Apparition (幽霊、幻影)
Mnemonic: Picture an “apparition” appearing out of nowhere like an “app” suddenly opening on your phone.
Association: Think of a ghost or spirit that appears suddenly, often unexpectedly.
Contextual Usage: The haunted house was known for the apparition of a woman in white who wandered the halls at night.
Bibliography (参考文献一覧)
Mnemonic: “Biblio-” sounds like “Bible,” and “-graphy” relates to writing; a bibliography is a list of books or writings.
Association: Imagine a shelf full of books (“biblio”) that you need to write down (“graphy”) for a research project.
Contextual Usage: At the end of the research paper, the professor requested a detailed bibliography listing all the sources used.
Conflagration (大火、戦争)
Mnemonic: “Conflagration” sounds like “flag” on fire—imagine a huge fire engulfing everything.
Association: Think of a large fire or conflict spreading like wildfire.
Contextual Usage: The dry season turned the forest into a tinderbox, ready for any spark to ignite a conflagration.
Chronicle (年代記、記録)
Mnemonic: “Chron” means time, so a “chronicle” is a record of events in time.
Association: Picture a book recording the passage of time, event by event.
Contextual Usage: The historian spent years compiling a detailed chronicle of the ancient civilization’s rise and fall.
Caricature (風刺画)
Mnemonic: “Caricature” sounds like “character,” emphasizing exaggerated features of a person.
Association: Think of a cartoon drawing that exaggerates someone’s features to create humor or criticism.
Contextual Usage: The artist sketched a caricature of the politician, exaggerating his large ears and stern expression.
Deluge (大洪水、氾濫)
Mnemonic: “Deluge” sounds like “flood”—imagine a massive amount of water pouring down.
Association: Picture an overwhelming flood of water or a metaphorical flood of something, like emails.
Contextual Usage: After the announcement, the company was hit by a deluge of complaints from unhappy customers.
Dearth (不足、欠乏)
Mnemonic: “Dearth” sounds like “death”—imagine the scarcity of something leading to desperation.
Association: Think of a barren land with a severe shortage of food or resources.
Contextual Usage: The dearth of affordable housing in the city has led to increased homelessness.
Disparity (格差、不均衡)
Mnemonic: “Disparity” sounds like “separate”—imagine two things that are far apart in quality or quantity.
Association: Picture a scale with one side heavily weighted down, indicating inequality.
Contextual Usage: The disparity in income between the rich and the poor continues to grow each year.
Discrepancy (矛盾、不一致)
Mnemonic: “Discrepancy” has “crep” in it, like “creeping” differences that lead to inconsistencies.
Association: Think of two reports that should match but have conflicting information.
Contextual Usage: The auditor found a discrepancy in the financial records that needed further investigation.
Dissension (意見の対立、不和)
Mnemonic: “Dissension” sounds like “dissent”—imagine people disagreeing and causing conflict.
Association: Picture a meeting where voices are raised in disagreement, leading to tension.
Contextual Usage: There was dissension among the team members about the best strategy to pursue.
Imposition (強制、課すこと)
Mnemonic: “Imposition” has “impose” in it—imagine something being forced upon you.
Association: Think of a heavy burden or rule being placed on someone against their will.
Contextual Usage: The new tax law was seen as an unfair imposition on small business owners.
Infringement (侵害、違反)
Mnemonic: “Infringement” sounds like “infringe”—imagine stepping over a line or boundary.
Association: Picture someone trespassing on private property or violating someone’s rights.
Contextual Usage: The company was sued for infringement of copyright after using a design without permission.
Loophole (抜け穴)
Mnemonic: “Loophole” sounds like a small “loop”—imagine a tiny opening in a law that allows someone to escape consequences.
Association: Think of a legal loophole that people use to avoid paying taxes or following regulations.
Contextual Usage: The lawyer found a loophole in the contract that allowed his client to avoid paying the penalty.
Specter (恐ろしいもの、亡霊)
Mnemonic: “Specter” sounds like “spectacle”—imagine a ghostly figure that is a terrifying sight.
Association: Picture a haunting figure or looming threat that causes fear or unease.
Contextual Usage: The specter of war loomed over the country, casting a shadow of fear across the nation.
Transgression (違反、罪)
Mnemonic: “Transgression” has “trans-” (across) and “-gression” (step)—imagine stepping across a line into wrongdoing.
Association: Think of someone crossing a forbidden boundary, breaking a rule or law.
Contextual Usage: The student’s minor transgression was punished with a warning, but repeated offenses would lead to suspension.
