
Abort –
Imagine a red “Abort” button like those in movies. When you press it, a mission or operation stops abruptly.
Association: Abort = Red button stops mission.

Allocate –
Think of an allocator as someone who’s handing out slices of cake to different people, ensuring a fair distribution.
Association: Allocate = Allocator gives out portions.

Adjourn –
Picture a judge in a courtroom saying, “Let’s adjourn,” signaling a temporary break or pause in the proceedings.
Association: Adjourn = Judge says, “Take a break.”

Proclaim –
Imagine a king standing on a tall platform, loudly declaring a proclamation to all his subjects.
Association: Proclaim = King declares loudly.

Thwart –
Visualize a superhero using a shield to thwart an evil plan, blocking and preventing it from happening.
Association: Thwart = Shield stops evil plan.

Profess –
Picture a professor standing in front of a class, passionately expressing their beliefs or knowledge.
Association: Profess = Professor passionately speaks.

Disband –
Envision a marching band breaking apart and dispersing in different directions after the performance.
Association: Disband = Band breaks apart.

Humiliate –
Think of someone being humiliated as having a huge “H” stamped on their forehead, symbolizing shame.
Association: Humiliate = “H” for shame.

Dislodge –
Picture a “dis” (dislike) sign attached to a lodge, indicating someone forcefully removing it from its place.

Association: Dislodge = Dislike sign removed.

Synthesize –
Imagine a scientist synthesizing a potion by combining various colorful liquids in a laboratory.
Association: Synthesize = Scientist mixes colorful potions.

Nullify –
Visualize a judge striking a gavel on a document, rendering it null and void.
Association: Nullify = Judge cancels with gavel.

Scatter –
Think of a scattering of seeds being thrown in different directions, spreading across the field.
Association: Scatter = Seeds spread everywhere.

Suspend –
Picture a student’s backpack hanging from a suspension bridge, temporarily halted mid-air.
Association: Suspend = Backpack hanging in mid-air.

Congregate –
Imagine a group of people gathered at a gate, congregating before entering an event.
Association: Congregate = Group gathers at gate.

Revoke –
Visualize a hand reaching out and grabbing a certificate, symbolizing the revocation of a privilege.
Association: Revoke = Hand takes back certificate.


Abdicate (退位)
連想: 王冠を脱ぐ(王様が退位する)

Assimilate (同化する)
連想: エイリアンが地球人に同化する

Aggravate (悪化させる)
連想: 悪魔が状況を悪化させる

Censure (非難する)
連想: 裁判官が非難の声を上げる

Contaminate (汚染する)
連想: 有害物質が水を汚染する

Stabilize (安定させる)
連想: 基盤がしっかりして安定する

Disperse (分散させる)
連想: 風が花粉を分散させる

Supplant (取って代わる)
連想: 苗木が古い木を取って代わる

Eradicate (根絶する)
連想: 農夫が害虫を根絶する

Merge (合併する)
連想: 二つの川が合流して一つになる

Exacerbate (悪化させる)
連想: 炎が状況を悪化させる

Waive (放棄する)
連想: 選手がポイントを放棄する

Rout (大敗する)
連想: 軍隊が大敗する

Wreak (もたらす)
連想: 嵐が破壊をもたらす

Pledge (誓約する)
連想: 手を胸に当てて誓いを立てる

Ease out: を退職に追い込む
連想: 退職する人がイージーチェアに座り、リラックスしながらオフィスからゆっくりと外に抜け出す様子。

Ease off: 小降りになる
連想: 雨が激しく降っていたが、徐々に雨が軽くなり、傘を閉じる人々の姿。

Egg X on to Y: XにVするようけしかける
連想: 卵(エッグ)が何かに向かって転がっている。その卵から何かが孵化し、何かに対して挑戦的に行動する。


Abdicate (退位する)Abdicate the throne: 王位を退く
Abdicate responsibility: 責任を放棄する
Assimilate (同化する)Assimilate new information: 新しい情報を吸収する
Assimilate into a culture: 文化に同化する
Aggravate (悪化させる)Aggravate the situation: 状況を悪化させる
Aggravate an injury: けがを悪化させる
Censure (非難する)Censure a politician: 政治家を非難する
Censure a decision: 決定を非難する
Contaminate (汚染する)Contaminate the water supply: 水源を汚染する
Contaminate food: 食品を汚染する
Stabilize (安定させる)Stabilize the economy: 経済を安定させる
Stabilize prices: 価格を安定させる
Disperse (分散させる)Disperse a crowd: 群衆を分散させる
Disperse seeds: 種をまく
Supplant (取って代わる)Supplant an old system: 古いシステムを取って代わる
Supplant traditional methods: 伝統的な方法を取って代わる
Eradicate (根絶する)Eradicate a disease: 病気を根絶する
Eradicate poverty: 貧困をなくす
Merge (合併する)Merge two companies: 二つの会社を合併する
Merge into one entity: 一つの実体に合併する
Exacerbate (悪化させる)Exacerbate tensions: 緊張を悪化させる
Exacerbate a conflict: 紛争を悪化させる
Waive (放棄する)Waive a fee: 料金を免除する
Waive rights: 権利を放棄する
Rout (負かす)Rout the enemy: 敵を打ち破る
Wreak (もたらす)Wreak havoc: 大混乱をもたらす
Wreak vengeance: 復讐をもたらす
Pledge (誓う)Pledge allegiance: 忠誠を誓う



