



①Short Speech


③Grammar and Vocabulary



Will the increasing integration of technology in education improve or hinder student learning outcomes?


The increasing integration of technology in education will likely improve student learning outcomes. Technology provides access to a wide range of resources, personalized learning, and interactive tools that cater to different learning styles. It can enhance engagement through multimedia content and foster collaboration through digital platforms. However, without proper guidance and balance, it may lead to distractions or over-reliance on devices. Therefore, while technology can boost learning, its effectiveness depends on thoughtful implementation and ensuring students develop critical thinking alongside digital skills.


Discuss the role of technology in the classroom and its impact on the education system.


Technology plays a vital role in the classroom by enhancing access to information, enabling interactive learning, and supporting personalized education. It allows students to explore topics in depth through digital resources and encourages collaboration through online platforms. Technology also helps teachers track student progress more efficiently. However, its impact on the education system depends on equitable access and proper integration. While it has the potential to make learning more engaging and flexible, it can widen the digital divide if not implemented thoughtfully, potentially leaving some students behind.









The negotiations between the two rival factions were proceeding with surprising alacrity. Neither side wanted the conflict to drag on any longer, so both were eager to reach an agreement. However, some were concerned about the credulity of the younger delegates, who were easily swayed by sweet promises and unrealistic dreams. One young delegate, in particular, seemed under the captivation of the opposition’s charismatic leader, unable to see through the deception.

After hours of tense discussion, a sudden cessation of talks occurred when a mysterious cipher was delivered to the table. The encoded message warned of an external force preparing to disrupt the peace. The enticement of gold and power had drawn several key players into secret alliances, and now the fragile balance was at risk.

The leaders were faced with a difficult choice. Should they delay and investigate the threat or continue negotiating, hoping the external force would not interfere? One of the senior members had a strong hunch that the message was a bluff, designed to sow distrust. But there was also a sense of impending intoxication—the power to control the fate of the region was almost overwhelming.

Despite the tension, both factions agreed to make temporary provision for food and shelter, as neither side could afford to leave the table and risk an outright war. But the threat of reprisal from the unseen enemy loomed large, as did the potential repercussions of any false moves. If things went wrong, swift retribution could follow.

To make matters more complicated, one faction had quietly suggested the repeal of a long-standing trade agreement that had initially caused the divide between the two groups. This suggestion, like many others, was driven by a passing whim, but it had the potential to change the course of the talks entirely.








Alacrity: ●●●
Credulity: ●●●
Captivation: ●●●
Cessation: ●●●
Cipher: ●●●
Enticement: ●●●
Faction: ●●●
Hunch: ●●●
Intoxication: ●●●
Provision: ●●●
Reprisal: ●●●
Repercussion: ●●●
Retribution: ●●●
Repeal: ●●●
Whim: ●●●
strike up: ●●●
sound off: ●●●
square up: ●●●
scuffle with: ●●●
sweat it out: ●●●


The cat chased the laser pointer with such ●●● that it looked like it was trying to outrun a rocket.


His ●●● was so extreme that he believed a banana was a new kind of phone.


The magician’s trick was so mesmerizing that the audience’s ●●● made them forget gravity existed.


The ●●● of my ice cream supply felt like the end of the world, and I almost cried.


After hours of decoding, I realized the mysterious message was just a ●●● for “Buy more pizza.”


The ●●● of free cookies was too strong, and I found myself walking into a random bakery with no memory of how I got there.


In the office, there was a ●●● of people who believed coffee should be drunk with ten sugars, and they were feared by everyone else.


I had a ●●● that my cat was plotting world domination when I saw it staring at the globe.


The smell of freshly baked bread filled the room, and the ●●● was so strong that I nearly floated to the ceiling.


My ●●● for the camping trip included three tents, ten sandwiches, and a rubber chicken for emergencies.


As a ●●● for my brother eating the last cookie, I replaced his toothpaste with whipped cream.


The ●●● of feeding a stray dog meant I now had a permanent roommate who stole my socks.


As ●●● for my loud music, my neighbor played opera at full volume at 5 AM.


The government’s ●●● of the law against dancing in elevators led to a nationwide dance craze.


On a ●●●, I decided to paint my entire living room neon pink and now I need sunglasses indoors.



I managed to ●●● up a deal with a squirrel to share its acorns in exchange for Wi-Fi access in the park.


During the meeting, Bob ●●●ed off about his conspiracy theory that pigeons are actually government spies in disguise.


After the robot butler cleaned the entire house, I had to ●●● up by giving it a cup of oil and a day off.


I had to ●●● with a raccoon over the last slice of pizza I left on the porch, and let’s just say, the raccoon won.


I had to ●●● it out for three hours waiting to find out if my pet hamster had accidentally hacked into the Pentagon.





Atrocity (残虐行為)
Mnemonic: “A terrible city.”
Association: Imagine a city struck by a terrible disaster, symbolizing extreme cruelty.
Usage: “The war crimes were atrocities that shocked the world.”

Antipathy (反感)
Mnemonic: “Anti-path” — taking a path against someone.
Association: Picture walking down a path that repels you, representing strong dislike.
Usage: “She felt a deep antipathy toward dishonesty in any form.”

Ambivalence (相反する感情)
Mnemonic: “Am I balanced?”
Association: Visualize a person on a see-saw, swinging between two opposite choices, unsure which one to choose.
Usage: “He was ambivalent about taking the promotion, as it meant more work but better pay.”

Complacency (自己満足)
Mnemonic: “Come, place and sit.”
Association: Imagine someone sitting down comfortably, not striving to do better, because they are too content with their current situation.
Usage: “Complacency can lead to a lack of progress and innovation.”

Compunction (良心の呵責)
Mnemonic: “Puncture your conscience.”
Association: Imagine your conscience being punctured with guilt for doing something wrong.
Usage: “He felt compunction after lying to his friend.”

Composure (冷静)
Mnemonic: “Composed like a composer.”
Association: Visualize a composer calmly conducting an orchestra, maintaining cool even amidst chaos.
Usage: “Despite the chaos, she maintained her composure during the presentation.”

