As the night deepened, a sense of foreboding enveloped the desolate village. Shadows danced eerily in the moonlight, and whispers of ancient spirits seemed to abscond through the narrow alleyways. The villagers, weary from years of abuse by corrupt officials, prayed for relief. Little did they know, a stranger would soon arrive, promising change through cunning persuasion and elaborate schemes. With honeyed words, he sought to cajole the disillusioned populace, urging them not to cease their resistance but to circulate tales of hope and rebellion. Yet behind his charming facade lay a darker purpose – to dupe the vulnerable into schemes of his own making.
abscond – ●●●
abuse – ●●●
cajole – ●●●
cease – ●●●
circulate – ●●●
dupe – ●●●
intrigue – ●●●
defraud – ●●●
poach – ●●●
juggle – ●●●
probe – ●●●
swindle – ●●●
penetrate – ●●●
mutter – ●●●
tamper – ●●●
ferret out: ●●●
factor in: ●●●
freeze up: ●●●
foreclose on: ●●●
fall flat: ●●●
The circus elephant managed to ●●● with the popcorn stand, leaving the entire audience in shock.
The parrot loved to ●●● its vocabulary by shouting insults at the postman every morning.
The cunning fox tried to ●●● the farmer’s dog into unlocking the henhouse by promising unlimited belly rubs.
When the magical violin began to play by itself, all the ghosts in the room had to ●●● their haunting activities and dance.
The rumor that unicorns were living in the city park began to ●●● after a rainbow-colored horse was seen eating a hot dog.
The con artist managed to ●●● an entire chess club into believing he was a grandmaster, even though he barely knew the rules.
The cat’s ability to ●●● scientists grew after it was caught performing quantum physics experiments in the basement.
The dishonest accountant tried to ●●● the bank by pretending his goldfish was the CEO of a successful company.
A group of squirrels was caught trying to ●●● the last golden acorn from the enchanted oak tree.
The overworked clown had to ●●● his job, his kids, and his 17 pet rabbits, all while wearing oversized shoes.
The alien’s mission was to ●●● Earth’s deepest mysteries, but it got distracted by ice cream and never returned to its spaceship.
The mischievous raccoon managed to ●●● a whole bakery out of their cookies by pretending to be a health inspector.
The knight’s sword could ●●● even the toughest dragon scales, but it was useless against a particularly stubborn jar of pickles.
The wizard ●●●ed ancient curses at his microwave after it burned his popcorn three times in a row.
The detective discovered someone had tried to ●●● with the evidence by replacing the priceless diamond with a glittery candy.
The detective had to ●●● out the missing sock, which had mysteriously vanished after the laundry fairy made an appearance.
Before buying the haunted mansion, the paranormal investigator had to ●●● in the likelihood of ghosts and whether they were friendly or just grumpy.
When the robot saw a squirrel outside the window, it completely ●●● up, unable to process its feelings about the cute, furry creature.
The wizard tried to ●●● on the magical forest, but the trees fought back by casting spells that turned his wand into a rubber chicken.
The comedian’s joke about a dancing octopus ●●● flat when the audience was too busy trying to understand why the octopus was dancing in the first place.