

Atrocity (残虐行為)
Mnemonic: “Atrocity” sounds like “a tragic city,” where something terrible has happened.
Association: Imagine a city ravaged by war, where people have witnessed unspeakable cruelty.
Contextual Usage: “The war left a trail of atrocities, with countless lives lost and families torn apart.”

Antipathy (反感)
Mnemonic: “Anti” (against) + “pathy” (feeling) = a feeling against something.
Association: Think of someone glaring at a dish they despise, their face showing clear antipathy.
Contextual Usage: “His deep antipathy towards dishonesty made him a strict but fair leader.”

Ambivalence (両価性)
Mnemonic: “Ambi” means both, and “valence” relates to strength—having strong feelings in both directions.
Association: Picture a person standing at a crossroads, torn between two paths, unsure of which way to go.
Contextual Usage: “She felt ambivalence about moving to a new city—excited for a fresh start but sad to leave her friends behind.”

Complacency (自己満足)
Mnemonic: “Complacent” sounds like “come, place, sit”—just sitting back, too comfortable to improve.
Association: Imagine a student relaxing and not studying because they believe they’re already smart enough, leading to complacency.
Contextual Usage: “His complacency about the project led to errors that could have been easily avoided.”

Compunction (良心の呵責)
Mnemonic: “Compunction” sounds like “puncture”—a small, sharp pain like a guilty conscience.
Association: Visualize a person pricking their conscience with a needle every time they do something wrong, feeling compunction.
Contextual Usage: “She felt a pang of compunction after lying to her friend about the broken vase.”

Composure (平静)
Mnemonic: “Compose” means to put together—keeping yourself ‘together’ in tough situations.
Association: Picture a calm person holding a fragile glass sculpture together with their hands, maintaining composure.
Contextual Usage: “Even in the face of chaos, the leader maintained his composure, guiding his team through the crisis.”

Compassion (思いやり)
Mnemonic: “Com” means with, and “passion” means strong feelings—feeling strongly with someone.
Association: Imagine holding someone’s hand during a tough time, showing them compassion.
Contextual Usage: “Her compassion for animals led her to volunteer at the local shelter every weekend.”

Compliance (従順)
Mnemonic: “Comply” means to follow—following rules or instructions without resistance.
Association: Think of a robot following orders exactly as programmed, showing compliance.
Contextual Usage: “The company’s strict policies ensured full compliance with industry regulations.”

Dispute (争い)
Mnemonic: “Dis” means apart, and “pute” relates to thinking—thinking differently from someone else.
Association: Picture two people arguing over a map, each insisting their direction is correct, leading to a dispute.
Contextual Usage: “The neighbors’ dispute over the property line escalated into a legal battle.”

Devastation (壊滅)
Mnemonic: “Devastate” sounds like “devil’s state”—a state of complete destruction.
Association: Imagine a powerful storm sweeping through a town, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake.
Contextual Usage: “The earthquake caused widespread devastation, leaving thousands homeless.”

Feud (確執)
Mnemonic: “Feud” sounds like “food fight”—a long, bitter argument that just keeps going.
Association: Think of two families arguing over generations, their feud never settling.
Contextual Usage: “The century-old feud between the two families was still strong, with no end in sight.”

Havoc (大混乱)
Mnemonic: “Havoc” sounds like “have o’clock”—it’s time for chaos!
Association: Imagine a wild party spiraling out of control, causing havoc in the house.
Contextual Usage: “The escaped animals from the zoo wreaked havoc in the downtown area.”

Hassle (面倒)
Mnemonic: “Hassle” sounds like “hustle”—running around, dealing with annoying problems.
Association: Picture someone trying to juggle multiple tasks at once, annoyed by the hassle.
Contextual Usage: “Traveling during the holidays is always a hassle due to the crowds and delays.”

Proclivity (傾向)
Mnemonic: “Proclivity” sounds like “pro-climbing”—a natural tendency or inclination to do something.
Association: Imagine someone always choosing the hardest climbing route, showing a proclivity for challenges.
Contextual Usage: “She has a proclivity for solving puzzles, always eager to tackle the toughest ones.”

Vandalism (破壊行為)
Mnemonic: “Vandal” refers to those who destroy; think of “vandals” painting graffiti on walls.
Association: Picture a group of mischievous teens spray-painting public property, committing vandalism.
Contextual Usage: “The city spent thousands of dollars to repair the damage caused by vandalism in the park.”


Amnesty (恩赦)
連想法: 「Amnesty」は「アムネスティ」国際人権団体の名前を思い出してください。彼らが助けを求めている人々に「恩赦」を求めるイメージです。

