2024年 2月 の投稿一覧



As the night deepened, a sense of foreboding enveloped the desolate village. Shadows danced eerily in the moonlight, and whispers of ancient spirits seemed to abscond through the narrow alleyways. The villagers, weary from years of abuse by corrupt officials, prayed for relief. Little did they know, a stranger would soon arrive, promising change through cunning persuasion and elaborate schemes. With honeyed words, he sought to cajole the disillusioned populace, urging them not to cease their resistance but to circulate tales of hope and rebellion. Yet behind his charming facade lay a darker purpose – to dupe the vulnerable into schemes of his own making.




abscond – ●●●

abuse – ●●●

cajole – ●●●

cease – ●●●

circulate – ●●●

dupe – ●●●

intrigue – ●●●

defraud – ●●●

poach – ●●●

juggle – ●●●

probe – ●●●

swindle – ●●●

penetrate – ●●●

mutter – ●●●

tamper – ●●●

ferret out: ●●●

factor in: ●●●

freeze up: ●●●

foreclose on: ●●●

fall flat: ●●●


The circus elephant managed to ●●● with the popcorn stand, leaving the entire audience in shock.

The parrot loved to ●●● its vocabulary by shouting insults at the postman every morning.

The cunning fox tried to ●●● the farmer’s dog into unlocking the henhouse by promising unlimited belly rubs.

When the magical violin began to play by itself, all the ghosts in the room had to ●●● their haunting activities and dance.

The rumor that unicorns were living in the city park began to ●●● after a rainbow-colored horse was seen eating a hot dog.

The con artist managed to ●●● an entire chess club into believing he was a grandmaster, even though he barely knew the rules.

The cat’s ability to ●●● scientists grew after it was caught performing quantum physics experiments in the basement.

The dishonest accountant tried to ●●● the bank by pretending his goldfish was the CEO of a successful company.

A group of squirrels was caught trying to ●●● the last golden acorn from the enchanted oak tree.

The overworked clown had to ●●● his job, his kids, and his 17 pet rabbits, all while wearing oversized shoes.

The alien’s mission was to ●●● Earth’s deepest mysteries, but it got distracted by ice cream and never returned to its spaceship.

The mischievous raccoon managed to ●●● a whole bakery out of their cookies by pretending to be a health inspector.

The knight’s sword could ●●● even the toughest dragon scales, but it was useless against a particularly stubborn jar of pickles.

The wizard ●●●ed ancient curses at his microwave after it burned his popcorn three times in a row.

The detective discovered someone had tried to ●●● with the evidence by replacing the priceless diamond with a glittery candy.


The detective had to ●●● out the missing sock, which had mysteriously vanished after the laundry fairy made an appearance.

Before buying the haunted mansion, the paranormal investigator had to ●●● in the likelihood of ghosts and whether they were friendly or just grumpy.

When the robot saw a squirrel outside the window, it completely ●●● up, unable to process its feelings about the cute, furry creature.

The wizard tried to ●●● on the magical forest, but the trees fought back by casting spells that turned his wand into a rubber chicken.

The comedian’s joke about a dancing octopus ●●● flat when the audience was too busy trying to understand why the octopus was dancing in the first place.





Abort – Mnemonic: “Abort mission!”

Association: Think of a pilot aborting a mission due to unforeseen circumstances.
Contextual usage: “The team had to abort their plans due to bad weather.”

Allocate – Mnemonic: “Allocate apples.”

Association: Imagine dividing a basket of apples among different people.
Contextual usage: “The company will allocate funds for the new project.”

Adjourn – Mnemonic: “End of the day, let’s adjourn.”

Association: Picture closing a book at the end of a reading session.
Contextual usage: “The meeting will adjourn until next week.”

Proclaim – Mnemonic: “Proclaim loudly.”

Association: Visualize someone standing on a podium and proclaiming a message to a crowd.
Contextual usage: “The mayor will proclaim the new law in a public speech.”

Thwart – Mnemonic: “Thwart the plot.”

Association: Imagine a hero thwarting the villain’s evil plans.
Contextual usage: “The security measures thwarted the attempted robbery.”

Profess – Mnemonic: “Profess your love.”

Association: Think of someone openly declaring their feelings for someone else.
Contextual usage: “He professes his dedication to his work.”

Disband – Mnemonic: “Disband the band.”

Association: Picture members of a band going their separate ways.
Contextual usage: “The group decided to disband after their final concert.”