Compassion (思いやり)
Mnemonic: “Come, pass on kindness.”
Association: Think of someone extending a helping hand, filled with kindness and understanding.
Usage: “His compassion for others made him a beloved community leader.”

Compliance (従順)
Mnemonic: “Comply with the law.”
Association: Picture a person following rules, holding up a sign that says “I follow.”
Usage: “The company’s compliance with safety regulations was thoroughly checked.”

Dispute (争い)
Mnemonic: “Dis puts you in a fight.”
Association: Imagine two people at odds, refusing to settle a disagreement.
Usage: “A dispute over the property ownership led to a lengthy legal battle.”

Devastation (壊滅)
Mnemonic: “Devastate the nation.”
Association: Picture a nation after a natural disaster, everything in ruins.
Usage: “The hurricane left a trail of devastation across the coastline.”

Feud (確執)
Mnemonic: “Feud sounds like ‘fueled’ — anger that keeps going.”
Association: Imagine two families constantly fighting over generations, their anger fueled by a long-standing grudge.
Usage: “The feud between the neighbors escalated after a property dispute.”

Havoc (大混乱)
Mnemonic: “Have chaos!”
Association: Picture a scene where everything is falling apart, creating complete disorder.
Usage: “The storm wreaked havoc on the small town, leaving debris everywhere.”

Hassle (面倒)
Mnemonic: “Hustle with hassle.”
Association: Think of someone running late, struggling with multiple tasks, feeling the stress of the situation.
Usage: “Getting through airport security is always such a hassle.”

Proclivity (傾向)
Mnemonic: “Pro-climb — inclined to do something.”
Association: Imagine someone naturally inclined to climb every mountain they see, symbolizing a strong tendency.
Usage: “She had a natural proclivity for solving complex math problems.”

Vandalism (器物損壊)
Mnemonic: “Vandals damage.”
Association: Visualize graffiti artists vandalizing public property, leading to destruction.
Usage: “The school suffered from vandalism after someone spray-painted the walls.”


Alacrity (敏活さ)
Mnemonic: “A light city” — 素早く、活発に動く都市。
連想: すごく忙しくてエネルギーに満ちた都市を想像してください。その都市では、全てが迅速に進みます。これが「敏活さ」や「即座の行動」を象徴します。

Credulity (信じやすさ)
Mnemonic: “Credit” — 他人をすぐに信じる。
連想: 誰かが何でもすぐに信じてしまい、詐欺に引っかかる場面を思い浮かべてください。それが「信じやすさ」です。

Captivation (魅惑)
Mnemonic: “Capture” — 心を捉える。
連想: 美しい風景や音楽が心を捉え、魅了される場面を想像してください。これが「魅惑」を象徴します。
説明: 「その映画は観客を完全に魅了した。」

Cessation (中止)
Mnemonic: “Cease” — 止めること。
連想: 機械が急に停止し、全ての活動が中断する場面を思い浮かべてください。これが「中止」を表します。

    Cipher (暗号)
    Mnemonic: “Code” — 数字や記号を使った暗号。
    連想: 複雑なパズルや暗号を解読しているスパイを想像してください。これが「暗号」を象徴します。

    Enticement (誘惑)
    Mnemonic: “Entice” — 誰かを引き寄せる魅力。
    連想: 美味しそうなケーキが人々を引き寄せる場面を想像してください。これが「誘惑」の象徴です。
    説明: 「特別セールの広告が多くの顧客を誘惑した。」

    Faction (派閥)
    Mnemonic: “Fraction” — 一部分。
    連想: 大きなグループから分かれて活動している小さな派閥を思い浮かべてください。これが「派閥」のイメージです。

      Hunch (予感)
      Mnemonic: “Hunchback” — 背中を丸める。
      連想: 誰かが背中を丸めながら考え込んで、「予感」を感じる様子を想像してください。直感的に何かを感じ取ることが「予感」です。
      説明: 「彼は悪いことが起こるという予感を持っていた。」

      Intoxication (酩酊)
      Mnemonic: “Toxic” — 有毒な。
      連想: 毒のように作用し、意識がぼんやりしてしまう飲み過ぎの状態を想像してください。これが「酩酊」を表します。

        Provision (供給)
        Mnemonic: “Provide” — 何かを提供する。
        連想: 人々に食料や物資を提供している様子を想像してください。これが「供給」のイメージです。

        Reprisal (報復)
        Mnemonic: “Re-prize” — 何かを再び取り戻すための行動。
        連想: 誰かが自分にされた悪事に対して、再び何かを取り戻そうとする行動を思い浮かべてください。これが「報復」です。

        Repercussion (余波)
        Mnemonic: “Percussion” — ドラムの響きのように、影響が広がる。
        連想: ドラムの音が遠くまで響き渡り、影響が広がる様子をイメージしてください。これが「余波」を象徴します。
        説明: 「その決定は長期的な余波を引き起こした。」

        Retribution (報い)
        Mnemonic: “Return” — 行動に対する報い。
        連想: 誰かが他人に悪いことをした後に、その行動に対する報いを受ける場面を想像してください。これが「報い」を象徴します。

          Repeal (撤廃)
          Mnemonic: “Peel off” — 法律や決まりを剥がす。
          連想: 古いポスターを剥がすように、法律やルールが取り除かれる場面を想像してください。これが「撤廃」を表します。

          Whim (気まぐれ)
          Mnemonic: “Wind” — 風のように、急に変わる。
          連想: 風が突然方向を変えるように、人の気持ちや行動が急に変わる「気まぐれ」の状態を想像してください。

          Strike up (を取り決める)
          Mnemonic: “Strike” as in striking a deal, “up” meaning starting something.
          連想: 誰かが契約書にサインをし、取引を成立させる場面を想像してください。これは「を取り決める」ことを象徴します。

          Sound off (をまくし立てる)
          Mnemonic: “Sound” — 音を出す, “off” — 強く発言する。
          連想: 誰かが大きな声で不満を言っている場面を想像してください。まるで鐘を鳴らすように大声で意見をまくし立てる様子が「sound off」のイメージです。

