
Oshogatsu is the Japanese New Year celebration. It’s a significant and festive time in Japan, marked by various traditions and customs. People visit shrines and enjoy special New Year’s foods like osechi ryori.

“Shimekazari” refers to a traditional Japanese New Year decoration that is hung on the entrance of homes to ward off evil spirits and welcome good luck for the coming year.
「ward off: 回避する」

“Kadomatsu” is a traditional Japanese decoration displayed during the New Year’s season, typically placed in pairs on either side of the entrance to a home. It consists of bamboo shoots, pine branches, and sometimes other decorative elements. Kadomatsu is believed to welcome ancestral spirits and deities, bringing prosperity and longevity to the household.


Hatsumode is the traditional Japanese practice of visiting a shrine or temple during the New Year. This first visit of the year is made to pray for good fortune, health, and prosperity in the coming year. People often go to famous shrines and temples, where they participate in rituals, make offerings, and draw omikuji (fortune slips). Hatsumode is a significant cultural event in Japan, with millions of people taking part, often dressed in traditional attire like kimonos.

Nengajo are New Year’s greeting cards exchanged in Japan. These cards are sent to friends, family, and colleagues to wish them a happy and prosperous New Year. Nengajo often feature illustrations of the zodiac animal for the coming year, along with messages of goodwill. The Japanese postal service ensures that nengajo posted before a certain deadline are delivered on January 1st. This tradition helps maintain connections and express gratitude, playing a significant role in Japanese New Year celebrations.

Otoshidama is a traditional Japanese New Year’s custom where children receive money from relatives and parents. It symbolizes blessings and prosperity for the coming year.

Shinnenkai is a Japanese New Year’s gathering where coworkers or friends come together to celebrate the start of the new year. It involves enjoying food and drinks while discussing resolutions and goals for the upcoming year.

Seijin no Hi, or Coming of Age Day, is a Japanese holiday celebrating adulthood for those who turn 20 years old. Ceremonies are held nationwide, followed by gatherings with family and friends to celebrate this milestone.

Setsubun is a traditional Japanese event celebrated to welcome the arrival of spring and drive away evil spirits. It is mainly observed on February 3rd and includes customs such as throwing beans and eating ehomaki sushi rolls while facing a lucky direction.

Yukimatsuri, or Snow Festival, is a winter event held primarily in Hokkaido, featuring large ice sculptures and snow statues. It attracts tourists and locals alike who enjoy various activities such as skiing and snowboarding in the snow.

National Foundation Day commemorates the establishment of Japan as a nation. It is usually celebrated on February 11th and involves events related to historical events and Japanese culture.

The Emperor’s Birthday is a holiday that celebrates the birth of the Emperor of Japan. It is usually observed on February and includes ceremonies and events to celebrate the birthday of the Emperor.

Hinamatsuri, also known as Doll’s Day or Girls’ Day, is a traditional Japanese festival that celebrates the growth and happiness of girls. It is typically observed on March 3rd and involves the display of hina dolls, as well as enjoying special dishes and sweets.

Shunbun no Hi, or Vernal Equinox Day, is a holiday that celebrates the vernal equinox. It marks the day when the length of day and night are nearly equal, symbolizing the arrival of spring. In Japan, it is usually observed between March 20th and 23rd.

Showa no Hi, or Showa Day, is a day that commemorates the birthday of Emperor Showa (Hirohito), the reigning Emperor during the Showa era. Showa Day also marks the anniversary of the proclamation of the post-war constitution of Japan and celebrates the culture and history of the Showa period. It is typically observed on April 29th.

Midori no Hi, or Greenery Day, is a Japanese holiday centered around the theme of greenery and nature. It is a day to express gratitude for nature and to promote environmental conservation and tree-planting activities. Typically observed on April 29th.

Kenpō Kinenbi, or Constitution Memorial Day, is a holiday in Japan that commemorates the enactment of the country’s constitution. It celebrates May 3rd, 1947, the day when Japan’s post-war constitution went into effect. This day is an occasion to honor democracy, fundamental human rights, and to reflect on the significance of the constitution.

Hanami is a traditional Japanese custom of enjoying the beauty of cherry blossoms in spring. It typically takes place when cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and people gather with friends and family to enjoy hanami parties in parks, along riversides, and other scenic spots.

