①Short Speech
③Grammar and Vocabulary
Agree or disagree: The rise of automation will lead to a more leisure-oriented society.
Agree: The rise of automation will likely lead to a more leisure-oriented society. As machines take over repetitive and labor-intensive tasks, people will have more free time. This shift can enable individuals to focus on creative pursuits, personal development, and leisure activities. Additionally, as automation improves productivity, it could reduce the need for long work hours, further contributing to a society that values leisure more.
Explore the potential societal impacts of increased automation and the changing nature of work.
Increased automation will transform the nature of work by reducing the need for manual and repetitive tasks, leading to job displacement in some sectors. However, it will also create opportunities in fields like technology, maintenance, and creative industries, requiring workers to adapt and upskill. Societally, this shift could exacerbate inequality if not managed properly, as those without access to education and training may struggle to find new employment. On the positive side, automation could enhance productivity and potentially reduce working hours, allowing for a better work-life balance and more time for personal pursuits.
In an old mansion by the sea, there was an attic filled with forgotten treasures. The attic had a small window that overlooked a peaceful cove where the waves gently lapped against the shore. However, the tranquility of the cove was sometimes disrupted by the hazards of the ocean—strong currents and hidden rocks posed constant threats to passing ships. The mansion itself stood on a hill with a steep gradient, making the climb to it both challenging and rewarding.
One day, a scientist who specialized in studying the southern hemisphere visited the mansion. He was intrigued by the artifacts stored in the attic and decided to use it as a temporary repository for his research. But as he worked, a sudden power outage plunged the mansion into darkness. The scientist’s predicament worsened as a fierce storm approached, causing mayhem both inside and outside the mansion.
With the storm came spillage from the nearby river, flooding the pasture below the hill. The situation quickly escalated into pandemonium, as animals fled and people scrambled to secure their belongings. In the midst of this chaos, the scientist found himself in jeopardy, trapped in the attic with no way to call for help. He realized that his plight was dire, as the storm showed no signs of relenting.
Despite the mayhem, he managed to find a hidden stowage space in the attic, where he discovered old journals detailing similar storms from decades ago. The journals suggested that the safest place during such a storm was a hidden cove nearby. Gathering his courage, the scientist braved the storm, making his way down the treacherous gradient to the cove, where he finally found refuge.
Attic (●●●)
Cove (●●●)
Hazard (●●●)
Gradient (●●●)
Hemisphere (●●●)
Jeopardy (●●●)
Mayhem (●●●)
Outage (●●●)
Pasture (●●●)
Pandemonium (●●●)
Predicament (●●●)
Plight (●●●)
Repository (●●●)
Stowage (●●●)
Spillage (●●●)
rope in: ●●●
rub off on: ●●●
rattle off: ●●●
rack up: ●●●
rail against: ●●●
The ●●● was filled with old furniture.
The small ●●● was a perfect place for a quiet swim.
Strong currents are a serious ●●● to swimmers.
The steep ●●● made the hike challenging.
The scientist studied the southern ●●●.
The adventurer was in ●●● during the storm.
The sudden outage caused ●●● in the city.
The power ●●● lasted for several hours.
The cattle grazed peacefully in the ●●●.
●●● broke out when the fire alarm went off.
The hiker found himself in a ●●● when he got lost.
The ●●● of the refugees moved many people to help.
The library served as a ●●● for ancient manuscripts.
The ship had ample ●●● for all the cargo.
The ●●● of oil into the ocean caused severe damage.
I was ●●●d in to help organize the event.
Her enthusiasm ●●●bed off on everyone in the team.
He ●●●d off the names of all the players on the team.
She ●●●ed up numerous awards for her work.
The protesters ●●●ed against the new policy.
Apparition (幽霊、幻影)
Mnemonic: Picture an “apparition” appearing out of nowhere like an “app” suddenly opening on your phone.
Association: Think of a ghost or spirit that appears suddenly, often unexpectedly.
Contextual Usage: The haunted house was known for the apparition of a woman in white who wandered the halls at night.
Bibliography (参考文献一覧)
Mnemonic: “Biblio-” sounds like “Bible,” and “-graphy” relates to writing; a bibliography is a list of books or writings.
Association: Imagine a shelf full of books (“biblio”) that you need to write down (“graphy”) for a research project.
Contextual Usage: At the end of the research paper, the professor requested a detailed bibliography listing all the sources used.
Conflagration (大火、戦争)
Mnemonic: “Conflagration” sounds like “flag” on fire—imagine a huge fire engulfing everything.
Association: Think of a large fire or conflict spreading like wildfire.
Contextual Usage: The dry season turned the forest into a tinderbox, ready for any spark to ignite a conflagration.
Chronicle (年代記、記録)
Mnemonic: “Chron” means time, so a “chronicle” is a record of events in time.
Association: Picture a book recording the passage of time, event by event.
Contextual Usage: The historian spent years compiling a detailed chronicle of the ancient civilization’s rise and fall.
