Interject –
Imagine a person named Jack interjecting himself into a conversation with a giant “J” flag.
Mnemonic: Jack loves to INTERJECT with his big “J” flag.
Affix –
Visualize a chef fixing (affixing) toppings onto a pizza.
Mnemonic: The chef will AFFIX your favorite toppings onto the pizza.
Linger –
Picture a scent lingering in the air long after the candle has been blown out.
Mnemonic: The scent of the candle LINGERS in the air.
Coax –
Think of coaxing a cat out of hiding with a toy mouse
Mnemonic: Use the toy mouse to COAX the cat out of hiding.
Procure –
Imagine a squirrel procuring nuts for the winter, diligently gathering them.
Mnemonic: Like the squirrel, we need to PROCURE what we need for the season.
Discern –
Picture using a magnifying glass to discern tiny details in a painting.
Mnemonic: The magnifying glass helps you DISCERN tiny details.
Pawn –
Think of pawning a valuable ring for quick cash in a pawnshop.
Mnemonic: He had to PAWN his ring for some quick cash.
Denote –
Imagine a sign denoting the entrance to a secret garden.
Mnemonic: The sign DENOTES the entrance to the secret garden.
Reclaim –
Picture reclaiming lost treasure buried in the sand on a beach.
Mnemonic: Let’s RECLAIM the lost treasure buried in the sand.
Exemplify –
Visualize a shining gold star next to a perfect example of a test answer.
Mnemonic: The shining gold star EXEMPLIFIES a perfect answer.
Recur –
Think of a recurring dream with a clock constantly ticking in the background.
Mnemonic: The ticking clock in the dream keeps RECURRING.
Harness –
Picture harnessing the power of a wild stallion with a sturdy leather harness.
Mnemonic: Use the leather harness to HARNESS the power of the stallion.
Reminisce –
Imagine sitting by a fireplace, reminiscing about old times while looking at a photo album.
Mnemonic: By the fireplace, we REMINISCE over old photos.
Permeate –
Visualize a sponge soaking up water until it permeates every fiber.
Mnemonic: The sponge allows water to PERMEATE every fiber.
Replenish –
Think of replenishing energy levels with a refreshing drink after a workout.
Mnemonic: After the workout, drink to REPLENISH your energy levels.
Disparage (軽蔑する) – Think of someone disparagingly shaking their head while pointing at a disheveled garage.
Chafe (擦り切れる) –
Imagine your skin chafing against rough sandpaper, causing irritation.
Dub (称する) –
Picture a knight dubbed with a sword, officially receiving his title.
Deplete (使い果たす) –
Visualize a stack of coins depleting as they’re continuously spent.
Hurtle (猛スピードで進む) –
Think of a speeding train hurtling down the tracks, making a loud noise.
Evoke (呼び起こす) –
Imagine an old photograph evoking memories of a past vacation.
Founder (失敗する) –
Picture a ship foundering in a storm, sinking below the waves.
Loom (迫りくる) –
Think of dark storm clouds looming on the horizon, indicating an impending storm.
Incur (負う) –
Visualize a person incurring debts by overspending on unnecessary items.
Rumble (ゴロゴロと鳴る) –
Imagine a thunderstorm rumbling in the distance, shaking the windows.
Project (見積もる) –
Think of an architect projecting the cost of a new building using a calculator.
Snare (わな) –
Picture a hunter setting a snare trap to catch a rabbit.
Snare (罠にかける) –
Imagine a hunter setting a snare trap to catch a rabbit.
Scrawl (塗り書きする) –
Imagine a child scrawling colorful doodles on a blank wall.
Tarnish (曇らせる) –
Think of silver tarnishing over time, losing its shine.
Go on a binge (暴飲暴食する) –
Imagine a person binge-watching TV while surrounded by heaps of junk food wrappers.
Go viral (ネットで情報が共有される) –
Picture a video spreading rapidly across social media platforms, with likes and shares increasing exponentially.
Get X across to Y (XをYに理解させる) –
Imagine a teacher using colorful props and gestures to help students understand a complex concept.
Get the sack (お払い箱になる) –
Picture an employee carrying a sack filled with personal belongings after being fired from their job.
Greasy spoon (小さな大衆食堂) –
Imagine a cozy diner with a worn-out sign and the smell of frying food wafting from the kitchen.
Disparage – 軽蔑する | Disparage someone’s abilities: 誰かの能力を軽蔑する Disparage a competitor: 競合他社を軽蔑する |
Chafe – 擦れる | Chafe against authority: 権威との間で摩擦が生じる Chafe under restrictions: 制限に対して擦れる |
Dub – 重ねる | Dub someone “the winner”: 誰かを「優勝者」として重ねる Dub a film in Japanese: 日本語で映画を重ねる |
Deplete – 消耗する | Deplete resources: 資源を消耗する Deplete energy: エネルギーを消耗する |
Hurtle – 突進する | Hurtle through space: 宇宙を突進する Hurtle towards disaster: 災害に向かって突進する |
Evoke – 呼び起こす | Evoke memories: 思い出を呼び起こす Evoke emotions: 感情を呼び起こす |
Founder – 沈没する | Ship founders on rocks: 船が岩に乗り上げて沈没する Company founders due to mismanagement: 企業が経営の誤りで沈没する |
Loom – 迫る | Dark clouds loom overhead: 暗雲が頭上に迫る Deadline looms: 締め切りが迫る |
Incur – 負う | Incur debt: 負債を負う Incur expenses: 費用を負う |
Rumble – 鳴り響く | Thunder rumbles in the distance: 遠くで雷が鳴り響く Stomach rumbles: 腹が鳴る |
Project – 見積もる | Project costs: 費用を見積もる Project future earnings: 将来の収益を見積もる |
Snare – わなにかける | Snare an animal: 動物をわなにかける Snare a suspect: 容疑者をわなにかける |
Steer – 操縦する | Steer a ship: 船を操縦する Steer a conversation: 会話を操縦する |
Scrawl – 下手な字で書く | Scrawl a note: メモを下手な字で書く Scrawl graffiti on a wall: 壁に落書きをする |
Tarnish – 傷つける | Tarnish reputation: 評判を傷つける Tarnish silverware: 銀器を傷つける |