Mnemonic: Think of a person beckoning someone with a crooked finger, like saying “come here.”
Association: Imagine a friendly gesture, like waving someone over.
Contextual Usage: “She stood at the door and beckoned her friend to join her inside.”
Mnemonic: Think of “inoculate” as “in” + “oculate” (ocular), meaning to introduce something into the eye.
Association: Picture a syringe injecting a vaccine to protect against disease.
Contextual Usage: “The nurse will inoculate the children against the flu virus.”
Mnemonic: Associate “detonate” with “detonation,” which involves a sudden explosion.
Association: Think of fireworks detonating in the sky.
Contextual Usage: “The bomb squad safely detonated the explosive device.”
Mnemonic: Picture a syringe injecting medicine into the body.
Association: Think of injecting flavor into food with a marinade.
Contextual Usage: “The doctor will inject the patient with a painkiller.”
Mnemonic: Think of “dispatch” as sending something off quickly, like a “dash” of activity.
Association: Imagine dispatching a courier to deliver an urgent package.
Contextual Usage: “The police dispatcher quickly dispatched officers to the scene of the accident.”
Mnemonic: Associate “guzzle” with the sound of gulping down a drink.
Association: Picture someone guzzling a large soda in one gulp.
Contextual Usage: “After the race, the runner guzzled down a bottle of water to quench his thirst.”
Mnemonic: Think of “deploy” as “de” + “ploy,” implying to set up or arrange something.
Association: Imagine deploying troops on a battlefield.
Contextual Usage: “The company plans to deploy new technology to improve productivity.”
Mnemonic: Associate “nudge” with a gentle push or poke.
Association: Picture nudging someone to get their attention or encourage them.
Contextual Usage: “He gave his friend a nudge to remind him to speak up during the meeting.”
Mnemonic: Think of “encrypt” as “en” + “crypt,” like locking information away in a secret code.
Association: Imagine encrypting a message with a complex password to keep it secure.
Contextual Usage: “The software encrypts sensitive data to protect it from hackers.”
Mnemonic: Associate “evolve” with “change” or “develop over time.”
Association: Think of the evolution of species from simple to complex forms.
Contextual Usage: “Technology continues to evolve rapidly, shaping our daily lives.”
Mnemonic: Think of “exonerate” as “ex” + “on” + “erate,” meaning to remove blame or guilt.
Association: Picture a judge declaring someone innocent and releasing them from custody.
Contextual Usage: “DNA evidence helped to exonerate the wrongly convicted man.”
Mnemonic: Associate “erupt” with the sudden bursting forth of something, like a volcano.
Association: Imagine a volcano erupting with lava and ash.
Contextual Usage: “The crowd erupted into cheers when the team scored a goal.”
Mnemonic: Think of “encompass” as “en” + “compass,” meaning to surround or include everything within a specified area.
Association: Picture drawing a circle around something to encompass it fully.
Contextual Usage: “The report will encompass all aspects of the project.”
Mnemonic: Associate “fetter” with “restrain” or “shackle.”
Association: Imagine chains or handcuffs used to fetter someone’s movement.
Contextual Usage: “The prisoner’s ankles were fettered to prevent escape.”
Mnemonic: Think of “wriggle” as a movement characterized by twisting or turning.
Association: Picture a worm wriggling through the soil.
Contextual Usage: “The snake wriggled through the narrow opening in the fence.”
