Auditorium (講堂):
Mnemonic: Think of “audience” + “room” = a room where the audience gathers.
Association: Imagine an auditorium filled with an enthusiastic crowd, ready to listen to a concert or lecture.
Context: “The school held its graduation ceremony in the large auditorium, where every seat was filled.”
Attribute (属性):
Mnemonic: “A tribute” to someone is often given for their good attributes.
Association: Picture an attribute as a badge of honor pinned on someone, highlighting their key qualities.
Context: “Her most admirable attribute is her kindness, which makes her beloved by all.”
Blunder (大失敗):
Mnemonic: Imagine someone making a “blunder” by blindly stumbling through a door.
Association: Visualize someone tripping on their own shoelaces during an important meeting.
Context: “The CEO’s blunder in the press conference led to a significant drop in the company’s stock price.”
Catalyst (触媒):
Mnemonic: A “cat” that “lists” things to get things moving—like a catalyst in a reaction.
Association: Think of a spark that lights a fire, triggering a bigger event.
Context: “The scientist added a catalyst to speed up the chemical reaction.”
Culpability (罪責):
Mnemonic: “Culprit” + “ability” = the ability to be found guilty.
Association: Picture a courtroom where someone’s culpability is being determined.
Context: “The investigation revealed his culpability in the financial scandal.”
Disposition (気質):
Mnemonic: “Dispose” + “position” = how you’re naturally disposed or positioned in life.
Association: Imagine a sunny disposition as a person who always carries a little sunshine with them.
Context: “Her cheerful disposition made her popular among her peers.”
Fiasco (大失敗):
Mnemonic: Imagine a big “fiesta” going wrong, turning into a fiasco.
Association: Visualize a party where everything goes wrong—food spills, the DJ doesn’t show up, and guests leave early.
Context: “The event was a complete fiasco, with technical issues and poor planning.”
Hindrance (障害):
Mnemonic: “Hind” sounds like “behind,” something that holds you back.
Association: Picture trying to run a race with a heavy weight tied to your back.
Context: “Lack of funding has been a major hindrance to the project’s progress.”
Idiosyncrasy (特異性):
Mnemonic: “Idiot” + “sync” = something out of sync with what is normal, hence unique or odd.
Association: Imagine someone who always eats dessert before the main course—a peculiar habit.
Context: “His habit of whistling while working was one of his many idiosyncrasies.”
Impasse (行き詰まり):
Mnemonic: “I’m pass” sounds like “I can’t pass,” indicating a deadlock.
Association: Visualize two cars facing each other on a narrow road, neither able to move forward.
Context: “The negotiations reached an impasse when neither side was willing to compromise.”
Impediment (障害):
Mnemonic: “Imped” (like “impede”) + “ment” = something that impedes or blocks progress.
Association: Picture a large boulder blocking your path during a hike.
Context: “His speech impediment made public speaking a challenge for him.”
Niche (適所):
Mnemonic: Think of a “niche” as a small “nest” where you perfectly fit.
Association: Imagine finding a cozy, perfect corner in a big library that feels like it was made just for you.
Context: “She found her niche in the tech industry, where her skills were highly valued.”
Stalemate (行き詰まり):
Mnemonic: “Stale” + “mate” = a situation so stale that neither mate can move.
Association: Visualize a chess game where no one can make a move to win.
Context: “The debate ended in a stalemate, with neither side willing to back down.”
Trait (特性):
Mnemonic: “Trait” sounds like “track,” as in a track someone leaves behind, representing their characteristics.
Association: Think of a trait as a thread in a tapestry, weaving together a person’s identity.
Context: “Honesty is a trait that is highly valued in leadership.”
Temperament (気質):
Mnemonic: “Temperature” + “ment” = the emotional “temperature” of a person.
Association: Picture someone whose temperament is like the weather—sometimes sunny, sometimes stormy.
Context: “His calm temperament makes him well-suited for high-pressure situations.”