Humiliate – Mnemonic: “Humiliated in public.”

Association: Imagine someone being embarrassed in front of a large audience.
Contextual usage: “She felt humiliated by the prank played on her.”

Dislodge – Mnemonic: “Dislodge the log.”

Association: Visualize removing a stuck log from a river to let the water flow freely.
Contextual usage: “The doctor had to dislodge the bone from the patient’s throat.”

Synthesize – Mnemonic: “Synthesize information.”

Association: Think of combining different elements to create something new, like mixing chemicals in a lab.
Contextual usage: “The scientist will synthesize the data to form a comprehensive report.”

Nullify – Mnemonic: “Nullify the contract.”

Association: Picture tearing up a contract to render it invalid.
Contextual usage: “The court decision nullified the previous ruling.”

Scatter – Mnemonic: “Scatter the seeds.”

Association: Imagine throwing seeds in different directions.
Contextual usage: “The wind scatter the leaves across the yard.”

Suspend – Mnemonic: “Suspend disbelief.”

Association: Think of temporarily pausing your skepticism to enjoy a fictional story.
Contextual usage: “The teacher will suspend the lesson to address an urgent matter.”

Congregate – Mnemonic: “Congregate in church.”

Association: Visualize people gathering together for a religious service.
Contextual usage: “The protesters will congregate in the town square.”

Revoke – Mnemonic: “Revoke the license.”

Association: Imagine someone having their license taken away due to misconduct.
Contextual usage: “The government may revoke your passport for certain violations.”











:「juggle(手品をする)」と聞いたら、人が色々な物を空中で malabarizar する様子を想像します。






ferret out: を探し出す

factor in: を考慮に入れる

freeze up: 態度を固くする

foreclose on: に担保権を行使する

fall flat: 失敗となる


abscond (逃亡する)abscond from justice: 正義から逃れる
abscond with money: お金を持ち逃げする
abuse (虐待する)abuse of power: 権力の乱用
substance abuse: 薬物乱用
cajole (おだてて説得する)cajole someone into doing something: 誰かを何かをさせるようにおだてる
cease (やめる)cease operations: 操業を停止する
cease fire: 射撃停止
circulate (循環する)circulate rumors: 噂を広める
circulate information: 情報を循環させる
dupe (だます)dupe someone into believing: 誰かを信じ込ませる
dupe the public: 一般大衆をだます
intrigue (陰謀を企てる)political intrigue: 政治的陰謀
intrigue against someone: 誰かに対する陰謀
defraud (詐欺をする)defraud investors: 投資家をだます
defraud customers: 顧客をだます
poach (密猟する)poach wildlife: 野生動物を密猟する
poach eggs: 卵をゆでる
juggle (やりくりする)juggle responsibilities: 責任をうまくこなす
juggle finances: 財務をやりくりする
probe (調査する)probe into corruption: 腐敗の調査
probe the depths: 深部を調査する
swindle (だます)swindle money: お金をだまし取る
swindle someone out of something: 誰かから何かをだまし取る
penetrate (侵入する)penetrate defenses: 防御を貫通する
penetrate a market: 市場に浸透する
mutter (ぶつぶつ言う)mutter under one’s breath: ぶつぶつと呟く
mutter complaints: 不満をぶつぶつ言う
tamper(いじる)tamper with evidence: 証拠を改ざんする
tamper-proof: 改ざん防止の






①Short Speech


③Grammar and Vocabulary



Are global efforts to address climate change sufficient, or do we need more radical solutions?


Global efforts to address climate change are insufficient, and more radical solutions are needed. Current initiatives, though commendable, often fall short in achieving the necessary emissions reductions to prevent catastrophic consequences. Rapid and transformative measures, such as systemic changes in energy production, consumption patterns, and international cooperation, are imperative to effectively combat the escalating climate crisis.


What are some strategies for mitigating climate change, and how effective might they be?


Some strategies for mitigating climate change include transitioning to renewable energy sources, implementing energy efficiency measures, afforestation and reforestation, promoting sustainable agriculture, and adopting carbon capture technologies. The effectiveness of these strategies varies, but collectively they can contribute significantly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Transitioning to renewables decreases reliance on fossil fuels, energy efficiency lowers overall consumption, afforestation and reforestation sequester carbon, sustainable agriculture minimizes emissions, and carbon capture technologies address existing emissions. The combined implementation of these strategies is crucial for a comprehensive and effective response to climate change.