Caricature (風刺画)
Mnemonic: “Caricature” sounds like “character,” emphasizing exaggerated features of a person.
Association: Think of a cartoon drawing that exaggerates someone’s features to create humor or criticism.
Contextual Usage: The artist sketched a caricature of the politician, exaggerating his large ears and stern expression.
Deluge (大洪水、氾濫)
Mnemonic: “Deluge” sounds like “flood”—imagine a massive amount of water pouring down.
Association: Picture an overwhelming flood of water or a metaphorical flood of something, like emails.
Contextual Usage: After the announcement, the company was hit by a deluge of complaints from unhappy customers.
Dearth (不足、欠乏)
Mnemonic: “Dearth” sounds like “death”—imagine the scarcity of something leading to desperation.
Association: Think of a barren land with a severe shortage of food or resources.
Contextual Usage: The dearth of affordable housing in the city has led to increased homelessness.
Disparity (格差、不均衡)
Mnemonic: “Disparity” sounds like “separate”—imagine two things that are far apart in quality or quantity.
Association: Picture a scale with one side heavily weighted down, indicating inequality.
Contextual Usage: The disparity in income between the rich and the poor continues to grow each year.
Discrepancy (矛盾、不一致)
Mnemonic: “Discrepancy” has “crep” in it, like “creeping” differences that lead to inconsistencies.
Association: Think of two reports that should match but have conflicting information.
Contextual Usage: The auditor found a discrepancy in the financial records that needed further investigation.
Dissension (意見の対立、不和)
Mnemonic: “Dissension” sounds like “dissent”—imagine people disagreeing and causing conflict.
Association: Picture a meeting where voices are raised in disagreement, leading to tension.
Contextual Usage: There was dissension among the team members about the best strategy to pursue.
Imposition (強制、課すこと)
Mnemonic: “Imposition” has “impose” in it—imagine something being forced upon you.
Association: Think of a heavy burden or rule being placed on someone against their will.
Contextual Usage: The new tax law was seen as an unfair imposition on small business owners.
Infringement (侵害、違反)
Mnemonic: “Infringement” sounds like “infringe”—imagine stepping over a line or boundary.
Association: Picture someone trespassing on private property or violating someone’s rights.
Contextual Usage: The company was sued for infringement of copyright after using a design without permission.
Loophole (抜け穴)
Mnemonic: “Loophole” sounds like a small “loop”—imagine a tiny opening in a law that allows someone to escape consequences.
Association: Think of a legal loophole that people use to avoid paying taxes or following regulations.
Contextual Usage: The lawyer found a loophole in the contract that allowed his client to avoid paying the penalty.
Specter (恐ろしいもの、亡霊)
Mnemonic: “Specter” sounds like “spectacle”—imagine a ghostly figure that is a terrifying sight.
Association: Picture a haunting figure or looming threat that causes fear or unease.
Contextual Usage: The specter of war loomed over the country, casting a shadow of fear across the nation.
Transgression (違反、罪)
Mnemonic: “Transgression” has “trans-” (across) and “-gression” (step)—imagine stepping across a line into wrongdoing.
Association: Think of someone crossing a forbidden boundary, breaking a rule or law.
Contextual Usage: The student’s minor transgression was punished with a warning, but repeated offenses would lead to suspension.
Attic (屋根裏)
連想法: 「attic」は「att-」が「上」を連想させ、屋根の上にある空間を思い出す。
説明: 屋根裏部屋には古い思い出や使わなくなったものがしまってあることが多い。
Cove (入り江)
連想法: 「cove」は「cover」と音が似ており、海岸が土地で覆われている入り江を思い出す。
説明: 海岸線に自然にできた小さな湾や入り江を指す。
Hazard (危険)
連想法: 「hazard」は「ハザードランプ」を連想させ、危険を警告するものと覚える。
説明: 危険やリスクを意味し、特に予期せぬ状況での危険性を指す。
Gradient (勾配、傾斜)
連想法: 「gradient」は「grade」と関係があり、成績のように「段階」や「レベル」を思い出す。
説明: 坂道や傾斜の度合いを表す。
Hemisphere (半球)
連想法: 「hemi-」は「半分」を意味し、「sphere」は「球」を意味するので、半分の球を思い出す。
説明: 地球や脳の半球を指す。
Jeopardy (危険、危機)
連想法: 「jeopardy」は「ジェットコースター」を連想し、スリリングで危険な状況を思い出す。
説明: 危機や危険にさらされている状態を意味する。
