

Asset (資産)
Mnemonic Device: Think of “a set” of valuable items.
Association: An asset is something valuable that you “set” aside because it’s important.
Contextual Usage: “Her house is her most valuable asset.”

Conspiracy (陰謀)
Mnemonic Device: “Con” means with and “spir” sounds like spirit; a conspiracy is like a group with a shared secret spirit.
Association: A secret plan by a group, often to do something harmful.
Contextual Usage: “The conspiracy to overthrow the government was uncovered by the police.”

Commitment (約束)
Mnemonic Device: Think of “commit” as “promise to meet.”
Association: A commitment is a promise to do something or be dedicated to a cause.
Contextual Usage: “He made a commitment to finish the project by the end of the month.”

Confiscation (没収)
Mnemonic Device: “Confiscate” sounds like “confuse” + “take”; you might be confused when something is taken away.
Association: Taking someone’s property by authority.
Contextual Usage: “The confiscation of illegal drugs was a major success for the police.”

Coverage (報道)
Mnemonic Device: Think of “cover” as in covering a story.
Association: The extent to which something is reported or dealt with.
Contextual Usage: “The media’s coverage of the event was extensive.”

Deportation (国外追放)
Mnemonic Device: “Deport” sounds like “depart” which means to leave.
Association: The act of sending someone away from a country.
Contextual Usage: “The deportation of illegal immigrants has increased in recent years.”

Defiance (反抗)
Mnemonic Device: “Defy” sounds like “deny”; in defiance, you deny authority.
Association: Open resistance or bold disobedience.
Contextual Usage: “His defiance against the rules got him in trouble.”

Decadence (堕落)
Mnemonic Device: “Decadence” sounds like “decay”; moral decay or decline.
Association: Excessive indulgence in pleasure leading to moral decline.
Contextual Usage: “The decadence of the Roman Empire contributed to its fall.”

Derision (嘲笑)
Mnemonic Device: “Derision” sounds like “division”; creating division by mocking someone.
Association: Mockery or ridicule.
Contextual Usage: “His proposal was met with derision from his colleagues.”

Eulogy (弔辞)
Mnemonic Device: “Eu” means good, and “logy” means speech; a good speech.
Association: A speech given in praise of someone, typically at a funeral.
Contextual Usage: “She gave a moving eulogy at her grandfather’s funeral.”

Flattery (お世辞)
Mnemonic Device: “Flatter” sounds like “flutter”; compliments can make someone’s heart flutter.
Association: Excessive or insincere praise.
Contextual Usage: “He tried to win her over with flattery.”

Grievance (不平)
Mnemonic Device: “Grieve” is in grievance; a cause for grieving or complaining.
Association: A complaint or resentment.
Contextual Usage: “The workers filed a grievance against the company for unfair treatment.”

Hallmark (特徴)
Mnemonic Device: “Hall” and “mark”; a mark you notice in a hallway, a defining feature.
Association: A distinctive feature or characteristic.
Contextual Usage: “Innovation is a hallmark of the tech company.”

Homage (敬意)
Mnemonic Device: “Homage” sounds like “home-age”; showing respect as if at home.
Association: Respect or honor shown publicly.
Contextual Usage: “The statue was erected in homage to the great leader.”

Remuneration (報酬)
Mnemonic Device: “Remuneration” sounds like “re-money-ation”; getting money back.
Association: Payment for services or work done.
Contextual Usage: “She received fair remuneration for her consulting services.”


Bribery (賄賂)
Association: お金 (money) + 秘密 (secret)
Explanation: 賄賂は秘密裏にお金を渡すことを意味します。

bribery (賄賂)

Association: Think of a corrupt politician secretly accepting cash to influence decisions.
日本語説明: 賄賂とは、他人を不正に動かすために金銭や利益を提供する行為です。

bankruptcy (破産)

Association: Visualize a business owner closing shop with a “bankrupt” sign, unable to pay debts.
日本語説明: 破産は、財政的に行き詰まり、借金を返せなくなる状態です。

conjecture (推測)

Association: Picture someone guessing the outcome of a mystery with incomplete information.
日本語説明: 推測とは、証拠が不十分な状態で結果を予測することです。

debit (借方)

Association: Imagine using a debit card to withdraw money, reducing the account balance.
日本語説明: 借方は、銀行口座からお金を引き出すことや、会計上の負債を指します。

disguise (変装)

Association: Visualize someone wearing a mask and costume to hide their identity.
日本語説明: 変装は、誰かに自分の正体を隠すために外見を変えることです。

decree (法令)