Attic (屋根裏)
連想法: 「attic」は「att-」が「上」を連想させ、屋根の上にある空間を思い出す。
説明: 屋根裏部屋には古い思い出や使わなくなったものがしまってあることが多い。
Cove (入り江)
連想法: 「cove」は「cover」と音が似ており、海岸が土地で覆われている入り江を思い出す。
説明: 海岸線に自然にできた小さな湾や入り江を指す。
Hazard (危険)
連想法: 「hazard」は「ハザードランプ」を連想させ、危険を警告するものと覚える。
説明: 危険やリスクを意味し、特に予期せぬ状況での危険性を指す。
Gradient (勾配、傾斜)
連想法: 「gradient」は「grade」と関係があり、成績のように「段階」や「レベル」を思い出す。
説明: 坂道や傾斜の度合いを表す。
Hemisphere (半球)
連想法: 「hemi-」は「半分」を意味し、「sphere」は「球」を意味するので、半分の球を思い出す。
説明: 地球や脳の半球を指す。
Jeopardy (危険、危機)
連想法: 「jeopardy」は「ジェットコースター」を連想し、スリリングで危険な状況を思い出す。
説明: 危機や危険にさらされている状態を意味する。
Mayhem (大混乱)
連想法: 「mayhem」は「may」と「hem(縁)」を連想させ、5月に縁が切れるような大混乱を思い出す。
説明: 混乱や騒乱、破壊行為を指す。
Outage (停電、停止)
連想法: 「out-age」は「out of age」と連想し、古くなったものが停止する状態を思い出す。
説明: 電力やサービスの停止を指す。
Pasture (牧草地)
連想法: 「pasture」は「past(過去)」を連想させ、昔ながらの田舎の風景を思い出す。
説明: 家畜が放牧される牧草地を指す。
Pandemonium (大混乱)
連想法: 「panda」と「monium」を連想し、パンダの群れが騒ぎ立てる大混乱を思い出す。
説明: 大規模な混乱や騒ぎを意味する。
Predicament (困難な状況)
連想法: 「predicament」は「predict」と関係し、予測不能な困難な状況を思い出す。
説明: 困難な、もしくは抜け出せないような状況を意味する。
Plight (苦境)
連想法: 「plight」は「flight」と音が似ており、逃げられない困難な状況を思い出す。
説明: 特に深刻な困難や苦境を指す。
Repository (保管場所)
連想法: 「repo-」は「再度」を意味し、「story」は「物語」を意味するので、物語を再び保存する場所を思い出す。
説明: 情報や物品の保管場所を指す。
Stowage (収納スペース)
連想法: 「stow」は「収納する」を意味し、「-age」は「場所」を意味するので、収納場所を思い出す。
説明: 荷物や物品を収納するためのスペースを指す。
Spillage (こぼれること)
連想法: 「spill」は「こぼす」を意味し、「-age」は「行為」を意味するので、こぼす行為を思い出す。
説明: 液体や物がこぼれることを指す。
Attic (屋根裏) | Dusty attic (埃っぽい屋根裏) Converted attic (改装された屋根裏) Attic space (屋根裏スペース) |
Cove (入り江) | Secluded cove (人里離れた入り江) Small cove (小さな入り江) Hidden cove (隠れた入り江) |
Hazard (危険) | Health hazard (健康危険) Fire hazard (火災危険) Environmental hazard (環境危険) |
Gradient (勾配、傾斜) | Steep gradient (急な勾配) Gentle gradient (緩やかな勾配) Color gradient (色のグラデーション) |
Hemisphere (半球) | Northern hemisphere (北半球) Southern hemisphere (南半球) Brain hemisphere (脳の半球) |
Jeopardy (危険、危機) | In jeopardy (危険にさらされて) Legal jeopardy (法的危険) Jeopardy of failure (失敗の危険) |
Mayhem (大混乱) | Complete mayhem (完全な大混乱) Create mayhem (混乱を引き起こす) Cause mayhem (大混乱を引き起こす) |
Outage (停電、停止) | Power outage (停電) Service outage (サービス停止) Unexpected outage (予期しない停止) |
Pasture (牧草地) | Green pasture (緑の牧草地) Grazing pasture (放牧用牧草地) Open pasture (開放された牧草地) |
Pandemonium (大混乱) | Utter pandemonium (完全な大混乱) Create pandemonium (大混乱を引き起こす) Scene of pandemonium (大混乱の現場) |
Predicament (困難な状況) | Difficult predicament (困難な状況) In a predicament (困った状況にある) Serious predicament (深刻な困難) |
Plight (苦境) | Desperate plight (絶望的な苦境) Human plight (人々の苦境) Address the plight (苦境に対応する) |
Repository (保管場所) | Data repository (データ保管場所) Knowledge repository (知識の保管場所) Central repository (中央保管場所) |
Stowage (収納スペース) | Stowage compartment (収納区画) Efficient stowage (効率的な収納) Cargo stowage (貨物収納) |
Spillage (こぼれること) | Oil spillage (油の流出) Accidental spillage (偶発的なこぼれ) Chemical spillage (化学物質のこぼれ) |