● off his lumpy potatoes as “gourmet cookies,” much to everyone’s confusion.

In a hilarious attempt to ●●● pennies on his wedding, Carl decided to use plastic spoons instead of silverware for a fancy dinner.

The company announced they would ●●● out the “singing coffee mugs” after too many complaints about musical spills.

His enthusiasm for jogging quickly ●●●ed out after he realized it meant waking up at 5 a.m. every day.

Lily spent hours ●●●ing around in her grandmother’s attic, hoping to find hidden treasure but finding only old shoelaces.





Mnemonic: “A safe place for someone who needs help.”
Association: Imagine a giant castle labeled “Asylum” where people are safe and taken care of.
Contextual Usage: “The refugees sought asylum in a neighboring country.”


Mnemonic: “A-men-it-y: A ‘men’ enjoy it.”
Association: Think of a luxury hotel with a pool and spa where everyone says, “A-men, this is nice!”
Contextual Usage: “The hotel offers several amenities, including a gym and free breakfast.”


Mnemonic: “Counter (against) the original.”
Association: Picture a fake $100 bill with “Counterfeit” stamped in red.
Contextual Usage: “He was arrested for producing counterfeit money.”


Mnemonic: “Forge (create) something false.”
Association: Imagine someone forging a famous artist’s signature.
Contextual Usage: “The painting was discovered to be a forgery.”


Mnemonic: “Left (behind) over (after).”
Association: Visualize a dinner table with leftover food in containers.
Contextual Usage: “We had leftovers from last night’s dinner.”


Mnemonic: “Center point, like the hub of a wheel.”
Association: Picture a bicycle wheel with a strong, central hub.
Contextual Usage: “The city is a major transportation hub.”


Mnemonic: “Safe haven.”
Association: Imagine a peaceful, secluded beach labeled “Haven.”
Contextual Usage: “The garden is a haven for birds.”


Mnemonic: “Natural home.”
Association: Visualize animals in their natural habitats, like a lion in the savannah.
Contextual Usage: “The forest is the natural habitat of many wildlife species.”


Mnemonic: “One who inhabits.”
Association: Think of a village with a sign saying “Welcome to our Inhabitants.”
Contextual Usage: “The island has about 2,000 inhabitants.”


Mnemonic: “Something to keep.”
Association: Picture a small box labeled “Keepsakes” filled with mementos.
Contextual Usage: “She gave me a locket as a keepsake.”


Mnemonic: “Sub (under) stance (state).”
Association: Imagine a scientist examining different substances in a lab.
Contextual Usage: “The liquid contained a dangerous substance.”


Mnemonic: “Thrifty (saving money).”
Association: Visualize a thrift store with bargains and savings.
Contextual Usage: “Her thrift and careful budgeting allowed her to save money.”


Mnemonic: “Nearby vicinity.”
Association: Picture a map with a circle indicating the vicinity around a location.
Contextual Usage: “There are several parks in the vicinity of the school.”


Mnemonic: “Event venue.”
Association: Think of a large concert hall or wedding venue.
Contextual Usage: “The conference will be held at a new venue downtown.”


Mnemonic: “Valid (true) -ity (state).”
Association: Picture a stamp of approval that says “Valid.”
Contextual Usage: “The validity of his argument was questioned.”