Mayhem (大混乱)
連想法: 「mayhem」は「may」と「hem(縁)」を連想させ、5月に縁が切れるような大混乱を思い出す。
説明: 混乱や騒乱、破壊行為を指す。
Outage (停電、停止)
連想法: 「out-age」は「out of age」と連想し、古くなったものが停止する状態を思い出す。
説明: 電力やサービスの停止を指す。
Pasture (牧草地)
連想法: 「pasture」は「past(過去)」を連想させ、昔ながらの田舎の風景を思い出す。
説明: 家畜が放牧される牧草地を指す。
Pandemonium (大混乱)
連想法: 「panda」と「monium」を連想し、パンダの群れが騒ぎ立てる大混乱を思い出す。
説明: 大規模な混乱や騒ぎを意味する。
Predicament (困難な状況)
連想法: 「predicament」は「predict」と関係し、予測不能な困難な状況を思い出す。
説明: 困難な、もしくは抜け出せないような状況を意味する。
Plight (苦境)
連想法: 「plight」は「flight」と音が似ており、逃げられない困難な状況を思い出す。
説明: 特に深刻な困難や苦境を指す。
Repository (保管場所)
連想法: 「repo-」は「再度」を意味し、「story」は「物語」を意味するので、物語を再び保存する場所を思い出す。
説明: 情報や物品の保管場所を指す。
Stowage (収納スペース)
連想法: 「stow」は「収納する」を意味し、「-age」は「場所」を意味するので、収納場所を思い出す。
説明: 荷物や物品を収納するためのスペースを指す。
Spillage (こぼれること)
連想法: 「spill」は「こぼす」を意味し、「-age」は「行為」を意味するので、こぼす行為を思い出す。
説明: 液体や物がこぼれることを指す。
Attic (屋根裏) | Dusty attic (埃っぽい屋根裏) Converted attic (改装された屋根裏) Attic space (屋根裏スペース) |
Cove (入り江) | Secluded cove (人里離れた入り江) Small cove (小さな入り江) Hidden cove (隠れた入り江) |
Hazard (危険) | Health hazard (健康危険) Fire hazard (火災危険) Environmental hazard (環境危険) |
Gradient (勾配、傾斜) | Steep gradient (急な勾配) Gentle gradient (緩やかな勾配) Color gradient (色のグラデーション) |
Hemisphere (半球) | Northern hemisphere (北半球) Southern hemisphere (南半球) Brain hemisphere (脳の半球) |
Jeopardy (危険、危機) | In jeopardy (危険にさらされて) Legal jeopardy (法的危険) Jeopardy of failure (失敗の危険) |
Mayhem (大混乱) | Complete mayhem (完全な大混乱) Create mayhem (混乱を引き起こす) Cause mayhem (大混乱を引き起こす) |
Outage (停電、停止) | Power outage (停電) Service outage (サービス停止) Unexpected outage (予期しない停止) |
Pasture (牧草地) | Green pasture (緑の牧草地) Grazing pasture (放牧用牧草地) Open pasture (開放された牧草地) |
Pandemonium (大混乱) | Utter pandemonium (完全な大混乱) Create pandemonium (大混乱を引き起こす) Scene of pandemonium (大混乱の現場) |
Predicament (困難な状況) | Difficult predicament (困難な状況) In a predicament (困った状況にある) Serious predicament (深刻な困難) |
Plight (苦境) | Desperate plight (絶望的な苦境) Human plight (人々の苦境) Address the plight (苦境に対応する) |
Repository (保管場所) | Data repository (データ保管場所) Knowledge repository (知識の保管場所) Central repository (中央保管場所) |
Stowage (収納スペース) | Stowage compartment (収納区画) Efficient stowage (効率的な収納) Cargo stowage (貨物収納) |
Spillage (こぼれること) | Oil spillage (油の流出) Accidental spillage (偶発的なこぼれ) Chemical spillage (化学物質のこぼれ) |
In the quiet town of Ravenswood, rumors of an apparition began to circulate. Some claimed to have seen a ghostly figure wandering the old cemetery, a specter that brought with it a chilling sense of dread. The townspeople, curious yet fearful, decided to keep a chronicle of these sightings, documenting every detail in the town’s library. Among the pages of old books and records, the librarian also included a detailed bibliography of references to other historical accounts of such phenomena.
As the weeks passed, the rumors grew, becoming a conflagration of fear and speculation that spread through the town like wildfire. Amidst this chaos, a caricature of the ghost appeared in the local newspaper, a humorous but unsettling reminder of the growing unease.
One night, after a particularly heavy deluge, the town was almost entirely flooded. The dearth of proper drainage systems had left the streets submerged in water, compounding the already heightened sense of fear. In the aftermath, the disparity between the wealthier parts of town, which quickly recovered, and the poorer areas, where the damage was severe, became starkly evident.
The townspeople began to notice discrepancies in the stories of those who claimed to have seen the apparition. Some described a woman in white, while others swore it was a man in a black coat. This led to dissension among the townsfolk, dividing them into different factions, each with their own version of the truth.
As tensions rose, the local government attempted to restore order, but their efforts were seen as an imposition, further aggravating the situation. The fear of the apparition had now become intertwined with concerns about infringement on personal freedoms, and some residents even exploited loopholes in the law to avoid curfews and restrictions.
