

In a small town known for its quiet charm, the audacity of a local artist shook the community. This artist had a unique affinity for creating intricate allegories through his paintings, often leaving viewers mesmerized and contemplative. Despite the brevity of his career, his works left a lasting impression, defying the duration that typically determined an artist’s legacy.

However, his rise to fame was not without its challenges. The town’s budget deficit often resulted in limited funding for the arts. Yet, the artist found a way to thrive, using his dividends from previous exhibitions to sustain his work. He was also meticulous in his tax deductions, ensuring that every penny was wisely spent to continue his craft.

Not everyone in the town appreciated his success. There were whispers and innuendos, often hinting that his achievements were the result of some elaborate hoax. Some even made insinuations that he harbored a grudge against those who doubted his talent. But the artist paid little heed to these rumors, focusing instead on his creative tenure and the proximity of his next big exhibition.

Interestingly, the artist’s story spread far beyond the town’s borders, becoming an allegory of resilience and creativity. As his fame grew, so did the surplus of admirers who found inspiration in his work. Through his journey, the artist taught the world that true talent and passion could overcome any obstacle, leaving a legacy that transcended time and place.







Audacity (●●●)

Affinity (●●●)

Allegory (●●●)

Duration (●●●)

Deficit (●●●)

Dividend (●●●)

Deduction (●●●)

Dues (●●●)

Hoax (●●●)

Innuendo (●●●)

Insinuation (●●●)

Grudge (●●●)

Tenure (●●●)

Proximity (●●●)

Surplus (●●●)

live down: ●●●

mark out: ●●●

muscle in on: ●●●

measure out: ●●●


The cat had the ●●● to steal the dog’s bed, lie down in it, and start snoring loudly.


Jake has an unusual ●●● for collecting spoons from every restaurant he visits, insisting they all have different ‘vibes.’


Her story about a lost sock was actually an ●●● for her struggles with misplacing important things in life.


During the ●●● of his ‘digital detox,’ Mark somehow ended up buying five more smartphones.


After buying 200 rubber duckies, Linda realized her bank account was in serious ●●●, but her bathtub looked amazing.


To her surprise, Emma received a ●●● from her stock in a chocolate company—paid entirely in chocolate bars.


His ●●● for ‘mysterious snacks’ on his taxes raised some eyebrows at the IRS.


Kevin paid his gym ●●● for the year but only showed up once—to take a selfie in the mirror.


The UFO sighting turned out to be a ●●●, but Fred still insists it was ‘a life-changing experience.’


With a wink and an ●●●, Sally managed to convince everyone she was secretly a millionaire.


Through subtle ●●●s, Tom made everyone think he was a celebrity chef, even though he could barely cook instant noodles.


Paul held a ●●● against his neighbor for stealing his newspaper… six years ago.


Professor Lane, after gaining ●●●, decided his life’s mission was to study the behavior of pigeons in the park.


The ●●● of the ice cream truck to his house meant that Tim developed a serious ice cream addiction over the summer.


Having a ●●● of pickles, Jane decided to create an entire menu around pickles, much to her friends’ dismay.



After wearing a giant chicken costume to the office party, Kyle knew he’d never ●●● it down—everyone kept clucking at him for weeks.


Sandra decided to ●●● out her personal space in the cafeteria with a line of potato chips, daring anyone to cross it.


When Sarah opened a lemonade stand, her brother tried to ●●● in on her business by setting up a popsicle stand right next to it.


Determined to make the perfect smoothie, Jake meticulously ●●●d out exactly five blueberries for ‘optimal flavor’—his friends thought he’d lost it.