連想法: 「ボクシングの試合」
説明: ボクシングの試合(bout)を思い浮かべることで、競技や特定の期間を連想しやすくなります。


連想法: 「出航(departure)」
説明: 誰かの死亡を思うとき、人生の終焉を「出航」と見立てることで記憶しやすくなります。


連想法: 「薬の効き目」
説明: 効力を表す際に、薬の効き目(efficacy)を思い浮かべると理解しやすいです。


連想法: 「引き潮」
説明: 海の潮が引く様子(ebb)を思い浮かべると、物事の衰退を連想しやすくなります。


連想法: 「免疫システム」
説明: 免疫システム(immunity)を思い浮かべると、体が病気から守られる様子を連想できます。


連想法: 「農業用水」
説明: 農地に水を供給する灌漑システム(irrigation)を思い浮かべると覚えやすいです。


連想法: 「食糧不足」
説明: 大規模な食糧不足(famine)を思い浮かべると、飢饉の概念がわかりやすくなります。


連想法: 「木の葉」
説明: 木の葉(foliage)を思い浮かべると、植物の葉を連想しやすいです。


連想法: 「豊かな土壌」
説明: 肥沃な土壌(fertility)を思い浮かべると、土地や生物の繁殖能力を連想できます。


連想法: 「長生き」
説明: 長生き(longevity)を思い浮かべると、長寿の概念がわかりやすいです。


連想法: 「死の確率」
説明: 死亡率(mortality)を考えるとき、死の確率や数値を連想すると覚えやすいです。


連想法: 「サル」
説明: 霊長類(primate)を思い浮かべるとき、サルを連想すると理解しやすいです。
例文: “人間も霊長類に分類される。”


連想法: 「害虫駆除」
説明: 殺虫剤(pesticide)を使って害虫を駆除する様子を思い浮かべると覚えやすいです。


連想法: 「薬」
説明: 病気や問題を治す薬や方法(remedy)を思い浮かべると理解しやすいです。


連想法: 「血液交換」
説明: 輸血(transfusion)を考えるとき、血液を交換する様子を思い浮かべると覚えやすいです。


Bout(試合、期間)boxing bout(ボクシングの試合)
wrestling bout(レスリングの試合)
bout of illness(病気の期間)
Demise(死亡、終焉)untimely demise(早すぎる死)
sudden demise(突然の死)
political demise(政治的終焉)
Efficacy(効力、有効性)high efficacy(高い効力)
proven efficacy(実証された有効性)
drug efficacy(薬の効力)
Ebb(衰退、引き潮)ebb and flow(満ち引き)
ebb tide(引き潮)
economic ebb(経済の衰退)
Immunity(免疫、免除)natural immunity(自然免疫)
immunity to disease(病気に対する免疫)
diplomatic immunity(外交特権)
Irrigation(灌漑)irrigation system(灌漑システム)
drip irrigation(点滴灌漑)
irrigation canal(灌漑用水路)
Famine(飢饉)severe famine(深刻な飢饉)
widespread famine(広範な飢饉)
famine relief(飢饉救援)
Foliage(葉、葉っぱ)dense foliage(密集した葉)
autumn foliage(秋の紅葉)
lush foliage(青々とした葉)
Fertility(肥沃、繁殖能力)soil fertility(土壌の肥沃度)
fertility rate(出生率)
fertility treatment(不妊治療)
Longevity(長寿)human longevity(人間の長寿)
increased longevity(延びた寿命)
longevity research(長寿研究)
Mortality(死亡率、死)infant mortality(乳児死亡率)
mortality rate(死亡率)
cause of mortality(死亡原因)
Primate(霊長類)non-human primate(非ヒト霊長類)
primate species(霊長類種)
primate behavior(霊長類の行動)
Pesticide(殺虫剤)pesticide use(殺虫剤の使用)
pesticide residue(殺虫剤の残留物)
organic pesticide(有機殺虫剤)
Remedy(治療法)natural remedy(自然療法)
home remedy(家庭療法)
effective remedy(効果的な治療法)
Transfusion(輸血)blood transfusion(輸血)
transfusion reaction(輸血反応)
emergency transfusion(緊急輸血)





In the heart of the bustling city, there exists a small park that serves as a haven for those seeking peace and tranquility. This park, a precious amenity in the urban sprawl, offers a respite from the chaos of daily life. Its lush greenery and serene environment provide a natural habitat for various birds and small animals. The park is not only a refuge for wildlife but also a hub for the community, where inhabitants gather for events, leisure, and relaxation.

One corner of the park features a historical monument, a keepsake from the past that reminds visitors of the city’s rich heritage. Nearby, there’s a quaint café known for its delicious pastries and warm atmosphere. However, a recent scandal revealed that some of the café’s currency was counterfeit, causing quite a stir among the patrons.