Association: Think of a king issuing a royal decree to announce new laws.
日本語説明: 法令は、政府や権力者によって発布される正式な命令や規則です。

elimination (排除)

Association: Picture a competition where participants are progressively eliminated until one winner remains.
日本語説明: 排除は、不要なものを取り除くことや、競技などで脱落させることです。

exorcism (悪魔祓い)

Association: Imagine a priest performing a ritual to expel evil spirits from a person or place.
日本語説明: 悪魔祓いは、悪霊や悪い影響を追い払う宗教的な儀式です。

embargo (禁輸)

Association: Picture ships being blocked from trading with a foreign country due to political tensions.
日本語説明: 禁輸は、特定の国との貿易を一時的に禁止する措置です。

fallacy (誤謬)

Association: Think of a misleading argument that appears logical but is fundamentally flawed.
日本語説明: 誤謬は、一見正しいように見えるが、論理的に誤った考え方や論理です。

inauguration (就任式)

Association: Visualize a president taking the oath of office at a formal ceremony.
日本語説明: 就任式は、新しい役職に正式に就くことを祝う儀式やイベントです。

ordinance (条例)

Association: Picture a city council passing a local law to regulate traffic or noise levels.
日本語説明: 条例は、地方自治体が制定する特定の地域でのルールや規制です。

precept (教訓)

Association: Imagine a wise teacher giving moral guidelines for life.
日本語説明: 教訓は、道徳的な行動や考え方の指針となる教えです。

transaction (取引)

Association: Picture two people exchanging money for goods in a business deal.
日本語説明: 取引は、お金や商品をやり取りするビジネスの行為や契約です。

rundown (概要)

Association: Imagine receiving a quick summary of a meeting or event, covering the key points.
日本語説明: 概要は、出来事やプロセスの要点や全体像を簡潔にまとめたものです。

Pan Out: 成功する
Association: 「フライパン」 + 「アウト」= 食材がフライパンから出て美味しくなる(成功する)
Explanation: フライパンで調理する過程を想像し、食材がうまく調理されると成功するというイメージを使います。

Pass Down: を伝える
Association: 「パス」 + 「ダウン」= 世代を超えて(下に)パスする(伝える)
Explanation: サッカーなどでパスを下に送るイメージを使い、情報や物を次の世代に伝えることを思い出します。

Play Down: をもみ消す
Association: 「プレイ」 + 「ダウン」= プレイを軽くする(重要性をもみ消す)
Explanation: スポーツでプレイをわざと軽くすることで、その重要性を軽減するイメージを使います。

Pull Through: 乗り切る
Association: 「引っ張る」 + 「通過する」= 困難な状況から引っ張って通り抜ける(乗り切る)
Explanation: 困難な状況から誰かを引っ張って通り抜けさせるイメージを使い、困難を乗り切ることを思い出します。


Bribery (賄賂)Bribery charges – 賄賂容疑
Accepting bribery – 賄賂を受け取る
Bribery scandal – 賄賂スキャンダル
Bribery investigation – 賄賂調査
Bankruptcy (破産)File for bankruptcy – 破産を申請する
Declare bankruptcy – 破産を宣言する
Bankruptcy court – 破産裁判所
Bankruptcy protection – 破産保護
Conjecture (推測)Pure conjecture – 単なる推測
Based on conjecture – 推測に基づく
Wild conjecture – 根拠のない推測
Idle conjecture – 無駄な推測
Debit (引き落とし)Debit card – デビットカード
Debit account – 引き落とし口座
Direct debit – 直接引き落とし
Debit transaction – 引き落とし取引
Disguise (変装)Perfect disguise – 完璧な変装
Wear a disguise – 変装する
Disguise oneself – 自分を変装する
Disguise as – 〜に変装する
Decree (法令)Issue a decree – 法令を発する
Royal decree – 王の法令
Presidential decree – 大統領の法令
Enforce a decree – 法令を施行する
Elimination (排除)Complete elimination – 完全排除
Gradual elimination – 徐々の排除
Waste elimination – 廃棄物の排除
Elimination process – 排除過程
Exorcism (除霊)Perform an exorcism – 除霊を行う
Ritual of exorcism – 除霊の儀式
Exorcism ceremony – 除霊の儀式
Successful exorcism – 成功した除霊
Embargo (禁輸)Trade embargo – 貿易禁輸
Lift an embargo – 禁輸を解除する
Impose an embargo – 禁輸を課す
Oil embargo – 石油禁輸
Fallacy (誤り)Logical fallacy – 論理の誤り
Common fallacy – よくある誤り
Fallacy of reasoning – 推論の誤り
Expose a fallacy – 誤りを暴く
Inauguration (就任)Inauguration ceremony – 就任式
Presidential inauguration – 大統領の就任
Inauguration day – 就任日
Attend an inauguration – 就任式に出席する
Ordinance (条例)City ordinance – 市条例
Local ordinance – 地方条例
Enact an ordinance – 条例を制定する
Violating an ordinance – 条例違反
Precept (教え)Moral precept – 道徳的教え
Religious precept – 宗教的教え
Follow a precept – 教えに従う
Establish a precept – 教えを確立する
Transaction (取引)Financial transaction – 金融取引
Complete a transaction – 取引を完了する
Transaction fee – 取引手数料
Business transaction – ビジネス取引
Rundown (概要)Brief rundown – 簡単な概要
Give a rundown – 概要を説明する
Quick rundown – 迅速な概要
Detailed rundown – 詳細な概要





