



第1スポット:香川(Stop 1: Kagawa)


Our first stop takes us to Kagawa, renowned as the Udon Prefecture. Get ready to slurp your way through a variety of udon noodles, each with its unique texture and flavor. From the classic Sanuki Udon to the more adventurous bukkake udon, every bowl tells a story of tradition and craftsmanship. Don’t forget to visit the charming local udon shops, where the aroma of freshly made noodles will greet you with open arms.

第2スポット: 松山(Stop 2: Matsuyama)


Next, we journey to Matsuyama, where we encounter the sweet delights of Botchan Dango. Named after the famous literary figure Natsume Soseki, these three-colored dumplings are not only a treat for the taste buds but also a visual feast. The combination of anko (sweet red bean paste) and chewy rice dumplings is simply irresistible. As you stroll through the streets of Matsuyama, be sure to grab a skewer or two and savor the sweetness of tradition.

第3スポット: 高知(Stop 3: Kochi )


Prepare your palate for a flavor explosion in Kochi, where Katsuo no Tataki reigns supreme. This regional specialty features bonito fish lightly seared and served with a side of garlic, onions, and ponzu sauce. The smoky aroma and the perfect blend of textures make this dish a true culinary masterpiece. We’ll visit local izakayas and eateries to experience the art of tataki preparation and revel in the rich maritime flavors of Kochi.

第4スポット: 徳島(Stop 4: Tokushima )


Our gastronomic journey concludes in Tokushima, where we indulge in Awa Odori Chicken, a dish that perfectly encapsulates the festive spirit of the region. Juicy and tender, the chicken is seasoned with a special marinade and grilled to perfection. As you savor each bite, imagine the lively beats of the Awa Odori dance echoing through the streets, creating a symphony of flavors and cultural vibrancy.


