2024年 3月 の投稿一覧

英検1級エクセレントコース:第十一週金曜日 ライティングその6



①Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
②Give three reasons to support your answer.
③Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
④Suggested length: 200-240 words


Is universal access to healthcare a fundamental human right? (Agree or Disagree)



Universal access to healthcare is a contentious topic that sparks debates worldwide. While some argue that it is a fundamental human right, others disagree. In this essay, I will argue that universal access to healthcare is indeed a fundamental human right.

Main Body:(3つ)

Basic Human Dignity: Access to healthcare is essential for preserving basic human dignity. Every individual deserves the right to live a healthy life, free from preventable diseases and ailments. Without access to healthcare, people may suffer needlessly and be deprived of their inherent dignity. Universal access to healthcare ensures that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, has the opportunity to receive essential medical services and treatments.

Promotion of Equality: Universal access to healthcare promotes equality within society. Without adequate healthcare, marginalized and disadvantaged populations are disproportionately affected, widening existing social inequalities. By ensuring that everyone has access to healthcare services, regardless of their income or social status, societies can work towards creating a more equitable and just society where everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy life.

Public Health and Economic Benefits: Providing universal access to healthcare has significant public health and economic benefits. Access to preventive care and early intervention can help reduce the burden of disease and prevent the spread of illnesses. This, in turn, leads to lower healthcare costs in the long run, as treating diseases at an early stage is often more cost-effective than managing advanced illnesses. Additionally, a healthier population is more productive, leading to economic growth and stability.


In conclusion, universal access to healthcare is undeniably a fundamental human right. It upholds basic human dignity, promotes equality, and brings about significant public health and economic benefits. Ensuring that everyone has access to healthcare is not only morally right but also essential for creating healthier, more equitable societies.



①Basic Human Dignity
Universal access to healthcare ensures that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, has the opportunity to receive essential medical services and treatments.

②Promotion of Equality
By ensuring that everyone has access to healthcare services, regardless of their income or social status, societies can work towards creating a more equitable and just society where everyone has the opportunity to lead a healthy life.

③Public Health and Economic Benefits
Access to preventive care and early intervention can help reduce the burden of disease and prevent the spread of illnesses.






As I read through the dense pages of the ancient tome, the sound of the fire crackling in the hearth provided a comforting backdrop. I couldn’t help but crunch on a handful of roasted nuts, savoring their salty flavor. Suddenly, a thought claimed my attention, urging me to stop dawdling and focus on the task at hand. I knew that if I didn’t, I would forfeit the opportunity to uncover the secrets hidden within these cryptic passages.




crunch – ●●●
claim – ●●●
dawdle – ●●●
forfeit – ●●●
diagnose – ●●●
implicate – ●●●
blur – ●●●
monopolize – ●●●
invoke – ●●●
perpetrate – ●●●
stammer – ●●●
smuggle – ●●●
squabble – ●●●
ratify – ●●●
undermine – ●●●

flash back to: ●●●
fall through: ●●●
feud about: ●●●
fall back on: ●●●
fend off: ●●●


She ●●●ed on the crispy potato chips as she watched the movie.

He ●●●ed that the idea was originally his, but many doubted his assertion.

Stop ●●●ing and finish your homework already!

If you don’t follow the rules, you will ●●● your chance to participate.

The doctor was able to ●●● the illness quickly and start treatment.

The evidence seemed to ●●● him in the crime, but further investigation was needed.

The artist used soft brush strokes to ●●● the edges of the painting, creating a dreamlike effect.

The company tried to ●●● the market by buying out its competitors.

She ●●●d the spirits of her ancestors to guide her through the difficult times.

The criminals ●●●d the robbery under the cover of darkness.

He ●●●ed nervously when asked to give a presentation in front of the class.

●●●ing goods across borders is illegal and can result in severe consequences.

The siblings often ●●● over trivial matters, but they always make up quickly afterward.

The treaty was ●●●ed by all participating countries, solidifying their commitment to peace.

Continuous criticism can ●●● a person’s confidence and self-esteem.


