

パート1: 自己紹介と日常生活に関する質問(4~5分)


Do you have any hobbies?

How often do you spend time on your hobbies?

Do you think it’s important to have hobbies? Why?

Have your hobbies changed since childhood?

パート2: トピックに関するスピーチ(3~4分)


Describe a book you have recently read.

You should say:

what the book is about,
why you chose to read it,
what you learned from it,
and explain why you would recommend it to others.

Example Answer:

パート3: ディスカッション(4~5分)


Do you think reading is still important in today’s digital age?

What kinds of books are most popular in your country?

Do you think children should be encouraged to read more? Why?

How has the way people read changed in recent years?