Mnemonic: Think of “annotation” as adding notes to a text.
Association: “An annotation helps me understand the notes (key points) in my textbook.”
Mnemonic: “Contra-” suggests against the law, and “band” can remind you of a band of criminals.
Association: “Contraband items like drugs or weapons are banned (not allowed) by law.”
Mnemonic: “Collation” sounds like “collection,” which involves gathering things together.
Association: “I need to do collation of documents, which means organizing and arranging them in order.”
Mnemonic: “Condolence” sounds like “con” (with) and “doles” (sorrow).
Association: “We offer condolences (express sympathy) to someone who has lost a loved one.”
Mnemonic: Think of “backlog” as work that has piled up and is now ‘logged’ in the ‘back.’
Association: “There’s a backlog of emails to respond to, meaning a large number waiting.”
Mnemonic: “Infancy” refers to the early stage of life when a baby is in ‘infant’ form.
Association: “During infancy, babies learn to crawl and speak their first words.”
Mnemonic: “Matrimony” relates to ‘matrimony’ or marriage.
Association: “They celebrated their matrimony with a beautiful wedding ceremony.”
Mnemonic: “Naturalization” sounds like becoming ‘natural’ or accepted in a new country.
Association: “He went through naturalization to become a citizen of the United States.”
Mnemonic: “Libel” sounds like ‘lie’ and can harm someone’s reputation.
Association: “Publishing false information about someone can lead to a libel lawsuit.”
Mnemonic: “Lineage” sounds like ‘line,’ tracing ancestry in a family line.
Association: “She traced her lineage back to European royalty.”
Mnemonic: “Liability” suggests being legally ‘liable’ or responsible for something.
Association: “The company faced a lawsuit due to its liability for the accident.”
Mnemonic: “Quota” sounds like ‘quote’ but means a set amount or target.
Association: “The team met their sales quota for the month.”
Mnemonic: “Perk” is something extra that ‘perks’ you up.
Association: “Employees enjoy perks like free meals and gym memberships.”
Mnemonic: “Spouse” is your ‘spouse’ or partner in marriage.
Association: “She introduced her spouse at the company party.”
Mnemonic: “Warden” sounds like someone who ‘wards’ off trouble or manages a prison ward.
Association: “The warden oversees the prison and ensures security.”
Asylum (亡命、保護施設)
連想法: “Asylum” を聞くと、「アサイラム(精神病院)」を思い出します。精神の保護と安全を提供する場所です。
Amenity (設備、便利な施設)
連想法: “Amenity” は「アメニティ(ホテルの設備)」と連想します。宿泊時に提供される便利な施設やサービスです。
Counterfeit (偽造品)
連想法: “Counterfeit” は「コンターフェイト(偽造)」と音が似ています。偽造された製品やお金を思い出します。
Forgery (偽造、偽造品)
連想法: “Forgery” は「フォージ(偽造)」と聞こえます。偽造された署名や文書を連想します。
Leftover (残り物)
連想法: “Leftover” は「残り物」と直接的です。食事の残り物や使わなかった時間の残りを思い出します。
Hub (中心、拠点)
連想法: “Hub” は「ハブ(交通の中心地)」を連想します。複数のルートが交わる交通の拠点です。
Haven (安全な場所、避難所)
連想法: “Haven” は「ヘイヴン(安全な場所)」を連想します。安全で保護された場所や港です。
Habitat (生息地)
連想法: “Habitat” は「ハビタット(動物の生息地)」を思い出します。動植物が生息する自然環境です。
Inhabitant (住民、居住者)
連想法: “Inhabitant” は「インハビタント(住民)」と連想します。特定の地域や場所に住む人々です。
Keepsake (形見、思い出の品)
連想法: “Keepsake” は「キープセイク(大切な品)」を連想します。大切な思い出を保持する品物です。
Substance (物質、実質)
連想法: “Substance” は「サブスタンス(実質)」と連想します。物質的なものや重要な内容を指します。
Thrift (倹約、節約)
連想法: “Thrift” は「スリフト(倹約)」を連想します。賢くお金を使うことや節約の意識です。
Vicinity (近所、周辺地域)
連想法: “Vicinity” は「ビシニティ(近隣)」を連想します。ある特定の場所や地域の周りです。
Venue (会場、場所)
連想法: “Venue” は「ビニュー(会場)」を連想します。イベントや会議が行われる特定の場所です。
Validity (有効性、正当性)
連想法: “Validity” は「バリディティ(有効性)」を連想します。情報や証明書の正当性や有効性です。
Own up to: を白状する
On the edge of one’s seat: どっちつかずの状態で
On the table: 検討中で
Opt for: を選ぶ
On a roll: 連勝が続いて
On cloud nine: 至福の状態で
Asylum (亡命) | Political asylum (政治的亡命) Refugee asylum (難民収容所) |
Amenity (設備) | Hotel amenities (ホテルの設備) Public amenities (公共施設) |
Counterfeit (偽造品) | Counterfeit money (偽造紙幣) Counterfeit goods (偽造品) |
Forgery (偽造) | Document forgery (文書偽造) Art forgery (美術品偽造) |
Leftover (残り物) | Food leftovers (食べ残し) Time leftover (余った時間) |
Hub (中心地) | Transport hub (交通の拠点) Business hub (ビジネスの中心地) |
Haven (安全な場所) | Safe haven (安全な避難所) Sanctuary haven (聖域) |
Habitat (生息地) | Natural habitat (自然環境) Wildlife habitat (野生動物の生息地) |
Inhabitant (住民) | City inhabitants (都市の住民) Native inhabitants (原住民) |
Keepsake (形見) | Personal keepsake (個人的な思い出の品) Family keepsake (家族の形見) |
Substance (物質) | Chemical substance (化学物質) Legal substance (法的な物質) |
Thrift (倹約) | Thrift store (中古品店) Thrift shopping (節約ショッピング) |
Vicinity (周辺) | Local vicinity (近隣地域) Immediate vicinity (直近の周辺) |
Venue (会場) | Wedding venue (結婚式場) Concert venue (コンサート会場) |
Validity (有効性) | Legal validity (法的有効性) Scientific validity (科学的妥当性) |