Every time I see that old photo, I ●●● back to our trip to the beach last summer.

Their plans to expand the business ●●● through due to a lack of funding.

The two neighbors have been ●●●ing about the property line for years.

When all else fails, we can ●●● back on our emergency savings.

The goalkeeper managed to ●●● off the opponent’s powerful shot with a diving save.




Abscond (To leave hurriedly and secretly):

Mnemonic: Think of someone “absconding” by hopping on a “scoundrel” ship to escape.
Association: Abscond sounds like “ab-scound” which means to leave secretly like a scoundrel.

Abuse (To treat with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly):

Mnemonic: Picture someone being verbally abused by having words “A” and “B” shouted at them.
Association: Abuse sounds like “A+” “B” use, but here it’s not a good thing.

Cajole (To persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery):

Mnemonic: Imagine coaxing someone with a cage full of “jewels” to persuade them.
Association: Cajole sounds like “cage full”; imagine someone coaxing with a cage full of treasures.

Cease (To bring or come to an end):

Mnemonic: Picture someone shouting “Cease!” to make things stop.
Association: Cease sounds like “seize”; imagine someone seizing the moment to stop something.

Circulate (To move continuously or freely through a closed system or area):

Mnemonic: Think of blood “circling” around your body through your veins.
Association: Circulate sounds like “circle”; imagine something moving in circles around an area.

Dupe (To deceive or trick someone):

Mnemonic: Picture someone being duped by seeing double (two copies of themselves).
Association: Dupe sounds like “do a repeat”; imagine someone tricking you into repeating something.

Intrigue (To arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate):

Mnemonic: Think of being intrigued by the intricate details of an “intriguing” mystery.
Association: Intrigue sounds like “in-trick”; imagine something that tricks you into being interested.

Defraud (To illegally obtain money from someone by deception):

Mnemonic: Picture a “fraudulent” dealer trying to defraud someone by selling fake goods.
Association: Defraud sounds like “de-fraud”; imagine someone trying to fraudulently take something away from you.

Poach (To cook by simmering or boiling in a small amount of liquid):

Mnemonic: Imagine a chef poaching eggs in a pot of boiling water.
Association: Poach sounds like “pot of hot”; imagine something cooking slowly in a hot pot.

Juggle (To continuously toss and catch objects in the air, typically more than one):

Mnemonic: Picture a circus clown juggling balls while walking on a tightrope.
Association: Juggle sounds like “giggle”; imagine someone giggling while tossing objects in the air.

Probe (To inquire into or investigate thoroughly):

Mnemonic: Imagine a scientist probing the depths of the ocean with a long, thin rod.
Association: Probe sounds like “probe”; imagine someone poking around to investigate something.

Swindle (To cheat someone out of money or belongings):

Mnemonic: Picture a sly fox trying to swindle a chicken out of its eggs.
Association: Swindle sounds like “swindler”; imagine someone trying to deceive you for their own gain.

Penetrate (To pierce or pass through something):

Mnemonic: Think of a sharp arrow penetrating through a target.
Association: Penetrate sounds like “penetrate”; imagine something piercing through a surface.

Mutter (To speak quietly and indistinctly):

Mnemonic: Imagine an old man muttering to himself as he walks down the street.
Association: Mutter sounds like “mutter”; imagine someone murmuring softly under their breath.

Tamper (To interfere with something in order to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations):

Mnemonic: Picture someone tampering with a “tomb” by trying to open it.
Association: Tamper sounds like “tomb per”; imagine someone attempting to open a tomb improperly.


