

Bribery (賄賂)

Mnemonic: “Bribe Ray”
Association: Picture Ray giving money to a judge to influence a decision.
Context: The politician was arrested for bribery after he was caught paying off officials.

Bankruptcy (破産)

Mnemonic: “Bank Rupt Cy”
Association: Imagine a bank exploding and Cy, the bank manager, is left with nothing.
Context: After the economic downturn, many small businesses faced bankruptcy.

Conjecture (推測)

Mnemonic: “Con Jack”
Association: Think of Jack making wild guesses about a con artist’s next move.
Context: The detective’s theory was based on conjecture rather than solid evidence.

Debit (借方)

Mnemonic: “Debt Bit”
Association: Imagine every small bit of debt accumulating on one side of a ledger.
Context: You should record all your expenses as debits in your account book.

Disguise (変装)

Mnemonic: “Dis Guy’s”
Association: Think of a person saying, “Dis guy’s hiding behind a mask.”
Context: He wore a disguise to avoid being recognized by his fans.

Decree (法令)

Mnemonic: “De Cree”
Association: Imagine a creepy king issuing a royal decree to his subjects.
Context: The new decree bans smoking in all public places.

Elimination (除去)

Mnemonic: “E-Lime-A-Nation”
Association: Picture a nation where every lime is being removed.
Context: The elimination of waste is crucial for environmental conservation.

Exorcism (除霊)

Mnemonic: “Ex-Or-Sis”
Association: Imagine an exorcist removing evil spirits from his sister.
Context: The priest performed an exorcism to rid the house of its malevolent spirits.

Embargo (禁輸)

Mnemonic: “Em Bar Go”
Association: Think of a bar preventing ships from going out.
Context: The country imposed an embargo on all goods from the enemy nation.

Fallacy (誤信)

Mnemonic: “Fall A Sea”
Association: Picture someone believing that they can walk on water, a fallacy that leads them to fall into the sea.
Context: The idea that the earth is flat is a well-known fallacy.

Inauguration (就任式)

Mnemonic: “In Augur Action”
Association: Imagine an augur (ancient Roman priest) in action during a ceremony.
Context: The president’s inauguration ceremony was attended by thousands.

Ordinance (条例)

Mnemonic: “Order Nance”
Association: Think of Nance ordering new rules for the town.
Context: The city council passed an ordinance to reduce noise pollution.

Precept (教訓)

Mnemonic: “Pre Set”
Association: Picture rules that are preset for behavior.
Context: The precept of honesty is essential in all human interactions.

Transaction (取引)

Mnemonic: “Trans Action”
Association: Imagine a transaction as a transfer of action from one party to another.
Context: The transaction was completed after both parties signed the agreement.

Rundown (概要)

Mnemonic: “Run Down”
Association: Picture a quick run down a list to summarize everything.
Context: The manager gave a quick rundown of the project status during the meeting.


Apparition (幽霊)

連想法: “Appear-ition”
連想: 急に現れる幽霊 (突然現れる幽霊を想像してみてください)

Bibliography (参考文献一覧)

連想法: “Bible-ography”
連想: 本のリスト (聖書のように多くの本がリストに並んでいる様子を想像してみてください)

Conflagration (大火災)

連想法: “Con Flag Ration”
連想: 大きな旗が燃えている (大きな旗が燃え上がる大火災を想像してみてください)

Chronicle (年代記)

連想法: “Chronological Article”
連想: 年代順に記された記事 (年代順に出来事を記録する記事を想像してみてください)

Caricature (風刺画)

連想法: “Carry Picture”
連想: 面白い絵を運ぶ (面白おかしく誇張された絵を運んでいる様子を想像してみてください)

Deluge (大洪水)

連想法: “De Luge”
連想: ルージュの川が氾濫 (ルージュの川が氾濫して大洪水を引き起こしている様子を想像してみてください)

Dearth (不足)

連想法: “Dear Earth”
連想: 愛する地球が乾いている (地球が乾いて食料や水が不足している様子を想像してみてください)

Disparity (不均衡)

連想法: “Dis Parity”
連想: 不公平なパリティ (公平ではない状態をパリティと関連付けて想像してみてください)

Discrepancy (矛盾)

連想法: “Dis Crep In Sea”
連想: 海の中の不一致 (海の中で見つかった矛盾を想像してみてください)

Dissension (意見の対立)

連想法: “Dis Sensation”
連想: 意見の対立が起こるセンセーション (意見の対立が激しい議論を引き起こす様子を想像してみてください)

Imposition (課税)

連想法: “Im Pose”
連想: 課税されているポーズ (税金を課されている様子をポーズとして想像してみてください)

Infringement (侵害)

連想法: “In Fringe”
連想: 境界線を越えて侵害する (フリンジのように境界線を越えて何かを侵害する様子を想像してみてください)

Loophole (抜け穴)

連想法: “Loop Hole”
連想: 法律のループホール (法律や規則の中にある抜け穴を想像してみてください)

Specter (幽霊)

連想法: “Specter”
連想: スペクター (ゴーストバスターズの映画に出てくる幽霊を想像してみてください)

Transgression (違反)

連想法: “Trans Gres”
連想: 交通違反 (交通ルールを破る様子を想像してみてください)


Apparition (幽霊)ghostly apparition (幽霊の現れ)
sudden apparition (突然の出現)
mysterious apparition (神秘的な幽霊)
Bibliography (参考文献一覧)extensive bibliography (詳細な参考文献一覧)
annotated bibliography (注釈付き参考文献一覧)
comprehensive bibliography (包括的な参考文献一覧)
Conflagration (大火災)devastating conflagration (壊滅的な大火災)
raging conflagration (激しい大火災)
massive conflagration (大規模な大火災)
Chronicle (年代記)historical chronicle (歴史年代記)
detailed chronicle (詳細な年代記)
personal chronicle (個人的な年代記)
Caricature (風刺画)political caricature (政治風刺画)
exaggerated caricature (誇張された風刺画)
humorous caricature (ユーモラスな風刺画)
Deluge (大洪水)severe deluge (厳しい大洪水)
sudden deluge (突然の大洪水)
torrential deluge (豪雨による大洪水)
Dearth (不足)dearth of resources (資源の不足)
dearth of information (情報の不足)
dearth of talent (才能の不足)
Disparity (不均衡)economic disparity (経済的不均衡)
income disparity (収入の不均衡)
social disparity (社会的不均衡)
Discrepancy (矛盾)significant discrepancy (重大な矛盾)
noticeable discrepancy (目立った矛盾)
slight discrepancy (わずかな矛盾)
Dissension (意見の対立)internal dissension (内部の意見の対立)
political dissension (政治的対立)
growing dissension (増大する意見の対立)
Imposition (課税)tax imposition (税の課税)
heavy imposition (重い課税)
unfair imposition (不公平な課税)
Infringement (侵害)copyright infringement (著作権侵害)
patent infringement (特許侵害)
serious infringement (深刻な侵害)
Loophole (抜け穴)legal loophole (法の抜け穴)
tax loophole (税の抜け穴)
find a loophole (抜け穴を見つける)
Specter (幽霊)haunting specter (取り憑く幽霊)
ghostly specter (幽霊のような幽霊)
dreaded specter (恐ろしい幽霊)
Transgression (違反)moral transgression (道徳的違反)
serious transgression (重大な違反)
legal transgression (法的違反)