Despite the growing unrest, there were those who remained skeptical, dismissing the specter as nothing more than a figment of the imagination. However, the memory of past transgressions haunted the town, and the fear that the apparition might be a manifestation of these unresolved issues persisted.
Apparition – ●●●
Bibliography – ●●●
Conflagration – ●●●
Chronicle – ●●●
Caricature – ●●●
Deluge – ●●●
Dearth – ●●●
Disparity – ●●●
Discrepancy – ●●●
Dissension – ●●●
Imposition – ●●●
Infringement – ●●●
Loophole – ●●●
Specter – ●●●
Transgression – ●●●
pep up: ●●●
plunk up: ●●●
plug away at: ●●●
quid pro quo: ●●●
The ●●● of the old man startled everyone in the room.
The student included a comprehensive ●●● at the end of his research paper.
The ●●● that swept through the city left thousands homeless.
The historian wrote a detailed ●●● of the ancient civilization.
The artist drew a ●●● of the politician, exaggerating his features humorously.
The ●●● caused by the heavy rains flooded the entire town.
There is a ●●● of fresh water in the arid region.
The economic ●●● between the rich and the poor is growing wider.
There was a significant ●●● between the two reports.
●●● among the team members led to the project’s failure.
The ●●● of new taxes sparked public outrage.
Copyright ●●● is a serious offense in the digital age.
The company exploited a ●●● in the tax law to avoid paying taxes.
The ●●● of war loomed over the region as tensions rose.
He sought forgiveness for his past ●●●s.
The coach gave a motivational speech to ●●● up the team before the big game.
She had to ●●● up the courage to speak in front of the large audience.
Despite the difficulties, he continued to ●●● away at his research project.
The politician offered his support in exchange for a ●●● pro quo from the business leader.
Bribery (賄賂)
Mnemonic: “Bribe Ray”
Association: Picture Ray giving money to a judge to influence a decision.
Context: The politician was arrested for bribery after he was caught paying off officials.
Bankruptcy (破産)
Mnemonic: “Bank Rupt Cy”
Association: Imagine a bank exploding and Cy, the bank manager, is left with nothing.
Context: After the economic downturn, many small businesses faced bankruptcy.
Conjecture (推測)
Mnemonic: “Con Jack”
Association: Think of Jack making wild guesses about a con artist’s next move.
Context: The detective’s theory was based on conjecture rather than solid evidence.
Debit (借方)
Mnemonic: “Debt Bit”
Association: Imagine every small bit of debt accumulating on one side of a ledger.
Context: You should record all your expenses as debits in your account book.
Disguise (変装)
Mnemonic: “Dis Guy’s”
Association: Think of a person saying, “Dis guy’s hiding behind a mask.”
Context: He wore a disguise to avoid being recognized by his fans.
Decree (法令)
Mnemonic: “De Cree”
Association: Imagine a creepy king issuing a royal decree to his subjects.
Context: The new decree bans smoking in all public places.
Elimination (除去)
Mnemonic: “E-Lime-A-Nation”
Association: Picture a nation where every lime is being removed.
Context: The elimination of waste is crucial for environmental conservation.
Exorcism (除霊)
Mnemonic: “Ex-Or-Sis”
Association: Imagine an exorcist removing evil spirits from his sister.
Context: The priest performed an exorcism to rid the house of its malevolent spirits.
Embargo (禁輸)
Mnemonic: “Em Bar Go”
Association: Think of a bar preventing ships from going out.
Context: The country imposed an embargo on all goods from the enemy nation.
Fallacy (誤信)
Mnemonic: “Fall A Sea”
Association: Picture someone believing that they can walk on water, a fallacy that leads them to fall into the sea.
Context: The idea that the earth is flat is a well-known fallacy.
Inauguration (就任式)
Mnemonic: “In Augur Action”
Association: Imagine an augur (ancient Roman priest) in action during a ceremony.
Context: The president’s inauguration ceremony was attended by thousands.
Ordinance (条例)
Mnemonic: “Order Nance”
Association: Think of Nance ordering new rules for the town.
Context: The city council passed an ordinance to reduce noise pollution.
Precept (教訓)
Mnemonic: “Pre Set”
Association: Picture rules that are preset for behavior.
Context: The precept of honesty is essential in all human interactions.
Transaction (取引)
Mnemonic: “Trans Action”
Association: Imagine a transaction as a transfer of action from one party to another.
Context: The transaction was completed after both parties signed the agreement.
Rundown (概要)
Mnemonic: “Run Down”
Association: Picture a quick run down a list to summarize everything.
Context: The manager gave a quick rundown of the project status during the meeting.