In the bustling city of Metropolis, the annual business summit was underway. The keynote speaker, renowned economist Dr. Emily Carter, discussed the importance of ethical practices in business. “An organization’s greatest asset,” she emphasized, “is its commitment to integrity and transparency.” As she spoke, whispers of a conspiracy to monopolize the market started circulating among the attendees, casting a shadow over the event.

Later, news broke out about the confiscation of illicit funds from several high-ranking officials, which led to their deportation. This action was seen as a defiance against the widespread decadence that had plagued the corporate sector for years. The media’s extensive coverage of the scandal shocked the nation.

In the midst of the turmoil, a respected journalist received derision for his candid report. However, Dr. Carter’s eulogy at a memorial service for a fallen colleague was met with heartfelt applause, as her words were filled with genuine flattery and respect. She addressed the grievances of the employees, promising reforms and highlighting the hallmark of their organization: a dedication to ethical standards.

The homage paid to the deceased colleague was sincere, and the organization ensured that his family received proper remuneration. As the summit concluded, the attendees were reminded that success is not merely measured by wealth but by the values upheld and the legacy left behind.







Asset (●●●)

Conspiracy (●●●)

Commitment (●●●)

Confiscation (●●●)

Coverage (●●●)

Deportation (●●●)

Defiance (●●●)

Decadence (●●●)

Derision (●●●)

Eulogy (●●●)

Flattery (●●●)

Grievance (●●●)

Hallmark (●●●)

Homage (●●●)

Remuneration (●●●)

paper over: ●●●

put down X on Y: ●●●

push the envelope: ●●●

palm X off on Y: ●●●

pin down: ●●●


The company’s greatest ●●● is its dedicated workforce.

The police uncovered a ●●● to embezzle funds from the government.

Her ●●● to the project was evident in her tireless efforts.

The ●●● of the stolen goods was a major breakthrough in the case.

The media’s ●●● of the event was extensive and detailed.

The ●●● of illegal immigrants sparked a nationwide debate.

His ●●● against the unjust law was admired by many.

The novel depicts the ●●● of society in the late 20th century.

His suggestion was met with ●●● from his colleagues.

She gave a moving ●●● at her grandfather’s funeral.

He was not swayed by her ●●● and remained firm in his decision.

The employees filed a ●●● about the unsafe working conditions.

A ●●● of his leadership was his unwavering integrity.

They paid ●●● to the founder of the company during the anniversary celebration.

The ●●● package for the new CEO was substantial.


They tried to ●●● over the cracks in their relationship, but the issues kept resurfacing.

We decided to ●●● down $5,000 on the new house.

As an innovative designer, she always tries to push the ●●● with her creations.

He ●●●ed the broken laptop off on his unsuspecting brother.

The detective managed to ●●● down the suspect’s exact location.





Acrimony (敵意、辛辣さ)
Mnemonic Device: “A cry of money” can cause bitter feelings.
Association: Think of a divorce settlement dispute, where “a cry of money” creates acrimonious exchanges.
Contextual Usage: The acrimony between the two business partners led to the dissolution of their company.

Animosity (敵意、憎しみ)
Mnemonic Device: “Animals in the city” can show hostility when their habitats are invaded.
Association: Picture city animals fighting over food, displaying animosity.
Contextual Usage: The animosity between the rival football teams was evident in their aggressive plays.

Affront (侮辱)
Mnemonic Device: “A front” of disrespect.
Association: Imagine someone cutting in front of you in line, which you find very affronting.
Contextual Usage: Her sarcastic comment was seen as an affront to his intelligence.

