Mnemonic Device: “A safe luminary” → A place where a guiding light (safe haven) is provided.
Association: Asylum sounds like “a silent place” where people find peace.
Contextual Usage: “The refugees sought asylum in a neighboring country to escape the war.”
Mnemonic Device: “Amen it is!” → Something so good, it makes you say “Amen!”
Association: Amenity sounds like “amen,” a positive word used in prayer, associated with comfort.
Contextual Usage: “The hotel offered various amenities, including a spa and a gym.”
Mnemonic Device: “Counter the fit” → Opposing the genuine fit of the original.
Association: Counterfeit can be broken into “counter” and “feit,” thinking of countering something original.
Contextual Usage: “The artist was arrested for selling counterfeit paintings.”
Mnemonic Device: “Forged story” → A fake story created with the intention to deceive.
Association: Think of “forge” as in to create something fake.
Contextual Usage: “The signature on the document was a forgery.”
Mnemonic Device: “Left over” → Something that remains after the main part is used.
Association: Think of “left over” after a meal.
Contextual Usage: “We had leftover pizza for breakfast.”
Mnemonic Device: “Hub of activity” → The center of all action.
Association: Hub sounds like “hubcap” which is the center of a wheel.
Contextual Usage: “The city is a hub of culture and commerce.”
Mnemonic Device: “Heaven” → A safe, peaceful place.
Association: Haven sounds like “heaven,” a place of safety and peace.
Contextual Usage: “The library was a haven for students during exams.”
Mnemonic Device: “Habit at” → The natural environment where an organism lives and makes its habits.
Association: Habitat sounds like “habit,” relating to where habits are formed.
Contextual Usage: “Forests are the natural habitat of many wildlife species.”
Mnemonic Device: “In habitat” → Someone living within a specific habitat.
Association: Inhabitant sounds like “inhabit,” meaning to live in.
Contextual Usage: “The inhabitants of the village were very welcoming.”
Mnemonic Device: “Keep sake” → Something you keep for the sake of memory.
Association: Keepsake sounds like “keep safe,” something you treasure.
Contextual Usage: “She gave me a locket as a keepsake.”
Mnemonic Device: “Sub stance” → The core material underneath something.
Association: Substance sounds like “substantial,” indicating importance and material presence.
Contextual Usage: “The scientist analyzed the substance in the laboratory.”
Mnemonic Device: “Thrive with thrift” → Saving and economizing leads to thriving.
Association: Thrift sounds like “thrive,” indicating growth through saving.
Contextual Usage: “Her thrift allowed her to save enough money to buy a house.”
Mnemonic Device: “Vic in city” → Vic (a person) in the city nearby.
Association: Vicinity sounds like “vicinity” of a place, meaning nearby area.
Contextual Usage: “There are several good restaurants in the vicinity of the hotel.”
Mnemonic Device: “Event venue” → A place for events.
Association: Venue sounds like “avenue,” a place where things happen.
Contextual Usage: “The concert will be held at a new venue downtown.”
Mnemonic Device: “Valid it is” → Something that is valid and sound.
Association: Validity sounds like “valid,” meaning the state of being valid.
Contextual Usage: “The validity of the test results was confirmed by experts.”