Apparition (幽霊)
連想法: “Appear-ition”
連想: 急に現れる幽霊 (突然現れる幽霊を想像してみてください)
Bibliography (参考文献一覧)
連想法: “Bible-ography”
連想: 本のリスト (聖書のように多くの本がリストに並んでいる様子を想像してみてください)
Conflagration (大火災)
連想法: “Con Flag Ration”
連想: 大きな旗が燃えている (大きな旗が燃え上がる大火災を想像してみてください)
Chronicle (年代記)
連想法: “Chronological Article”
連想: 年代順に記された記事 (年代順に出来事を記録する記事を想像してみてください)
Caricature (風刺画)
連想法: “Carry Picture”
連想: 面白い絵を運ぶ (面白おかしく誇張された絵を運んでいる様子を想像してみてください)
Deluge (大洪水)
連想法: “De Luge”
連想: ルージュの川が氾濫 (ルージュの川が氾濫して大洪水を引き起こしている様子を想像してみてください)
Dearth (不足)
連想法: “Dear Earth”
連想: 愛する地球が乾いている (地球が乾いて食料や水が不足している様子を想像してみてください)
Disparity (不均衡)
連想法: “Dis Parity”
連想: 不公平なパリティ (公平ではない状態をパリティと関連付けて想像してみてください)
Discrepancy (矛盾)
連想法: “Dis Crep In Sea”
連想: 海の中の不一致 (海の中で見つかった矛盾を想像してみてください)
Dissension (意見の対立)
連想法: “Dis Sensation”
連想: 意見の対立が起こるセンセーション (意見の対立が激しい議論を引き起こす様子を想像してみてください)
Imposition (課税)
連想法: “Im Pose”
連想: 課税されているポーズ (税金を課されている様子をポーズとして想像してみてください)
Infringement (侵害)
連想法: “In Fringe”
連想: 境界線を越えて侵害する (フリンジのように境界線を越えて何かを侵害する様子を想像してみてください)
Loophole (抜け穴)
連想法: “Loop Hole”
連想: 法律のループホール (法律や規則の中にある抜け穴を想像してみてください)
Specter (幽霊)
連想法: “Specter”
連想: スペクター (ゴーストバスターズの映画に出てくる幽霊を想像してみてください)
Transgression (違反)
連想法: “Trans Gres”
連想: 交通違反 (交通ルールを破る様子を想像してみてください)
Apparition (幽霊) | ghostly apparition (幽霊の現れ) sudden apparition (突然の出現) mysterious apparition (神秘的な幽霊) |
Bibliography (参考文献一覧) | extensive bibliography (詳細な参考文献一覧) annotated bibliography (注釈付き参考文献一覧) comprehensive bibliography (包括的な参考文献一覧) |
Conflagration (大火災) | devastating conflagration (壊滅的な大火災) raging conflagration (激しい大火災) massive conflagration (大規模な大火災) |
Chronicle (年代記) | historical chronicle (歴史年代記) detailed chronicle (詳細な年代記) personal chronicle (個人的な年代記) |
Caricature (風刺画) | political caricature (政治風刺画) exaggerated caricature (誇張された風刺画) humorous caricature (ユーモラスな風刺画) |
Deluge (大洪水) | severe deluge (厳しい大洪水) sudden deluge (突然の大洪水) torrential deluge (豪雨による大洪水) |
Dearth (不足) | dearth of resources (資源の不足) dearth of information (情報の不足) dearth of talent (才能の不足) |
Disparity (不均衡) | economic disparity (経済的不均衡) income disparity (収入の不均衡) social disparity (社会的不均衡) |
Discrepancy (矛盾) | significant discrepancy (重大な矛盾) noticeable discrepancy (目立った矛盾) slight discrepancy (わずかな矛盾) |
Dissension (意見の対立) | internal dissension (内部の意見の対立) political dissension (政治的対立) growing dissension (増大する意見の対立) |
Imposition (課税) | tax imposition (税の課税) heavy imposition (重い課税) unfair imposition (不公平な課税) |
Infringement (侵害) | copyright infringement (著作権侵害) patent infringement (特許侵害) serious infringement (深刻な侵害) |
Loophole (抜け穴) | legal loophole (法の抜け穴) tax loophole (税の抜け穴) find a loophole (抜け穴を見つける) |
Specter (幽霊) | haunting specter (取り憑く幽霊) ghostly specter (幽霊のような幽霊) dreaded specter (恐ろしい幽霊) |
Transgression (違反) | moral transgression (道徳的違反) serious transgression (重大な違反) legal transgression (法的違反) |
保護中: 英検1級エクセレントコース:第二十六週月曜日から金曜日
英検1級エクセレントコース:第二十五週金曜日 ライティングその13
①Write an essay on the given TOPIC.
②Give three reasons to support your answer.
③Structure: introduction, main body, and conclusion
④Suggested length: 200-240 words
Is it ethical to use genetic engineering for human enhancement purposes? (Agree or Disagree)
Genetic engineering, a groundbreaking scientific advancement, offers the potential to alter human capabilities significantly. While this technology holds promise, it raises ethical concerns. I believe it is not ethical to use genetic engineering for human enhancement purposes.
