

Aattract, achieve, apologize, afford, attempt, allow, addict, accomplish
Bbreak up with, blame, blow, book
Ccome up with, criticize, combine, conclude, connect, claim, cease, consult with, claim, compare, concentrate, contribute
Ddeliver, defend, derive, disturb, delay, decline, discuss, deserve, distinguish
Eexperience, exclude, enforce, escape, explain, excuse, evaluate, eliminate, enroll, erupt
Ffocus on, forget to, forget -ing
Ggive it a try, generate, get along with, get used to, go one’s own way
Hhide, hesitate
Iidentify, inform, inherit, include, interrupt, involve, inspire, imply, infer, impress, ignore, invent
L and Mlast, make yourself understood, maintain, manufacture, make the effort, mention
Oobserve, overcome, offend, overturn
Ppresent, promote, pay attention, prevent, pretend, pass away, put off, praise
Rraise, remove, recommend, recover, reject, recognize, resist, represent, resemble
Sspill, surround, select, stare, suffer from
Tturn down, tempt, tend to
U, Wused to, wonder, warn


Aaffectionate, assertive, absorbed, alternative, aggressive, acquainted, accidental, awful, academic, accurate, apparent, artificial, ambitious, approximate
Cconservative, concerned, conscience, curious, cautious, consecutive, complicated, current, creative, comprehensive, concrete
Ddramatic, domestic, delicate
Eemotional, extensive, exhausted, eventual, efficient, exact, enormous, enthusiastic
Ffaithful, frequent, flexible, fortunate
Ggrammatical, genuine, gradual
Iindecisive, innocent, incapable, involved, imperial, isolated, intense, independent, ignorant, immediate
M, N, Omature, noble, nuclear, neat, obvious
Pphilosophical, potential, permanent, pregnant, practical, precise, particular
Rrude, reasonable, remote, ruined, reliable, reluctant
Sspontaneous, serious, selfish, sensitive, satisfied, soaked, sarcastic, spectacular, suspicious, similar, superior, suitable, successful, severe
T, U, Vtemporary, unstable, ungrateful, vague, vacant, vital


Aattitude, application, appointment, applause, angle, ability, authority, apology, attention, agriculture, appearance, ancestor, account, acquaintance, accuracy
Bbackground, burden
Cconference, contents, community, character, consideration, client, command, charity, concentration, certificate, comment, colleague, confidence, classification, clue, citizen, conflict, collapse, conclusion, chore, contradiction
Ddieting, distinction, department, design, destination, debt, detective, decade
Eexperiment, exercise, education, emergency, economy, employee, expense, electronics, explosion, expense, exception, encyclopedia
Ffarewell, facility, factor, faith, feedback, failure, foundation, forecast, flexibility, finance, fare, function, founder
Ggesture, gravity, guilt
Iintelligence, impatience, invention, investigation, income, isolation, investment, interaction, intersection, instrument, intention, issue, illusion, impression
Llandmark, laboratory, legend, luxury, linguistics
Mmammal, memory, manual, millionaire, mood, malnutrition, merit
Nnuclear, negotiation
Ppolitics, philosophy, phenomenon, pile, pedestrian, principle
Rreservation, regulation, refund, routine, ruin, reputation, resident
Sshape, species, suburb, stranger, savings, substitute, surface, scholar, secretary, statement, sensation
Ttransplant, tension, task, temperature
Vvolume, vitamin, vehicle
Wwelfare, wildlife