Aversion (嫌悪)
Mnemonic Device: “A version” of something you dislike.
Association: Picture a food version you have an aversion to, like brussels sprouts.
Contextual Usage: He has a strong aversion to crowded places, preferring quiet solitude.

Agenda (議題、予定)
Mnemonic Device: “A gentle day” planned out.
Association: Visualize a well-organized agenda helping you have a gentle and smooth day.
Contextual Usage: The meeting’s agenda included budget discussions and project updates.

Banter (軽口、冗談)
Mnemonic Device: “Banner” at a party with funny jokes.
Association: Imagine a banner at a party with humorous banter written on it.
Contextual Usage: Their light-hearted banter made the dinner party enjoyable for everyone.

Jest (冗談)
Mnemonic Device: “Jester” from medieval times.
Association: Picture a court jester making everyone laugh with his jest.
Contextual Usage: His jest about the weather lightened the mood during the meeting.

Collision (衝突)
Mnemonic Device: “Collide-sion” (sounds like “collision”).
Association: Think of two cars colliding on a busy road.
Contextual Usage: The collision between the two trains caused a major delay in service.

Elevation (高揚、昇進)
Mnemonic Device: “Elevator” going up.
Association: Visualize an elevator going to the top floor, symbolizing elevation.
Contextual Usage: Her elevation to CEO was celebrated by the entire company.

Entrepreneur (起業家)
Mnemonic Device: “Enter” into a new business.
Association: Picture someone entering a room full of opportunities, becoming an entrepreneur.
Contextual Usage: The young entrepreneur started her first business at the age of 16.

Luminary (名士、著名人)
Mnemonic Device: “Luminous” personality.
Association: Imagine a famous luminary shining brightly on a stage.
Contextual Usage: The conference featured several luminaries from the tech industry.

Monopoly (独占)
Mnemonic Device: “Mono” (one) controlling the market.
Association: Picture the Monopoly board game, where one player tries to own everything.
Contextual Usage: The company’s monopoly over the tech market raised concerns about fair competition.

Misgiving (不安、疑念)
Mnemonic Device: “Mis-giving” (giving a bad feeling).
Association: Imagine giving someone a present that causes them misgiving because it’s suspicious.
Contextual Usage: She had misgivings about the new project, feeling it was too risky.

Scruple (良心の呵責、躊躇)
Mnemonic Device: “Screw pull” (a hesitation to pull the screw).
Association: Visualize someone hesitating to pull a screw out due to scruples.
Contextual Usage: He had no scruples about lying to get the job.

Stake (利害関係、出資)
Mnemonic Device: “Steak” (something valuable).
Association: Think of a high-stakes poker game where players bet valuable steaks.
Contextual Usage: She has a significant stake in the company, both financially and emotionally.


Asset (資産)
連想法: 「汗 (あせ) と涙」で得た資産。
説明: 資産は「汗と涙」で築き上げたものであり、それを守るために努力するもの。

Conspiracy (陰謀)
連想法: 「こっそり」秘密を話すグループ。
説明: 陰謀は秘密裏に行われる計画であり、何人かがこっそり集まって話し合うもの。

Commitment (献身、約束)
連想法: 「こめる(込める)」真剣な思いを。
説明: 献身や約束は心を込めて行うものであり、真剣な思いが込められている。

Confiscation (没収)
連想法: 「こんなに!」と驚くほど没収される。
説明: 没収は意外なほど大量に持ち物が取り上げられることを示す。

Coverage (報道範囲、保険の適用範囲)
連想法: 「カバー」する範囲。
説明: 報道や保険の適用範囲はカバーされる範囲を示し、その領域がどこまで広がるかを示す。

Deportation (強制送還)
連想法: 「ドアをポン!」と閉められて国外に送還される。
説明: 強制送還は国から追い出されることを意味し、ドアを閉められて外に出されるイメージ。

Defiance (反抗)
連想法: 「出ていけ!」という命令に逆らう。
説明: 反抗は命令に従わず、自分の意志を貫くことである。

Decadence (退廃)
連想法: 「出かけて」遊びすぎて退廃的になる。
説明: 退廃は過度な楽しみや堕落を示し、出かけて遊びすぎることで堕落する様子。

Derision (嘲笑)
連想法: 「出るし」、嘲笑の声が。
説明: 嘲笑は人をバカにする笑い声が出ることであり、嘲笑される対象になること。

Eulogy (賛辞、追悼)
連想法: 「勇者(ゆうしゃ)」への賛辞。
説明: 賛辞や追悼は勇者に対して捧げられるものであり、敬意を表する言葉。

Flattery (お世辞)
連想法: 「フラフラ」するほどお世辞を言う。
説明: お世辞は相手を喜ばせるために言う言葉であり、フラフラするほど過剰な場合もある。