          Square up (支払いを済ませる)
          Mnemonic: “Square” — 四角く整った状態, “up” — 完了させる。
          連想: 領収書を机の上で四角く揃えて、すべての支払いを完了させるイメージです。これが「支払いを済ませる」の象徴です。

          Scuffle with (と乱闘する)
          Mnemonic: “Scuff” — 足を引きずるように動く, “with” — 誰かと一緒に。
          連想: 足を引きずりながら取っ組み合い、相手と乱闘している場面を想像してください。これが「乱闘する」というイメージです。

          Sweat it out (はらはらして待つ)
          Mnemonic: “Sweat” — 汗をかく, “out” — 最後まで耐える。
          連想: 試験結果を待ちながら、緊張して汗をかいている人を想像してください。これが「はらはらして待つ」という状況を表します。


          Alacrity (敏活さ)with alacrity – 敏活に
          respond with alacrity – 敏活に応答する
          approach a task with alacrity – 任務に敏活に取り組む
          Credulity (信じやすさ)abuse credulity – 信じやすさを悪用する
          stretch credulity – 信じやすさを試す
          test someone’s credulity – 誰かの信じやすさを試す
          Captivation (魅惑)hold in captivation – 魅惑する
          complete captivation – 完全な魅惑
          captivation of the audience – 観客の魅了
          Cessation (中止)cessation of hostilities – 戦闘の中止
          immediate cessation – 即時の中止
          temporary cessation – 一時的な中止
          Cipher (暗号)break a cipher – 暗号を解読する
          cipher key – 暗号鍵
          encrypt with cipher – 暗号で暗号化する
          Enticement (誘惑)offer enticement – 誘惑を与える
          fall for enticement – 誘惑に負ける
          enticement of luxury – 贅沢の誘惑
          Faction (派閥)faction within a party – 党内派閥
          split into factions – 派閥に分裂する
          rival faction – 対立派閥
          Hunch (予感)have a hunch – 予感がする
          follow a hunch – 予感に従う
          gut hunch – 本能的な予感
          Intoxication (酩酊)under intoxication – 酩酊状態で
          alcohol intoxication – アルコール酩酊
          intoxication of power – 権力の酩酊
          Provision (供給)make provision for – ~のために供給を行う
          adequate provision – 十分な供給
          emergency provision – 緊急供給
          Reprisal (報復)in reprisal – 報復として
          military reprisal – 軍事報復
          reprisal attack – 報復攻撃
          Repercussion (余波)serious repercussions – 深刻な余波
          face repercussions – 余波に直面する
          political repercussions – 政治的余波
          Retribution (報い)seek retribution – 報いを求める
          act of retribution – 報復行為
          divine retribution – 天罰
          Repeal (撤廃)call for repeal – 撤廃を求める
          repeal a law – 法律を撤廃する
          complete repeal – 完全な撤廃
          Whim (気まぐれ)on a whim – 気まぐれで
          act on a whim – 気まぐれに行動する
          whim of fate – 運命の気まぐれ





          In the aftermath of the war, the atrocity committed by the invading forces became a focal point of international outrage. The destruction was widespread, leaving cities in ruins and creating an atmosphere of antipathy among the survivors toward their oppressors. However, there was also a sense of ambivalence in the air, as some people couldn’t deny the strange comfort that came with the complacency of no longer having to fight. Yet, as the days passed, the survivors couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of compunction for the lives lost and the homes destroyed. In the face of such overwhelming loss, many found it difficult to maintain their composure.

          Despite the chaos, acts of compassion began to emerge. Neighbors who had once been strangers now shared what little they had, and those who had lost everything found solace in the unexpected compliance of their fellow citizens to help rebuild their shattered world. But not everyone was willing to move forward. A dispute soon arose between two prominent families, each blaming the other for the devastation that had befallen their town. The feud escalated quickly, spreading havoc across the already fragile community. What started as a minor hassle over resources quickly spiraled into a violent confrontation.

          As tensions rose, the authorities struggled to contain the violence. They had underestimated the people’s proclivity for revenge, which was fueled by years of resentment and unaddressed grievances. Acts of vandalism became common, with angry mobs destroying what little remained of the town’s infrastructure. The leaders knew they needed to act swiftly to prevent further destruction, but finding a solution seemed impossible in such a volatile environment.






          Atrocity (●●●)
          Antipathy (●●●)
          Ambivalence (●●●)
          Complacency (●●●)
          Compunction (●●●)
          Composure (●●●)
          Compassion (●●●)
          Compliance (●●●)
          Dispute (●●●)
          Devastation (●●●)
          Feud (●●●)
          Havoc (●●●)
          Hassle (●●●)
          Proclivity (●●●)
          Vandalism (●●●)
          silver bullet: ●●●
          sponge off one’s parents: ●●●
          settle on: ●●●
          snap off: ●●●
          stumble upon: ●●●


          The pigeons committed an unspeakable ●●● by painting all the cars in the neighborhood neon pink.


          My cat’s ●●● towards cucumbers reached a new level when it started hissing at the salad bar.


          The alien’s ●●● about invading Earth was evident when it kept flipping between building a death ray and knitting scarves.


          The hamster’s ●●● after stealing all the sunflower seeds was ruined when it got stuck in the treat jar.


          Despite the squirrel’s mischievous nature, it felt a rare moment of ●●● after knocking over the birdbath.


          Even in the face of a dancing bear in the library, the librarian maintained her ●●● and calmly asked it to check out a book.


          The robot showed great ●●● by offering to water my plants while I was away, even though it short-circuits every time it touches water.


          The dog demonstrated perfect ●●● with its owner’s commands, except when it came to sharing the couch.


          The ongoing ●●● between the neighborhood raccoons and the garbage collectors turned into a nightly tug-of-war over the trash bins.


          After the unexpected spaghetti storm, the city was left in complete ●●● as noodles covered the streets for miles.


          The squirrels and the crows have been in a ●●● over the biggest tree in the park for years, holding tiny duels at dawn.


          A single rogue kangaroo caused total ●●● at the zoo by leading all the animals on a wild escape through the gift shop.


          Trying to convince a group of penguins to wear tuxedos at the wedding turned out to be more of a ●●● than expected.