Main Body:(3つ)
First, genetic engineering for human enhancement could exacerbate social inequality. If such technologies are only accessible to the wealthy, it would create a society where the rich can afford to enhance their abilities, leaving others behind. This disparity could lead to a divided society, where genetic enhancements determine one’s opportunities and social status, exacerbating existing social and economic inequalities.
Second, the long-term consequences of genetic engineering are unpredictable. Altering human genetics could have unforeseen and potentially harmful effects on individuals and future generations. The complexity of human genetics means that changes intended to enhance one trait could inadvertently impact other traits negatively. The ethical implications of such unintended consequences are significant, as they could lead to new health issues and ethical dilemmas for future generations.
Lastly, using genetic engineering for human enhancement raises fundamental ethical questions about the nature of humanity. It challenges the notion of what it means to be human and whether it is ethical to alter human nature to fit subjective ideals of perfection. The pursuit of genetic enhancements could lead to a society that values certain traits over others, undermining the diversity and uniqueness that make humanity rich and complex.
In conclusion, the ethical concerns surrounding genetic engineering for human enhancement—social inequality, unpredictable consequences, and the alteration of human nature—outweigh the potential benefits. It is essential to approach this powerful technology with caution and prioritize ethical considerations to ensure it is used responsibly.
①Social Inequality
Genetic engineering for human enhancement could widen the gap between the rich and the poor, creating a society where only the wealthy can afford enhancements, leading to increased social and economic disparities.
②Unpredictable Consequences
The long-term effects of genetic modifications are unknown and could have unintended, harmful impacts on individuals and future generations, posing significant ethical and health risks.
③Alteration of Human Nature
Using genetic engineering to enhance humans challenges the essence of humanity, potentially leading to a society that values certain traits over others, undermining the diversity and uniqueness inherent in human nature.
In the bustling city of Metropolis, the mayor’s inauguration was a grand affair, marked by a spectacular parade and speeches that echoed through the streets. The new ordinance introduced by the city council aimed to eliminate corruption, especially in the form of bribery, which had plagued the city for years. However, some conjecture that this decree might not be enough to tackle the deeply rooted issues.
Amidst these political developments, a local bank announced its bankruptcy, causing a stir in the financial sector. Many customers were left in distress, trying to understand the implications of their debits and credits. Some even suspected foul play and speculated that the bank’s collapse was a result of fraudulent transactions.
Meanwhile, in a quiet corner of the city, a renowned spiritual leader was performing an exorcism to rid a house of its malevolent spirits. This ceremony, although ancient, was observed with great interest by the locals.
In a separate incident, a businessman was caught trying to disguise illegal goods to bypass an embargo imposed by the government. This violation was considered a serious offense, highlighting the need for stricter enforcement of trade regulations.
Despite the city’s efforts to improve, it was clear that Metropolis was still facing significant challenges. The rundown neighborhoods and widespread poverty were stark reminders of the fallacies in the city’s development policies. The precept of equality and justice seemed far-fetched for many residents struggling to make ends meet.
As the day came to an end, the mayor reflected on the day’s events, realizing that the road to a better Metropolis was fraught with obstacles. The elimination of corruption, enforcement of new ordinances, and the promotion of fair transactions were just the beginning of a long journey towards progress.
Bribery – ●●●
Bankruptcy – ●●●
Conjecture – ●●●
Debit – ●●●
Disguise – ●●●
Decree – ●●●
Elimination – ●●●
Exorcism – ●●●
Embargo – ●●●
Fallacy – ●●●
Inauguration – ●●●
Ordinance – ●●●
Precept – ●●●
Transaction – ●●●
Rundown – ●●●
pan out: ●●●
pass down: ●●●
play down: ●●●
pull through: ●●●
The politician was arrested for accepting ●●●.
The company’s ●●● left many employees jobless.
His theory was based on pure ●●●.
The ●●● was recorded in the financial statement.
He wore a ●●● to avoid being recognized.
The new ●●● will be effective from next month.
The ●●● of waste is crucial for a clean environment.
The priest performed an ●●● to cleanse the house.
The government imposed an ●●● on foreign goods.
It is a ●●● to assume that all rich people are happy.
The president’s ●●● was attended by thousands.
The city passed an ●●● to reduce noise pollution.
The ●●● of honesty is fundamental in our society.
Every ●●● must be recorded accurately.
The building was in a ●●● condition and needed repairs.
Despite the initial setbacks, the project eventually ●●●ned out.
The family tradition was ●●●ed down from generation to generation.
The company tried to ●●● down the negative effects of the scandal.
With the support of her family, she managed to ●●● through the difficult times.
Asset (資産)
Mnemonic Device: Think of “a set” of valuable items.
Association: An asset is something valuable that you “set” aside because it’s important.
Contextual Usage: “Her house is her most valuable asset.”