連想法: “Blister” の “B” を “Bubble(泡)” と連想し、足にできる水ぶくれをイメージします。
連想法: “Concussion” の “Con” を “コン!” と音を出して、頭に強い衝撃を受けた時の音を連想します。
連想法: “Contingency” の “Con” を “コントロール” と連想し、コントロールできない不測の事態をイメージします。
連想法: “Intervention” の “Inter” を “間に” と連想し、問題の間に入って介入することをイメージします。
連想法: “Guise” を “Guys(男たち)” と連想し、異なる外見や姿をした男たちをイメージします。
連想法: “Morsel” の “Mor” を “モル” と音を連想し、小さなモルが一口食べる姿をイメージします。
連想法: “Modicum” の “Modi” を “モディ” と連想し、モディさんがわずかな量を手に持っている姿をイメージします。
連想法: “Palate” の “Pal” を “友達(pal)” と連想し、友達と一緒に食べることで味覚を楽しむことをイメージします。
連想法: “Prognosis” の “Pro” を “プロ” と連想し、プロの医師が患者の予後を予測する姿をイメージします。
連想法: “Penchant” の “Pen” を “ペン” と連想し、ペンを使って自分の嗜好を書く姿をイメージします。
連想法: “Pretense” の “Pretend(ふりをする)” と連想し、偽りのふりをすることをイメージします。
連想法: “Propensity” の “Pro” を “プロ” と連想し、プロフェッショナルが持つ特定の傾向をイメージします。
連想法: “Quarantine” の “Quar” を “四角(square)” と連想し、四角い部屋に隔離されることをイメージします。
連想法: “Ratio” の “Rat” を “ネズミ(rat)” と連想し、ネズミの数の比率を計算することをイメージします。
連想法: “Savor” の “Sav” を “サバ” と連想し、サバの風味を楽しむことをイメージします。
Pay off(元がとれる)
連想法: “Pay off” の “Pay” を “給料(pay)” と連想し、頑張って働いて給料がもらえることで元がとれることをイメージします。
Plunge into(に飛び込む)
連想法: “Plunge” の “プラン” を “プラン(plan)” と連想し、計画(plan)を持って水に飛び込む姿をイメージします。
Pine for(を切望する)
連想法: “Pine” を “松の木(pine tree)” と連想し、松の木の下で何かを切望している姿をイメージします。
Perk up(元気になる)
連想法: “Perk” の “パーク” を “公園(park)” と連想し、公園でリフレッシュして元気になる姿をイメージします。
Pack off(を送り出す)
連想法: “Pack” の “パック” を “荷物(pack)” と連想し、荷物を詰めて誰かを送り出すことをイメージします。
Blister(まめ、水ぶくれ) | Blister pack: ブリスターパック Blistering heat: 焼けるような暑さ Blister on the foot: 足の水ぶくれ |
Concussion(脳震盪) | Mild concussion: 軽度の脳震盪 Severe concussion: 重度の脳震盪 Concussion symptoms: 脳震盪の症状 |
Contingency(不測の事態) | Contingency plan: 緊急時対策 Contingency fund: 緊急予備資金 Contingency measures: 緊急対策 |
Intervention(介入) | Medical intervention: 医療介入 Early intervention: 早期介入 Government intervention: 政府の介入 |
Guise(外見、見せかけ) | Under the guise of: ~の見せかけで False guise: 偽りの外見 In the guise of: ~の外見で |
Morsel(一口) | Morsel of food: 食べ物の一口 Tiny morsel: 小さな一口 Tasty morsel: 美味しい一口 |
Modicum(わずか) | Modicum of respect: わずかな尊敬 Modicum of comfort: わずかな快適さ Modicum of truth: わずかな真実 |
Palate(味覚) | Refined palate: 洗練された味覚 Delicate palate: 繊細な味覚 Developed palate: 発達した味覚 |
Prognosis(予後) | Good prognosis: 良好な予後 Poor prognosis: 悪い予後 Prognosis for recovery: 回復の見通し |
Penchant(嗜好) | Penchant for art: 芸術に対する嗜好 Penchant for adventure: 冒険に対する嗜好 Penchant for music: 音楽に対する嗜好 |
Pretense(偽り) | False pretense: 偽りの口実 Under the pretense: ~という名目で Without pretense: 偽りなく |
Propensity(傾向) | Natural propensity: 自然な傾向 Propensity for violence: 暴力への傾向 Propensity to act: 行動する傾向 |
Quarantine(隔離) | Quarantine period: 隔離期間 Quarantine measures: 隔離措置 In quarantine: 隔離されて |
Ratio(比率) | High ratio: 高い比率 Ratio of success: 成功の比率 Student-teacher ratio: 生徒と教師の比率 |
Savor(風味) | Rich savor: 濃厚な風味 Delicious savor: 美味しい風味 Savor of spices: スパイスの風味 |