          My cat has a strange ●●● for playing the piano at 3 a.m., much to the dismay of the neighbors.


          The notorious squirrel gang was caught in an act of ●●● as they chewed through the town’s Christmas lights for fun.



          The inventor claimed that his new flying toaster was the ●●● bullet to solve all breakfast problems, despite it only serving burnt toast.


          My cat decided to ●●● off its parents by meowing until they bought it a diamond-studded collar.


          After hours of debate, the aliens finally ●●●d on using jellybeans as their universal currency, much to the confusion of Earthlings.


          While attempting to impress his date, Tim tried to ●●● off a tree branch, only to discover it was a rubber chicken instead.


          While cleaning the attic, I unexpectedly ●●●d upon a time machine disguised as a dusty old lamp, which only traveled to Tuesday afternoons.






          Atrocity (残虐行為)
          Mnemonic: “Atrocity” sounds like “a tragic city,” where something terrible has happened.
          Association: Imagine a city ravaged by war, where people have witnessed unspeakable cruelty.
          Contextual Usage: “The war left a trail of atrocities, with countless lives lost and families torn apart.”

          Antipathy (反感)
          Mnemonic: “Anti” (against) + “pathy” (feeling) = a feeling against something.
          Association: Think of someone glaring at a dish they despise, their face showing clear antipathy.
          Contextual Usage: “His deep antipathy towards dishonesty made him a strict but fair leader.”

          Ambivalence (両価性)
          Mnemonic: “Ambi” means both, and “valence” relates to strength—having strong feelings in both directions.
          Association: Picture a person standing at a crossroads, torn between two paths, unsure of which way to go.
          Contextual Usage: “She felt ambivalence about moving to a new city—excited for a fresh start but sad to leave her friends behind.”

          Complacency (自己満足)
          Mnemonic: “Complacent” sounds like “come, place, sit”—just sitting back, too comfortable to improve.
          Association: Imagine a student relaxing and not studying because they believe they’re already smart enough, leading to complacency.
          Contextual Usage: “His complacency about the project led to errors that could have been easily avoided.”

          Compunction (良心の呵責)
          Mnemonic: “Compunction” sounds like “puncture”—a small, sharp pain like a guilty conscience.
          Association: Visualize a person pricking their conscience with a needle every time they do something wrong, feeling compunction.
          Contextual Usage: “She felt a pang of compunction after lying to her friend about the broken vase.”

          Composure (平静)
          Mnemonic: “Compose” means to put together—keeping yourself ‘together’ in tough situations.
          Association: Picture a calm person holding a fragile glass sculpture together with their hands, maintaining composure.
          Contextual Usage: “Even in the face of chaos, the leader maintained his composure, guiding his team through the crisis.”

          Compassion (思いやり)
          Mnemonic: “Com” means with, and “passion” means strong feelings—feeling strongly with someone.
          Association: Imagine holding someone’s hand during a tough time, showing them compassion.
          Contextual Usage: “Her compassion for animals led her to volunteer at the local shelter every weekend.”

          Compliance (従順)
          Mnemonic: “Comply” means to follow—following rules or instructions without resistance.
          Association: Think of a robot following orders exactly as programmed, showing compliance.
          Contextual Usage: “The company’s strict policies ensured full compliance with industry regulations.”

          Dispute (争い)
          Mnemonic: “Dis” means apart, and “pute” relates to thinking—thinking differently from someone else.
          Association: Picture two people arguing over a map, each insisting their direction is correct, leading to a dispute.
          Contextual Usage: “The neighbors’ dispute over the property line escalated into a legal battle.”

          Devastation (壊滅)
          Mnemonic: “Devastate” sounds like “devil’s state”—a state of complete destruction.
          Association: Imagine a powerful storm sweeping through a town, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake.
          Contextual Usage: “The earthquake caused widespread devastation, leaving thousands homeless.”

          Feud (確執)
          Mnemonic: “Feud” sounds like “food fight”—a long, bitter argument that just keeps going.
          Association: Think of two families arguing over generations, their feud never settling.
          Contextual Usage: “The century-old feud between the two families was still strong, with no end in sight.”

          Havoc (大混乱)
          Mnemonic: “Havoc” sounds like “have o’clock”—it’s time for chaos!
          Association: Imagine a wild party spiraling out of control, causing havoc in the house.
          Contextual Usage: “The escaped animals from the zoo wreaked havoc in the downtown area.”

          Hassle (面倒)
          Mnemonic: “Hassle” sounds like “hustle”—running around, dealing with annoying problems.
          Association: Picture someone trying to juggle multiple tasks at once, annoyed by the hassle.
          Contextual Usage: “Traveling during the holidays is always a hassle due to the crowds and delays.”

          Proclivity (傾向)
          Mnemonic: “Proclivity” sounds like “pro-climbing”—a natural tendency or inclination to do something.
          Association: Imagine someone always choosing the hardest climbing route, showing a proclivity for challenges.
          Contextual Usage: “She has a proclivity for solving puzzles, always eager to tackle the toughest ones.”

          Vandalism (破壊行為)
          Mnemonic: “Vandal” refers to those who destroy; think of “vandals” painting graffiti on walls.
          Association: Picture a group of mischievous teens spray-painting public property, committing vandalism.
          Contextual Usage: “The city spent thousands of dollars to repair the damage caused by vandalism in the park.”