In the realm of ancient traditions, rulers sometimes faced the difficult decision to abdicate their thrones, relinquishing power for the greater good. This act required immense humility, as leaders chose to step aside, allowing new forces to assimilate into the governance. However, the aftermath of such decisions could aggravate political instability, inviting censure from various factions. The delicate balance between continuity and change often hinged on the ability to stabilize the transition.

Throughout history, cultures have grappled with external influences that threatened to contaminate their core values. Efforts to preserve identity sometimes led to resistance, while others sought to embrace and merge with the evolving world. The struggle to find equilibrium and prevent further exacerbation of tensions shaped the course of nations.

In times of crisis, leaders faced the challenge of dispersing resources effectively. Decisions to supplant outdated systems and eradicate inefficiencies required strategic vision. A united front against common threats often necessitated the waiver of individual interests for the collective good.

In the face of adversity, societies sought to rout their challenges, channeling collective energy to wreak positive change. Individuals, inspired by a shared vision, pledged to uphold principles that transcended personal gain. These pledges formed the foundation for unity and resilience, fostering a spirit that endured through trials and tribulations.







Abdicate (●●●)
Assimilate (●●●)
Aggravate (●●●)
Censure (●●●)
Contaminate (●●●)
Stabilize (●●●)
Disperse (●●●)
Supplant (●●●)
Eradicate (●●●)
Merge (●●●)
Exacerbate (●●●)
Waive (●●●)
Rout (●●●)
Wreak (●●●)
Pledge (●●●)

ease out(●●●
ease off(●●●
egg X on to Y(●●●


The king decided to ●●● his throne after he realized the royal cat was better at ruling than he was.

The aliens tried to ●●● into human society by wearing sunglasses and drinking iced coffee, but they accidentally started a dance craze instead.

Trying to explain quantum physics to a toddler only seemed to ●●● the situation, especially when the toddler started building a fort out of blocks.

The mayor was ●●●d after he announced that the city’s new mascot would be a giant, inflatable pizza.

The scientist’s experiment went wrong and ●●●d the lab with spaghetti sauce, causing everyone to panic and search for pasta.

The magician waved his wand to ●●● the floating car, but instead, it turned into a flying unicorn.

When the confetti cannon went off, it caused the crowd to ●●● in a panic, thinking it was a fire drill.

The evil corporation tried to ●●● the community center by building a giant mall, but the community decided to throw a pizza party instead.

The superheroes worked together to ●●● the giant broccoli monster that was terrorizing the city.

The two rival donut shops decided to ●●●, creating the world’s first donut-pizza hybrid restaurant.

The loud party next door only served to ●●● the noise levels in the whole neighborhood, prompting everyone to wear earplugs.

The king decided to ●●● the taxes for a year, but only if everyone wore their pajamas to the royal ball.

The dragon ●●●ed the knights by blowing fiery bubbles at them, causing them to retreat in confusion.

The villain planned to ●●● havoc by replacing all the clocks in town with ones that ran backwards.

The knight ●●●d to rescue the princess from the tower, but only after he finished his sandwich.


The company decided to ●●● out the employee by replacing his desk with a giant inflatable dinosaur.

As the storm began to ●●● off, the unicorns returned to the sky, riding rainbows as if nothing had happened.

Tommy tried to ●●● his friend on to jump into the pool, but instead, his friend started doing the moonwalk on the edge.




Abort –
Imagine a red “Abort” button like those in movies. When you press it, a mission or operation stops abruptly.
Association: Abort = Red button stops mission.

Allocate –
Think of an allocator as someone who’s handing out slices of cake to different people, ensuring a fair distribution.
Association: Allocate = Allocator gives out portions.

Adjourn –
Picture a judge in a courtroom saying, “Let’s adjourn,” signaling a temporary break or pause in the proceedings.
Association: Adjourn = Judge says, “Take a break.”

Proclaim –
Imagine a king standing on a tall platform, loudly declaring a proclamation to all his subjects.
Association: Proclaim = King declares loudly.

Thwart –
Visualize a superhero using a shield to thwart an evil plan, blocking and preventing it from happening.
Association: Thwart = Shield stops evil plan.

Profess –
Picture a professor standing in front of a class, passionately expressing their beliefs or knowledge.
Association: Profess = Professor passionately speaks.

Disband –
Envision a marching band breaking apart and dispersing in different directions after the performance.
Association: Disband = Band breaks apart.