Crunch (ぼりぼりかむ): あなたが何か固いものをかむとき、その音が「ぼりぼり」という音を思い出してください。それが “Crunch”(かむ、もしくは音を立てる)です。

Claim: “Claim”は何かを主張することです。例えば、あなたが何かを所有する権利があると主張する場合、それは “Claim” です。

Dawdle: 「Dawdle」は時間を無駄にすることや、ぐずぐずすることを指します。たとえば、友達と出かける予定があるのに、ぐずぐずして出かけないというイメージを思い出してください。

Forfeit: “Forfeit”は何かを失うことを意味します。例えば、ゲームで勝つために何かを失うことや、賭けに負けて何かを失うことです。

Diagnose: “Diagnose”は病気や問題を診断することを指します。例えば、医者が患者の症状を調べて、何が問題であるかを診断することです。

Implicate: “Implicate”は関与することや、関連付けられることを指します。例えば、事件に関与している可能性がある人を「implicate(関与させる)」と言います。

Blur: “Blur”は物事がぼやけて見えることを指します。たとえば、速度が速すぎて周りの景色がぼやけて見えるようなイメージを思い出してください。

Monopolize: “Monopolize”は何かを独占することを指します。たとえば、ある企業が市場を独占することや、ある人が会話で話題を独占することです。

Invoke: “Invoke”は何かを引き起こすことや、呼び起こすことを指します。たとえば、ある法律を引き合いに出して法的権利を主張することです。

Perpetrate: “Perpetrate”は犯罪や違法行為を行うことを指します。例えば、犯罪を犯す人を「perpetrator(加害者)」と言います。

Stammer: “Stammer”は口ごもることや、つまることを指します。たとえば、緊張して話すときに言葉がつっかえる様子を思い出してください。

Smuggle: “Smuggle”は密輸することを指します。例えば、違法な商品を国境を越えて運ぶことです。

Squabble: “Squabble”は小さな口論や喧嘩を指します。たとえば、子供たちがおもちゃを取り合って口論する様子を思い出してください。

Ratify: “Ratify”は合意や契約を正式に承認することを指します。たとえば、国が条約を批准することです。

Undermine: “Undermine”は何かを弱めることや、崩すことを指します。たとえば、信頼を裏切ることや、計画を台無しにすることです。


crunch (ぼりぼりかむ)crunch numbers: 数字をひとつひとつ計算する
crunch time: 緊急の期限
crunch on a carrot: にんじんをぼりぼりかむ
claim (主張する)Claim responsibility for something: 何かに責任を主張する
Claim damages: 損害賠償を請求する
dawdle (ぐずぐずする)dawdle around: ぐずぐずする
dawdle along: のろのろ進む
dawdle over lunch: 昼食をぐずぐずと食べる
forfeit (失う)forfeit a game: 試合に負ける
forfeit a deposit: 保証金を没収される
forfeit one’s rights: 権利を放棄する
diagnose (診断する)diagnose a problem: 問題を診断する
diagnose an illness: 病気を診断する
diagnose a fault: 不具合を診断する
implicate (関与させる)implicate someone in a crime: 人を犯罪に関与させる
implicate oneself: 自分自身を巻き込む
implicate evidence: 証拠を関連づける
blur (ぼやける)blur the lines: 境界線をぼやけさせる
blur the image: 画像をぼやけさせる
blur the distinction: 区別をぼやけさせる
monopolize (独占する)monopolize the market: 市場を独占する
monopolize someone’s time: 人の時間を独占する
monopolize the conversation: 会話を独占する
invoke (引き出す)invoke a response: 反応を引き出す
invoke a law: 法律を引き出す
invoke a memory: 記憶を呼び起こす
perpetrate (犯す)perpetrate a crime: 犯罪を犯す
perpetrate an act: 行為を犯す
perpetrate violence: 暴力を犯す
stammer (どもる)stammer out an apology: 言い訳をどもって言う
stammer with nerves: 神経質にどもる
stammer in fear: 恐れてどもる
smuggle (密輸する)smuggle drugs: 麻薬を密輸する
smuggle contraband: 密輸品を運ぶ
smuggle goods: 商品を密輸する
squabble (口論する)squabble over money: 金銭問題で口論する
squabble with siblings: 兄弟姉妹と口論する
squabble about politics: 政治問題で口論する
ratify (批准する)ratify a treaty: 条約を批准する
ratify an agreement: 合意を批准する
ratify a decision: 決定を批准する
undermine (揺るがす)undermine confidence: 信頼を揺るがす
undermine authority: 権威を揺るがす
undermine efforts: 努力を揺るがす