          Amnesty (恩赦)
          連想法: 「Amnesty」は「アムネスティ」国際人権団体の名前を思い出してください。彼らが助けを求めている人々に「恩赦」を求めるイメージです。

          Affability (親しみやすさ)
          連想法: 「Affability」は「アフロ」の髪型をした人が笑顔で誰にでも親しみやすく話しかけてくるイメージです。

          Boon (恩恵)
          連想法: 「Boon」は「ブーン」と風が吹いて、良い知らせを運んでくるイメージです。

          Bounty (報奨金)
          連想法: 「Bounty」は「バウンティハンター」(賞金稼ぎ)を思い出し、彼が報奨金を得るイメージです。

          Brunt (主な負担)
          連想法: 「Brunt」は「ブラン」と重いものが落ちる音で、重い負担がのしかかるイメージです。

          Barrage (集中砲火)
          連想法: 「Barrage」は「バラージュ」と同じ音で、大量のバラが降り注ぐイメージです。

          Exodus (大量出国)
          連想法: 「Exodus」は「Exit」と似ていて、多くの人が一斉に出て行くイメージです。

          Lure (誘惑)
          連想法: 「Lure」は「ルアー」釣り用の疑似餌を思い出し、魚がそれに引き寄せられるイメージです。

          Magnetism (磁力)
          連想法: 「Magnetism」は「マグネット」から連想し、何かが強く引き寄せられるイメージです。

          Rubble (瓦礫)
          連想法: 「Rubble」は「ラブル」と響きが似ており、地震などで建物が崩れて瓦礫になるイメージです。

          Regime (政権)
          連想法: 「Regime」は「レジメ」(指導者が作成したルール)を思い出し、そのルールを制定した政権を連想します。

          Onslaught (猛攻撃)
          連想法: 「Onslaught」は「オン!スローアタック」(スローモーションの攻撃)を想像し、それが一気にスピードアップして猛攻撃になるイメージです。

          Obscurity (無名)
          連想法: 「Obscurity」は「オブスキュア」(目立たない)な状態を思い出し、暗闇の中に隠れているイメージです。

          Perseverance (忍耐)
          連想法: 「Perseverance」は「パース」でシューッとするように何かを貫くイメージです。

          Wreckage (残骸)
          連想法: 「Wreckage」は「レック」(壊れたもの)を思い出し、壊れた船や飛行機の残骸を連想します。

          Silver Bullet: 問題を解決するための確実な方法
          連想法: 「Silver Bullet」は、伝説の「銀の弾丸」が狼男を確実に倒すことができるという話から連想。すべての問題を解決する魔法の弾丸をイメージします。

          Sponge Off One’s Parents: 親のすねをかじる
          連想法: 「Sponge」は「スポンジ」が水を吸収するイメージ。親のサポートを吸い取るように頼って生活する様子を連想します。

          Settle On: を決める
          連想法: 「Settle」は「落ち着く」を連想。最後に一つの選択肢に落ち着く、決めるイメージです。

          Snap Off: をぽきっと折る
          連想法: 「Snap」は指を鳴らす音を連想し、その音で何かが簡単にぽきっと折れるイメージです。

          Stumble Upon: を偶然見つける
          連想法: 「Stumble」は「つまずく」イメージで、歩いているときに偶然何かにぶつかって見つける様子を連想します。


          Amnesty (恩赦)General Amnesty (一般恩赦)
          Grant Amnesty (恩赦を与える)
          Amnesty Program (恩赦プログラム)
          Declare Amnesty (恩赦を宣言する)
          Affability (親しみやすさ)Natural Affability (生まれつきの親しみやすさ)
          Genuine Affability (本物の親しみやすさ)
          Warm Affability (温かい親しみやすさ)
          Exude Affability (親しみやすさを放つ)
          Boon (恩恵)Great Boon (大きな恩恵)
          Significant Boon (重要な恩恵)
          Unexpected Boon (思いがけない恩恵)
          Boon to Society (社会への恩恵)
          Bounty (報奨金)Generous Bounty (寛大な報奨金)
          Bounty Hunter (賞金稼ぎ)
          Bounty Program (報奨金プログラム)
          Bounty of Nature (自然の恵み)
          Brunt (主な負担)Take the Brunt (主な負担を引き受ける)
          Bear the Brunt (主要な打撃を受ける)
          Brunt of the Attack (攻撃の主要部分)
          Face the Brunt (主な負担に直面する)
          Barrage (集中砲火)Heavy Barrage (激しい集中砲火)
          Artillery Barrage (大砲の集中攻撃)
          Barrage of Questions (質問の集中攻撃)
          Barrage Fire (集中砲火)
          Exodus (大量出国)Mass Exodus (大規模な移動)
          Forced Exodus (強制的な移動)
          Large-Scale Exodus (大規模な移動)
          Exodus of Refugees (難民の移動)
          Lure (誘惑)Powerful Lure (強力な誘惑)
          Fishing Lure (釣りの疑似餌)
          Lure of Fame (名声の魅力)
          Attractive Lure (魅力的な誘惑)
          Magnetism (磁力)Personal Magnetism (個人的な魅力)
          Magnetic Magnetism (磁力)
          Charismatic Magnetism (カリスマ的な魅力)
          Magnetism of the Place (場所の魅力)
          Rubble (瓦礫)Piles of Rubble (瓦礫の山)
          Rubble from the Collapse (崩壊からの瓦礫)
          Clearing the Rubble (瓦礫を片付ける)
          Rubble Field (瓦礫の地帯)
          Regime (政権)Political Regime (政治政権)
          Military Regime (軍事政権)
          Authoritarian Regime (権威主義政権)
          Change of Regime (政権交代)
          Onslaught (猛攻撃)Fierce Onslaught (激しい猛攻撃)
          Onslaught of Critics (批評家たちの猛攻撃)
          Onslaught of the Enemy (敵の猛攻撃)
          Prepare for an Onslaught (猛攻撃に備える)
          Obscurity (無名)State of Obscurity (無名の状態)
          Rise from Obscurity (無名からの出発)
          Live in Obscurity (無名で生きる)
          Achieve Obscurity (無名になる)
          Perseverance (忍耐)Great Perseverance (大きな忍耐)
          Show Perseverance (忍耐を示す)
          Perseverance Through Challenges (挑戦を乗り越える忍耐)
          Demonstrate Perseverance (忍耐を示す)
          Wreckage (残骸)Debris and Wreckage (がれきと残骸)
          Wreckage of the Ship (船の残骸)
          Search the Wreckage (残骸を探す)
          Wreckage from the Crash (衝突からの残骸)



          英検1級エクセレントコース:第二十七週金曜日 ライティングその14



          ①Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
          ②Give three reasons to support your answer.
          ③Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
          ④Suggested length: 200-240 words


          Should governments implement a universal basic income to address income inequality? (Agree or Disagree)



          Income inequality is a growing concern worldwide, and many have proposed universal basic income (UBI) as a solution. I agree that governments should implement UBI to address this issue for three key reasons: poverty reduction, economic stability, and social equity.