Atrocity (残虐行為):
連想: 「アトロシティー(都市)」という言葉を思い浮かべて、都市で起こる残虐な行為を連想しましょう。
Antipathy (反感):
連想: 「アンチ」 + 「パス(通らない)」=嫌いで近づきたくないものを連想しましょう。
Ambivalence (両価性/相反する感情):
連想: 「アンビバレント」=アンバランスな感情、矛盾した気持ちを持つ状態を連想しましょう。
Complacency (自己満足):
連想: 「コンプレックス」が逆転して「満足」している様子を連想しましょう。
Compunction (良心の呵責):
連想: 「コン(共に)」+「パンチ(打つ)」=自分の良心を叩かれる感覚を連想しましょう。
Composure (平静/落ち着き):
連想: 「コンポーズ(compose=構成する)」=自分を冷静に保つ構成力を連想しましょう。
Compassion (思いやり/同情):
連想: 「コン(共に)」+「パッション(情熱)」=他者の痛みや感情を共に感じることを連想しましょう。
Compliance (順守/従順):
連想: 「コンプライ(complain=文句を言う)」の反対、文句を言わずに従うことを連想しましょう。
Dispute (紛争/争い):
連想: 「ディスピュート」=「dis(否定)」+「ピュート(pute=考える)」=互いに反対の考えを持つことを連想しましょう。
Devastation (壊滅/荒廃):
連想: 「デバステーション」=「デバス(devastate=破壊する)」=完全に破壊された様子を連想しましょう。
Feud (確執/争い):
連想: 「フュード」=「food(食べ物)」を奪い合う争いを連想しましょう。
Havoc (大混乱/破壊):
連想: 「ハボック」=「have + chaos」=混乱や破壊をもたらす状況を連想しましょう。
Hassle (面倒/厄介事):
連想: 「ハッスル(hustle=急がせる)」が反対に「面倒で嫌なこと」を連想しましょう。
Proclivity (傾向/性向):
連想: 「プロ(前に)」+「クリビティ(inclination=傾向)」=何かに前のめりになる性向を連想しましょう。
Vandalism (破壊行為/文化の破壊):
連想: 「バンダリズム」=「バンド+破壊」=バンドが破壊するイメージを連想しましょう。
Atrocity (残虐行為) | Commit an atrocity: 残虐行為を犯す War atrocity: 戦争犯罪 Horrific atrocity: 恐ろしい残虐行為 |
Antipathy (反感) | Feel antipathy towards: ~に対して反感を抱く Deep-seated antipathy: 根深い反感 Mutual antipathy: 相互の反感 |
Ambivalence (両価性/相反する感情) | Feel ambivalence about: ~に対して相反する感情を抱く Emotional ambivalence: 感情の両価性 Ambivalence towards: ~に対する相反する気持ち |
Complacency (自己満足) | A sense of complacency: 自己満足感 Dangerous complacency: 危険な自己満足 Fall into complacency: 自己満足に陥る |
Compunction (良心の呵責) | Feel compunction: 良心の呵責を感じる Without compunction: ためらいなく、良心の呵責なく Moment of compunction: 良心の呵責の瞬間 |
Composure (平静/落ち着き) | Maintain composure: 落ち着きを保つ Lose composure: 落ち着きを失う Remarkable composure: 驚くべき平静さ |
Compassion (思いやり/同情) | Show compassion: 思いやりを示す Feel compassion for: ~に対して同情を感じる Deep compassion: 深い思いやり |
Compliance (順守/従順) | Ensure compliance: 順守を確保する Voluntary compliance: 自発的な順守 In compliance with: ~に従って |
Dispute (紛争/争い) | Settle a dispute: 紛争を解決する Legal dispute: 法的争い Ongoing dispute: 継続中の紛争 |
Devastation (壊滅/荒廃) | Widespread devastation: 広範囲にわたる壊滅 Cause devastation: 壊滅を引き起こす Devastation of war: 戦争の荒廃 |
Feud (確執/争い) | Family feud: 家族間の確執 Long-standing feud: 長年の確執 Bitter feud: 激しい争い |
Havoc (大混乱/破壊) | Wreak havoc: 大混乱を引き起こす Cause havoc: 混乱を引き起こす Havoc of war: 戦争の混乱 |
Hassle (面倒/厄介事) | Avoid hassle: 面倒を避ける Daily hassle: 日常の厄介事 Unnecessary hassle: 不要な面倒 |
Proclivity (傾向/性向) | Proclivity for violence: 暴力への傾向 Sexual proclivity: 性的傾向 Natural proclivity: 生来の性向 |
Vandalism (破壊行為/文化の破壊) | Act of vandalism: 破壊行為 Urban vandalism: 都市の破壊行為 Prevent vandalism: 破壊行為を防ぐ |