Affability (親しみやすさ)
連想法: 「Affability」は「アフロ」の髪型をした人が笑顔で誰にでも親しみやすく話しかけてくるイメージです。

Boon (恩恵)
連想法: 「Boon」は「ブーン」と風が吹いて、良い知らせを運んでくるイメージです。

Bounty (報奨金)
連想法: 「Bounty」は「バウンティハンター」(賞金稼ぎ)を思い出し、彼が報奨金を得るイメージです。

Brunt (主な負担)
連想法: 「Brunt」は「ブラン」と重いものが落ちる音で、重い負担がのしかかるイメージです。

Barrage (集中砲火)
連想法: 「Barrage」は「バラージュ」と同じ音で、大量のバラが降り注ぐイメージです。

Exodus (大量出国)
連想法: 「Exodus」は「Exit」と似ていて、多くの人が一斉に出て行くイメージです。

Lure (誘惑)
連想法: 「Lure」は「ルアー」釣り用の疑似餌を思い出し、魚がそれに引き寄せられるイメージです。

Magnetism (磁力)
連想法: 「Magnetism」は「マグネット」から連想し、何かが強く引き寄せられるイメージです。

Rubble (瓦礫)
連想法: 「Rubble」は「ラブル」と響きが似ており、地震などで建物が崩れて瓦礫になるイメージです。

Regime (政権)
連想法: 「Regime」は「レジメ」(指導者が作成したルール)を思い出し、そのルールを制定した政権を連想します。

Onslaught (猛攻撃)
連想法: 「Onslaught」は「オン!スローアタック」(スローモーションの攻撃)を想像し、それが一気にスピードアップして猛攻撃になるイメージです。

Obscurity (無名)
連想法: 「Obscurity」は「オブスキュア」(目立たない)な状態を思い出し、暗闇の中に隠れているイメージです。

Perseverance (忍耐)
連想法: 「Perseverance」は「パース」でシューッとするように何かを貫くイメージです。

Wreckage (残骸)
連想法: 「Wreckage」は「レック」(壊れたもの)を思い出し、壊れた船や飛行機の残骸を連想します。

Silver Bullet: 問題を解決するための確実な方法
連想法: 「Silver Bullet」は、伝説の「銀の弾丸」が狼男を確実に倒すことができるという話から連想。すべての問題を解決する魔法の弾丸をイメージします。

Sponge Off One’s Parents: 親のすねをかじる
連想法: 「Sponge」は「スポンジ」が水を吸収するイメージ。親のサポートを吸い取るように頼って生活する様子を連想します。

Settle On: を決める
連想法: 「Settle」は「落ち着く」を連想。最後に一つの選択肢に落ち着く、決めるイメージです。

Snap Off: をぽきっと折る
連想法: 「Snap」は指を鳴らす音を連想し、その音で何かが簡単にぽきっと折れるイメージです。

Stumble Upon: を偶然見つける
連想法: 「Stumble」は「つまずく」イメージで、歩いているときに偶然何かにぶつかって見つける様子を連想します。


Amnesty (恩赦)General Amnesty (一般恩赦)
Grant Amnesty (恩赦を与える)
Amnesty Program (恩赦プログラム)
Declare Amnesty (恩赦を宣言する)
Affability (親しみやすさ)Natural Affability (生まれつきの親しみやすさ)
Genuine Affability (本物の親しみやすさ)
Warm Affability (温かい親しみやすさ)
Exude Affability (親しみやすさを放つ)
Boon (恩恵)Great Boon (大きな恩恵)
Significant Boon (重要な恩恵)
Unexpected Boon (思いがけない恩恵)
Boon to Society (社会への恩恵)
Bounty (報奨金)Generous Bounty (寛大な報奨金)
Bounty Hunter (賞金稼ぎ)
Bounty Program (報奨金プログラム)
Bounty of Nature (自然の恵み)
Brunt (主な負担)Take the Brunt (主な負担を引き受ける)
Bear the Brunt (主要な打撃を受ける)
Brunt of the Attack (攻撃の主要部分)
Face the Brunt (主な負担に直面する)
Barrage (集中砲火)Heavy Barrage (激しい集中砲火)
Artillery Barrage (大砲の集中攻撃)
Barrage of Questions (質問の集中攻撃)
Barrage Fire (集中砲火)
Exodus (大量出国)Mass Exodus (大規模な移動)
Forced Exodus (強制的な移動)
Large-Scale Exodus (大規模な移動)
Exodus of Refugees (難民の移動)
Lure (誘惑)Powerful Lure (強力な誘惑)
Fishing Lure (釣りの疑似餌)
Lure of Fame (名声の魅力)
Attractive Lure (魅力的な誘惑)
Magnetism (磁力)Personal Magnetism (個人的な魅力)
Magnetic Magnetism (磁力)
Charismatic Magnetism (カリスマ的な魅力)
Magnetism of the Place (場所の魅力)
Rubble (瓦礫)Piles of Rubble (瓦礫の山)
Rubble from the Collapse (崩壊からの瓦礫)
Clearing the Rubble (瓦礫を片付ける)
Rubble Field (瓦礫の地帯)
Regime (政権)Political Regime (政治政権)
Military Regime (軍事政権)
Authoritarian Regime (権威主義政権)
Change of Regime (政権交代)
Onslaught (猛攻撃)Fierce Onslaught (激しい猛攻撃)
Onslaught of Critics (批評家たちの猛攻撃)
Onslaught of the Enemy (敵の猛攻撃)
Prepare for an Onslaught (猛攻撃に備える)
Obscurity (無名)State of Obscurity (無名の状態)
Rise from Obscurity (無名からの出発)
Live in Obscurity (無名で生きる)
Achieve Obscurity (無名になる)
Perseverance (忍耐)Great Perseverance (大きな忍耐)
Show Perseverance (忍耐を示す)
Perseverance Through Challenges (挑戦を乗り越える忍耐)
Demonstrate Perseverance (忍耐を示す)
Wreckage (残骸)Debris and Wreckage (がれきと残骸)
Wreckage of the Ship (船の残骸)
Search the Wreckage (残骸を探す)
Wreckage from the Crash (衝突からの残骸)