Conspiracy (陰謀)
Mnemonic Device: “Con” means with and “spir” sounds like spirit; a conspiracy is like a group with a shared secret spirit.
Association: A secret plan by a group, often to do something harmful.
Contextual Usage: “The conspiracy to overthrow the government was uncovered by the police.”
Commitment (約束)
Mnemonic Device: Think of “commit” as “promise to meet.”
Association: A commitment is a promise to do something or be dedicated to a cause.
Contextual Usage: “He made a commitment to finish the project by the end of the month.”
Confiscation (没収)
Mnemonic Device: “Confiscate” sounds like “confuse” + “take”; you might be confused when something is taken away.
Association: Taking someone’s property by authority.
Contextual Usage: “The confiscation of illegal drugs was a major success for the police.”
Coverage (報道)
Mnemonic Device: Think of “cover” as in covering a story.
Association: The extent to which something is reported or dealt with.
Contextual Usage: “The media’s coverage of the event was extensive.”
Deportation (国外追放)
Mnemonic Device: “Deport” sounds like “depart” which means to leave.
Association: The act of sending someone away from a country.
Contextual Usage: “The deportation of illegal immigrants has increased in recent years.”
Defiance (反抗)
Mnemonic Device: “Defy” sounds like “deny”; in defiance, you deny authority.
Association: Open resistance or bold disobedience.
Contextual Usage: “His defiance against the rules got him in trouble.”
Decadence (堕落)
Mnemonic Device: “Decadence” sounds like “decay”; moral decay or decline.
Association: Excessive indulgence in pleasure leading to moral decline.
Contextual Usage: “The decadence of the Roman Empire contributed to its fall.”
Derision (嘲笑)
Mnemonic Device: “Derision” sounds like “division”; creating division by mocking someone.
Association: Mockery or ridicule.
Contextual Usage: “His proposal was met with derision from his colleagues.”
Eulogy (弔辞)
Mnemonic Device: “Eu” means good, and “logy” means speech; a good speech.
Association: A speech given in praise of someone, typically at a funeral.
Contextual Usage: “She gave a moving eulogy at her grandfather’s funeral.”
Flattery (お世辞)
Mnemonic Device: “Flatter” sounds like “flutter”; compliments can make someone’s heart flutter.
Association: Excessive or insincere praise.
Contextual Usage: “He tried to win her over with flattery.”
Grievance (不平)
Mnemonic Device: “Grieve” is in grievance; a cause for grieving or complaining.
Association: A complaint or resentment.
Contextual Usage: “The workers filed a grievance against the company for unfair treatment.”
Hallmark (特徴)
Mnemonic Device: “Hall” and “mark”; a mark you notice in a hallway, a defining feature.
Association: A distinctive feature or characteristic.
Contextual Usage: “Innovation is a hallmark of the tech company.”
Homage (敬意)
Mnemonic Device: “Homage” sounds like “home-age”; showing respect as if at home.
Association: Respect or honor shown publicly.
Contextual Usage: “The statue was erected in homage to the great leader.”
Remuneration (報酬)
Mnemonic Device: “Remuneration” sounds like “re-money-ation”; getting money back.
Association: Payment for services or work done.
Contextual Usage: “She received fair remuneration for her consulting services.”
Bribery (賄賂)
Association: お金 (money) + 秘密 (secret)
Explanation: 賄賂は秘密裏にお金を渡すことを意味します。
bribery (賄賂)
Association: Think of a corrupt politician secretly accepting cash to influence decisions.
日本語説明: 賄賂とは、他人を不正に動かすために金銭や利益を提供する行為です。
bankruptcy (破産)
Association: Visualize a business owner closing shop with a “bankrupt” sign, unable to pay debts.
日本語説明: 破産は、財政的に行き詰まり、借金を返せなくなる状態です。
conjecture (推測)
Association: Picture someone guessing the outcome of a mystery with incomplete information.
日本語説明: 推測とは、証拠が不十分な状態で結果を予測することです。
debit (借方)
Association: Imagine using a debit card to withdraw money, reducing the account balance.
日本語説明: 借方は、銀行口座からお金を引き出すことや、会計上の負債を指します。
disguise (変装)
Association: Visualize someone wearing a mask and costume to hide their identity.
日本語説明: 変装は、誰かに自分の正体を隠すために外見を変えることです。
decree (法令)
Association: Think of a king issuing a royal decree to announce new laws.
日本語説明: 法令は、政府や権力者によって発布される正式な命令や規則です。
elimination (排除)
Association: Picture a competition where participants are progressively eliminated until one winner remains.
日本語説明: 排除は、不要なものを取り除くことや、競技などで脱落させることです。
exorcism (悪魔祓い)
Association: Imagine a priest performing a ritual to expel evil spirits from a person or place.
日本語説明: 悪魔祓いは、悪霊や悪い影響を追い払う宗教的な儀式です。
embargo (禁輸)
Association: Picture ships being blocked from trading with a foreign country due to political tensions.