Humiliate –
Think of someone being humiliated as having a huge “H” stamped on their forehead, symbolizing shame.
Association: Humiliate = “H” for shame.

Dislodge –
Picture a “dis” (dislike) sign attached to a lodge, indicating someone forcefully removing it from its place.

Association: Dislodge = Dislike sign removed.

Synthesize –
Imagine a scientist synthesizing a potion by combining various colorful liquids in a laboratory.
Association: Synthesize = Scientist mixes colorful potions.

Nullify –
Visualize a judge striking a gavel on a document, rendering it null and void.
Association: Nullify = Judge cancels with gavel.

Scatter –
Think of a scattering of seeds being thrown in different directions, spreading across the field.
Association: Scatter = Seeds spread everywhere.

Suspend –
Picture a student’s backpack hanging from a suspension bridge, temporarily halted mid-air.
Association: Suspend = Backpack hanging in mid-air.

Congregate –
Imagine a group of people gathered at a gate, congregating before entering an event.
Association: Congregate = Group gathers at gate.

Revoke –
Visualize a hand reaching out and grabbing a certificate, symbolizing the revocation of a privilege.
Association: Revoke = Hand takes back certificate.


Abdicate (退位)
連想: 王冠を脱ぐ(王様が退位する)

Assimilate (同化する)
連想: エイリアンが地球人に同化する

Aggravate (悪化させる)
連想: 悪魔が状況を悪化させる

Censure (非難する)
連想: 裁判官が非難の声を上げる

Contaminate (汚染する)
連想: 有害物質が水を汚染する

Stabilize (安定させる)
連想: 基盤がしっかりして安定する

Disperse (分散させる)
連想: 風が花粉を分散させる

Supplant (取って代わる)
連想: 苗木が古い木を取って代わる

Eradicate (根絶する)
連想: 農夫が害虫を根絶する

Merge (合併する)
連想: 二つの川が合流して一つになる

Exacerbate (悪化させる)
連想: 炎が状況を悪化させる

Waive (放棄する)
連想: 選手がポイントを放棄する

Rout (大敗する)
連想: 軍隊が大敗する

Wreak (もたらす)
連想: 嵐が破壊をもたらす

Pledge (誓約する)
連想: 手を胸に当てて誓いを立てる

Ease out: を退職に追い込む
連想: 退職する人がイージーチェアに座り、リラックスしながらオフィスからゆっくりと外に抜け出す様子。

Ease off: 小降りになる
連想: 雨が激しく降っていたが、徐々に雨が軽くなり、傘を閉じる人々の姿。

Egg X on to Y: XにVするようけしかける
連想: 卵(エッグ)が何かに向かって転がっている。その卵から何かが孵化し、何かに対して挑戦的に行動する。


Abdicate (退位する)Abdicate the throne: 王位を退く
Abdicate responsibility: 責任を放棄する
Assimilate (同化する)Assimilate new information: 新しい情報を吸収する
Assimilate into a culture: 文化に同化する
Aggravate (悪化させる)Aggravate the situation: 状況を悪化させる
Aggravate an injury: けがを悪化させる
Censure (非難する)Censure a politician: 政治家を非難する
Censure a decision: 決定を非難する
Contaminate (汚染する)Contaminate the water supply: 水源を汚染する
Contaminate food: 食品を汚染する
Stabilize (安定させる)Stabilize the economy: 経済を安定させる
Stabilize prices: 価格を安定させる
Disperse (分散させる)Disperse a crowd: 群衆を分散させる
Disperse seeds: 種をまく
Supplant (取って代わる)Supplant an old system: 古いシステムを取って代わる
Supplant traditional methods: 伝統的な方法を取って代わる
Eradicate (根絶する)Eradicate a disease: 病気を根絶する
Eradicate poverty: 貧困をなくす
Merge (合併する)Merge two companies: 二つの会社を合併する
Merge into one entity: 一つの実体に合併する
Exacerbate (悪化させる)Exacerbate tensions: 緊張を悪化させる
Exacerbate a conflict: 紛争を悪化させる
Waive (放棄する)Waive a fee: 料金を免除する
Waive rights: 権利を放棄する
Rout (負かす)Rout the enemy: 敵を打ち破る
Wreak (もたらす)Wreak havoc: 大混乱をもたらす
Wreak vengeance: 復讐をもたらす
Pledge (誓う)Pledge allegiance: 忠誠を誓う





In the bustling city, where the rhythms of life never seem to adjourn, ambitious individuals often profess their dreams with fervor. The government may proclaim new policies to allocate resources efficiently, aiming to nullify disparities in wealth. However, unforeseen challenges can thwart even the most well-intentioned plans.

