

At the social gathering, when someone offers you a buffet of compliments, imagine yourself sternly rejecting it, saying, “I rebuff your compliments!”
Contextual Usage: “Despite his genuine compliments, she decided to rebuff his advances at the party.”


Picture a lively debate where someone is presenting an argument, and you respond by saying, “But, but, but…” as you rebut their points.
Contextual Usage: “During the debate, she skillfully rebutted the opponent’s claims, leaving the audience impressed.”


Visualize a strict teacher pointing a ruler at a student and saying, “I rebuke your behavior! It’s unacceptable.”
Contextual Usage: “The manager had to rebuke the team member for repeatedly missing deadlines.”


Imagine being on a beach, and suddenly a giant wave comes and engulfs everything in its path, covering it completely.
Contextual Usage: “The flames quickly engulfed the old wooden house, leaving nothing but ashes behind.”


Envision a boss giving you a firm reprimand, saying, “Remember the rules or face reprimands!”
Contextual Usage: “She received a stern reprimand for violating the company’s code of conduct.”


Picture a public speaker standing on a stage and loudly denouncing a controversial idea or person.
Contextual Usage: “The politician took to the podium to denounce the rumors circulating in the media.”


Imagine a parent scolding a child, saying, “I berate you for not following the rules!”
Contextual Usage: “Feeling frustrated, he berated his colleague for repeatedly making the same mistakes.”


Think of someone angrily hitting a lamb with a bat – a vivid image to remember a strong verbal attack.
Contextual Usage: “The critic didn’t hold back and proceeded to lambaste the movie for its lackluster plot.”


Picture two engines working together to create something new – this new creation can be associated with “engender.”
Contextual Usage: “Their collaborative efforts were bound to engender innovative solutions to the problem.”


Imagine a secluded island with only one person, secluded from the rest of the world.
Contextual Usage: “Seeking peace, she decided to seclude herself in a quiet mountain cabin.”


Think of a security guard ensuring the safety of a place by making sure everything is secure.
Contextual Usage: “It’s crucial to ensure that all safety measures are in place before reopening the amusement park.”


Picture a police officer enforcing the law, making sure everyone follows the rules.
Contextual Usage: “The newly appointed sheriff was determined to enforce stricter regulations in the town.”


Imagine a flag wavering in the wind, uncertain and indecisive about which direction to go.
Contextual Usage: “Her confidence began to waver as she faced the challenging task ahead.”


Think of someone staggering after having a bit too much to drink – a wobbly and unsteady walk.
Contextual Usage: “After the intense workout, his legs felt so weak that he began to stagger on his way home.”


Picture a person trying to solve a difficult puzzle, getting more and more frustrated until they exclaim, “This puzzle is exasperating!”
Contextual Usage: “The complex instructions on the assembly manual began to exasperate him, leading to moments of frustration.


repatriate (送還する):
連想: 国外から帰国することを意味します。例えば、外国で働いた後に祖国に戻るイメージを持ちましょう。

resent (憤慨する):
連想: 嫌悪感や不満を感じること。例えば、誰かに対して感情を抱く状況を想像しましょう。

rebel (反抗する):
連想: 権威や権力に対して反抗すること。反抗者のイメージを思い浮かべてみてください。

surpass (超越する):
連想: 期待や基準を上回ること。例えば、目標を達成し、それを超えるイメージを作りましょう。

repulse (嫌悪感を抱かせる):
連想: 不快な感情を引き起こすこと。嫌悪感を抱く状況をイメージしてください。

surmount (乗り越える):
連想: 困難や障害を克服すること。山を登るようなイメージを思い描いてください。

renounce (放棄する):
連想: 権利や主張を正式に放棄すること。例えば、王位を放棄する王の姿を想像してください。

jeopardize (危険に晒す):
連想: 危険にさらすこと。例えば、財産を賭けるような危険な状況をイメージしてください。

renege (約束を破る):
連想: 約束や取り決めを守らないこと。約束を破る様子を思い浮かべましょう。

impair (損なう):
連想: 価値や効果を損なうこと。例えば、健康を損なう行動をイメージしてください。

revel (大いに楽しむ):
連想: 大いに喜び、楽しむこと。パーティーで楽しむ場面を思い描いてください。

mortify (屈辱を与える):
連想: 屈辱や恥辱を与えること。恥をかく状況をイメージしてみてください。

purge (一掃する):
連想: 不要なものを完全に取り除くこと。例えば、不要なデータを一掃するイメージを持ちましょう。

mar (傷つける):
連想: 形を崩したり、傷つけたりすること。物事が傷つく様子を思い浮かべてください。

ostracize (排斥する):
連想: 社会的に孤立させること。他者から排除される状況をイメージしてみてください。

dote on: を溺愛する
連想法: 赤ちゃんに溺愛するように、何かを非常に可愛がる様子を思い浮かべてください。

drag off: を無理に連れていく
連想法: 強引に引っ張られるようすをイメージして、何かを無理に連れていく様子を思い浮かべてください。

dispense with: ~なしで済ませる
連想法: 処方箋が不要であると考え、何かを捨てるように、物事をなしで済ませる様子を思い浮かべてください。

drift off to sleep: いつの間にか眠りに落ちる
連想法: 枕が浮かんでいるように、いつの間にか眠りに落ちる様子を思い浮かべてください。

deal out: を分配する
連想法: トランプのディーラーがカードを配るように、何かを分配する様子を思い浮かべてください。


Repatriate (帰国させる)Repatriate refugees (難民を帰国させる)
Repatriate prisoners (囚人を帰国させる)
Resent (憤慨する)Resent the criticism (非難に憤慨する)
Resentful feelings (憤慨した気持ち)
Rebel (反乱する)Rebel against the government (政府に対して反乱する)
Surpass (超える)Surpass expectations (期待を超える)
Surpass the competition (競争を超える)
Repulse (撃退する)Repulse an attack (攻撃を撃退する)
Surmount (乗り越える)Surmount obstacles (障害を乗り越える)
Surmount challenges (課題を乗り越える)
Renounce (放棄する)Renounce citizenship (市民権を放棄する)
Renounce violence (暴力を放棄する)
Jeopardize (危険にさらす)Jeopardize safety (安全を危険にさらす)
Jeopardize the mission (ミッションを危険にさらす)
Renege (約束を破る)Renege on a deal (取引を破る)
Renege on a promise (約束を破る)
Impair (損なう)Impair vision (視力を損なう)
Impair judgment (判断力を損なう)
Revel (大いに楽しむ)Revel in success (成功を大いに楽しむ)
Revel in the moment (その瞬間を大いに楽しむ)
Mortify (屈辱を感じさせる)Mortify someone’s pride (誰かの誇りを傷つける)
Mortify oneself with embarrassment (恥ずかしい思いをして屈辱を感じる)
Purge (一掃する)Purge corruption (汚職を一掃する)
Purge the system (制度を一掃する)
Mar (傷つける)Mar the reputation (評判を傷つける)
Mar the beauty (美を傷つける)
Ostracize (排斥する)Ostracize a person (人を排斥する)
Ostracize from a group (グループから排斥する)