日本語説明: 禁輸は、特定の国との貿易を一時的に禁止する措置です。
fallacy (誤謬)
Association: Think of a misleading argument that appears logical but is fundamentally flawed.
日本語説明: 誤謬は、一見正しいように見えるが、論理的に誤った考え方や論理です。
inauguration (就任式)
Association: Visualize a president taking the oath of office at a formal ceremony.
日本語説明: 就任式は、新しい役職に正式に就くことを祝う儀式やイベントです。
ordinance (条例)
Association: Picture a city council passing a local law to regulate traffic or noise levels.
日本語説明: 条例は、地方自治体が制定する特定の地域でのルールや規制です。
precept (教訓)
Association: Imagine a wise teacher giving moral guidelines for life.
日本語説明: 教訓は、道徳的な行動や考え方の指針となる教えです。
transaction (取引)
Association: Picture two people exchanging money for goods in a business deal.
日本語説明: 取引は、お金や商品をやり取りするビジネスの行為や契約です。
rundown (概要)
Association: Imagine receiving a quick summary of a meeting or event, covering the key points.
日本語説明: 概要は、出来事やプロセスの要点や全体像を簡潔にまとめたものです。
Pan Out: 成功する
Association: 「フライパン」 + 「アウト」= 食材がフライパンから出て美味しくなる(成功する)
Explanation: フライパンで調理する過程を想像し、食材がうまく調理されると成功するというイメージを使います。
Pass Down: を伝える
Association: 「パス」 + 「ダウン」= 世代を超えて(下に)パスする(伝える)
Explanation: サッカーなどでパスを下に送るイメージを使い、情報や物を次の世代に伝えることを思い出します。
Play Down: をもみ消す
Association: 「プレイ」 + 「ダウン」= プレイを軽くする(重要性をもみ消す)
Explanation: スポーツでプレイをわざと軽くすることで、その重要性を軽減するイメージを使います。
Pull Through: 乗り切る
Association: 「引っ張る」 + 「通過する」= 困難な状況から引っ張って通り抜ける(乗り切る)
Explanation: 困難な状況から誰かを引っ張って通り抜けさせるイメージを使い、困難を乗り切ることを思い出します。
Bribery (賄賂) | Bribery charges – 賄賂容疑 Accepting bribery – 賄賂を受け取る Bribery scandal – 賄賂スキャンダル Bribery investigation – 賄賂調査 |
Bankruptcy (破産) | File for bankruptcy – 破産を申請する Declare bankruptcy – 破産を宣言する Bankruptcy court – 破産裁判所 Bankruptcy protection – 破産保護 |
Conjecture (推測) | Pure conjecture – 単なる推測 Based on conjecture – 推測に基づく Wild conjecture – 根拠のない推測 Idle conjecture – 無駄な推測 |
Debit (引き落とし) | Debit card – デビットカード Debit account – 引き落とし口座 Direct debit – 直接引き落とし Debit transaction – 引き落とし取引 |
Disguise (変装) | Perfect disguise – 完璧な変装 Wear a disguise – 変装する Disguise oneself – 自分を変装する Disguise as – 〜に変装する |
Decree (法令) | Issue a decree – 法令を発する Royal decree – 王の法令 Presidential decree – 大統領の法令 Enforce a decree – 法令を施行する |
Elimination (排除) | Complete elimination – 完全排除 Gradual elimination – 徐々の排除 Waste elimination – 廃棄物の排除 Elimination process – 排除過程 |
Exorcism (除霊) | Perform an exorcism – 除霊を行う Ritual of exorcism – 除霊の儀式 Exorcism ceremony – 除霊の儀式 Successful exorcism – 成功した除霊 |
Embargo (禁輸) | Trade embargo – 貿易禁輸 Lift an embargo – 禁輸を解除する Impose an embargo – 禁輸を課す Oil embargo – 石油禁輸 |
Fallacy (誤り) | Logical fallacy – 論理の誤り Common fallacy – よくある誤り Fallacy of reasoning – 推論の誤り Expose a fallacy – 誤りを暴く |
Inauguration (就任) | Inauguration ceremony – 就任式 Presidential inauguration – 大統領の就任 Inauguration day – 就任日 Attend an inauguration – 就任式に出席する |
Ordinance (条例) | City ordinance – 市条例 Local ordinance – 地方条例 Enact an ordinance – 条例を制定する Violating an ordinance – 条例違反 |
Precept (教え) | Moral precept – 道徳的教え Religious precept – 宗教的教え Follow a precept – 教えに従う Establish a precept – 教えを確立する |
Transaction (取引) | Financial transaction – 金融取引 Complete a transaction – 取引を完了する Transaction fee – 取引手数料 Business transaction – ビジネス取引 |
Rundown (概要) | Brief rundown – 簡単な概要 Give a rundown – 概要を説明する Quick rundown – 迅速な概要 Detailed rundown – 詳細な概要 |