          Main Body:(3つ)

          Firstly, UBI can significantly reduce poverty by providing a safety net for all citizens. By ensuring a basic level of income, UBI helps individuals meet their essential needs, such as food, housing, and healthcare, which are often out of reach for the most disadvantaged. This reduces the gap between the rich and the poor, offering everyone a fair chance at a decent life.

          Secondly, UBI promotes economic stability by boosting consumer spending. When people have a guaranteed income, they are more likely to spend money on goods and services, stimulating the economy. This increased demand can lead to job creation and business growth, benefiting society as a whole.

          Lastly, UBI fosters social equity by reducing reliance on complex welfare systems. Traditional welfare programs can be stigmatizing and difficult to navigate, often excluding those who need help the most. UBI, on the other hand, is straightforward and inclusive, treating all citizens equally, regardless of their circumstances.


          In conclusion, implementing a universal basic income is a viable strategy for addressing income inequality. By reducing poverty, promoting economic stability, and fostering social equity, UBI can create a more just and balanced society.



          ①Poverty Reduction

          UBI ensures a basic income for all, helping reduce poverty by providing essential financial support.

          ②Economic Stability

          UBI boosts consumer spending, leading to economic growth and job creation.

          ③Social Equity

          UBI simplifies welfare systems, promoting fairness and inclusivity for all citizens.






          In the aftermath of the war, the city lay in devastation. The streets were littered with debris, and the once-thriving neighborhoods were now the sites of unspeakable atrocities. The citizens were left to rebuild their lives amidst the ruins, but an underlying antipathy began to fester between the two communities that had previously lived in harmony. This feud became more pronounced as both sides struggled with feelings of ambivalence—a mix of wanting peace but also harboring deep-seated resentment.

          Amidst the chaos, some individuals displayed remarkable composure, maintaining their calm in the face of adversity. Their compassion for others became a beacon of hope, inspiring acts of kindness even in the darkest times. However, not everyone was so noble. Complacency crept into the minds of those who had grown weary of the constant hassle of rebuilding, leading to neglect in crucial areas. This negligence soon resulted in havoc, as buildings collapsed and fires broke out due to lack of proper care.

          A group of citizens, burdened with compunction for not having done more to prevent the war, decided to take matters into their own hands. They formed a committee to ensure compliance with new safety regulations, hoping to prevent future disasters. However, their efforts were met with resistance, and a dispute arose over the best course of action. The tension in the community was palpable, and it wasn’t long before acts of vandalism became a common sight, further dividing the already fractured society.

          Through all this, some individuals found solace in their proclivity for creative expression. They turned to art, music, and writing as a means to cope with the overwhelming stress. In the end, it was this creative outlet that helped the community begin to heal, as it allowed people to express their grief, anger, and hopes for the future.







          Atrocity (●●●)

          Antipathy (●●●)

          Ambivalence (●●●)

          Complacency (●●●)

          Compunction (●●●)

          Composure (●●●)

          Compassion (●●●)

          Compliance (●●●)

          Dispute (●●●)

          Devastation (●●●)

          Feud (●●●)

          Havoc (●●●)

          Hassle (●●●)

          Proclivity (●●●)

          Vandalism (●●●)

          root for: ●●●

          run up: ●●●

          rally around: ●●●

          ruminate over: ●●●


          The ●●● of replacing all coffee with broccoli juice at the office caused a rebellion among the employees.

          His ●●● towards vegetables was so intense that he built a fence around his garden to keep out any stray spinach.

          Her ●●● about skydiving was clear as she both booked a ticket and canceled it three times in one day.

          The cat’s ●●● was shattered when the robot vacuum invaded its favorite napping spot.

          He felt no ●●● about eating the entire pizza by himself, even though it was supposed to be shared.

          Despite the sudden appearance of a llama in her living room, she managed to maintain her ●●● and offered it some tea.

          His ●●● for the stray cat was so strong that he built it a mini-mansion in his backyard, complete with a heated pool.

          The dog’s ●●● was remarkable as it willingly put on sunglasses and a hat for the family photo.

          The ●●● over whether pineapple belongs on pizza escalated to the point where a full-scale food fight broke out in the pizzeria.

          The ●●● caused by the raccoon raid on the garbage bins left the backyard looking like a miniature war zone.

          The neighbors’ ●●● over a single garden gnome escalated until they each built a 10-foot-tall statue in their front yards.

          The release of 100 squirrels at the outdoor wedding caused absolute ●●● as the guests ran in every direction.

          It was such a ●●● trying to explain to the dog why it couldn’t drive the car anymore after its last accident.

          Her ●●● to burst into song at the most inappropriate times made family dinners an unpredictable event.

          The act of ●●● in the town square involved painting all the statues to look like clowns, much to the mayor’s horror.


          I always ●●● for the underdog in every competition, especially when that underdog is a squirrel trying to win a cheese-eating contest.

          He decided to ●●● up the number of his pet goldfish to 100, thinking a fish parade would bring him fame and fortune.

          The neighborhood cats decided to ●●● around their leader, a wise old tabby, to plan an invasion of the dog park.

          After eating an entire pizza by himself, he sat down to ●●● over the meaning of life while wearing a slice of pepperoni as a hat.




          Auditorium (講堂):

          Mnemonic: Think of “audience” + “room” = a room where the audience gathers.
          Association: Imagine an auditorium filled with an enthusiastic crowd, ready to listen to a concert or lecture.
          Context: “The school held its graduation ceremony in the large auditorium, where every seat was filled.”

          Attribute (属性):

          Mnemonic: “A tribute” to someone is often given for their good attributes.
          Association: Picture an attribute as a badge of honor pinned on someone, highlighting their key qualities.
          Context: “Her most admirable attribute is her kindness, which makes her beloved by all.”

          Blunder (大失敗):

          Mnemonic: Imagine someone making a “blunder” by blindly stumbling through a door.
          Association: Visualize someone tripping on their own shoelaces during an important meeting.
          Context: “The CEO’s blunder in the press conference led to a significant drop in the company’s stock price.”