Occasionally, groups disband due to internal conflicts, leading to a scattering of once-close allies. In the face of adversity, it’s crucial to suspend judgment and congregate diverse perspectives. Yet, power dynamics sometimes humiliate those who dissent, seeking to dislodge them from the collective discourse.

In the scientific realm, researchers synthesize knowledge from various fields to advance understanding. Nevertheless, external pressures may force them to revoke their findings, and the collaborative effort may be aborted. This cyclical process mirrors the ebb and flow of societal dynamics, where actions taken today may reverberate and influence future events.






abort (●●●)

allocate (●●●)

adjourn (●●●)

proclaim (●●●)

thwart (妨げる[/memorizer])

profess (●●●)

disband (●●●)

humiliate (●●●)

dislodge (●●●)

synthesize (●●●)

nullify (●●●)

scatter (●●●)

suspend (●●●)

congregate (●●●)

revoke (●●●)

dabble in (●●●)

down to the wire (●●●)

dwell on (●●●)


The scientist decided to ●●● the experiment when his pet hamster started dancing the cha-cha inside the test tube.

The king ●●●d all the pizza to his army, but they ended up fighting over the last slice like hungry dragons.

After the chaotic dance battle, the judge decided to ●●● the competition until the next full moon.

The wizard ●●●ed that the world would be saved, but only if everyone could solve a riddle involving flying cows.

The villain attempted to ●●● the hero’s plan by turning all the bridges into spaghetti, but the hero still crossed them with a skateboard.

During the interview, the astronaut ●●●ed his love for moon cheese and declared it his true passion.

The circus decided to ●●● after the elephants started riding the clowns instead of performing tricks.

The magician tried to ●●● his assistant by making her disappear, but instead, she turned into a giant pizza.

The storm tried to ●●● the castle, but it ended up turning the knights into flying squirrels.

The chemist was able to ●●● a potion that turned ordinary socks into magical flying carpets.

The evil sorcerer tried to ●●● the spell, but his wand turned into a chicken instead.

The unicorns ●●●ed glitter all over the city, making it impossible for anyone to find their keys.

The flying pigs ●●●ed their race mid-air, deciding to take a nap instead of finishing the competition.

The birds ●●●d in the park, holding a meeting about their plans to take over the world one seed at a time.

The queen decided to ●●● the magic spell that turned everyone into llamas after the llamas started demanding better snacks.


She decided to ●●● in wizardry, but instead of casting spells, she accidentally turned her cat into a cucumber.

The race was down to the ●●●, with the squirrels desperately trying to finish the marathon while eating hot dogs and juggling acorns.

During the meeting, the CEO began to ●●● on the importance of rubber ducks in business strategy, much to the confusion of everyone in the room.





Mnemonic: Imagine “repatriate” as “returning patriots.”
Association: Repatriate means to bring someone back to their own country, like welcoming back patriots.

Mnemonic: Think of “resent” as “re-feel the anger.”
Association: Resent means to feel anger or bitterness again, like re-feeling a negative emotion.

Mnemonic: Picture a “rebellious bell” ringing loudly.
Association: Rebel means to resist authority, like a rebellious bell making a loud, defiant noise.

Mnemonic: “Surpass” sounds like “super pass.”
Association: To surpass means to exceed, like achieving a super pass or going beyond expectations.

Mnemonic: Imagine someone being “repulsed” by a bad pulse.
Association: Repulse means to cause intense disgust, like a bad pulse making someone feel repulsed.

Mnemonic: Think of “surmount” as “sir mount,” picturing a knight climbing a mountain.
Association: To surmount means to overcome, like a knight successfully climbing a mountain.

Mnemonic: Remember “renounce” by thinking of someone saying “I denounce!”
Association: Renounce means to formally give up, like publicly saying “I denounce” a particular belief or allegiance.

Mnemonic: Think of “jeopardize” as “jep-her-dice,” visualizing someone throwing dice with her future at risk.
Association: To jeopardize means to put something at risk, like throwing dice with her destiny on the line.

Mnemonic: Picture someone “reneging” on a deal by tearing up a contract.
Association: To renege means to go back on a promise or commitment, like tearing up a contract.