Golden Week refers to a period in Japan when several national holidays are clustered together. Typically spanning from the end of April to the beginning of May, it includes holidays such as Constitution Memorial Day, Greenery Day, and Children’s Day, resulting in an extended break. It is known as a time when many people enjoy traveling and leisure activities.

Tango no Sekku, or Boys’ Day, is a traditional Japanese festival observed on May 5th. It primarily celebrates the growth and health of boys and includes customs such as eating kashiwa mochi (rice cakes filled with sweet bean paste and wrapped in oak leaves) and displaying koinobori (carp-shaped windsocks).

Children’s Day, known as Kodomo no Hi, is a traditional Japanese festival celebrated on May 5th. It’s a day to wish for the healthy growth and happiness of children, particularly boys. Families often decorate their homes with carp streamers (koinobori) and other symbols, and spend quality time together.

Koinobori are carp-shaped windsocks displayed in Japanese homes and public spaces during the Children’s Day festival (Kodomo no Hi). Carps symbolize the growth and health of boys and serve as symbols of family happiness and prosperity.

Tanabata, also known as the Star Festival, is a traditional Japanese festival celebrated on July 7th. It commemorates the meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi, represented by the stars Vega and Altair, who are separated by the Milky Way and can only meet once a year. People celebrate by writing wishes on colorful strips of paper called tanzaku and hanging them on bamboo branches.

Umi no Hi, or Marine Day, is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on the third Monday in July. It is a day to express gratitude for the ocean’s bounty and to contemplate the importance of the sea to Japan as an island nation. People often celebrate by visiting the beach, participating in maritime events, and enjoying water-related activities.

Yama no Hi, or Mountain Day, is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on August 11th. It is a day to appreciate the blessings of mountains and to encourage people to get closer to nature. The holiday aims to provide an opportunity for people to enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking and mountain climbing, and to raise awareness of the importance of mountains in Japanese culture.

Shōchū Mimai, or Summer Greeting, is a traditional Japanese custom where people send cards or letters to express concern and well wishes during the hottest period of summer, typically between mid-July and early August. These greetings serve to check in on the health and well-being of friends, family, and colleagues, showing care and maintaining social bonds.

Ochūgen, or the Summer Gift, is a Japanese tradition observed during mid-July, typically around the 15th of the month. It is a custom of giving gifts, such as food or beverages, to express gratitude and strengthen social bonds. Ochūgen gifts are often given to show appreciation to one’s superiors, clients, or those who have helped throughout the year. This tradition fosters goodwill and reciprocity in relationships.

Obon, also known as the Bon Festival, is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one’s ancestors. It typically takes place in mid-August, although the exact date varies by region. During Obon, families gather to pay respects to their ancestors by visiting graves, cleaning and decorating their homes, and participating in traditional dances such as bon odori. It is believed that the spirits of the deceased return to visit their families during this time.

Bon Odori, or Bon Dance, is a traditional Japanese folk dance performed during the Obon Festival to honor the spirits of ancestors. It is a lively and colorful celebration where people gather in open spaces or around yagura (raised platforms) to dance to the beat of traditional music. The dance movements vary by region and can include simple steps or more complex choreography. Bon Odori is a cherished cultural tradition that brings communities together in remembrance and celebration.

Keirō no Hi, or Respect for the Aged Day, is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on the third Monday of September. It is a day to honor and show appreciation for the elderly in society, recognizing their contributions and wisdom. On this day, people often visit their elderly relatives, give them gifts or cards, and participate in community events or ceremonies to express gratitude and respect for their elders.

Shūbun no Hi, or the Autumnal Equinox Day, is a Japanese national holiday observed around September 23rd each year. It marks the autumnal equinox when day and night are approximately equal in length. Traditionally, it is a time for families to visit the graves of their ancestors, clean the tombstones, and offer prayers. It is also a time to appreciate the changing of the seasons and to spend time with loved ones.

Higan, or Higan-e, is a Buddhist observance observed twice a year during the spring and autumnal equinoxes. It is a time for reflection, paying respects to ancestors, and contemplating the transient nature of life. During Higan, families often visit the graves of their ancestors, clean the tombstones, and offer prayers and offerings. The word “higan” itself means “the other shore” in Buddhism, symbolizing the crossing from the mundane world to enlightenment.