Grievance (不満)
連想法: 「ぐれた」青年の不満。
説明: 不満は心の中で積もった怒りや不満を示し、ぐれた青年のような心情。

Hallmark (特徴)
連想法: 「春のマーク」のように特徴的なもの。
説明: 特徴は他と区別するための目印であり、春の花のマークのように目立つ。

Homage (敬意)
連想法: 「ほめて」敬意を表する。
説明: 敬意は他人の功績や価値をほめて称えることで表現される。

Remuneration (報酬)
連想法: 「お金」で報酬をもらう。
説明: 報酬は働いた対価として受け取るお金や報酬を意味する。

Paper over: を取り繕う
連想法: 「ペーパー (紙)」でひび割れを覆い隠す。
説明: ひび割れや欠点を紙で覆い隠して見えなくするイメージで、問題を取り繕うことを表す。

Put down X on Y: XをYの頭金として払う
連想法: 「プットダウン (置く)」お金をYの購入のために下に置く。
説明: 頭金としてお金を置くイメージで、特定の目的のために最初に支払う金額を示す。

Push the envelope: 限界に挑む
連想法: 「封筒 (エンベロープ)」を押して広げる。
説明: 封筒の境界を押し広げて限界に挑むイメージで、可能性の境界を押し広げることを意味する。

Palm X off on Y: 騙してXをYに押し付ける
連想法: 「パーム (手のひら)」で隠してXをYに渡す。
説明: 手のひらで何かを隠して騙しながら渡すイメージで、騙して押し付けることを表す。

Pin down: を突き止める
連想法: 「ピン (針)」で対象を固定する。
説明: 針で特定の位置に固定するイメージで、正確な情報や場所を突き止めることを示す。


Asset (資産)financial asset (金融資産)
valuable asset (貴重な資産)
intangible asset (無形資産)
corporate asset (企業資産)
Conspiracy (陰謀)conspiracy theory (陰謀説)
political conspiracy (政治的陰謀)
criminal conspiracy (犯罪陰謀)
conspiracy charge (陰謀罪)
Commitment (献身、約束)make a commitment (約束をする)
demonstrate commitment (献身を示す)
long-term commitment (長期的な約束)
unwavering commitment (揺るぎない献身)
Confiscation (没収)asset confiscation (資産没収)
property confiscation (財産没収)
drug confiscation (薬物没収)
illegal confiscation (違法没収)
Coverage (報道範囲、保険の適用範囲)media coverage (メディア報道)
insurance coverage (保険適用範囲)
extensive coverage (広範囲な報道)
health coverage (健康保険適用範囲)
Deportation (強制送還)deportation order (強制送還命令)
mass deportation (大量強制送還)
illegal deportation (違法強制送還)
deportation policy (強制送還政策)
Defiance (反抗)act of defiance (反抗行為)
show defiance (反抗を示す)
open defiance (公然たる反抗)
defiance of authority (権威への反抗)
Decadence (退廃)cultural decadence (文化の退廃)
moral decadence (道徳の退廃)
societal decadence (社会の退廃)
decadence and decay (退廃と腐敗)
Derision (嘲笑)subject of derision (嘲笑の対象)
public derision (公然の嘲笑)
mockery and derision (嘲りと嘲笑)
laugh in derision (嘲笑う)
Eulogy (賛辞、追悼)deliver a eulogy (追悼を述べる)
heartfelt eulogy (心からの賛辞)
funeral eulogy (葬儀の追悼)
eulogy speech (賛辞のスピーチ)
Flattery (お世辞)excessive flattery (過度なお世辞)
false flattery (偽りのお世辞)
insincere flattery (不誠実なお世辞)
shower with flattery (お世辞で持ち上げる)
Grievance (不満)express a grievance (不満を表明する)
legitimate grievance (正当な不満)
grievance procedure (不満処理手続き)
address a grievance (不満に対処する)
Hallmark (特徴)hallmark of quality (品質の特徴)
hallmark of excellence (優秀さの特徴)
hallmark sign (特徴的な印)
traditional hallmark (伝統的な特徴)
Homage (敬意)pay homage (敬意を払う)
tribute and homage (敬意と賛辞)
homage to the past (過去への敬意)
respectful homage (敬意を込めた賛辞)
Remuneration (報酬)fair remuneration (公正な報酬)
remuneration package (報酬パッケージ)
monetary remuneration (金銭的報酬)
annual remuneration (年間報酬)