Mnemonic: Think of “impair” as “I’m pair,” imagining someone saying, “I’m not a good pair for this task.”
Association: Impair means to weaken or damage, like realizing you’re not a good pair for a particular task.

Mnemonic: Connect “revel” with “revelry,” picturing people celebrating and having a good time.
Association: To revel means to take great pleasure or delight, like engaging in revelry during a celebration.

Mnemonic: Remember “mortify” by thinking of “mortifying moments” causing extreme embarrassment.
Association: Mortify means to cause great embarrassment or shame, like experiencing mortifying moments.

Mnemonic: Imagine a “purge” as a powerful surge cleaning everything.
Association: Purge means to rid of unwanted elements, like a surge of cleaning power getting rid of impurities.

Mnemonic: Connect “mar” with “scar,” visualizing a mark or scar on something pristine.
Association: To mar means to damage or spoil, like leaving a mark or scar on something previously perfect.

Mnemonic: Think of “ostracize” as “ostrich-size,” imagining someone ignoring or avoiding someone as if they were as insignificant as an ostrich.
Association: Ostracize means to exclude or shun, like treating someone as if they were as small as an ostrich.


Abort (中止)
連想: 出発の「中止」。飛行機が出発前に中止されたイメージ。
説明: 予定されていた行動やプロセスが突然に中止されることを指します。

Allocate (割り当てる)
連想: 資源の「割り当てる」。予算を分配する様子。
説明: 特定の目的に対して資源や時間を割り当てること。

Adjourn (延期する)
連想: 会議の「延期」。予定された日時に会議が延期された光景。
説明: 通常、計画されていたイベントや会議が後に延期されること。

Proclaim (宣言する)
連想: 国の「宣言」。指導者が国の重要な発表を行っているイメージ。
説明: 大々的に公式に発表や宣言を行うこと。

Thwart (妨げる)
連想: 目標の「妨げ」。目標に向かって進む際に妨げがある様子。
説明: 進行中の計画や努力を妨害すること。

Profess (公言する)
連想: 意見を「公言」。自分の信念を公然と述べているイメージ。
説明: 関心や信念を公然と表明すること。

Disband (解散する)
連想: グループの「解散」。チームが解散する瞬間のイメージ。
説明: グループや組織が解散して個々のメンバーが分かれること。

Humiliate (屈辱を与える)
連想: 人を「屈辱」。人前で屈辱的な状況に置かれている様子。
説明: 誰かを尊厳を傷つけるような行為や言動をすること。

Dislodge (追い出す)
連想: 寄りかかっているものを「追い出す」。何かが動いている様子。
説明: 固定されていたものが力ずくで動かされること。

Synthesize (統合する)
連想: アイデアの「統合」。異なるアイデアが一つにまとまる様子。
説明: 異なる要素やアイデアを組み合わせて新しいものを作り出すこと。

Nullify (無効にする)
連想: 法律の「無効」。法的な文書が無効にされているイメージ。
説明: 効力をなくすこと、特に法的な文書や合意を無効にすること。

Scatter (散らばらせる)
連想: 草花が「散らばる」。風に吹かれて花が広がっていく様子。
説明: 密集していたものがばらばらに広がること。

Suspend (一時停止する)
連想: 時計が「一時停止」。時間が止まっている様子。
説明: 一時的に何かを中断または停止すること。

Congregate (集まる)
連想: 人が「集まる」。集会やイベントで人が一堂に会している様子。
説明: 多くの人や物が一つの場所に集まること。

Revoke (無効にする)
連想: 資格を「無効」。権利や特権が剥奪される瞬間。
説明: 正式な権利や許可を取り消すこと。

Dabble in (に手を出す)
連想: 「ダブル」。趣味や活動に「手を出す」という意味で、足を二重に浸すイメージ。
説明: ある活動や趣味に軽く関与すること。

Down to the wire (とことんまで必死になって)
連想: ゴールの「ワイヤー」。レースが終わりに差し掛かり、最後の瞬間まで必死になるイメージ。
説明: 何かが終わりに近づいており、最後の瞬間まで非常に緊張している状態。

Dwell on (を力説する)
連想: 「ドウェル」は「住む」。ある考えやテーマに心が「住んでいる」というイメージ。
説明: 特定の考えやテーマに過度に注意を払い、繰り返し強調すること。