          Catalyst (触媒):

          Mnemonic: A “cat” that “lists” things to get things moving—like a catalyst in a reaction.
          Association: Think of a spark that lights a fire, triggering a bigger event.
          Context: “The scientist added a catalyst to speed up the chemical reaction.”

          Culpability (罪責):

          Mnemonic: “Culprit” + “ability” = the ability to be found guilty.
          Association: Picture a courtroom where someone’s culpability is being determined.
          Context: “The investigation revealed his culpability in the financial scandal.”

          Disposition (気質):

          Mnemonic: “Dispose” + “position” = how you’re naturally disposed or positioned in life.
          Association: Imagine a sunny disposition as a person who always carries a little sunshine with them.
          Context: “Her cheerful disposition made her popular among her peers.”

          Fiasco (大失敗):

          Mnemonic: Imagine a big “fiesta” going wrong, turning into a fiasco.
          Association: Visualize a party where everything goes wrong—food spills, the DJ doesn’t show up, and guests leave early.
          Context: “The event was a complete fiasco, with technical issues and poor planning.”

          Hindrance (障害):

          Mnemonic: “Hind” sounds like “behind,” something that holds you back.
          Association: Picture trying to run a race with a heavy weight tied to your back.
          Context: “Lack of funding has been a major hindrance to the project’s progress.”

          Idiosyncrasy (特異性):

          Mnemonic: “Idiot” + “sync” = something out of sync with what is normal, hence unique or odd.
          Association: Imagine someone who always eats dessert before the main course—a peculiar habit.
          Context: “His habit of whistling while working was one of his many idiosyncrasies.”

          Impasse (行き詰まり):

          Mnemonic: “I’m pass” sounds like “I can’t pass,” indicating a deadlock.
          Association: Visualize two cars facing each other on a narrow road, neither able to move forward.
          Context: “The negotiations reached an impasse when neither side was willing to compromise.”

          Impediment (障害):

          Mnemonic: “Imped” (like “impede”) + “ment” = something that impedes or blocks progress.
          Association: Picture a large boulder blocking your path during a hike.
          Context: “His speech impediment made public speaking a challenge for him.”

          Niche (適所):

          Mnemonic: Think of a “niche” as a small “nest” where you perfectly fit.
          Association: Imagine finding a cozy, perfect corner in a big library that feels like it was made just for you.
          Context: “She found her niche in the tech industry, where her skills were highly valued.”

          Stalemate (行き詰まり):

          Mnemonic: “Stale” + “mate” = a situation so stale that neither mate can move.
          Association: Visualize a chess game where no one can make a move to win.
          Context: “The debate ended in a stalemate, with neither side willing to back down.”

          Trait (特性):

          Mnemonic: “Trait” sounds like “track,” as in a track someone leaves behind, representing their characteristics.
          Association: Think of a trait as a thread in a tapestry, weaving together a person’s identity.
          Context: “Honesty is a trait that is highly valued in leadership.”

          Temperament (気質):

          Mnemonic: “Temperature” + “ment” = the emotional “temperature” of a person.
          Association: Picture someone whose temperament is like the weather—sometimes sunny, sometimes stormy.
          Context: “His calm temperament makes him well-suited for high-pressure situations.”


          Atrocity (残虐行為):

          連想: 「アトロシティー(都市)」という言葉を思い浮かべて、都市で起こる残虐な行為を連想しましょう。

          Antipathy (反感):

          連想: 「アンチ」 + 「パス(通らない)」=嫌いで近づきたくないものを連想しましょう。

          Ambivalence (両価性/相反する感情):

          連想: 「アンビバレント」=アンバランスな感情、矛盾した気持ちを持つ状態を連想しましょう。

          Complacency (自己満足):

          連想: 「コンプレックス」が逆転して「満足」している様子を連想しましょう。

          Compunction (良心の呵責):

          連想: 「コン(共に)」+「パンチ(打つ)」=自分の良心を叩かれる感覚を連想しましょう。

          Composure (平静/落ち着き):

          連想: 「コンポーズ(compose=構成する)」=自分を冷静に保つ構成力を連想しましょう。

          Compassion (思いやり/同情):

          連想: 「コン(共に)」+「パッション(情熱)」=他者の痛みや感情を共に感じることを連想しましょう。

          Compliance (順守/従順):

          連想: 「コンプライ(complain=文句を言う)」の反対、文句を言わずに従うことを連想しましょう。

          Dispute (紛争/争い):

          連想: 「ディスピュート」=「dis(否定)」+「ピュート(pute=考える)」=互いに反対の考えを持つことを連想しましょう。

          Devastation (壊滅/荒廃):

          連想: 「デバステーション」=「デバス(devastate=破壊する)」=完全に破壊された様子を連想しましょう。

          Feud (確執/争い):

          連想: 「フュード」=「food(食べ物)」を奪い合う争いを連想しましょう。

          Havoc (大混乱/破壊):

          連想: 「ハボック」=「have + chaos」=混乱や破壊をもたらす状況を連想しましょう。

          Hassle (面倒/厄介事):

          連想: 「ハッスル(hustle=急がせる)」が反対に「面倒で嫌なこと」を連想しましょう。

          Proclivity (傾向/性向):

          連想: 「プロ(前に)」+「クリビティ(inclination=傾向)」=何かに前のめりになる性向を連想しましょう。

          Vandalism (破壊行為/文化の破壊):

