As the deadline approached, Sarah began to agonize over her unfinished project. She knew she needed to amplify her efforts if she wanted to meet the deadline. Despite feeling overwhelmed, she decided to collaborate with her colleagues, hoping their combined efforts would help them succeed.
They commenced their work by delving into the details of the project, scrutinizing every aspect to ensure its success. Ideas were concocted and plans were made, each member contributing their expertise. Despite setbacks, they refused to wince and instead focused on overcoming obstacles.
Their determination only seemed to provoke the challenges further, but they refused to evade them. Instead, they confronted each obstacle head-on, finding ways to scuttle past them. With perseverance, they managed to weather the storm and emerge victorious.
agonize – ●●●
amplify – ●●●
bask – ●●●
collaborate – ●●●
concoct – ●●●
commence – ●●●
delve – ●●●
evaporate – ●●●
evade – ●●●
scrutinize – ●●●
scuttle – ●●●
submerge – ●●●
wince – ●●●
provoke – ●●●
weather – ●●●
go on a crime spree: ●●●
gain on: ●●●
go bananas: ●●●
get one’s bearings: ●●●
get one’s feet wet: ●●●
The knight began to ●●● over his choice of armor, wondering if the glittery pink suit was too much for a dragon-slaying adventure.
The wizard accidentally used a spell to ●●● the sound of his sneeze, and the whole kingdom heard it, thinking it was a royal announcement.
The lion decided to ●●● in the sun, but it was so hot that it melted the royal crown it was wearing.
The aliens and the talking pineapple decided to ●●● on building a spaceship made entirely of cotton candy to escape the dessert planet.
The chef tried to ●●● a soup using only jelly beans and pickles, but it turned into a monster that ran away from the kitchen.
The penguins were ready to ●●● their annual march to the North Pole, but first, they had to wait for the snowman to finish his opera performance.
The archaeologist began to ●●● into the mysterious pyramid, only to discover it was full of chocolate chips instead of ancient artifacts.
When the wizard sneezed, his potion of invisibility started to ●●●, causing him to suddenly appear as a giant floating marshmallow.
The dragon tried to ●●● the knight’s sword by rolling on a giant pizza, but it accidentally ate the whole pizza instead.
The detective began to ●●● the banana peel for clues, but all he found was a very confused squirrel eating popcorn nearby.
The crab tried to ●●● away from the beach party, but its tiny legs got stuck in the sand and it started a conga line instead.
The octopus decided to ●●● its new hat underwater to test if it was truly waterproof, only to discover it turned into a jellyfish.
The wizard couldn’t help but ●●● as his magical wand turned into a spaghetti noodle, and then started to dance around the room.
The mischievous elf decided to ●●● the dragon by stealing its shiny scale and running away, but the dragon just laughed and gave him a gold coin.
The knight had to ●●● a storm of flying pies, but he bravely held up his shield made of marshmallow fluff to protect himself.
The penguin decided to go on a crime ●●●, stealing fish from every ice cream truck in the city while wearing a disguise of a superhero cape.
The cheetah started to ●●● on the speedy rabbit, but just as it was about to catch it, the rabbit pulled out a jetpack and flew into the sky.
The librarian went ●●● when a bookworm asked for a book that didn’t exist, and then started juggling books while singing opera.
The astronaut landed on the moon and had to get his ●●●, but all he could see was a giant space hamster rolling around in the distance.
The detective decided to get his ●●● wet by investigating the case of the missing sock, but it turned out to be a sock party with a bunch of dancing socks.