Abort (中止する)Abort a mission (任務を中止する)
Abort a plan (計画を中止する)
Abort a process (プロセスを中止する)
Allocate (割り当てる)Allocate resources (リソースを割り当てる)
Allocate funds (資金を割り当てる)
Allocate time (時間を割り当てる)
Adjourn (休会する)Adjourn a meeting (会議を休会する)
Adjourn a session (セッションを休会する)
Adjourn a court case (裁判を休会する)
Proclaim (宣言する)Proclaim victory (勝利を宣言する)
Proclaim independence (独立を宣言する)
Proclaim a statement (声明を宣言する)
Thwart (阻止する)Thwart a plan (計画を阻止する)
Thwart an attempt (試みを阻止する)
Thwart an attack (攻撃を阻止する)
Profess (公言する)Profess love (愛を公言する)
Profess innocence (無実を公言する)
Profess a belief (信念を公言する)
Disband (解散する)Disband a group (グループを解散する)
Disband a team (チームを解散する)
Disband an organization (組織を解散する)
Humiliate (屈辱を与える)Humiliate someone (誰かを屈辱する)
Humiliate oneself (自分を屈辱する)
Humiliate an opponent (相手を屈辱する)
Dislodge (取り除く)Dislodge debris (がれきを取り除く)
Dislodge an obstacle (障害物を取り除く)
Dislodge a person (人を取り除く)
Synthesize (合成する)Synthesize information (情報を合成する)
Synthesize data (データを合成する)
Synthesize knowledge (知識を合成する)
Nullify (無効にする)Nullify a contract (契約を無効にする)
Nullify a decision (決定を無効にする)
Nullify an agreement (合意を無効にする)
Scatter (散らす)Scatter seeds (種を散らす)
Scatter leaves (葉を散らす)
Scatter crowd (群衆を散らす)
Suspend (停止する)Suspend a service (サービスを停止する)
Suspend a license (ライセンスを停止する)
Suspend an activity (活動を停止する)
Congregate (集まる)Congregate in a place (場所に集まる)
Congregate for a meeting (会議のために集まる)
Congregate as a community (コミュニティとして集まる)
Revoke (取り消す)Revoke a license (ライセンスを取り消す)
Revoke a privilege (特権を取り消す)
Revoke a decision (決定を取り消す)



英検1級エクセレントコース:第九週金曜日 ライティングその5



①Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
②Give three reasons to support your answer.
③Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
④Suggested length: 200-240 words


Should technology play a more central role in primary and secondary education? (Agree or Disagree)



In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the question of whether technology should play a more central role in primary and secondary education is a topic of considerable debate. While some argue that traditional methods are sufficient, I firmly believe that integrating technology into the educational process is crucial for the development of modern skills and enhancing learning experiences.

Main Body:(3つ)

Access to Information and Resources:
One compelling reason to advocate for the increased use of technology in primary and secondary education is the unparalleled access it provides to information and resources. The internet serves as a vast repository of knowledge, enabling students to explore subjects beyond the confines of textbooks. Online resources, educational apps, and interactive platforms offer a dynamic and engaging way to learn, catering to various learning styles.

Preparation for the Digital Age:
As we move further into the digital age, it becomes imperative to equip students with the technological skills necessary for future success. Familiarity with digital tools, coding, and online collaboration are becoming essential in the workforce. Integrating technology in education ensures that students are not only consumers of technology but also adept creators and problem solvers in an increasingly tech-centric world.

Personalized Learning and Engagement:
Technology allows for a personalized approach to learning, addressing individual student needs and preferences. Adaptive learning platforms and educational software can tailor content to each student’s pace and style of learning. Gamification and interactive multimedia elements enhance engagement, making the learning experience more enjoyable and effective.


In conclusion, embracing technology in primary and secondary education is vital for preparing students for the challenges of the future. The access to information, readiness for the digital age, and personalized learning experiences that technology offers make a compelling case for its increased centrality in educational practices. By leveraging technology, we can create a more dynamic, inclusive, and effective learning environment for the students of today and tomorrow.



①Access to Information and Resources
Online resources, educational apps, and interactive platforms offer a dynamic and engaging way to learn, catering to various learning styles.

②Preparation for the Digital Age
Integrating technology in education ensures that students are not only consumers of technology but also adept creators and problem solvers in an increasingly tech-centric world.

③Personalized Learning and Engagement
Technology allows for a personalized approach to learning, addressing individual student needs and preferences.


