

In the aftermath of the war, the city lay in devastation. The streets were littered with debris, and the once-thriving neighborhoods were now the sites of unspeakable atrocities. The citizens were left to rebuild their lives amidst the ruins, but an underlying antipathy began to fester between the two communities that had previously lived in harmony. This feud became more pronounced as both sides struggled with feelings of ambivalence—a mix of wanting peace but also harboring deep-seated resentment.

Amidst the chaos, some individuals displayed remarkable composure, maintaining their calm in the face of adversity. Their compassion for others became a beacon of hope, inspiring acts of kindness even in the darkest times. However, not everyone was so noble. Complacency crept into the minds of those who had grown weary of the constant hassle of rebuilding, leading to neglect in crucial areas. This negligence soon resulted in havoc, as buildings collapsed and fires broke out due to lack of proper care.

A group of citizens, burdened with compunction for not having done more to prevent the war, decided to take matters into their own hands. They formed a committee to ensure compliance with new safety regulations, hoping to prevent future disasters. However, their efforts were met with resistance, and a dispute arose over the best course of action. The tension in the community was palpable, and it wasn’t long before acts of vandalism became a common sight, further dividing the already fractured society.

Through all this, some individuals found solace in their proclivity for creative expression. They turned to art, music, and writing as a means to cope with the overwhelming stress. In the end, it was this creative outlet that helped the community begin to heal, as it allowed people to express their grief, anger, and hopes for the future.







Atrocity (●●●)

Antipathy (●●●)

Ambivalence (●●●)

Complacency (●●●)

Compunction (●●●)

Composure (●●●)

Compassion (●●●)

Compliance (●●●)

Dispute (●●●)

Devastation (●●●)

Feud (●●●)

Havoc (●●●)

Hassle (●●●)

Proclivity (●●●)

Vandalism (●●●)

root for: ●●●

run up: ●●●

rally around: ●●●

ruminate over: ●●●


The ●●● of replacing all coffee with broccoli juice at the office caused a rebellion among the employees.

His ●●● towards vegetables was so intense that he built a fence around his garden to keep out any stray spinach.

Her ●●● about skydiving was clear as she both booked a ticket and canceled it three times in one day.

The cat’s ●●● was shattered when the robot vacuum invaded its favorite napping spot.

He felt no ●●● about eating the entire pizza by himself, even though it was supposed to be shared.

Despite the sudden appearance of a llama in her living room, she managed to maintain her ●●● and offered it some tea.

His ●●● for the stray cat was so strong that he built it a mini-mansion in his backyard, complete with a heated pool.

The dog’s ●●● was remarkable as it willingly put on sunglasses and a hat for the family photo.

The ●●● over whether pineapple belongs on pizza escalated to the point where a full-scale food fight broke out in the pizzeria.

The ●●● caused by the raccoon raid on the garbage bins left the backyard looking like a miniature war zone.

The neighbors’ ●●● over a single garden gnome escalated until they each built a 10-foot-tall statue in their front yards.

The release of 100 squirrels at the outdoor wedding caused absolute ●●● as the guests ran in every direction.

It was such a ●●● trying to explain to the dog why it couldn’t drive the car anymore after its last accident.

Her ●●● to burst into song at the most inappropriate times made family dinners an unpredictable event.

The act of ●●● in the town square involved painting all the statues to look like clowns, much to the mayor’s horror.


I always ●●● for the underdog in every competition, especially when that underdog is a squirrel trying to win a cheese-eating contest.

He decided to ●●● up the number of his pet goldfish to 100, thinking a fish parade would bring him fame and fortune.

The neighborhood cats decided to ●●● around their leader, a wise old tabby, to plan an invasion of the dog park.

After eating an entire pizza by himself, he sat down to ●●● over the meaning of life while wearing a slice of pepperoni as a hat.