Taiiku no Hi, or Health and Sports Day, is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on the second Monday in October. It was established to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle following the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. On this day, schools, communities, and organizations hold sports festivals, athletic events, and health-related activities. It is a day to encourage physical fitness and camaraderie among people of all ages.

Tsukimi, or the Moon Viewing Festival, is a traditional Japanese custom held in September or October, typically on the night of the full moon. During Tsukimi, people gather outdoors to admire the beauty of the moon and celebrate the autumn harvest. They often decorate their homes or altars with pampas grass and offer rice dumplings called dango as offerings to the moon. It is a time for gratitude, reflection, and enjoying the serene beauty of the moonlit night.

Momijigari, or Autumn Leaf Viewing, is a traditional Japanese activity enjoyed during the fall season when the leaves change color. It typically takes place in October or November, depending on the region’s climate. During momijigari, people visit parks, mountains, or temples to appreciate the vibrant colors of the autumn foliage. It is a time for leisurely walks, photography, and enjoying the beauty of nature’s transformation.

Bunka no Hi, or Culture Day, is a Japanese national holiday celebrated on November 3rd. It was established to promote culture, the arts, and academic endeavors. On Culture Day, various cultural and educational events are held throughout Japan, including art exhibitions, traditional performances, and academic ceremonies. It is a day to appreciate Japan’s rich cultural heritage and to foster creativity and intellectual pursuits.

Shichi-Go-San, or Seven-Five-Three, is a traditional Japanese celebration held on November 15th for children who are three, five, and seven years old. It is a rite of passage and a time for families to pray for the health and growth of their children. During Shichi-Go-San, children dress in traditional kimono attire and visit shrines with their parents to receive blessings. It is a joyous occasion marked by family gatherings, photography, and the giving of gifts.

Kinrō Kansha no Hi, or Labor Thanksgiving Day, is a national holiday in Japan celebrated on November 23rd. It honors labor, production, and the nation’s prosperity, and it’s a day for expressing gratitude to workers.

Oseibo is a Japanese custom of giving gifts at the end of the year, usually in December, to express gratitude and appreciation to people who have shown kindness and support throughout the year. It’s a way to strengthen personal and professional relationships.

Bonenkai, or “year-end party,” is a Japanese tradition where colleagues, friends, or groups gather in December to celebrate the end of the year. The event is meant to forget the troubles of the past year and to strengthen social and professional bonds for the coming year.

Ōmisoka, celebrated on December 31st, is the Japanese New Year’s Eve. It is a time for cleaning and preparing for the New Year, enjoying traditional foods like toshikoshi soba, and spending time with family. The day often ends with a visit to a shrine or temple for Hatsumode, the first prayer of the New Year.

Toshikoshi Soba is a Japanese tradition of eating buckwheat noodles on New Year’s Eve. The long noodles symbolize longevity and the cutting of noodles represents letting go of the past year’s hardships. This custom is meant to bring good fortune for the coming year.

Joya no Kane is a Japanese New Year’s Eve tradition where temple bells are rung 108 times at midnight. The 108 tolls represent the cleansing of 108 earthly desires, according to Buddhist belief, to purify and welcome the New Year with a clear mind and spirit.

Gion Matsuri is a famous annual festival held in Kyoto, Japan, during the entire month of July. Known for its grand procession of elaborate floats called yamaboko, the festival features traditional music, dance, and ceremonies. It originated as a purification ritual to appease the gods during an epidemic in the 9th century.

Jidai Matsuri, or Festival of the Ages, is an annual festival held on October 22nd in Kyoto, Japan. It features a historical procession with participants dressed in costumes representing various periods from Japanese history, from ancient to modern times. The festival celebrates Kyoto’s rich cultural heritage and history.

Aoi Matsuri, or Hollyhock Festival, is one of Kyoto’s three main annual festivals held on May 15th. The highlight of the festival is a grand procession featuring participants dressed in ancient Heian period attire. The procession starts from the Kyoto Imperial Palace and ends at the Kamigamo and Shimogamo Shrines, symbolizing the purification of the city.