
There is a man standing in the river with a fishing rod.
「fishing rod: つりざお」

An off-road vehicle is driving through a forest.
「off-road: オフロード用の」 「forest: 森」

There are power lines under the blue and pink sky.
「power line: 電線」
「ジャガー: Jaguar」
The jaguar is a large cat species. With a body length of up to 1.85 m and a weight of up to 96 kg, it is the largest cat species in the Americas and the third largest in the world. The jaguar’s coat ranges from pale yellow to tan or reddish-yellow, with a whitish underside and covered in black spots. The spots and their shapes vary: on the sides, they become rosettes which may include one or several dots. The jaguar’s powerful bite allows it to pierce the shells of turtles and tortoises, and to employ an unusual killing method.
「tan: 黄、褐色」「rosette: ひょうがら」
「Jaguarl」『Wikipedia』。2021年11月21日 (日) 21:19 UTC、URL:

Rance: “I made my report at the office,”
Holmes: “We thought that we should like to hear it all from your own lips,”
Rance: “I shall be most happy to tell you anything I can,”
Holmes: “Just let us hear it all in your own way as it occurred.”
Rance: “I’ll tell it ye from the beginning. My time is from ten at night to six in the morning. At eleven there was a fight at the ‘White Hart’; but bar that all was quiet enough on the beat.At one o’clock it began to rain, and I met Harry Murcher—him who has the Holland Grove beat—and we stood together at the corner of Henrietta Street a-talkin’.
Rance:「まずは始まりの始まりで、おれの当番は夜の十時から朝の六時までなんでして。あの日は十一時んときに白鹿亭で喧嘩があったきり、何という事もなく巡回しておったんで。 雨が降り出したのは一時で、ハリ・マーチャと会って――ああ、ホランド並木道《グローヴ》が持ち場のやつで――で、ヘンリエッタ街の角で立ち話なんてして、ちょっとして――
Presently—maybe about two or a little after—I thought I would take a look round and see that all was right down the Brixton Road. It was precious dirty and lonely.
Not a soul did I meet all the way down, though a cab or two went past me. I was a-strollin’ down, thinkin’ between ourselves how uncommon handy a four of gin hot would be, when suddenly the glint of a light caught my eye in the window of that same house.
たぶん二時すぎくらいかな――もう一回りくらいして、 ブリクストン通りまで何ともねえか確かめてやろうと思ったんです。もう物騒で人けのない夜でしたよ。
Now, I knew that them two houses in Lauriston Gardens was empty on account of him that owns them who won’t have the drains seed too, though the very last tenant what lived in one of them died o’ typhoid fever.
I was knocked all in a heap, therefore, at seeing a light in the window, and I suspected as something was wrong. When I got to the door——”
Holmes: “You stopped, and then walked back to the garden gate. What did you do that for?”
Rance: “Why, that’s true sir,though how you come to know it, Heaven only knows. Ye see when I got up to the door, it was so still and so lonesome, that I thought I’d be none the worse for some one with me.
I ain’t afeard of anything on this side o’ the grave; but I thought that maybe it was him that died o’ the typhoid inspecting the drains what killed him.
The thought gave me a kind o’ turn, and I walked back to the gate to see if I could see Murcher’s lantern, but there wasn’t no sign of him nor of any one else.”
Holmes: “There was no one in the street?”
Rance: “Not a livin’ soul, sir, nor as much as a dog. Then I pulled myself together and went back and pushed the door open.
All was quiet inside, so I went into the room where the light was a-burnin’. There was a candle flickering on the mantelpiece—a red wax one— and by its light I saw——”
Holmes: “Yes, I know all that you saw. You walked round the room several times, and you knelt down by the body, and then you walked through and tried the kitchen door, and then——”
Rance: “Where was you hid to see all that? It seems to me that you knows a deal more than you should.”
Holmes: “Don’t get arresting me for the murder. I am one of the hounds and not the wolf; Mr. Gregson or Mr. Lestrade will answer for that. Go on, though. What did you do next?”
Rance: “I went back to the gate and sounded my whistle. That brought Murcher and two more to the spot.”
Holmes: “Was the street empty then?”
Rance: “Well, it was, as far as anybody that could be of any good goes.”
Holmes: “What do you mean?”
Rance: “I’ve seen many a drunk chap in my time, but never any one so cryin’ drunk as that cove. He was at the gate when I came out, a-leaning up ag’in the railings, and singin’ at the pitch o’ his lungs about Columbine’s New-fangled Banner, or some such stuff. He couldn’t stand, far less help.”
元ネタは「Project Gutenburg」と「青空文庫」より
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