In another part of the city, an old building, once a grand venue for concerts and events, has now fallen into disrepair. Despite its current state, there is talk of restoring it to its former glory. The building, with its intricate architecture and spacious interiors, holds great historical significance and remains a symbol of the city’s cultural past.

Close to this venue is a small market known for its thrift shops, where one can find a variety of second-hand goods. The market, though humble in appearance, is a treasure trove of unique items and a testament to the community’s thrifty nature. On weekends, the vicinity buzzes with activity as people browse through the stalls in search of hidden gems.

On the outskirts of the city, there lies an old asylum, now abandoned and shrouded in mystery. Its dilapidated structure and eerie silence make it a popular spot for thrill-seekers and urban explorers. Stories of forgery and deception during its operational days only add to its mystique.

As evening falls, the city’s inhabitants return to their homes, some to the cozy warmth of their small apartments, others to the grander spaces of suburban houses. Each home, regardless of its size, offers a sense of security and belonging. Leftover meals from dinner are stored away, to be enjoyed later or shared with neighbors.

In every corner of the city, from the bustling hub of the marketplace to the quiet haven of the park, there is a sense of community and continuity. Each location, each substance of daily life, contributes to the rich tapestry of urban existence, making the city a place where everyone can find their own sense of belonging.










Asylum – ●●●

Amenity – ●●●

Counterfeit – ●●●

Forgery – ●●●

Leftover – ●●●

Hub – ●●●

Haven – ●●●

Habitat – ●●●

Inhabitant – ●●●

Keepsake – ●●●

Substance – ●●●

Thrift – ●●●

Vicinity – ●●●

Venue – ●●●

Validity – ●●●

own up to: ●●●

on the edge of one’s seat: ●●●

on the table: ●●●

opt for: ●●●

on a roll: ●●●

on cloud nine: ●●●


After discovering he was allergic to civilization, Bob decided he needed an ●●● in the middle of nowhere.

The hotel’s most popular ●●● was the robot chef that could whip up a pancake stack taller than a tree.

They say honesty is the best policy, but Tom’s ●●● Monopoly money made for some epic games.

The detective stared at the painting and declared, “This ●●● is so good, it fooled my mustache.”

The ●●● spaghetti grew legs and started a new life as a pet for the fridge gremlins.

Bob’s living room became the ●●● for pillow fort construction in the entire neighborhood.

For the birds in the park, Mr. Johnson’s hat was a surprising but welcome ●●●.

Larry insisted that his couch was a natural ●●● for the wild and mysterious creature known as “teenager.”

The only ●●● of the old mansion was a cat with an attitude that could curdle milk.

Maria’s ●●● from her trip to Mars was a rock that floated two inches above her desk.

This so-called miracle ●●● claimed to cure everything, but mostly just turned people purple.

Ben’s extreme ●●● meant he recycled his birthday candles each year… for 25 years.

Nothing says “welcome to the ●●●” like a goat that thinks your car is its personal jungle gym.

When the concert ●●● turned out to be a haunted castle, the crowd doubled, hoping for ghostly guitar solos.

The professor questioned the ●●● of a study claiming that sleeping upside-down increases intelligence.


After knocking over the giant stack of cans in the grocery store, Leo had to ●●● up to being the “unintended bowling champion.”


Watching his pet turtle race across the floor, Sam was on the ●●● of his seat, chanting, “Go, Speedy, go!”


The idea of building a mini roller coaster in the backyard was still on the ●●●, despite the fact that no one had ever built anything before.


Faced with a choice between cooking or ordering pizza, Max quickly ●●●ed for the “chef’s day off” special – extra-large pepperoni pizza!


After winning five rounds of “rock-paper-scissors” against his cat, Dave was convinced he was on a ●●● and challenged the neighbor’s dog next.


After finally finding the hidden stash of chocolate his brother hid, Sam was on ●●● nine, savoring every bite.