          連想: 「バンダリズム」=「バンド+破壊」=バンドが破壊するイメージを連想しましょう。


          Atrocity (残虐行為)Commit an atrocity: 残虐行為を犯す
          War atrocity: 戦争犯罪
          Horrific atrocity: 恐ろしい残虐行為
          Antipathy (反感)Feel antipathy towards: ~に対して反感を抱く
          Deep-seated antipathy: 根深い反感
          Mutual antipathy: 相互の反感
          Ambivalence (両価性/相反する感情)Feel ambivalence about: ~に対して相反する感情を抱く
          Emotional ambivalence: 感情の両価性
          Ambivalence towards: ~に対する相反する気持ち
          Complacency (自己満足)A sense of complacency: 自己満足感
          Dangerous complacency: 危険な自己満足
          Fall into complacency: 自己満足に陥る
          Compunction (良心の呵責)Feel compunction: 良心の呵責を感じる
          Without compunction: ためらいなく、良心の呵責なく
          Moment of compunction: 良心の呵責の瞬間
          Composure (平静/落ち着き)Maintain composure: 落ち着きを保つ
          Lose composure: 落ち着きを失う
          Remarkable composure: 驚くべき平静さ
          Compassion (思いやり/同情)Show compassion: 思いやりを示す
          Feel compassion for: ~に対して同情を感じる
          Deep compassion: 深い思いやり
          Compliance (順守/従順)Ensure compliance: 順守を確保する
          Voluntary compliance: 自発的な順守
          In compliance with: ~に従って
          Dispute (紛争/争い)Settle a dispute: 紛争を解決する
          Legal dispute: 法的争い
          Ongoing dispute: 継続中の紛争
          Devastation (壊滅/荒廃)Widespread devastation: 広範囲にわたる壊滅
          Cause devastation: 壊滅を引き起こす
          Devastation of war: 戦争の荒廃
          Feud (確執/争い)Family feud: 家族間の確執
          Long-standing feud: 長年の確執
          Bitter feud: 激しい争い
          Havoc (大混乱/破壊)Wreak havoc: 大混乱を引き起こす
          Cause havoc: 混乱を引き起こす
          Havoc of war: 戦争の混乱
          Hassle (面倒/厄介事)Avoid hassle: 面倒を避ける
          Daily hassle: 日常の厄介事
          Unnecessary hassle: 不要な面倒
          Proclivity (傾向/性向)Proclivity for violence: 暴力への傾向
          Sexual proclivity: 性的傾向
          Natural proclivity: 生来の性向
          Vandalism (破壊行為/文化の破壊)Act of vandalism: 破壊行為
          Urban vandalism: 都市の破壊行為
          Prevent vandalism: 破壊行為を防ぐ





          In the vast auditorium, the audience waited eagerly for the speaker to begin. The lecturer was known for her unique idiosyncrasy—a tendency to pause dramatically before delivering key points, which had become an identifiable trait in her public speaking. Despite this, her calm temperament was admired by many, as it helped to ease the tension often felt in large gatherings.

          However, as she started her presentation, a technical blunder occurred—the microphone suddenly stopped working. This unforeseen impediment was initially a hindrance, causing a brief moment of confusion. But the lecturer, with her positive disposition, quickly turned the situation around by raising her voice and continuing without the microphone. The catalyst for this recovery was her ability to stay composed under pressure, a quality that had become an essential attribute of her character.

          As she spoke, she addressed the recent project that had ended in a complete fiasco. The project had reached an impasse due to poor planning, and the team had faced a major setback. The culpability of the failure was shared among the members, but it was clear that a lack of clear leadership had been the main hindrance. The situation had become a stalemate, with no one willing to take responsibility.

          The lecturer emphasized that understanding one’s niche—their specific area of expertise—is crucial for success. She explained that each individual’s unique idiosyncrasies and dispositions play a vital role in their professional and personal growth. By the end of the talk, the audience in the auditorium left with a renewed sense of purpose, inspired to embrace their own strengths and learn from their mistakes.







          Auditorium – ●●●
          Attribute – ●●●
          Blunder – ●●●
          Catalyst – ●●●
          Culpability – ●●●
          Disposition – ●●●
          Fiasco – ●●●
          Hindrance – ●●●
          Idiosyncrasy – ●●●
          Impasse – ●●●
          Impediment – ●●●
          Niche – ●●●
          Stalemate – ●●●
          Trait – ●●●
          Temperament – ●●●
          rake off: ●●●
          rustle up: ●●●
          ride shotgun: ●●●
          rip through: ●●●
          rifle through: ●●●


          The ●●● turned into a jungle gym when the principal announced a surprise trampoline event during the math exam.

          One of the main ●●●s of my cat is its ability to knock over expensive items with surgical precision while maintaining innocent eye contact.

          His ●●● of using glitter instead of salt on his dinner led to an unexpected rave party in his living room.

          The cat became a ●●● for the neighborhood’s transformation into a circus after it learned how to juggle fish.

          His ●●● for the cookie heist was evident when he was caught with crumbs all over his face and a guilty look in his eyes.

          Her cheerful ●●● shone brightest during the zombie apocalypse, where she organized dance parties for the undead.

          The company picnic turned into a ●●● when the barbecue exploded and the hot dogs started flying like missiles.

          His tendency to wear a chicken costume everywhere became a ●●● when he tried to enter a serious business meeting.

          Her ●●● of singing to her plants every morning led to a neighborhood talent show where they performed a musical.

          The negotiation reached an ●●● when both sides insisted on exchanging cookies for unicorn rides.

          His fear of ducks became an ●●● to his dream of becoming a professional quacker.

          She found her ●●● in the world of competitive snail racing, where she became the reigning champion of the slow lane.
          彼女は競技性のあるカタツムリレースの世界でニッチを見つけ、スローレーンの reigning champion となった。

          The chess game ended in a ●●● when both players decided to move their pieces in synchronized dance moves instead.

          His most notable ●●● was his ability to communicate with squirrels, which often resulted in nut-based negotiations.

          Her fiery ●●● often clashed with the calmness of her pet rock, leading to intense staring contests.


          During the bake sale, she managed to ●●● off half the profits by cleverly disguising her cookies as gourmet delicacies.
          バザー中、彼女はクッキーをグルメな delicacies に巧みに偽装することで、利益の半分を分け前として取ることに成功した。

          He had to ●●● up a five-course meal in ten minutes when the Queen announced her surprise visit to his tiny apartment.

          When the alien spaceship landed, I called dibs to ride ●●●, but I ended up having to share the seat with a three-headed creature.

          The superhero ●●●ped through the giant marshmallow wall, leaving a trail of sticky fluff in her wake as she saved the day.

          In a desperate attempt to find his missing sock, he ●●●d through the entire house, uncovering a hidden stash of candy from last Halloween.