Admonish (忠告する):
連想法: “ad”(広告)と”monish”(注意する)を組み合わせると、注意を喚起する広告をイメージする。
Assault (襲撃する):
連想法: “ass”(お尻)と”ault”(攻撃)を組み合わせると、お尻で攻撃されるイメージをする。
Alienate (疎外する):
連想法: “alien”(異星人)と”ate”(食べる)を組み合わせると、異星人に食べられるイメージをする。
Dangle (ぶら下げる):
連想法: “dangle”(ぶら下げる)を「ダングリングイヤリング」と結びつける。
Dissuade (思いとどまらせる):
連想法: “dis”(否定)と”suede”(スウェード)を組み合わせて、「スウェードの服を着るのをやめさせる」とイメージする。
Fumble (手探りする):
連想法: “fumble”(ぶざまに扱う)を「ファンブル(アメリカンフットボールでボールを落とすこと)」と結びつける。
Gloat (うぬぼれる):
連想法: “gloat”(うぬぼれる)を「グロテスクなオーバーロード(loat)」と結びつける。
Invert (逆にする):
連想法: “invert”(逆にする)を「インバート(逆転)」と結びつける。
Haggle (値切る):
連想法: “haggle”(値切る)を「ハグル(ハグする)」と結びつける。
Jiggle (揺れ動く):
連想法: “jiggle”(揺れ動く)を「ジグソーパズル(Jigsaw Puzzle)」と結びつける。
Quiver (震える):
連想法: “quiver”(震える)を「クイバー(矢筒)」と結びつける。
Shun (避ける):
連想法: “shun”(避ける)を「シュンシュン鳴るホイッスル」(鳴る音を避ける)と結びつける。
Slam (たたきつける):
連想法: “slam”(たたきつける)を「スラムダンク」(バスケットボールでの強烈なダンクシュート)と結びつける。
Sprawl (無秩序に広がる):
連想法: “sprawl”(無秩序に広がる)を「スプロール(都市の不規則な拡大)」と結びつける。
Squander (無駄に使う):
連想法: “squander”(無駄に使う)を「スキャンダル(Scandal)」と結びつける。
Farm out (を下請けに出す):
連想法: “Farm out”(を下請けに出す)を「ファームアウト(Farm Out)」と結びつけ、農場から外部に仕事を出すイメージを持つ。
Fork out (を支払う):
連想法: “Fork out”(を支払う)を「フォークアウト(Fork Out)」と結びつけ、フォークでお金を支払うイメージを持つ。
Flood in (殺到する):
連想法: “Flood in”(殺到する)を「フラッドイン(Flood In)」と結びつけ、洪水のように押し寄せるイメージを持つ。
Fall out with (と仲たがいする):
連想法: “Fall out with”(と仲たがいする)を「フォールアウトウィズ(Fall Out With)」と結びつけ、仲間から脱落するイメージを持つ。
Five-finger discount (万引き):
連想法: “Five-finger discount”(万引き)を「五指ディスカウント(Five-finger Discount)」と結びつけ、手で商品を持ち去る割引イメージを持つ。
Admonish (忠告する) | Admonish a child for misbehaving. (子供を注意する) Admonish someone for being careless. (だらしないことをした人を注意する) |
Assault (襲撃する) | Assault someone with a weapon. (武器で誰かを襲撃する) Assault on a fortified position. (要塞を襲撃する) |
Alienate (疎外する) | Alienate friends with constant complaining. (ひたすら不満を漏らして友人を遠ざける) Alienate customers with poor service. (サービスが悪いために顧客を遠ざける) |
Dangle (ぶら下げる) | Dangle a carrot in front of a donkey. (ロバの前にニンジンをぶら下げる) Earrings dangle from her ears. (彼女の耳からイヤリングがぶら下がっている) |
Dissuade (思いとどまらせる) | Dissuade him from taking unnecessary risks. (彼に無駄なリスクを取るのを思いとどまらせる) Try to dissuade her from quitting her job. (彼女に仕事を辞めるのを思いとどまらせようとする) |
Fumble (手探りする) | Fumble with the lock trying to open the door. (ドアを開けようとして鍵を手探りする) Fumble for his phone in the dark. (暗闇で彼の携帯電話を手探りする) |
Gloat (うぬぼれる) | Gloat over someone else’s failure. (誰か他の人の失敗にうぬぼれる) Gloat about winning the lottery. (宝くじに当選したことにうぬぼれる) |
Invert (逆にする) | Invert the colors on the screen for better visibility. (画面の色を逆にして見やすくする) Invert the order of the sentences for clarity. (文の順序を逆にして明確にする) |
Haggle (値切る) | Haggle over the price of a car. (車の値段を値切る) Haggle with the street vendor for a better deal. (もっと良い取引をするために路上の露天商と値切る) |
Jiggle (揺れ動く) | Jiggle the door handle to see if it’s locked. (ドアの取っ手を揺することで施錠されているか確認する) Her keys jiggled as she walked. (彼女が歩くと鍵が揺れた) |
Quiver (震える) | His lips quiver with emotion. (彼の唇が感情で震える) The tree leaves quiver in the wind. (木の葉が風で震える) |
Shun (避ける) | Shun people who gossip. (うわさ話をする人々を避ける) Shun junk food to stay healthy. (健康を保つためにジャンクフードを避ける) |
Slam (たたきつける) | Slam the book shut in frustration. (イライラして本をバタンと閉じる) Slam the brakes to avoid a collision. (衝突を避けるためにブレーキを踏む) |
Sprawl (無秩序に広がる) | The city sprawls for miles. (その都市は何マイルも広がっている) The cat sprawled out in the sun. (猫が太陽の光の下で寝そべっている) |
Squander (無駄に使う) | Squander a fortune on frivolous purchases. (ばかげた買い物に大金を浪費する) Squander precious time procrastinating. (先延ばしにして貴重な時間を無駄にする) |